
Young Writers Society

POD 32 -Promise

by JC

:!: Sorry this one took so long! Enjoy! :!:

:!: Philosophy of the Dark

Chapter 32

-Promise :!:

Tammy picked her up at seven, leaving plenty of time before the actual hearing. Two hours of time.

Jamie stepped into a brand new white Nissan Z Roadster Enthusiast,

Tammy made sure that Jamie knew it's full title. They spent a good ten

minutes looking over every inch of it. At one point Tammy smiled and

looked at Jamie, pointing something attached to her key chain at the car.

There was a whir as the car started and another one as the hood slowly

lowered. Jamie whistled softly.

“She's a beauty isn't she?” Tammy beamed.

“Yeah,” Jamie said in amazement.

“I drove one while I was on vacation last summer, and fell in love with it. I

had to save up for her, and the insurance is going to come back and bite

me in the ass soon enough, but it's worth it.”

“I'll bet,” Jamie said, running a hand along the sun warmed aluminum.

“Get in,” Tammy said, “We've still got work to do.”

Jamie barely had the door closed before Tammy backed out of the

driveway, soon enough they were going, all eyes on them, to court.

The familiar smell of fresh cleaned tile tainted with vomit greeted her at the

door. There was a case going on in the main room, the one Jamie would be

in soon.

“Judge Vogel's office is this way,” Tammy said, walking off down the hall.

Jamie followed without a word.

“Why are we here so early?” Jamie finally asked.

“We need to reestablish my place as your lawyer.”

“Oh,” Jamie said. “You can't just show up?”

Tammy laughed, “No. It's a wonder you lasted yesterday.”

Jamie smiled as Tammy walked through a large wooden door into a circular

room where a receptionist sat at a table playing solitaire. There was a door

leading into another room.

“Excuse me,” Tammy said, walking up to the desk with an authoritative


“Yes?” the receptionist said, popping a bubble.

“I have an appointment with Judge Vogel,” she said.

“Okay,” the receptionist typed some things into a computer before pressing

a large red button on the phone.

“Judge, Ms. Ellis and Miss Dumont are here to see you for their


“Send them in.” The unmistakable voice of the judge came out of the

speakers of the phone. The receptionist waved them to the door.

The room was the same as it had been before. Papers gracefully scattered

over Vogel's desk in a way that could only make sense to whoever put

them there. Vogel had small reading glasses perched low on her nose,

there was a thick, old book laid over the papers on her desk. She looked

up as Jamie and Tammy entered the room.

“Good morning,” she said with a smile. Jamie had never heard of a judge

smiling, being happy. She had always thought them cold, unfeeling,

controlling lawyers times two.

“Good morning,” Tammy replied sitting down. Jamie sat next to her without

a word.

“You're going to be representing Jamie in court for the rest of the case, am

I correct?” Vogel asked, getting straight to the point. More like a judge,

less like a person.

“Yes,” Tammy said.

“Why, if I may ask, was your service discontinued for the first day?”

“I believe that is a question that only Jamie can answer,” Tammy looked to

her left where Jamie was pretending she was somewhere else.

She secretly cursed Tammy as she answered, “There were...complications.”

“I know that,” Vogel said with the same tone as if she had just

said 'Duh', “but I need to know the reasons.”

“I felt like I needed to do this on my own. I needed to protect myself by


“And now?” Vogel prompted.

“I realized the seriousness of the situation.”

“Okay,” Vogel said, “Ms. Ellis will need to be sworn in before the court, after

which the case will continue as if nothing had changed. There will be no

second chance at an opening statement. Is that clear?”

Jamie and Tammy nodded in unison.

“Good,” Vogel said, “I'll see both of you in court.”

“Thank you very much Your Honor,” Tammy said.

“Yes. Thank you,” Jamie chimed in.

They left the courthouse with almost and hour and forty-five minutes left

before they had to be back. Tammy suggested breakfast.

“What is it with you and IHOP?” Jamie asked jokingly.

“Nothing, I just like what I'm used to,” she answered with a smile.

“I dunno, for some reason I'm not sure I'm up for pancakes that have both

whipped cream and bacon on them.” Jamie answered.

“Fine then, what's your brilliant suggestion?”

“Lets go somewhere new,” Jamie said.

“Like where?”

“How about...Cold Stone?”

“Ice cream?” Tammy asked, “for breakfast?”

“Yeah, that way you can get any odd combination you want.”

Tammy smiled, “Promise?”

Jamie laughed, “I promise.”


(________*CHAPTER ORDER*______________________________)






That's for the next few chapters. Not set in stone, changes will be posted!

:idea: POD 32 continued -Promise -To Tell All: NOW POSTED :idea:

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2058 Reviews

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Mon Jun 18, 2007 1:10 pm
Emerson wrote a review...

You know [from what I saw, lol] you have two 32 chapters?

But seeing as I'm reading everything out of order anyway I'm just ignoring how it makes sense and treating each chapter on it's own.

I have a problem with this chapter. Yes, it brings Tammy back, so it does move the story. It brings us somewhere we weren't. But I still don't get why she dropped her in the first place? Complications or no, Jamie is coming off as stupid. And this isn't very.. "exciting" to read? You know?

There just isn't any conflict. It's just stuff happening.

With all the time that has passed, for me, it's lost conflict by just being, "Will she go to jail, will richard die?" It's...faded... Passage of time isn't good for conflict.

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514 Reviews

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Wed May 23, 2007 11:13 pm
JC says...

Jamie's not obsessed with coldstone, just tired of IHOP...hehe. But yeah...Ask your dad about 350 z's...mmmm

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133 Reviews

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Wed May 23, 2007 10:35 pm
Royboy says...

Ah, I should have seen it. She's only obsessed with it because you're in love with it as well! lol my dad's a car dealer, so he's probably driven one home before and I was just too uncaring to notice =] well isn't that lovely? And yes, coldstone is the shit.

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Wed May 23, 2007 9:37 pm
JC says...

Have you ever seen that car?? look it up. It's amazing. Anyways, Tammy's only allowed back because she had been Jamie's lawyer for the months preceeding the trial. So, yeah, she was allowed back.

thanks for reading! And Coldstone is the best isn't it?? hehe.


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Wed May 23, 2007 9:14 pm
Royboy wrote a review...

TAHHAHAAA Sorry, I really liked the IHOP line. Then when she suggested Coldstone it was just too much for me. *coldstone is my saviour* So anyway, I'm glad Tammy's back. I don't know if you've looked it up or something, but it just doesn't seem right that Tammy should be allowed back in as her lawyer with a simple "I'm her lawyer for the rest of it." from Tammy. I wouldn't know, but I'm just anal about little things like that. So glad she's back though. May I ask why she's so obsessed over her car?

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187 Reviews

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Tue May 22, 2007 4:38 pm
M.B.Author says...

I liked. I love the characters. I loved it alot. Two thumbs up.

-- M.B.Author

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410 Reviews

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Tue May 22, 2007 2:51 pm
Alainna says...

Oooh! :oops: Sorry, that was my fault. I can be dopey at times......

See ya, JC,

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Mon May 21, 2007 8:39 pm
JC says...

lawers times two= super lawyers.


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Mon May 21, 2007 5:15 pm
Girl_in_pink says...

Love the idea and chracters.

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Mon May 21, 2007 4:54 pm
Alainna wrote a review...

Things are looking up for Jamie!! This is a great piece, JC. Your writing has improved so much and you've really gained a knack for the whole court room stuff.

Just a minor thing:

She had always thought them cold, unfeeling,
controlling lawyers times two.

I think I'm reading it wrong, but I really don't get that line. :?

Brilliant work!!!


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Mon May 21, 2007 1:30 pm
Twit says...

Phew! *wipes brow* Tammy's there, and Jamie's sounding a lot more cheerful!


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Mon May 21, 2007 10:14 am
miyaviloves wrote a review...

Ah thanks for posting the chapter orders, will make it easier to follow :)

Tammy is back yay! Gosh I cant tell you how much i love POD, its soooo good! I have a good feeling about the trial now Tammy is back, i hope my feeling is right though hehe!


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— Leonardo da Vinci