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16+ Mature Content

BOYS' First Love...

by IndianAtHeart

Warning: This work has been rated 16+ for mature content.

The tea in the morning was very boring,

Just didn't feel like my heart was roaring,

The day was very dull but the T.V was not working.

I felt as if in this boring little day Angelina as my yoga instructor would be my only refuge..

But she was busy with Bradd and I was getting bored of the day the way it went.

Then I went to my last resort,

The thing that is called the 3 rd biggest industry in the world after gasoline and arms and it starts with a P and ends with a N.

If you still haven't got the clue then let me blurt it out.

All boys' favourite stress buster,

After which all of the world seem rosy again and dreamy again.

The thing starts with a M and ends with an E and it takes no time at all to MASTER but many fall BATE to this pleasure....

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Reviews: 77

Thu Jan 14, 2016 11:38 am
MemoryHunter wrote a review...

Wow, I feel like a rule breaker. 13 years old and read this. *watch out, we got a badass over here*

But actually, it's a little bit humorous. I'm not going to brag about how I understand all of it, that would be... Embarrassing.

Okay, so let's get to the poetry. In the beginning, you began with rhymes, then it slowly faded away. Well, that's weird for me especially since the rhyming was a bit forced in the beginning. I don't see it as a poem as much, because the only thing that makes this a poem for me is the rhyming scheme in the beginning. Well, it's kind of okay, I guess, because there is no basis on what a poem is, actually. A poem can be in any format, structure. All I needed here was more figurative language and whatever.

Also, you could try rephrasing some lines. Or as DiamondForce99 stated, breaking them would be nice because it all seems a mouthful. The rhyme seems to be off in some places too because of this. Plus the ellipsis in the end should be three periods only, if you do care about that. Me though, I don't care about grammar that much but I thought I should point it out.

All in all, I liked the humor. I like humorous poems. This one is probably not for me though. XD So, yeah. Work on this one a bit more and concentrate on the fact that it is a poem and needs to be more poem ish.

That's all, happy writing~

MemoryHunter says...

4 down, 21 to go!

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Reviews: 39

Thu Jan 14, 2016 8:18 am
Abhipsa wrote a review...

Hello. :)

Your poem was awesome. First of all, it was quite humorous. Well, when I read the title, I thought it would be something like a love at first sight type of thing. But the content was cool and amusing.

In the last line, though, maybe you meant ''BAIT'' in place of ''BATE''?

Anyway, good job.

Keep writing! :)

MemoryHunter says...

Abhipsa I get that bate/bait thing but I feel like it would ruin the message at the end XD

Abhipsa says...

Hmm, maybe you are right.

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Points: 890
Reviews: 10

Mon Jan 11, 2016 9:51 am
DiamondForce99 wrote a review...

I don't know if this is supposed to be humorous or not but I found it hilarious. Maybe it's because I am a girl. When I read the title I thought it would a soppy love story... I was wrong. The first couple of lines were kind of slow and you were talking about tea. I have a feeling you were really bored to write this.

Realistically I would suggest breaking up the lines and creating stanzas. By doing this readers would see your rhyming better.

I will say no more. Good luck!

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