
Young Writers Society

E - Everyone

Random Haikus!

by IamaHuman


The sky is crying

Her tears falling down in drops

Disguising my own.

Cherry Blossom Tree

The delicate blooms

Floating down, dancing on air

Twisting, swirling, gracefully.


Creatures of the night

Lurking in shadows, unseen

Thirsting for your blood

The Mask

Her eyes a mirror

Her face void of emotion

Nothing but a mask


What is perfection?

Is it something you can reach,

Or just delusions?

Mourning Wolf

All around it's heard

Your haunting cry fills the night

Why do you mourn, wolf?

Yeah not the best Haikus but I came up with them in about 35 minutes altogether so yeah XD

Anyway was trying something new XD

Oh and if you don't know Haikus are poems that have five syllables seven syllables then five again.


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Fri Mar 07, 2014 7:46 pm
deleted5 wrote a review...

Hey IAmAHuman! Alex here to review your haikus!
I'll review this in a similar format to fictional as in one haiku to a section!
I really liked this one. Simple and short but deep and meaningful. I can see many meanings to that so I don't really know which is the intended one but that's good! Keeps the reader thinking!
Not really anything to improve there!
Cherry blossom tree
I really loved the tranquillity of this one! You really captured the nature of falling blossoms!
Not much to improve here either although a comma I think is needed between "Twisting" and "Swirling".
I'm not entirely sure about this one, the "Creatures of the night" and "Lurking in the shadows" is a little bit cliché. I think maybe you could think of something else based on all your other ones. Sure the current fits the Vampire creature but meh.
The mask
This one was interesting! I really like how you described someone who hides themselves or pretends to be someone their not. I really loved the metaphor "Her eyes a mirror" as it means that they have got so good at becoming a mask that they can even hide their feelings through their eyes. Very well done!
This one is interesting! I like how it is a little riddle! Personally I believe that it is a delusion that keeps us working which is also what this haiku was trying to imply by showing both obvious sides. Nicely executed! Just one small improvement and that is that "What is perfection" Needs a question mark.
Mourning wolf
I really like the second line and the question at the end of this haiku. The "haunting cry" really fits the howl of a wolf and how unnerving it can be and the question at the end really ties it off very well! Not much wrong with this! I can really imagine this to be in some sort of ancient poem; that's how eerie and amazing it is!

Although this took ages to review I really loved your haikus! You show a very original style that really comes into play in a haiku! See ya! *drops like*

IamaHuman says...

zoink ya :)
I was trying to be cheesy for the Vampire one XD
I was like meh why not?
Vampires are now WAY too cheesy and it's saddening but hey, why not add the cheese and make it the cheesiest mac and cheese ever!
Thanks for the review, I can tell it took a LOT of time to write, my replies seem to take forever and, honestly, I barely say anything of importance!
I will go through and make ze changes as soon as possible
I am glad you like(d) it.

deleted5 says...

No problem! I enjoyed reading ZE haikus!

IamaHuman says...

woah... fast reply XD
And yeah I'm in a z mood.
I feel it is an endangered letter in need of being used more. XD
I shall be ze found of save ze z foundation
donate to zave ze endangered z's
No really I just said ze because I was thinking of mac ad cheese which led to the thought of food which led to croissants which led to French people which led to overuse of ze letter z.
Yeah... you didn't need to know that but now you do.

deleted5 says...


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Reviews: 75

Tue Feb 25, 2014 9:57 pm
fictional wrote a review...

Hai! (ha...see what I did there? Hai...ku.)

Anyway...I found this to be rather intriguing. My favorite poem, overall, was "The Mask".

I liked your use of "thirsting" in the one about vampires - haven't heard it used that way before. Nouns converted into verbs make for an interesting wording.

In that poem (vampires), I do feel like there could be a better word for hiding. Lurking, maybe.


I like the premise of it - it's quite beautiful - but I feel like the word "combining" is too musty and precise and scientific-sounding to fit the tone of the poem. I know there's a set number of syllables and all, but consider finding a better word/phrase. Some examples: colliding, cascading, still flying

Cherry Blossom Tree

You don't really need the comma after "swirling".

Sad Wolf

There should be a comma after "sad" to better the flow.
Again, it's hard with the format and all, but..."sad" just seems like a word that barely brushes the surface of what you're trying to express in the poem. There's more than sadness present in that wolf, it seems. And sadness is more than just...being sad. I don't really know what I'm saying - if you understand me, you're a linguistic prodigy!

Anyway...overall this is very, very good for 35 minutes and taking into consideration the syllable-formatting and everything of that nature. Take my suggestions if you wish.

Keep writing (not that you'd stop)! :)

IamaHuman says...

Thank you... I had written the vampire one a couple of years ago and was writing by memory I think it was originally lurking but I couldn't remember the exact word so THANK YOUUUU XD
So yeah I couldn't remember the exact words
For the tears one I was considering choosing a different word but I couldn't think of one... I was going to say disguising or hiding....
And thank you for the comma stuff XD I always get confused there :)
I am going to fix these thing ASAP!

ongoeslife says...

I think that the sad wolf line works just fine, but you could change it to "Why do you mourn, Wolf?" If you wanted to. =)

IamaHuman says...

thank you SOO much
I hated the ending of that one but couldn't figure out how to make it sound more sophisticated XD

fictional says...

You're welcome :)

trust your heart if the seas catch fire (and live by love though the stars walk backward)
— E.E. Cummings