
Young Writers Society

Loss - Part 2

by Hippie

A bright orange light blazed as Mark lit a torch.

James cast his eyes around the weary group of surviving rebels. There were only ten of them now, battered and bloody. He couldn't see her.

“Sibo,” he stammered.

No reply. He glanced around, hoping against hope that somehow he'd simply overlooked her. A hand came to rest on his shoulder.

James spun around, roughly knocking the comforting hand away. It was Mark. James' breathing became fast and shallow as the realisation set in. A storm cloud of sadness and anger built up inside him.

“I'm sorry James,” said Mark. He glanced at James, then quickly fixed his gaze on the ground.

“No,” said James, burying his face in his dirty hands. His eyes began to water. He felt emptier than ever before. “God no!”

“I'm so sorry,” mumbled another voice.

James looked toward the edge of the misty clearing, hoping to see his lover emerge from the dark undergrowth. Hoping she would burst out and run into his arms. A tear rolled down his cheek. His lips quivered. He couldn’t take it. He balled his right hand into a fist and slammed it into the cave wall.

“Urghh,” he groaned, wincing as the jarring pain shot up his arm. He held his hand up in front of his face. His knuckles were red, with grains of gritty dirt embedded in them.

“James,” said Mark, his voice calm yet commanding. He placed a firm hand on either of James' shoulders.

James turned and stared at Mark's battle-scarred face. He forced his tears to stop. His body trembled, on the brink of breaking down.

“I know how hard this is...”

“What the hell would you know?” spat James, his voice breaking. “It’s not like you’ve lost a girlfriend.”

There was a long silence. The mournful wind whistled through the cave. No-one made eye contact.

“There's nothing we can do,” said Mark. He paused for a moment, taking a slow breath in and out through his nose. “I'm sorry, but that's the truth of the matter.”

James shook his head and stared at the ground, blinking rapidly to keep his eyes clear.

“James,” said Mark softly.

James looked up to see Mark with his arms extended, and a sympathetic smile on his face.

No. He didn't need anyone. He was tough. He was a man. He turned away and tramped into the cave to be alone with his sorrows.

It wasn't a large cave. The dim light from the torches outside was just enough to allow him to see.

“Everyone get some sleep,” Mark's voice reverberated through the cavern.

James sat down against the cold, rough wall at the far end of the cave and closed his eyes. In his head he saw Sibo, with her flowing dark hair and delicate face. All this time he'd loved her. Now when he'd finally found she loved him too, she was taken from him. He hungered for her.

He glanced around. It was fairly dark; surely nobody would be able to see him. He unbuckled his belt with shaky hands. Then he unzipped his fly, and began masturbating.

The soft thumping sound echoed through the cave, but James didn't notice, and didn't care. His mind focused entirely on Sibo. He pictured himself with her, doing things he could only dream of now that she was gone.

After only a few moments, he felt himself near climax. The intense feeling built up inside him like an explosion.

He leant forward, his muscles contracting. The euphoria raced through his body, killing his pains. Everything else fell away. For those few short seconds, everything was perfect.

Then, the joyous moment began to slip away. He kept going, trying in vain to prolong it, but the moment was gone. He opened his eyes. A few faces quickly turned away.

He took a deep breath. His head didn't feel any clearer. His lust wasn't gone.

Mark rose from his position near the cave entrance and walked towards James. There was an object in his hand which caught a faint flicker of light. “You'll be needing this,” he said, handing the object to James.

James took it. It was a bottle, cold in his hand. He pulled out the cork and the smell of alcohol hit him. He looked up at his leader and nodded thanks. Mark forced a smile, and walked away. James raised the bottle to his lips and took a sip. It tasted foul, but what did that matter? In only a matter of minutes, he was Comfortably Numb.

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Tue Feb 02, 2010 2:25 am
EmiAnne wrote a review...

I like this part a lot too.
YOu know what I just realized? I have a story by the exact same name, and your profile pic (cat from red dwarf) is my favorite tv character of all time.
great minds think alike, right?
kk, so to the review...

:?: so now there are only ten rebels... are the rest dead? how many were there originally?

:D I like how he looks around, "hoping against hope that somehow he'd simply overlooked her," because it shows how much he wants her to be there, and he'll check one more time even though its beyond a doubt that she's not there.

:D i like how he's talking about how hes always wanted her, and then... because that's the classic love story, but you're not making your story a cliche by including the simple fight. (not as if cliches are bad, tho)

:arrow: i think James picked a pretty strange way to cope, but that's just me....

:arrow: Mark is still a slightly elusive and strange character... next time, pin down what kind of person he is.

:?: was there a reason you capitalized "Comfortably Numb"?

Final: I like your development of the story. A bit strange, and it seems more like a bridge from the loss to the search of Sibo. Kepp them coming...

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Thu Jun 11, 2009 1:19 pm
Hippie says...

Thank you very very much. I'm so glad you were able to help me out.

Thanks for the star by the way :D

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Thu Jun 11, 2009 8:52 am
Pippiedooda wrote a review...

Hello again :) barely any nitpicks at all here, this piece was brilliantly written! I'll point out what I can, but really great work :D

Mark lit a torch.

I'm not too keen on starting this part like this, there isn't much imagery at all in the action and it isn't a sentence that particularly grabs the reader. I'd either add more to it to show Mark fumbling through his bag and struggling to light the torch or join the first two sentences and move them around a bit. Perhaps something like 'A bright orange light illuminated the clearing as Mark managed to light a torch.'

“No,” said James

I think said could be replaced with something better here to show how he is saying this and his emotions at the time. Maybe he whispers it or pleads it or something like that.

He turned away and stomped into the cave to be alone with his sorrows.

'stomped' made me think of a stroppy child, I'd maybe change it to something that sounds a bit more serious. Maybe he could stumble as he is so upset by it all or something like that.

Mark stood up and walked towards him.

Where has Mark come from? I'd add a bit more to this to show where he was and how he comes towards James. For instance 'Mark rose from his place near the entrance of the cave and walked slowly towards him.'

It tasted foul, but that was beside the point.

'but that was beside the point' I think could be improved upon for a more dramatic or depressing ending- maybe something like 'but nothing in comparison to the pain James felt.' or 'but what did he care?' or anything like that to further show how James feels.

Overall: Like I said, there really wasn't much I could see that could be improved! :) I think you managed to show James emotions brilliantly, it really came across how upset and alone he felt.

I do think you could include more of the other people around James and their reactions, especially Mark. When he looks into James eyes what is his expression? How does he sound when he is saying he is sorry? I think you could better show how sympathetic he is by adding more description to how he comforts James and how emotional he is himself. With the rest of those there, I think you could also include a bit more on their reactions. Surely some would have been friends with James, maybe they would look at him sympathetically or mumble something in an attempt at showing how sorry they were. I can see why you might keep the focus on James and Mark but maybe just a couple of caring looks would be good so that the other rebels don't seem so separated and all lumped together.

I was also wondering if anyone else died during the fight as you say at the beginning there were only ten of them- so presumably some others have also been killed. If they have, then wouldn't there be others suffering? I can understand that it would be different for James as it would be his wife but maybe some others would be in a lesser state of depression or searching for their comrades or informing Mark of their loss. Due to this, I'd maybe think Mark would try to say something to all of them about it, maybe bow their heads in silence or try to tell them they died for a good cause. Even if James blocks this out due to his own pain, I think it would be something that a leader would likely do at the end of a battle. (This is just a couple of my thoughts, ignore them if you like :P)

James reaction was well described and really got across to the reader how anguished he felt, I do think though that there would be a couple of things that any person in this situation would do that he did not- the first being to ask Mark what happened and when and the second to be in denial, perhaps a spark of hope lighting in him that she could be alive or doubting what Mark is saying at first- maybe pleading with him to be wrong. That he doesn't enquire how Mark knew she was dead or who did and how seemed a bit strange to me as he seems to instantly believe that she is gone and sink into his depression.

Overall though, I thought this was a brilliant piece and it ties on from the previous chapter really well :D I think you have written this scene in a way that really shows how upset James is feeling, all I would think to add would be to include more of the other characters in the cave and how they feel (not great amounts as obviously the focus is best kept on James but just a few comments here and there) All my comments are just suggestions, hope I've helped! *star*

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Mon Jun 08, 2009 10:06 am
Hippie says...

Sorry, but this is the end of this story for the moment. I really only intended to do it as a character study.

I will be doing more, if you can wait a year or two :P Until then I'm working on the prequel to the novel this will eventually form part of.

If you must know, Sibo is [spoiler]not dead. She's been taken prisoner. That's all I'm saying for now, but I've got it all planned out.[/spoiler]

If you want to read what I've done so far on the prequel, here it is: topic44357.html

Thanks for your review.

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Sun Jun 07, 2009 7:17 pm
youreit wrote a review...

This was a great follow-up to part one. It needs a little work as far as imagery goes, but it's a good, solid piece. I could feel the tension rolling off James as he called after his girlfriend. Although, this raises the question, is his girlfriend really dead? She could be hiding somewhere else, or even just lost. (Sorry, my mom says that's my inner novelist speaking, always wanting to know what's going to happen next.) All in all, great story. Keep writing!

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Sat Jun 06, 2009 12:29 am
Hippie says...

Thanks all for your comments.

I originally wrote this as a "snapshot" of a planned novel. Now that you mention it though, I may as well do another "snapshot" of what happens before to help lead up to this. Lack of lead-up and background information seems the main problem here.

I'll write the lead up, then edit this for anything else that isn't explained, and extra detail etc. that you pointed out.


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Fri Jun 05, 2009 8:08 pm
doodle:] wrote a review...

Hiya Hippie.

He couldn't see her.

This is kind of plain and out there... I'm not sure how to put it. I suggest putting in there that he was looking for somebody. I think it'll add to your story. The little things count more than you think. :wink:

. A storm cloud of sadness and anger built up inside him.

Eh, I don't really like this. It's fine but... I just don't like the use of this. (I know, not much help.) I don't even know why he is sad or angry, it feels kind of random.

“Arghh,” he groaned, wincing as the pain shot up his arm. He held his hand up in front of his face. His knuckles were red, with grains of gritty dirt embedded in them.

Not to be mean but I don't think 'Argh' is the right thing to say. It makes him sound like a pirate. >.> Maybe "Ugh" or "Ow"?

I agree with everything that Lucy said, so I don't think there's a need to repeate it, eh? :wink:

With some work, this could be great!
Keep writing!

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Fri Jun 05, 2009 6:45 pm
peskychesk wrote a review...

Very good, but like Lucyy I feel you need to show more of James' thought and feelings/emotions. Your story has a slightly disconnected feel. Mainly I agree with lucyy's comments and ideas so I won't bore you by repeating them.

I would like to have had some sort of run up chapter to this piece: Who is Sibo? Why are they rebels? and why so few? Were there more to start with?

I feel you have left too many questions unanswered.

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Fri Jun 05, 2009 11:54 am
lucyy wrote a review...

Hi there, I have decided to be your reviewer for today :D. So, I will firstly go through the whole piece, making [comments/suggestions] and edits or extra adding-ins, then I will go through the whole review with you at the end... Well, let's get this show on the road!! (:

Hippie wrote: James cast his eyes around the weary group of surviving rebels. There were only ten of them now, battered and bloody. He couldn't see her.

“Sibo,” he shouted.[OK, what made him shout this? Who is he shouting to - what kind of relation is Sibo to him? Is he shouting this in desperation/fear/hope...? Try and expand on this a little. You've got to remember that the first few opening paragraphs need to grab the reader's attention, but it's a bit too vague at the moment. Don't get me wrong, vague is good, but used too early on it can not work out, especially in relation to MC feelings, but you've been vague on the current situation, which does work, as it has me reading on further, wanting to find out more... Okay, I'm blabbing on now, I shall stop and move on before I completely confuse both you and myself (it has happened) lol =P]

No reply. He glanced around, hoping that somehow he'd simply overlooked her. A hand came to rest on his shoulder.

James spun around, roughly knocking the comforting hand away. It was Mark [who is...?]. James' breathing became fast and shallow as the realisation set in [realisation of what?]. A storm cloud of sadness and anger built up inside him.

“I'm sorry James,” said Mark, looking into James' eyes [emotion being displayed on Mark's face, facial expression...? Also, what is James' reaction to what he is saying, also have him maybe recognise what is is he's talking about, so we know?].

“No,” said James, burying his face in his dirty hands. His eyes began to water [his thoughts/emtions...?]. “Oh god.”

“I'm so sorry this had to happen,” said Mark [emotion in his voice...?].

James looked toward the edge of the misty clearing [maybe this would be a good time to expand more on their surrounding, because it's a little unclear at the moment (: ], hoping to see his lover emerge from the dark undergrowth [maybe you could expand on this a little, adding in her character description, and maybe even what it is that he loves about her. For example, you could have something like: hoping to see his lover emerge from the dark undergrowth, her blue eyes lighting up with adoration as she spots James in the crowd, her long fingers extended towards his... But a lot better put :wink: ]. A tear rolled down his cheek. He balled his right hand into a fist and slammed it into the cave wall.

“Arghh,” he groaned, wincing as the pain shot up his arm. He held his hand up in front of his face. His knuckles were red, with grains of gritty dirt embedded in them.

“James,” said Mark [Mark has been in this chapter for quite a while, and I still have no idea what relation he is to James], his voice calm yet commanding. He placed a firm hand on either of James' shoulders.

James turned and stared into Mark's scarred face [expand on this image: how is his face scarred?]. He forced his tears to stop. His body trembled, on the brink of breaking down.

“I know how hard this is...”

“What the hell would you know,[replace with question mark, and also you haven't defined what it is exactly that has happened to her, and to all of them, you need to make it clearer]” spat James, his voice breaking. “Your wife's here and well,” he pointed accusingly at Cara.

There was a long silence. The mournful wind whistled through the cave. No-one made eye contact.

“There's nothing we can do,” said Mark. He paused for a moment, taking a slow breath in and out through his nose. “I'm sorry, but that's the truth of the matter.”

James shook his head and stared at the ground, blinking rapidly to keep his eyes clear.

“James,” said Mark softly.

James looked up to see Mark with his arms extended, and a sympathetic smile on his face.

No. He didn't need anyone. He was tough. He was a man. He turned away and stomped into the cave.

It wasn't a large cave. The dim light from the torches outside was just enough to allow him to see.

“Everyone get some sleep,” Mark's voice reverberated through the cavern.

James sat down against the cold wall at the far end of the cave and closed his eyes. In his head he saw Sibo. All this time he'd loved her. Now when finally he'd found she loved him too, she was taken away from him. He hungered for her.

He glanced around. It was fairly dark; surely nobody would be able to see him. He unbuckled his belt with shaky hands. Then he unzipped his fly, and began masturbating.

The soft thumping sound echoed through the cave, but James didn't notice, and didn't care. His mind focused entirely on Sibo. He pictured himself with her, doing things he could only dream of now that she was gone.

After only a few moments, he felt himself near climax. The intense feeling built up inside him like an explosion.

He leant forward, his muscles contracting. The euphoria of orgasm raced through his body , killing his pains. Everything else fell away. For those few short seconds, everything was perfect.

Then, the joyous moment began to slip away. He kept going, trying to prolong it, but the moment was gone. He opened his eyes. A few faces quickly turned away.

He took a deep breath. His head didn't feel any clearer. His lust wasn't gone.

Mark stood up and walked towards him. There was an object in his hand which caught a faint flicker of light.

“You'll be needing this,” he said, handing the object to James.

James took it. It was a bottle, cold in his hand. He pulled out the cork and the smell of alcohol hit him. He looked up at his leader and nodded thanks. Mark forced a smile, and walked away. James raised the bottle to his lips and took a sip. It tasted foul, but that was beside the point.

Last Minute Views
The Situation
The situation that they are all in remains unclear throughout this whole chapter, and it makes the point of the chapter - James dealing with the loss of his lover - a moot point, because we don't know the circumstances in which they're all in and how exactly he did 'lose her'. So, to improve on this chapter you need to work on making the whole situation of the chapter a lot clearer. What they're all doing in a cave, why James lost his lover, etc.?

Your MC
I think his character needs a little more work, especially the use of expressing his thoughts and feelings. Through this chapter I didn't get a real taste of the pain he was feeling, and the thoughts that were going through his head. As a reader, we need to be able to relate with your MC, and in this situation feel sympathy towards him, which we can't do if you hold his thoughts and feelings back from us. So, go back through this chapter and put yourself into James's shoes, and play out the chapter as though you are James: what are the thoughts running through his head, the feelings coursing through his body and mind...? Add those into the chapter and you're laughing, which will be a relief after dealing with James's loss (:

This is another aspect that I think needs to be worked on. Close your eyes and imagine the place where this is all taking place, let the events fold out in front of you like a movie... then describe what you see. Use your five senses: feel, hear, taste, see, smell to create a more avid picture :D.

This is a very promising chapter and with some more work, it definitely could reach its full potential. I'm intrigued as to why James lost his lover and what kind of situation they're all in... You have all the recipes for a great story and with more work I know you can achieve it - you sure do have potential my friend (:
I hope this review helped you out, and sorry if you thought I was harsh at all, I do it with the best intentions (: . Great job on this, and I'm certainly interested to see more writing from you =D. If you have any questions at all regarding this critique, or need anything at all, please don't hesitate to PM me as I'll always be more than happy to help. Also, if you do edit this chapter, I'll be interested to see its progress, so please PM me (:

Keep Writing!!
--Lucyy xx

If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you; that is the principal difference between a dog and a man.
— Mark Twain