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Dog Days Gone


Dog Days Gone

This tale is based on the true story of my dog Chloe, and from her coming home with us until her death. She died today, May 31st, 2011. This story in loving memory of her. I love you Chloe, and I hope you've made it to Heaven.

I really do love it here! Ever since Noah and Hannah and the lady called “Mom” brought me home with them all those years ago, they’ve given me the best life a pug-nosed pup could ask for. I remember my first years with them, after I left my mommy and sister and brother. At first I missed them a lot, but then I grew to love it at their big house. There was always plenty of food, and treats! Lots and lots of treats and goodies for when they were happy with me! One time, on my birthday, they even got a cake, and we had a party! And they let me go outside whenever I wanted. I remember, whenever I heard “outside,” I was on my paws and running to the door!

And they always patted me and hugged me, and were always happy to see me when they got home. Mom usually stayed at home with me and kept me company, since she was usually not feeling well enough to go places. I don’t know how she supported us all, but I admired her for it.

They named me Chloe. Doesn’t sound like much of a, well, pugs-y name I guess, but it grew on me after a while. I always curled up my little tail whenever they called me, and I would run over and give lots of kisses and nibble on their ears. They always laughed when I did. I liked that.

Bonzo and Kit-Kat were good roommates too. I know they say dogs and cats aren’t good together (and trust me, we had our share of scrabbles and chases), but I’d like to say we actually got along pretty well for the most part. They always rubbed up against me a lot when we were waking up in the morning, but I guess cats rub against everything once in a while.

But then one day, Mom left the house. I remember not knowing what was going on. Where was she? Who’s lap was I going to lie on? Who would let me sleep in their bed with them that night? I ran all over the house for her, looking everywhere up and down. Eventually, I heard Noah and Hannah, and all the other humans crying with them that Mom was dead, and I knew she wouldn’t be coming back. I was sad, but I was glad to still have them with me. I knew they would never abandon me.

Then, a big human man who they called “Dad” began to live with us. I remember our relationship from the beginning: he really didn’t like it when my hair got on the furniture, and he yelled at me enough times! But the couch was just so comfy, you know? Dad could get angry and be scary sometimes, but he was a big, lovable one, and I always let him know it! I greeted him happily whenever he came in through the door.

After Dad moved in with us, we moved into a new house after a while. I liked this new house; it was bigger, and had stairs to climb, and there was a big backyard I could run around in whenever I wanted! What else could a dog ask for? Dad really put a lot of work into moving, so I tried to be as thankful as possible, but he still didn’t like my hair on the couch! Eventually, he gave up a chain in one room for me and the cats to use when we wanted. I loved him for it.

Yes, those were the years, but now life is hard. It’s not my family; it’s just that I haven’t been feeling well lately. My eye is sore, and it bulges out, and there’s a big lump forming in my throat. It makes it hard to breath.

Dad took me to the “vet” one day, and when he brought me home, neither he nor Noah and Hannah were happy. I didn’t understand them at the moment, but my coughing made it hard to hear anyway.

Today is a new day! I’m going to make it, and I’m not going to make Noah and Hannah sad. Dad will take me walking later, and then everything will be fine.

Bark bark bark! I say to Noah as he walks by. How are you?

He just smiles and pats my head, looking a little sad as he looks at the lump in my throat, which I think is getting bigger. “Oh Chloe, I hope you pull through all right.”

Cough cough! He walks away as I wheeze. Darn! I’ll have to do better next time!

Yip! Hi, Hannah! I say, as I lift my head up from lying down.

She looks at me, pets me, and then looks away.

Yip! Hannah, pet me more! It feels good! Cough cough cough! Oh no, I’m still coughing. No fair!

Dad! Bark! Can we go for a walk? I sit, looking up at him with wide, expectant eyes.

With a flat, unchanging look on his face, Dad puts me on the leash, and we go for a walk. I can tell he isn’t happy as I cough a few times while we walk, trying to get air. Whew! Walking is a lot harder than it used to be!

“You know there isn’t anything we could have done about it,” Noah says to Hannah, as she looks at him.

Yip! What are you talking about? I look up at him.

“What’s going to happen to Chloe?” Hannah asks.

What about Chloe? I’m right here! I’m fine! Cough cough, wheeze!

“Hannah, she’s sick. There’s nothing to be done for her except to wait it out.”

I really don’t understand them at all. What am I? Sick? Sick how? It’s nothing but a cough, and a hurting eye. Although, I haven’t been having much of an appetite lately. I feel myself getting thin. Cough!

“Noah, I’m getting ready to take Chloe to the vet,” Dad says. I hear him, even though he’s down the hall.

The vet again? What’s wrong? Am I really badly sick? Cough cough!

“You know what they might, say, right?” He asks.

Noah nods. “Yeah, I do.” He doesn’t say any more. Just looks back to his computer.

Ooh, what might they say? Cough cough, I want to know!

Dad takes me to the car, and I lay calmly in the back seat. A few times I try to bark to him, to ask what’s the matter, why he’s so upset. But it’s hard enough to breath, with this big bulging throat-lump. I don’t try to call him anymore.

Once we get there, he takes me in. He doesn’t put the leash on me, only takes me to see the “vet” lady.

I don’t understand what they’re saying about me, but I can’t even hear over my wheezing for breath. It’s hot in here! Too hot!

Bark! Cough cough, what’s going on?

Dad walks over to where I’m sitting on the vet’s table, and he runs his hand along my thin stomach. I can feel his big fingers on my bones. I’m so thin.

“I love you Chloe,” he says. It looks like his eyes are watery. “Anything left to say?”

Bark! I love you Dad! And I love Noah and Hannah too! Cough, tell them please! Cough, tell them I love them! I have a feeling Dad won’t be bringing me home with him. I’m right, because he leaves, and I turn back to the vet lady. She looks sad too, and she holds something long and pointy in her hand.

“It’s okay Chloe. This won’t hurt you. Not anymore.” She sticks the long silvery claw into my shoulder. At first it stings a little, but suddenly, everything is numb. I can’t feel my legs, so I lay down. Soon my eyes begin to close, but I see her hold up another pointy thing. I know somehow in my little pug-dog heart that I’m going to see Mom again. I hope she still has room for me on her lap.

- Rest in Peace, Chloe

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Points: 981
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Tue Jul 26, 2011 1:04 pm
IsItLove says...

I loved the story, it was heart-warming. It was beautiful the way you portrayed it from Chloe's point of view. The writing was amazing, I was engrossed. Xxx

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50 Reviews

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Wed Jun 01, 2011 10:21 am
iampaulop wrote a review...

Oh! I'm very touched that you wrote for your dog. And with that being said, I think that with this piece, you put strong emotions... I'm in tears even though I am just reading 1/3 of this.

“I love you Chloe,” he says. It looks like his eyes are watery. “Anything left to say?”
Bark! I love you Dad! And I love Noah and Hannah too! Cough, tell them please! Cough, tell them I love them! I have a feeling Dad won’t be bringing me home with him.

Alright this one made my tears drop!!

Oh!! My Favorite!! huhu... I love every touching stories !! Nice Job! I know that Chloe is happy wherever she is, dont be sad

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Wed Jun 01, 2011 7:56 am
matthewmazer wrote a review...

I love how you wrote this, especially from the dog's point of view. The way Chloe spoke always made it seem as though she were happy, at least, most of the time. Well written.

It's nice to actually see another guy on here.

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178 Reviews

Points: 652
Reviews: 178

Wed Jun 01, 2011 4:20 am
Paracosm wrote a review...

This calls for some tears. I didn't see anything wrong with your grammar, you painted a great image, and I love how you wrote from the dog's point of view. I also love the innocent feeling, it really adds to the emotion! Poor Chloe! I loved this story, definitely keep writing!

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— Abraham Heschel