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The Civilian Pt. 1

by HB1103

Emerging from the imposing steel doors of the government sanctuary into the misty September morning, Mr. Derek Miller relished the sensation of his feet hitting the cold metal grates feeling a sense of freedom and independence that was becoming rarer with each passing day. Nodding to the guard with hands in pockets, he acknowledged the few moments outdoors he had. As he walked through the silence, his identity tag flapping in the wind, he watched as the dark grey sky looming overhead.

The year was 2082. It was five years after the end of World War 3 and the United States was a shadow of its former self. Devastated after the war, the government had made sweeping changes to the country, and life had become bleak and monotonous. They had ensured that everyone follows the exact same routine every day, making it easier for them to keep track of everyone.

Miller's routine was predictable: Crossing the bridge, he would stride off past the factories belching out thick clouds of smog. And, like clockwork, he would strap his gas mask on with practiced efficiency, exactly two seconds after passing. He didn’t have any intentions whilst on these walks. Ever since the War, he had given up on hope and dreams. And that was just fine for him.

Checking his watch, he turned at the intersection. The time read 9:30. Derek smiled, he had 5 minutes left. Walking past the tomb-like building, ignoring the Propaganda posters plastered on the wall showing the only sign of color in this dreary city, turning at an intersection, he followed his usual path.

Suddenly, an announcement cackled overhead, interrupting his thoughts. "Numbers 3,750 to 4,500, make your way back to your Sanctuaries, Numbers 4,501 to 4, 750 come to the cafeteria to receive your morning nourishment."

These announcements were always public so that everyone knew what everyone else was doing at every precise moment. This was one of the promises the new Government had made all those years ago ‘Everyone will know what everyone else is doing, which will bring unity and efficiency to the nation.'

Miller furrowed his brow and checked his watch. The announcement was too early. Unbothered, he carried on walking, his curiosity piqued. It must have been some sort of accident. But, the Government were never wrong. Well, not in this society.

Unwilling to let this curiosity go unanswered, he continued on his path. He felt a sense of longing ignite in his heart, and it grew with every step he took. For the first time in a long time, he felt alive. As he walked on, his steps quickened, and his heart pounded with anticipation. It was as if he was finally waking up from a long, monotonous dream.

Yet still, as he carried on through the desolate street, he saw no one. No Patrol Guard on duty, no protestor hiding in the alleyways, no pedestrian walking back to their Sanctuary, No one. The silence was deafening, except for the cold whistle of the wind in the distance. The emptiness of the streets only fueled his growing sense of unease, and he knew that something was not quite right.

All of a sudden, he heard a slow Woosh and saw a sleek black car gliding past him. Miller sighed; the peace was enjoyable while it lasted. He knew he’d better get back to the Sanctuary, or else who knows what was going to happen? He turned round to head back. Suddenly, a cold, sharp voice called from behind “Stay still sir, you have the right to remain silent.”

Derek halted.

“Put your hands up," the voice continued, and Derek slowly did as he was told, feeling a surge of fear and helplessness. The police had a lot of authority in this society, and Derek knew that he had no choice but to comply.

"Show me your tag," the voice demanded, and Derek hesitated, feeling a sense of dread creeping over him.

The officer sighed, "Yes, you can turn around. Ah, number 3,803." Derek nodded, feeling a sense of relief that he had been identified.

"Right," the officer said abruptly, "get in the car."

Derek hesitated, wondering where he was being taken, but the officer didn't reply and motioned for Derek to follow. As he entered the car, he saw the guard from earlier sitting inside, looking equally apprehensive.

The car started moving, and Derek's heart raced as he wondered what fate awaited him. The government was always unpredictable, and Derek knew that his life was in their hands.  

Writer's Note: 

Might add a prologue to describe a bit more about this dystopian society and the Government Sanctuaries.

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Mon May 15, 2023 9:03 pm
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xvbkatie11 wrote a review...

hello eveyone, i hope you are all doing well! i will leave a quick review on this short story. i have read multiple stories over the years of a controlling government, and this is definitely one of the best ones I have discovered. the way everything makes perfect sense and is in perfect harmony is astounding. i love the tiny details we get and the detail within the writing. its exciting and overall just a great work. phenomenal job! :)

HB1103 says...

Hey there, thank you for the kind review :)

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Wed May 03, 2023 2:39 am
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kaitlyn wrote a review...

Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening/Night(whichever one it is in your part of the world),

Hi! I'm here to leave a quick review!!

First Impression: Well this was quite the little start here. Loving the world that you've managed to build u here. We've got ourselves quite a lot of work from the looks of things going in to building up this world and I honestly get drawn in from just that alone but the actual bit of tension we've got going is also making for quite a powerful moment on its own.

Anyway let's get right to it,

Emerging from the imposing steel doors of the government sanctuary into the misty September morning, Mr. Derek Miller relished the sensation of his feet hitting the cold metal grates feeling a sense of freedom and independence that was becoming rarer with each passing day. Nodding to the guard with hands in pockets, he acknowledged the few moments outdoors he had. As he walked through the silence, his identity tag flapping in the wind, he watched as the dark grey sky looming overhead.

The year was 2082. It was five years after the end of World War 3 and the United States was a shadow of its former self. Devastated after the war, the government had made sweeping changes to the country, and life had become bleak and monotonous. They had ensured that everyone follows the exact same routine every day, making it easier for them to keep track of everyone.

Well this is quite the bit of world building to drop us off into there. Instantly we get immersed so powerfully into everything and I love the way that you've done that here to both drag us into the story and set the scene for everything to come as well. Its a great place to start things off.

Miller's routine was predictable: Crossing the bridge, he would stride off past the factories belching out thick clouds of smog. And, like clockwork, he would strap his gas mask on with practiced efficiency, exactly two seconds after passing. He didn’t have any intentions whilst on these walks. Ever since the War, he had given up on hope and dreams. And that was just fine for him.

Checking his watch, he turned at the intersection. The time read 9:30. Derek smiled, he had 5 minutes left. Walking past the tomb-like building, ignoring the Propaganda posters plastered on the wall showing the only sign of color in this dreary city, turning at an intersection, he followed his usual path.

Loving the way that you've gone about introducing things here. I think it definitely works wonders to just sell how normal and prevalent the kind of desolate landscape is in this word and quite how used to it all the people living there have become, just having this all be part of their routine and just be the way that they proceed to do things.

Suddenly, an announcement cackled overhead, interrupting his thoughts. "Numbers 3,750 to 4,500, make your way back to your Sanctuaries, Numbers 4,501 to 4, 750 come to the cafeteria to receive your morning nourishment."

These announcements were always public so that everyone knew what everyone else was doing at every precise moment. This was one of the promises the new Government had made all those years ago ‘Everyone will know what everyone else is doing, which will bring unity and efficiency to the nation.'

Ooooh we're diving even more into how the system of this world appears to work in this particular reality. I think you can definitely see how badly things must be off to have everything fall to such a state and have no one even seem to be actively complaining at least from what we see with our main character in this particular moment.

Miller furrowed his brow and checked his watch. The announcement was too early. Unbothered, he carried on walking, his curiosity piqued. It must have been some sort of accident. But, the Government were never wrong. Well, not in this society.

Unwilling to let this curiosity go unanswered, he continued on his path. He felt a sense of longing ignite in his heart, and it grew with every step he took. For the first time in a long time, he felt alive. As he walked on, his steps quickened, and his heart pounded with anticipation. It was as if he was finally waking up from a long, monotonous dream.

Well it seems this little announcement was somehow a little bit out of the ordinary after all. Well that just immediately ups the ante there in terms of quite what could be going on, especially in a world that's falling on times quite like this one happens to be.

Yet still, as he carried on through the desolate street, he saw no one. No Patrol Guard on duty, no protestor hiding in the alleyways, no pedestrian walking back to their Sanctuary, No one. The silence was deafening, except for the cold whistle of the wind in the distance. The emptiness of the streets only fueled his growing sense of unease, and he knew that something was not quite right.

All of a sudden, he heard a slow Woosh and saw a sleek black car gliding past him. Miller sighed; the peace was enjoyable while it lasted. He knew he’d better get back to the Sanctuary, or else who knows what was going to happen? He turned round to head back. Suddenly, a cold, sharp voice called from behind “Stay still sir, you have the right to remain silent.”

Well things ae suddenly much more serious there with how that's playing out. It seems as if something is certainly about to go quite wrong here at any moment now. Loving how quickly the tension manages to rise out of this one from what was a fairly simple sounding start there.

Derek halted.

“Put your hands up," the voice continued, and Derek slowly did as he was told, feeling a surge of fear and helplessness. The police had a lot of authority in this society, and Derek knew that he had no choice but to comply.

"Show me your tag," the voice demanded, and Derek hesitated, feeling a sense of dread creeping over him.

The officer sighed, "Yes, you can turn around. Ah, number 3,803." Derek nodded, feeling a sense of relief that he had been identified.

Well that seems like perhaps things have settled down just a little bit from the potential craziness that situation was hinting at there, but it is still a bit too early to tell if Derek here is going to actually manage to escape this particular situation unscathed here.

"Right," the officer said abruptly, "get in the car."

Derek hesitated, wondering where he was being taken, but the officer didn't reply and motioned for Derek to follow. As he entered the car, he saw the guard from earlier sitting inside, looking equally apprehensive.

The car started moving, and Derek's heart raced as he wondered what fate awaited him. The government was always unpredictable, and Derek knew that his life was in their hands.

Well that's a terrifying note to be ending on there. I think you did a very good job of selling quite how powerful of a moment that happens to be with just how Derek's thoughts are going there even after he did manage to sigh with relief there too.

Aaaaand that's it for this one.

Overall: Overall I think you've got yourself a pretty solid start going right here. You can consider me already hooked here because I definitely want to see more of this world to say nothing of the conclusion to what's going to be happening to poor Derek here.

As always remember to take what you think was helpful and forget the rest.

Stay Safe

HB1103 says...

Hey there! Thanks for the review, I loved reading it :)

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5 Reviews

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Tue May 02, 2023 11:40 pm
AllyHowell wrote a review...

Some works of dystopia give me chills, and this is definitely one of them. The idea of people being reduced to numbers is just so cold to me, and I feel like you did a fantastic job of portraying that here. Also, the cold setting and the way you describe it is so detailed, it's really easy to picture it, but at the same time hard to imagine such a soulless place. Of course, a little more background would really tie the story together, but I'm sure you're working on that for future parts of the series. I can't wait to see what happens after this!

HB1103 says...

Hey there, thanks for the review! Just so you know, I%u2019m going to also write the government%u2019s side of this story abd a Part. 2 just to add a bit more background answer a lot if the reader%u2019s questions. Once again, thank you for the review!

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Tue May 02, 2023 12:07 pm
Razor wrote a review...

This is a great story. I love the dystopian genre, and this story screams dystopian.

First, I would like to say that your descriptions are on point and really detailed, especially in the first paragraph.

Second, I would love to learn what exactly caused WW3 and what happened during it. Maybe you could write something to explain this?

Third, I am pretty excited for the next part, and I have a few questions about what will happen next. Why did the call sound earlier, why are Derek and the guard being arrested, and what is going to happen next? You are leaving your reader in suspense, which is an awesome and essential writing tactic.

Overall, your story was great and it left me in suspense, and I CAN NOT WAIT for the next part. Keep Writing!

- RazorSharpPencil

HB1103 says...

Hey there, thanks! I'm also planning to do an epilogue or some sort of story from the Government's perspective about why the call sounded earlier and then a part 2. Anyways, I'm glad you like my story and thanks for the compliments and the review!

- HB

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— Johann Wolfgang von Goethe