
Young Writers Society

E - Everyone Violence

Quick-writes and Short stories

by FreeDreamer

All music could be considered strange. It really depends how we listen to it, or how and if it connects with us. Everything has a sound; therefore, everything has music. Everyday things can be seen as music. The wind, running water, the typing of keys… really music is whatever sound appeals to us. Creating music, yourself is creating a masterpiece. It takes time and effort and when to bring your masterpiece to life you should be able to hear this music, I mean REALLY hear it. You should feel the rhythm of drums down to your bones and feel it reside in your soul, figuratively speaking. Writing is sort of like that, you can’t allow self-doubt into your head, not even for a second.

Why do people advertise for Christmas in October? Who thought of that? I mean Halloween hasn’t even started up, it's my pet peeve when people do that. You need to fully reminisce in the spirit of the holiday, truly appreciate those moments before it's over. We only live for a short time and were only buying our time till death… so how come people always want to go fast? Rush through things.

You could feel it coming… The roof rattled, the door shook, the wind screamed carrying the agony of a thousand souls being tortured, the wind smelled metallic like blood. "GO GO GO GO GO!" her father screamed pushing her under the table. And in the split second, she finally made it under the table everything went black. This wasn’t the black when you turn the lights off black, it seemed consume her. She couldn’t hear, she couldn’t see, she couldn’t smell, she couldn’t think. Slowly her vision crept back, there was brown smoke everywhere. There hearing crept back, the wind was less than a sigh. Her smell crept back with a stench of metallic dirt that made her cough. She tried to get up, but she couldn’t feel anything. "Don’t panic, DON’T" panic she repeated in her head. "atrapa una estrella fugaz y ponla en tu bolsillo, guárdala para un día lluvioso" she sang to herself inside her head. Everything was jamble her thoughts- "I can’t I can’t I can’t I can’t "atrapa una estrella fugaz y ponla en tu bolsillo, guárdala para un día lluvioso" she repeated to herself until it was all she could think, all she could do, the pain in her stomach grew and grew until breathing grew impossible, in a last maximum effort she sang: "atrapa una estrella fugaz y ponla en tu bolsillo, guárdala para un día lluvioso, atrapa una estrella que cae y ponla en su bolsillo, nunca dejes que se desvanezca." And just like that, her mother's dyeing words became her own. Suddenly, her body was engulfed in a flame, her black/gray ashes drifted up into the sky and pieced themselves together creating a small outline of an animal, that animal drifted down to the ground. This animal was a fox, no bigger than a hand. It stood up and shook its head. Suddenly it was surrounded by other fox's. The fox was unsure first but then recognized them, the rest is for you to imagine.

My favorite time of day is the time between after dinner and sleeping, its then that I read. I am subscribed to 98 comics online. Yes, I remember them all. I can't remember their names but I can remember what the cover looks like and can pick up where I left off. I guess my ability to notice and remember small details has grown. I this time I look forward to the future thinking of the things I aim to do in the future. I create stories of far of places full of color and magic and make empty promises to write about them.

Recipe for a perfect moment

Fold a big feeling into memory

grate a small amount of detail

Sprinkle in a family member

Let it simmer in time

Coat it with luck and love

Freeze it for a bad day

Let it live in your heart;

Then recreate more

The wolfs were howling…as the cold icy air blows in their fur. There sharp, yellow eyes lock on you, and they charge. As they sprint towards you brace yourself for your death, you wait for their sharp teeth to rip through your skin- then you wake up in your bed only to find your five-inch-high-dog licking your face, you can't help but laugh. What a fierce and terrifying wolf!

I left at dawn…The morning air freezing and crisp, seemed to bite at me cheeks and nose. Even though I didn’t have any risk of frostbite at the moment it still meant I would have to start a fire tonight. I sighed, another PERFECT day. Uuuuuuuuuuuug! How boring!

When the doorbell rings at three in the morning, it's never good news. Thomas comes home late, that’s never good news. A black out happens, that never a good thing. Something is coming, and I have a good idea what it is. All we can do it wait. It's too late to run away, we wouldn’t make it so there's no point in telling them. Might as well just pretend to be happy and oblivious until… yeah. I braced myself as my father reached for the doorknob.

Being 13/14 is the worst. It’s now in your life where you constantly must be on edge, you can’t mess up. It’s now that the Constants decide your whole rest of your life, what job you'll have, who you get to marry, or… even if you get to, when you'll die… and if you resist… you’ll be cast out of the city, destined to die at the hands of the undead that constantly beat at the rock walls that surround our city. I heard that undead cover the earth all the way over the horizon, and the stench is so unbearable that you faint unless you wear a gasmask.

The bird dipped and soared through the air. Its golden feathers shimmering in the clear sunshine. Finally, it was free of its cage! Free and alive! You would never know by looking at it, but this bird used to be a girl, a girl that was misunderstood and shamed. A girl that saved the world. A girl that had cancer. A girl who got to have her final wish granted, even if she could only enjoy it for one, last, day. A girl that was content and happy with that.Thomas seemed to look at everything with an Omniscient gaze, he jumped of the building. This would have seemed perilous act to most people, but, you see Thomas isn't most people. His giant wings appeared out of nowhere. His glorious wings could be grotesque if he wanted them to be, this you see was a defense mechanism that he had no control over. So… he was, quite lonely. He swooped down and scooped up something on the ground. He flew up into a broken window of an abandoned sky scraper. The room, save the broken window, was very clean. He set the small creature on a chair and knelt next to a nearby candle that was set upon an old black coffee table. On the tip of his finger sparked a small flame. He held it impatiently at the tip of the candle, waiting for it to ignite. When it did he approached the small trembling creature. "huuuush" He cooed to the small creature that he picked up in his arms. "is' alright" he cooed. The small creature turned out to be a bird, how ironic. Well anyway it was a bird with a hurt wing and Thomas had no intention of letting it stay that way! Or, at least he hoped.

Natalie, a young girl who … well was Astonished and dumb founded. And didn’t quite know what to do with herself. Someone had, noticed. Someone had noticed her days worried and bothered. Someone had noticed her days when she was happy and excited. Someone had noticed her days when frustrated with life and angry. Someone she didn’t know and like instantly before she knew about this. Someone had noticed when others who knew her wouldn’t be able to guess. This had never happened before. She didn’t know what to do in this situation. This person helped her in ways that she couldn’t express. Just by talking to this person Natalie had realized a lot of things she had ignored and brushed away. What now?

Reflect in the mirror, I am tired. And bored. How come people always wear dull colors? There are so many colors we could choose to wear to make our lives so colorful. People are stupid complaining about their life, oh poor you, and infant just died from cancer and you're here complaining about being tired because of all the junk in your life and then you choose to kill yourself because it’s too hard.

Procrastination isn't so bad, I mean, it gives me inspiration.

“Live for those who could not” a quote that I came up with. Live for the seven-year-old who died of cancer, live for the single mom of three whose husband just died fighting for the country that you live in, live for the kid who has known nothing but brash words and a smack to the face, live for the little kid killed for escaping child slavery, live for the child disowned by their parents, live for your parents. Whether they care about you or not. If they never cared, prove them how much they missed out on and that your better and they were too busy being a screwed-up idiot of a human to notice.

“Why huddle when you could cuddle” that should be on a shirt but I’m too much of a broke smol child to make it.

You know what’s the worst? When your dad has the super tall genes and your mother had the super short genes and your super short, How the hell would you know what’s going to become of you? YOU DON’T! I don’t want to be a smol child forever! TMT…fudge.

I wish there was a world where I could just live in while I’m sleeping, where I could do things I always dreamed of, but the happiness of other people has always stopped me. Or maybe you could just turn of your emotions. Or maybe you could trade parts of yourself for enhanced abilities, let’s say you could have wings but you would never be able to stay in the same town or city for more than six years or something. I wish that every person should have some sort of world like that to escape to.

Those words hit my heart with the force of a nuclear bomb. My hopes and dreams floated up in a mushroom cloud. What do you do when the world has declared nuclear war on you? What do you do when the whole world has turned against you. When you have no clue what so ever. You create. You create something, anything! It doesn’t have to be something amazing, it just must have not been there before. Know that you created it and no one else could have EVER created something exactly like this and look and understand it the way you do. This is what separates you from the rest of the world, what makes you a wonder.

Am I a troubled kid? Yeah, you could say that. I have spent all my life living in a cage, I'm afraid to do what I have always want to, to believe what I want to, to live the way I want to. I don’t want to spoil the happiness of my parents for my own. But I can't help but wonder, it feels so wrong to even think it, is it worth it? Do they really care how much I sacrifice?

Cold. So cold. So empty. So silent. Don’t think that. Smile be happy. Laugh. Listen. Say something. No one cares. Empty. Cold. So cold. Cold.

What keeps us in this world, for some people it’s our family, others for our future or maybe the hope that the next day will be better, just one more day.

Have you ever wondered why you do things, like why did you wave hello at that person that you don’t even know, I mean over a hundred people just past you, what made you wave at that person?

We are all flags fluttering in the wind. Tied to a rope hat keeps us from drifting away… but what is that rope? What is the wind? The flag of the USA may represent hope, but what do we represent. What do the things we do represent about yourself? Who will you choose to be, how will you shape your future? But what if you’re not the one to shape your future? Everything you do or say represent whom you’ll become and how you’ll impact people in the future.

Don’t take ANYTHING for granted. What you may think will stay the same forever, I guarantee you that it will not. The tighter you hold onto something, the more likely it will be to disappear. It will disappear from your life like a kite on the wind.

If you do not wish to be forgotten, then do not forget.


Live everyday like it’s your last

My heart broke into fourteen pieces, one for each time that I had to leave my friends behind when I finished an assignment. Yes, my assignments are meant to change lives for the better but it still hurts to leave them behind. I haven't gotten attached to someone on a mission in the longest of time. Of course, I still have friends I can go back to, but I don’t get to be around them as much as I used to. I haven't seen Poseidon in 3 months, Hera and Zeus in 40 years, Athena in 150, and chaos for 894! And- well, you get my point. If you haven't guessed I'm not exactly the normal human- oh! Got to go, another assignment.

I have to change school soon, I know it will be good for me and will give me an upper hand, but I’ll still have to leave my friends behind. Everything will be different. Like, super-duper scary different. It will not only be a private school but a CHRISTAN private school. Uuuuuuuuuuuug! I will do so much better at school there, but I don’t want anything to change! Whyyyyyyyy! You get a grade on EFFORT. And I’m a lazy person!!!! seeeeend heeeeelp.

I’m going to end this book soon, all I have to say is thank you so much for reading and I hope this made a little moment in your life easier to endure and that life does you well and so forth blah blah blah, don’t forget blah blah blah… yeah.

I miss my home, home, not home-ssssss. I miss California very very very much, I miss my family there, and grandma’s backyard where I would run around with her dogs, and my cousins, I miss my aunts, I miss horseback riding, I miss the twisting oak tees but- I also like my house here, I also like my friends, I like all the libraries here, I like how the cold rain soaked air feels on my face during the day, I like the mountains that surround me and getting excited at the sight of snow on the tips of the mountains that make them look like there dipped in white chocolate, I like the chance that it my snow, I like the fresh water lakes that I walk to with my friends in the hot spring sun before I go back to California. I am kind of a nomad, it’s not like I don’t love traveling, I can’t imagine staying I the same state for more than four years, I am just a very dramatic person. Get used to it.

I can type while reading. Skiiiillllllssss, that’s you cue to cringe.

his nose bled like red fireworks. I mean wouldn’t yours if you just got kicked in the face? And that’s what happens when a freshman challenges an eighth-grade girl to a fight without knowing that she knows Ti-chi, you'd be surprised the things you can learn with YouTube.

It’s always so funny and satisfying when people want you to write a dramatic story by starting a sentence and wanting you to finish it, for instance a teacher told me to continue the story and it had started with: the charging elephant-, and I turned it into a story where I send it to a principle that I hated and so happens to be a dog or something and then something else about a little girl who turns into a wolf. The look on her face! Priceless!

Paper clip

Every night and every day, I take my wings and fly away! (Don’t judge me)

All my friends pinch my cheeks because they say there soft and like baby’s.

If anyone of my friends is being serous, I poke them in the cheek and go “blllllllpppppp!”

I haaaaaaaaaaaaaaate math.

My dad is awesome, he could have chosen to ignore my existence and I would have grown up having a way harder life. It’s because of him I’m everything I am.

Sprocket, what a fun word.

I feel bad for my Science teacher, everyone talks over her and causes her to lose her voice. She a strong woman and I respect her as a person very much. She’s good at teacher, the kids are bad a learning.

Every artist has standards, mine just so happen to be higher than my own art.

Me:” Fuzzy” Alexis: How about no BY: ALEXIS

I’m supposed to be doing something productive, and not Kyle is telling me about a decapitated bird him and his friend found by the portables. 

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Sun Jan 14, 2018 9:23 am
Mea wrote a review...

Hey there! I thought I'd drop by for a quick review today to get this out of the Green Room.

Yeah, this doesn't quite belong here as a literary work. It would fit better in the blogs section of the site, just for future reference. I'm not quite sure what you're looking for here, feedback-wise. I think I'll just go ahead and give my thoughts on the parts of this that could possibly be expanded into an article or a story.

All music could be considered strange.

I thought this was an interesting musing, one I'm inclined to agree with. There are common elements in nearly all of music, but then again there's also the whole genre of ambient music which is just a bunch of different sounds like you described arranged to suit a mood. I think you could take the time to discuss this idea of music more and particularly how it connects with the importance of creating music and really feeling it. Similarly with your thoughts on how it connects to writing - definitely worth exploring more.

You could feel it coming…

This little story was really interesting, high-stakes, and fast-paced. It really shouldn't all be one paragraph, though. I particularly liked the way you showed the girl's character even in the short time you had, by having her sing those songs even though she's fearing for her life right now. It says a lot of interesting things about her. I didn't understand what happened at the end, but suffice it to say my interest is piqued and you should consider expanding it into a story.

My heart broke into fourteen pieces

This was also interesting to read! Right away you grab the reader with an interesting character and a situation he's not happy about. However, be careful of drawing too much attention to that. The "you can probably guess I'm not a normal human" line makes the situation feel too contrived.

The rest I wasn't really able to tell what connected to each other, or didn't have any thoughts on. Honestly, this looks like a lot of my brainstorming documents - random and hard to understand unless you're the one who wrote them. Still, keep writing! You have some good ideas in here.

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Sat Dec 30, 2017 11:25 pm
Rosendorn wrote a review...


You've got a lot of stuff in here, which is great for a journal or blog but it gets really cluttered in a single piece.

I'd first suggest putting some sort of break between each mini story/set of thoughts (like, *** or --- or something fancy like ~*<>*~) helps people know where one thought ends and another begins. Because you have so many little ideas in here that can all sound really similar, it's important to have that break.

On that note of "sound really similar", here's a writing exercise for you: practice making each character sound really different. Have them use different sentence structures, different vocabulary, notice different things first, etc. This is a really important skill to develop as you write, because characters really need to sound different in stories. You don't want to write the same clone of a single voice, so developing that skill is something to strive for.

A lot of these pieces have a defensive tone to them, as well, so I'd suggest trying to write in different tones. Explaining yourself to this degree is what gives the defensiveness, because there's a lot of repetition along the lines of "yes, that's what happened" with an implied "what of it?" This is another thing you should work on stretching for different characters, especially if you switch around points of view a lot.

Hope this helps and gives you some pointers to improve upon in the future! You have some really interesting ideas here, but working them so they sound different from each other will serve you very well long term.


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Sun Dec 17, 2017 5:40 am
FreeDreamer says...

The first person to read this will probably be in 3046.

oh to be a cat in a pile of towels
— ChesTacos