
Young Writers Society

Full Bloods vs Half Breeds (Prologue)

by Fishr

(First attempt at Fantasy. Gulps!)


Full Bloods vs Half Breeds

By Jessica Bruce

Prologue: The Bloodline

Bitten. Changing. Bones breaking and forming a new skeletal frame. I scream out, and claw at my cheekbones, ripping fragments of flesh off. Blind. Eyes are pinned shut. Hunching over, trying to steady myself, I plant my palms firmly on the ground, and prepare for the next wave. Another sharp crack from the inside. A paw touches my shoulder.

“I… want to take… it… back,” I wheeze.

“I am afraid there is no turning back.”

I nod feebly. “I… sha… shou… na… na… - wha…” Gritting my teeth, I try again. “Wha-E is it … ha… hard ta… to… talk?”

“Perhaps the canine cells are fighting with your human ones. Beyond that, I am not certain.” There is a pause. “I warned you mixing the bloodlines might have been dangerous,” said a gruff tone. Another pause followed by a sigh shortly afterwards. “Had I known…”

Suddenly, I shriek. Standing quickly upwards, I shake my head fiercely from one side to the next. It feels like a chisel is smashing itself into my gums. Sharp. Cutting. Pain! My jawbone, there is another crack within, and I collapse back down on my knees and wimper. Unbelievable. I can’t speak physically, yet I’m able to think inside my mind without trouble. I flinch, and bite my lower lip. There are invisible talons, and… Bleeding! I’m bleeding internally now! These talons, make them stop tearing the tissue! I double-over thinking blood will surely spew out my eardrums or nostrils. Rolling around wildly on the ground now as if my clothes were caught on fire.

I cough, expecting to hack up bits of my lung or chunks of flesh. Instead, I feel the opposite, and fear attacks. It starts at the base of my shoulders and finds its way down to my waist. I shudder uncontrollably for a few seconds, then, the most remarkable – and frightening! – thing happens. Primal instinct or maybe it’s really me reacting to the changes my body is still undergoing, I begin spitting out my own teeth, without a second thought. One. Two. Five. Groups of disgusting, foul-tasting teeth were either slipping out from the corners of my lips freely or I was ejecting them in no particular area in the forest. My eyes are still closed. I refuse to open them and witness the animal I was told I would become an hour or possibly earlier but thankfully the pain starts to die down just enough, allowing me to relax. I spat another tooth, and as odd it might seem, I open and touch. No more teeth but gums. I move finger around, top to bottom, searching; alarm sets in once more.

“I huv noph teeuth!”

“Care to elaborate?”

I swallowed. I heard my breath coming from my mouth. Fierce, swift, labored. My chest rose and I quickly exhaled.

"NOO!” I screeched, and thrashed my head, side to side.

Razors! Pointy razors ripping upwards! I scratch, and rip away at my cheeks again, hoping to cancel out one dilemma for another. Breathing hard. Can’t control my heartbeat. I let my head drop, and begin coughing. The bitter taste of blood stings my tongue. I cough again, and then dig my fingernails into the soft soil and scratch it over and over. Anything to distract the pain was all that it mattered now. At least ten or so minutes passed – difficult to keep track time for sure – but the pain dwindled, leaving my poor, aching mouth. It hurt, everything is sore and aching in agony, yet somehow I’m still alive, still able to continue. I hear the wheezes escaping, and I gasp open-mouthed, trying desperately to calm my body down.

“How are you faring?”

His tone wasn’t exactly comforting, but Chance remained, as he promised. It was all I could have asked for now. If I had to experience this transformation alone, dangling from a tree trunk with a knot tied around my neck, I would have accepted that type of death open-armed.

“Ya… You stayed!”

“Of course. The pack always stays united, but you should already know this.” I feel him tugging my left ear roughly.

“Stop,” I say weakly.

“Not until my question is answered,” and the yanking of my ear continues.

“Stop!” comes a booming voice. Not my own but someone else’s. Who was that? Chance does obey the order but I’m left confused. I cock my head just so, and listen for a few seconds. Nothing. I try sniffing the air. No answers there either.

However, I recognize his smell. Chance reeks! He never bathes. He thinks wolves should never practice human habits, even though we are descended from them.

“I am weak,” I moan. No longer interested if there was indeed another person or aura of some form with us, I remain seated, letting my body heal.

“Check your teeth.”

I almost forgot. I guess I was so relieved the pain went away; I didn’t think to check my mouth. Opening it slowly, I whimper, “It hurts.”

“Expect pain. Much of it lies ahead.”

“You could at least be more sympathetic,” I groan, than I scan my gums with my tongue. There were indeed new ones in place. Had I been rested and in good health, I’m sure the mystery of where they came from would have shocked me but not now. Not when I ache.

“Open up, and let me see.”

Impassive. There was no trace of concern or fear in Chance’s voice. Regardless, I opened my mouth anyway.


I closed it. “What?”

“Your fangs have arrived,” he snickered. “And I dare say, your two front ones are the longest I have seen yet. If you crush a deer’s neck in those jaws, do howl in my direction. I will be sure to outrun the pack and make short work of the venison before the others have a chance to feast.”

“You’re grinning, aren’t you?”

“Yes, I am,” he snickers.

“Wait, how did I know that?”

“Know what?”

“Know that you were smiling? I still haven’t opened my eyes.”

“Well, perhaps you should do so.”

“Stop grinning at me!”

“But it is fun.”

“How? Tell me.”

“Tell you what?”

“You know!” I shout.

“Humph. There goes my pleasure.”

“Please,” I ask.

“Very good, you are learning quicker than I thought. Respect is key to the pack, and its leaders. It is your instincts. Remember our discussion about Full Bloods this past year?”

“Yes. Every word.”

“Good. That means your memory is improving too. Do remember also that with my bloodline pumping through those previously wretched human veins, your sight, hearing, and smell, they all will be heightened, and stronger than our cousins. With these senses comes another, an inner one if you will. We call it the Sixth Sense. It is the ability in knowing another presence that is near, something has gone astray, or like you have demonstrated now; there was a change in my facial features without needing to see it for yourself. Your newly acquired instincts have told you so. Take notice too – your speech has dramatically improved.”

I nodded, taking all the information in, and filing it deep within my memory. I have large fangs. I repeated the words a few more times. I’m capable of breaking a deer’s neck, and in my own mouth? I shuddered, realizing the power that has been given to me. I asked for it but had I any idea the immense pain involved…

Chance warned me from the get go that because he was a Full Blood himself, he also had no knowledge of the transformation I would undergo since he has never been exposed to the change. He says that he’s unaffected by the moon’s cycle, yet Chance is a prisoner to the sun. He once told me the reasoning. It had to do with an alliance made thousands of years ago by an ancient vampire and werewolf. To end the century-old battles between fur and fangs alike, supposedly the deal was the Full Bloods had to accept vampiric blood cells injected into each of them. It meant my race would forever be slaves to the sun, just like the vampire clan. And in return, we would no longer be hunted to the brink of extinction. Plus, we now have the clan as allies – powerful, super-fast, and intelligent beings. But that is all I know of the vampires. Chance’s explanation was brief. The last bit of information concerning our distant, nocturnal cousins that he shared was the leader of the vampire clan is still alive and is estimated to be six thousand years old! Never having met one, I wasn’t going to lose sleep over it. If vampires are any portrayed like anything in Bram Stoker’s movie, forget it. I never want to meet one. Brr…

The Half Breeds on the other hand, the moon’s rays do affect them. Blood-thirsty creatures of the night. They kill without remorse or pity, ripping every living thing to pieces, or at least that is what Chance told me.

“When you said ‘cousins’ earlier, did you mean the vampires?”

“No. I meant the Half Breeds.”


“Are you going to keep your eyes shut all night?”


“Suit yourself but Finley will disapprove strongly, and the pack has no room for weaklings in the hunt. You will need to see your surroundings to catch your prey.”

“I’m afraid,” I mutter.

“Well, there has not been much of a drastic difference from your previous appearance.”

That interested me, and I perked up a little. “I still look like a human?”

“No!” Chance snorted. “I have never witnessed a human with pointy ears, claws and fangs that would even make the vampires themselves second guess messing around with the likes of you.”

“Then I do look awful,” I groan.

“No, I disagree. You look like a wolf, well… Partially anyway.”

“What do you mean?” I asked, suddenly startled.

“Whereas I have a thick coat of fur, you still have flesh. Your nose does not look canine, nor do your feet either. There are no paws.”

“I thought the change would come at me all at once?”

“I told you earlier. I have no knowledge in these matters. Only a sane Half Breed could educate you, but seeing how that will never happen, I warned about the mishaps that may occur when mixing my blood with a human, especially the probability of either death or a crazed lunatic that is neither of my kin nor the Half Breeds.”

“So, wait, are you saying I’m not a Full Blood?”

“Exactly. You share the bloodlines of us, as well as vampiric cells, but officially you are an entirely new race. However, since you are neither dead, nor a raving loony, for now I think you are safe.”

“Thanks,” I mumble.

“Come. I know it is quite difficult excepting tonight’s events, but it is time.”

“Time for?”

“For you to open your blasted eyes! I cannot have a blind apprentice.”

“An apprentice?” I asked, refusing to open them for now. “I thought we were friends?”

“No time to explain. If another cycle is to engulf you, it might mean the end, boy. Come, it is time for us to pay a visit to my brother. Finley will decide.”

I shivered a little, accepting the facts very slowly. I had stared death in the face, and actually lived. Chance has spoken of Finley but it was always brief. From the descriptions, Finley wasn’t exactly a cupcake. Chance is stern and most definitely not affectionate but I would rather be with him – as his apprentice, learning under his guidance how to survive as a werewolf, than Finley. He might cut out a new mouth, in my stomach! Nope, that tears it; I’m sticking to Chance like glue. “Finley decides on?”

“Your place within the pack.”

“But I can still be with you, right?”

“Perhaps. It is not my decision but Finley’s.”

Wishing like hell, I didn’t decide to abandon my humanity; living on the streets was simple compared to this crap! Never having met Finley yet, it made me nervous, and the pounding of my heart reassured me of this wonderful fact. But, I am not a human any longer, and I’ve accepted it.

Lots of questions are colliding into one and another but I’m too tired to ask them all at once.

Slowly, surely, I lift my lids. They flutter for a bit, as my vision attempts to readjust itself. It doesn’t take long, more like a minute. I blink, thoroughly amazed by how much my eyesight has improved. Right away, I spot an owl several hundred feet off in the distance, give it or take. Had I been human still, the best I could hope to see was a giant rock a foot from my feet at night. As a human, my vision was a little rough during the day. I could find my way around the city’s maze of streets but nighttime was especially difficult maneuvering about. I could never have afforded to buy glasses, and lowering myself to the underbelly of scum – the druggies - by stealing, never appealed to me.

Chance, who was on his four legs, stepped near me, and stuck his snout right in my face. I didn’t object, nor pushed him away. After all, he was invading my personal space.

“Ah. You have the eyes of a wolf.”

“I do?”

“Yes. Your pupils are distinct.” He moves in even closer, and again, I don’t do anything. “Hmm… Too distinct,” he adds.


He doesn’t answer. Instead, he trots away.

“Wait!” I holler to him.

No good. Before I chase after, for some odd reason a strong feeling grows. It bubbles below my gut. Churning, circulating something that suddenly becomes appealing. Licking my lips, and crouching, I grow hungry. What’s on the menu? How about a furry, innocent, and a deliciously wonderful rabbit? Instincts kick in, and I spring into action. Running on two legs. Shortly, I realize that I can gain more momentum if I just run on fours, like Chance. I try, but stop, and frown. He runs with such grace and speed, and I can’t come within a fraction to match his pace. I will have to ask later, I say to myself. Still, I can run faster than a human. So, instead I stand, and give chase to Chance, ignoring the rabbit. I will just have to find my meal ticket later.

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Tue Apr 15, 2008 7:22 pm
Roaming Shadow wrote a review...

Foreword: I’m not going to look too hard for grammar or spelling mistakes, as those are things that are usually easily found when you reread it or edit it. I’ll be focusing on what are perhaps the more subtle elements, like plot and character. So, without further ado, here’s my take.

Well, the opening certainly catches attention. The first thing that I need to say about the piece is that you better start filling us in pretty soon on a few things, even if just a brief thing in passing. Things like why the heck is this guy (and I still don’t know his name) mixing werewolf DNA into his own, and who is this guy anyway? Being a character kinda guy, I’d like to get to know your main character a bit, and at the moment all I got is that he’s someone who’s not really sure deep down what he’d doing. With how he’d acting, the phrase “it seemed like a good idea at the time” comes to mind. Then again, maybe the pure physical shock of the transformation was what caught him off guard. Just a passing thought from him would be good enough for now, because right now, I’m at a loss for who this speaker is, and I’m sitting here with a lot of questions.

As to the description of said event, I think you do it in quite an interesting fashion. The use of italics I thought made an interesting element. In my mind, those parts had a different emphasis, which sounded pretty cool. Also, the fact that is sounds like the transformation began immediately after the bite is something I haven’t seen before, and certainly seems to have made the transformation that much more shocking for the hero. However, with all that’s there, and what Chance mentions have changed, you might want to mention those changes as well. The same pain in his mouth would likely be duplicated with the claws on his hands and feet. The general internals gave me a visceral impression of the pain he was experiencing, and as written, it sounds excruciating, just short of unbearable. I find it interesting how he gets back up before going to the ground again. In that kind of pain, the most I could see him doing is getting on his knees, his body snapping up from that pivot point.

The grammar, while mostly correct, seems erratic at times. It certainly does reflect the character’s state of mind however, so this might be one of those times when artistic liberties come into play. This is one of those times that something seems a little off to me, but at the same time it sounds good.

“Stop!” comes a booming voice. Not my own but someone else’s. Who was that? Chance does obey the order but I’m left confused. I cock my head just so, and listen for a few seconds. Nothing. I try sniffing the air. No answers there either.

Ominous. No matter how many times I see it, it never seems to get stale.

However, I recognize his smell. Chance reeks! He never bathes. He thinks wolves should never practice human habits, even though we are descended from them.

This comment seems random, despite the lead in. Commenting on Chance’s opinions regarding bathing seems out of context with how the MC is feeling. Simply stating that he doesn’t regularly bathe should be enough for now. As it stands, you seem to be developing Chance more than your MC, which to me sounds dangerous for a story told in first person.

Things go smoothly for me until the back and forth dialogue. I’ve seen in several places and from personal experience that this is something to be avoided. Personally, I can’t remember the last time I’ve seen it in a published book. Break it up with thoughts and/or other kind of descriptions. Though, in this case, seeing as how the MC’s eyes are closed, there’s not a whole lot of description you can mention that you haven’t already, can you? This might be a good time to get into his head a little bit and let the reader learn a few more things about him.

In my opinion, you handle the “info-dump” quite well. Because it’s an important lesson for the character, of course he would review it in his mind, and the lead in was great. You take one paragraph, never dawdling on unnecessary information, and give the reader a rundown of the important history and races. I’m sure there’s more detailed information, but you leave them out because, at the moment, they don’t seem relevant to the plot. When such details arise, that’s when you get into those details. Then you transition right back into the main narrative with a quick paragraph. I feel you handled that quite well.

This next back and forth is handled much better, the occasional narrative breaking up the dialogue.

“Come. I know it is quite difficult excepting tonight’s events, but it is time.”


Also, the unique position that the MC is in is interesting, with the mixing of bloodlines creating a unique specimen. There’s one detail I’m confused about: if a full blood bites a human, wouldn’t that make a half-breed? It just seems odd that apparently a full blood has never bitten a human before. However, these are thoughts in the back of my mind, ones I’m willing to sit on for the time being. Just keep in mind that this seems to be a loose end that you might want to tie up somewhere, unless I’m just missing something. Oh, and at the moment, the MC looks rather strange, though apparently the transformation is not completed yet it seems.

Wishing like hell, I didn’t decide to abandon my humanity

I’m a little confused as to what you’re trying to say here. Is he deciding that he doesn’t want to give up his humanity? Or something else? Also, if life on the street was “simple compared to this crap”, why did he do this in the first place? Then with his calmly internally accepting it, his feelings, emotions, and reasons seem to be all over the place, leaving more confused as to how his mind works and making it hard for me to have any connection with him.

The primal instinct apparently blending with human mind is a concept I’ve toyed with myself. Usually, when I read about or see werewolves, it is one way or the other. This has the potential for some interesting developments, and leaves me curious as to which one will be the dominant of the two in the future.

While the feud between werewolves and vampires is nothing new, this little mythos you’ve given us is a spin I haven’t heard yet. I’m curious as to how that might play into the plotline. As it stands now, this story could go anywhere. With how this story starts, I’d personally like to see some history sprinkled into the narrative pretty soon, to make a foundation for the MC and what’s going on and how it got to this. Nothing too in-depth, but something so that I’m more grounded in the story.

Overall, interesting start, and I’ll take a look as to how you’re developing this thing.

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Sun Mar 02, 2008 1:28 am
JabberHut wrote a review...

Here upon request. :) If I repeat anything, I'm very sorry. ^^

(First attempt at Fantasy. Gulps!)

Well, good luck! :D Here goes nothin'...

I scream out, [no comma] and claw at my cheekbones, ripping fragments of flesh off.

Hunching over, trying to steady myself, I plant my palms firmly on the ground, [no comma] and prepare for the next wave.

This is how I see it: If you put a comma in front of a contraction (in this case, and), then both sides of the contraction should be able to stand as its own sentence. In other words (since I tend to not make sense), Hunching...the ground would have to be its own sentence as well as prepare...next. That's my opinion.

Another pause followed by a sigh shortly afterwards.

I'd delete afterwards.

My jawbone, [dash? semi? something XD] there is another crack within, and I collapse back down on my knees and [s]wimper[/s] whimper.

These talons, [dash?] make them stop tearing the tissue!

A comma in these spots don't seem to belong. :?

I double-over, thinking blood will surely spew out my eardrums or nostrils.

Instead, I feel the opposite, [no comma] and fear attacks.

I shudder uncontrollably for a few seconds, then, [no comma] the most remarkable – and frightening! – thing happens.

Primal instinct or maybe it’s really me reacting to the changes my body is still undergoing, I begin spitting out my own teeth, [no comma] without a second thought.

I refuse to open them and witness the animal I was told I would become an hour or possibly earlier, but thankfully the pain starts to die down just enough, allowing me to relax.

It was a run-on without a comma. :lol:

I move [my?] finger around, top to bottom, searching; alarm sets in once more.

"NOO!” I screeched, and thrashed my head, [no comma] side to side.

I scratch, [no comma] and rip away at my cheeks again, hoping to cancel out one dilemma for another.

I let my head drop, [no comma] and begin coughing.

Chance does obey the order, but I’m left confused.

“You could at least be more sympathetic,” I groan, [s]than[/s] then I scan my gums with my tongue.

Had I been rested and in good health, I’m sure the mystery of where they came from would have shocked me, but not now.

I nodded, taking all the information in, [no comma] and filing it deep within my memory.



“Suit yourself, but Finley will disapprove strongly, and the pack has no room for weaklings in the hunt.

He might cut out a new mouth, [no comma] in my stomach!

Never having met Finley [s]yet[/s], it made me nervous, and the pounding of my heart reassured me of this wonderful fact.

Never means never, so putting yet in the same phrase as never didn't make sense to me. :lol:

But, [no comma] I am not a human any longer, and I’ve accepted it.

Lots of questions are colliding into one [s]and [/s]another, but I’m too tired to ask them all at once.

Right away, I spot an owl several hundred feet off in the distance, give [s]it [/s]or take.

I could never have afforded to buy glasses, and lowering myself to the underbelly of scum – the druggies - by stealing, [no comma] never appealed to me.

Chance, who was on his four legs, stepped near me, [no comm] and stuck his snout right in my face.

I didn’t object, nor [s]pushed[/s] push him away.

Didn't already makes the verb past tense. :D

So, [no comma?] instead I stand, and give chase to Chance, ignoring the rabbit.

Overall, I loved it. It's much more original, seeing as werewolves have been overused. I enjoyed this piece. :D

You overuse commas, in my opinion. Unless you have taken a class on the Comma or have useful notes on the use of the Comma (in that case, PM me them), hopefully I helped you out in that area? Suggestions as to reduce the comma usage?

Another comment: I've always seen half-blood with a hyphen in it. It's your choice, maybe start a new trend :lol:, but it's had a hyphen in between the words.

You asked about the characters. I didn't mind not knowing the Half-Breed's name. You did very well with the dialogue; I followed perfectly well! Character development wise, we're still getting used to them, still getting to know them. So not much comment there. Your dialogue helped you with the nameless Half Breed and Chance, though. No worries. :)

I think that's it. Oh wait! At a couple spots, you combine two words with a hyphen needlessly. I didn't point them out, thinking I'm not that nit-picky to point it out. I think super fast was one of them. You had a hyphen, and it wasn't needed. Not too much bother, though. :D

Wonderful job! Bravo! Keep writing!

Jabber, the One and Only!

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Sat Mar 01, 2008 1:46 am

Lol, nicely done. Yes, I am an evil editor. I'm even more evil when it comes to my own work. P.S. on this piece, you tend to get a little comma-happy from time to time - it's not too bad, just a little distracting, but I thought I'd let you know. And by the way, I read chapter two and I really enjoyed that as well. I'll critique it when I get a chance.

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365 Reviews

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Sat Mar 01, 2008 12:14 am
Fishr says...

So, I have edited a little, and elaberated on the story and character developement. I can't say for sure if the changes have improved the story or not. Only you can speak for me. Yes, you. ;)


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Thu Feb 28, 2008 9:11 pm
Fishr says...

We love first drafts, don't we? XD Agreed completely that it'll need work - and lots but I'm most definately up to the task. To be honest, this was written completely out of the blue, no outlines or planning what so ever. I've just been itching for a long time to try fantasy, and get my ideas down on paper. Now that I have, and with all your excellent suggestions and feedback, I might have a better sense where I'd like to take this story.

I also think it's time I assign a name to my main character, and maybe give it a gender? Hehe...


Saint - Snot? lol! I'm sorry I didn't leave mounds of grammatical and spelling errors for you to sweep up. I can PM you the next chapter if you'd still like me too.

Rei - Excellent points. I kinda did feel that I was rushing the story, but I wasn't a hundred percent sure, and agreed too that I should describe the change more thoroughly. After all, the werewolf transformation can be the of the coolest, visually appealing senarios in Literature. I suppose I now have an excuse to rent all the classic werewolf films to re-educate myself. Yes! :D

Sunny - *blinks* Quite a few mistakes there, huh? You've got the eye for editing. Kudos for pointing out the errors. It'll help me when I tear it to pieces with my own editing. Thank you.

There are a lot of phrases here, rather than full sentences. It's a bit awkward after a while.
Yup, hehe... The fragment sentences sorta just came about themselves, so I went with it to see where it would lead. Apparently, this voice of my main character lead to awkwardness and confusion. :roll: Joy... I think I'll cut some of them out but thank you too for bringing the fragmented sentences to my attention. It was something else I wasn't sure if it would work to my favor or not.

Ah, yes, Chance is becoming formal. I'm not sure how that's going affect the other characters just yet. If he starts acting pompous, they trait could be fun, especially if it ends up annoying the other chars. But, since Chance's speech has been mentioned, might as well take a closer look at it.

Hehe... As for the plot, ah... *runs and hides behind a boulder* I guess I don't have a solid plot either. For that matter, the setting sucks too, lol!

This chapter was meant to be set in the present, thus, why the main char "acts more knowledgeble" than one probably should. I have problems with tenses, so were all of you thinking this chapter was in the past?

EDIT: Not sure but did I info-dump?


Thank you all for taking the time to edit, your comments, and helping me out. :) Cheers!

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Thu Feb 28, 2008 3:04 am
Leja wrote a review...

There are a lot of phrases here, rather than full sentences. It's a bit awkward after a while. Example:

I recognize his smell. Chance reeks! He never bathes. Thinks wolves should never practice human habits.

“I am weak,” I moan. No longer interested if there was indeed another person or being with us, I remain seated, letting my body heal.

^ beginning with "Thinks wolves..." instead of beginning with "He thinks wolves" and beginning with "No longer interested...". Granted, the latter has a complete sentence attached to it, but it's the feeling of starting constantly in the middle of a sentence.

Things sound rather matter of fact. Example:

“Your fangs have arrived,” he snickered. “And I dare say, your two front ones are the longest by far I have seen yet. If you crush a deer’s neck in those jaws, do howl in my direction. I will be sure to outrun the pack and make short work of the venison before the others have a chance to feast.”

Maybe too formal? If that's his style of speaking, that' fine; it'll distinguish him from the others, but if the whole pack talks like that, it'll be hard to tell one from another. Like in the paragraph above, I feel like I should have been able to tell more about what Chance was thinking, but formal phrases like "by far I have seen yet", "do howl", "I will be sure" and "have a chance to feast" seem to constrict him.

“Good. That means your memory is already improving too. But to paraphrase, remember with our bloodline pumping through those wretched human veins, your sight, hearing, smell; they all will be heightened, and stronger than our cousins. With these senses comes another, an inner one if you will. It is the ability in knowing another presence that is near, something has gone astray, or like you have demonstrated now; there was a change in my facial features without needing to see it for yourself. Your newly acquired instincts have told you so. Take notice too – your speech has dramatically improved too.”

^ I don't think it was so much the big block of information that made me not like this paragraph so much as introducing it with a "let me summarize" statement. That makes it sorta like you've been taken out of the story and are watching it from a structural point of view, rather than a plot and story point of view.

“No!” Chance snorted. “I have never witnessed a human with pointy ears, claws and fangs that would even make the vampires themselves second guess messing around with the likes of you.”

^ This again seems more for reader benefit. Rather than list his new traits, maybe describe them in detail, addressing the narrator?

Chance, who was on his four legs, stepped near me, and stuck his snout right in my face. I didn’t object, nor pushed him away. After all, he was invading my personal space.

^ there's a change here from present tense to past tense, and it switches again in the paragraphs that follow.

I think that the biggest thing here is too much information and not enough plot. I don't really get a sense of direction through much of it, until Chance says they're going to see his brother. I think that without that momentum, there's a difficulty.

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Thu Feb 28, 2008 2:30 am
Rei wrote a review...

It certainly does not suck by any means. However, it could use some work. Throughout the story it was never clear if it was werewolves or vampires. I'd want a little more background and history of the characters as well to help us understand what is happening here. The other thing you can do to imrpove this is slow down and give us a little more descriptive detail. Make us really feel what is going on in the character's body. Don't be afraid to be gory if it will help.

Anyway, kudos for being brave and branching out to other genres!

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241 Reviews

Points: 1090
Reviews: 241

Thu Feb 28, 2008 1:36 am
lyrical_sunshine wrote a review...

Hey! I really enjoyed this! You put kind of a new twist on the old werewolf idea. I put my corrections in bold. :D


Samuel Garrison wrote:(First attempt at Fantasy. Gulps!)

Full Bloods vs Half Breeds
By Jessica Bruce

The Bloodline

Bitten. Changing. Bones breaking and forming a new skeletal frame. I scream out, and claw at my cheekbones, ripping pieces of flesh off. Blind. Eyes are pinned shut. Hunching over, trying to steady myself, I plant my hands firmly on the ground, and prepare for the next wave. Another sharp crack from the inside. A paw touches my shoulder.

“I… want to take… it… back,” I wheeze.

“I am afraid there is no turning back.”

I nod feebly. “I… sha… shou… na… na… - wha…” Gritting my teeth, I try again. “Wha-E is it … ha… hard ta… to… talk?”

“Perhaps the canine cells are fighting with your human ones. Beyond that, I am not certain.” There is a pause. “I warned you mixing the bloodlines might have been dangerous,” said a gruff tone. Another pause, followed by a sigh shortly afterwards. “Had I known…”

Suddenly, I shriek. Standing quickly upwards, I shake my head fiercely from one side to the next. It feels like a chisel is smashing itself into my gums. Sharp. Cutting. Pain! My jawbone, there is another crack within, and I collapse back down on my knees (This sentence is a fragment, and a little awkward). Unbelievable is the word. I can’t speak openly, yet I’m able to think inside my mind without trouble. Bleeding! I’m bleeding internally now!

I cough, expecting to hack up bits of my lung or chunks of bloody tissue. Instead, I feel the opposite, and I a ripple of fear attacks (<um...what? lol). I shudder uncontrollably for a few seconds, then, the most remarkable – and frightening! – thing happens. Primal instinct or maybe it’s really me reacting to the changes my body is still undergoing, I begin spitting out my own teeth, without a second thought. One. Two. Five. Groups of disgusting, foul-tasting teeth were either slipping out from the corners of my lips freely or I was ejecting them in no particular area in the forest. My eyes are still closed. I refuse to open them and witness the animal I was told I would become (comma here) but thankfully the pain starts to die down just enough, allowing me to relax. I spat another tooth, and as odd it might seem, I open and touch. No more teeth but gums. Moving my finger around, top to bottom, searching, alarm sets in once more.

“I huv noph teeuth!”

“Care to elaborate?” (lol, nice)

I swallowed. I heard my breath coming from my mouth (where else does your breath usually come from?). Fierce and swift. My chest rose and I quickly exhaled. It might have been an hour or longer for all I cared, but – “NOO!” I screeched, and thrashed my head, side to side.

Razors! Pointy razors ripping upwards! I scratch, and rip away at my cheeks again, hoping to cancel out one dilemma for another. Breathing hard. Can’t control my heartbeat. I let my head drop, and begin coughing. The bitter taste of blood stings my tongue. I cough again, and then dig my fingernails into the soft soil and scratch it over and over. Anything to distract the pain was all that it mattered now. At least ten or so minutes passed – difficult to keep track for sure – but the pain dwindled, leaving my poor, aching mouth. It hurt, everything is sore and aching in agony, yet somehow I’m still alive, still able to continue. I hear the wheezes escaping, and I gasp open-mouthed, trying desperately to calm my body down.

“How are you fairing?” (faring)

His tone wasn’t exactly comforting, but Chance remained, as he promised. It was all I could have wanted right now. To go through this transformation alone, dangling from a tree trunk, I would have accepted that type of death open-armed. (A run-on, I think)

“Ya… You stayed!”

“Of course. The pack always stays united, but you should already know this.” I feel him tugging my left ear roughly.

“Stop,” I said weakly.

“Not until my question is answered,” and the yanking of my ear continues.

“Stop!” comes a booming voice. Not my own but someone else’s. At any rate, Chance obeys the order. I listen for a few seconds, than sniff the air.

I recognize his smell. Chance reeks! He never bathes. Thinks wolves should never practice human habits.

“I am weak,” I moan. No longer interested if there was indeed another person or being (hmm..."being" is a sort of awkward word) with us, I remain seated, letting my body heal.

“Check your teeth.”

I almost forgot. I guess I was so relieved the pain went away; I didn’t think to check my mouth. Opening it slowly, I whimper, “It hurts.”

“Expect pain. Much of it lies ahead.”

“You could at least be more sympathetic,” I groan, than I scan my gums with my tongue.

“Open up, and let me see.”

Impassive. There was no trace of concern or fear in Chance’s voice. Regardless, I opened my mouth anyway.


I closed it. “What?”

“Your fangs have arrived,” he snickered. “And I dare say, your two front ones are the longest by far I have seen yet (nix "I have seen yet"). If you crush a deer’s neck in those jaws, do howl in my direction. I will be sure to outrun the pack and make short work of the venison before the others have a chance to feast.”

“You’re grinning, aren’t you?”

“Yes, I am,” he snickers.

“Wait, how did I know that?”

“Know what?”

“Know that you were smiling? I still haven’t opened my eyes.”

“Well, perhaps you should do so.”

“Stop grinning at me!”

“But it is fun.”

“How? Tell me.”

“Tell you what?”

“You know!” I shout.

“Spoil my fun will you.” (A bit of an awkward sentence)

“Please,” I asked.

“Very good, you are learning already. Respect. It is your instincts. Remember our discussion about Full Bloods?”

“Yes. Every word.”

“Good. That means your memory is already improving too. But to paraphrase, remember with our bloodline pumping through those wretched human veins, your sight, hearing, smell; (hyphen rather than semicolon) they all will be heightened, and stronger than our cousins. With these senses comes another, an inner one if you will. It is the ability in knowing another presence that is near, something has gone astray, or like you have demonstrated now; there was a change in my facial features without needing to see it for yourself (I think this is a run-on as well.) Your newly acquired instincts have told you so. Take notice too – your speech has dramatically improved too.”

I nodded, taking all the information in, and filing it deep within my memory. I have large fangs. I repeated the words a few more times. I’m capable of breaking a deer’s neck, and in my own mouth? I shuddered, realizing the power that has been given to me. I asked for it but had I any idea the immense pain involved…

Chance warned me from the get go that because he was a Full Blood himself, he also had no knowledge of the transformation I would undergo since he has never been exposed to the change. He says that he’s unaffected by the moon’s cycle, yet Chance is a prisoner to the sun. He once told me the reasoning. It had to do with an alliance made thousands of years ago by an ancient vampire and werewolf. To end the century-old battles between fur and fangs alike, supposedly the deal was the Full Bloods had to accept vampiric blood cells injected into each of them. It meant my race would forever be slaves to the sun, just like the vampire clan. And in return, we would no longer be hunted to the brink of extinction, plus we now have the clan as allies – powerful, super-fast, and intelligent beings. But that is all I know of the vampires. Chance’s explanation was brief. The last bit of information concerning our distant, nocturnal cousins that he shared was the leader of the vampire clan is still alive and is estimated to be six thousand years old! (I think you should say, "The last bit of information that he shared concerning..." It flows a little better.) Never having met one, I wasn’t going to lose sleep over it either. If vampires are any portrayed in Bram Stoker’s movie, forget it. ("like vampires portrayed" or "similar to vampires"...makes more sense) I never want to meet one. Brr…

The Half Breeds on the other hand, (hyphen rather than comma) the moon’s rays affect them. Blood-thirsty creatures of the night. They kill without remorse or pity, ripping every living thing to pieces, or at least what Chance has told me.

“When you said ‘cousins’ earlier, did you mean the vampires?”

“No. I meant the Half Breeds.”


“Are you going to keep your eyes shut all night?”


“Suit yourself but Finley will disapprove strongly, and the pack has no room for weaklings in the hunt. You will need to see your surroundings to catch your prey.”

“I’m afraid,” I mutter.

“Well, there has not been much of a drastic difference from your previous appearance.”

That interested me, and I perked up a little. “I still look like a human?”

“No!” Chance snorted. “I have never witnessed a human with pointy ears, claws and fangs that would even make the vampires themselves second guess messing around with the likes of you.”

“Then I do look awful,” I groan.

“No, I disagree. You look like a wolf, well… Partially anyway.”

“What do you mean?” I asked, suddenly startled.

“Whereas I have a thick coat of fur, you still have flesh. Your nose does not look canine, nor do your feet either.”

“I thought the change would come at me all at once?”

“Remember, I told you earlier. I have no knowledge in these matters. Only a sane Half Breed could educate you, but seeing how that will never happen, I warned about the mishaps that may occur when mixing my blood with a human, especially the probability of either death or a crazed lunatic that is neither of my kin nor the Half Breeds.”

“So, wait, are you saying I’m not a Full Blood?”

“Exactly. You share the bloodlines of us, as well as vampiric cells, but officially you are an entirely new race. However, since you are neither dead, nor a raving loony, for now, I think you are safe.”

“Thanks,” I mumble. (lol)

“Come. I know it is quite difficult excepting tonight’s events, but it is time.”

“Time for?”

“For you to open your blasted eyes! I cannot have a blind apprentice.”

“An apprentice?” I asked, refusing to open them for now. “I thought we were friends?”

“Come, it is time for us to pay a visit to my brother. Finley will decide.”


“Your place within the pack.”

“But I can still be with you, right?”

“Perhaps. It is not my decision but Finley’s.”

Wishing like hell, (no comma) I didn’t decide to abandon my humanity; living on the streets was simple compared to this crap! (Try "I wished like hell I didn't decide to abandon..." Again, it makes more sense)Never having met Finley yet, it made me nervous, and the pounding of my heart reassured me of this wonderful fact. But, I am not a human any longer, and I’ve accepted it. Lots of questions are colliding into one and another but I’m too tired to ask them all at once.

Slowly, surely, I lift my lids. They flutter for a bit, as my vision attempts to readjust itself. It doesn’t take an hour either, more like a minute. I blink, thoroughly amazed by how much my eyesight has improved. Right away, I spot an owl several hundred feet away, give it or take. Had I been human still, the best I could hope to see was a giant rock a foot from my feet. As a human, my vision was always slim at best, and especially at night. I could never have afforded to buy glasses, and lowering myself to the scum of the streets by stealing, never appealed to me. (Run-on)

Chance, who was on his four legs, stepped near me, and stuck his snout right in my face. I didn’t object, nor pushed (push) him away. After all, he was invading my personal space.

“Ah. You have the eyes of a wolf.”

“I do?”

“Yes. Your pupils are distinct.” He moves in even closer, and again, I don’t do anything. “Hmm… Too distinct,” he adds.


He doesn’t answer. Instead, he trots away.

“Wait!” I holler to him.

No good. Before I chase after, for some odd reason a strong feeling grows. It bubbles below my gut. Churning, circulating something that suddenly becomes appealing. Licking my lips, (no comma) and crouching, I grow hungry. What’s on the menu? A furry, innocent, and a deliciously wonderful rabbit ("A furry, innocent, and delicious rabbit" or something like that. What you have is a bit awkward). Instincts kick in, and I spring into action. Running on two legs. Realize that I can gain more momentum if I just run on fours, like Chance. I try, but stop, and frown. He runs with such grace and speed, and I can’t come within a fraction to match his pace. I will have to ask later, I say to myself. Still, I can run faster than a human. So, instead I stand, and give chase to Chance, ignoring the rabbit. I will just have to find my meal ticket later.

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497 Reviews

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Reviews: 497

Thu Feb 28, 2008 1:02 am
Teague wrote a review...

Hey Fish! First attempt at fantasy, eh? Go you for branching out! :D

Standing quickly upwards,

"Standing up quickly" might help with fluency here.

*Random note* This is written in present tense, yes? Keep an eye on your usage of the past-tense "said."

...Haha, wow, that's all I have to correct? Snot. :P

This is good, Fish! I don't see anything majorly wrong with it. It's a great first attempt at fantasy. Your writing is excellent -- a good mix of aciton, emotion, and character insight. I have a really clear picture of what's going on in my head. I'd definitely continue it if I were you. ^_^

No major complaints from me! Well, there will be major complaints if you don't continue this and/or PM me when you post more. :P

Hehe. Excellent work. Much love.

-Saint Razorblade
The Official YWS Pirate :pirate3:

“Such nonsense!" declared Dr Greysteel. "Whoever heard of cats doing anything useful!" "Except for staring at one in a supercilious manner," said Strange. "That has a sort of moral usefulness, I suppose, in making one feel uncomfortable and encouraging sober reflection upon one's imperfections.”
— Susanna Clarke, Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell