Heyday n.
The period of greatest popularity, success, or power; prime.
It is rather emotionally detached. I'll work on it.
Heyday n.
The period of greatest popularity, success, or power; prime.
It is rather emotionally detached. I'll work on it.
This felt detached and rather melencholy. It also felt overly metaphorical, but I think that's just me. Also, I could feel this, but I didn't live it.
bearing joyful fruits, depositing them indiscriminately to those you meet
This line stands out for me.. can't say why, really. I too was wondering about "heyday", but it seems to me I do know it, I just can't remember at the moment. Hmm.. second stanza, third through sixth lines didn't quite feel right to me.
Um well...you always do a good job with imagery and you use your words in a way that I haven't seen anyone else do. However, I just can't seem to feel anything. I feel like I'm looking into glass box with a rose in it. I'm looking at it...admiring it because it's so beautiful but I just can't touch it...I can't feel it.
grim, defiant strokes of the industrial heyday
I know this might sound stupid but what is a heyday? I do love this line though I don't even know what a heyday is and I'm too lazy to look it up in Webster's.
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