Tell me everything I've done, and tell if they're weird
I cannot keep my head straight on my neck
Everything I say is incoherent or downright incomprehensible
Weird obsessions and crazy people fill my mind
murder plots, serial killer tendencies, and unusual body language
laughing at inappropriate things at the wrong time
watching my sister as she slept quietly in the morning
keeping an eye on everyone, and i mean everyone
not trusted with any shrp objects when i was youger
strange looks and juding stares from family and friens
isolaed from the popular groups because of my bouts of laugher
biting eveythng in sight just to make indentions or holes
tWitchity twitchIdy Twitch all my body parts on the ready for attck
preSsure builds up in my cHest and only gets rleased with screamS and lAughs
why wOnt you let me Pinch yoU/ it wont hurt a biT
the twiches turn into punChes and sLaps and kIcKs and biTes
it$ ok^y th0ugh
!T d0Esnt man!feSt intO mY d@Y tO DaY liF3
oR do3s iT/
I don't know
Points: 321
Reviews: 1456