
Young Writers Society

Red Fangs

by Fantasy♥101

(Its a start, only two chapters)

Red Fangs and its Georgeous Employees

“Ell?” A voice called. I turned around. Leo was jogging toward me. “Oh, hey Leo.” I said wiping tears from my eyes. “What’s the matter?” he asked, concerned. “Kevin just broke up with me.” I said, trying to keep from crying again. “Oh, Ell, I’m so sorry.” He said, and pulled me into his arms. I breathed in his familiar scent, and for some reason, it made me feel better. He was a lot taller than I was, so he rested his head on mine.

I pulled away after a while, and smiled up at him. “Did you want me to walk you home?” he asked, and I nodded, grateful not to be walking alone. He took my hand, and we started toward my house. “I like your outfit.” Leo commented, I laughed. I was wearing baby blue tank that said Blood-Sucker in swirly red letters across the chest. I had put it with a purple and pink plaid skirt and some black flats that had pink ribbon laced all around. “Thanks.” I said, smiling at him.

I looked around us. We were walking along a street with tons of shops, but they weren’t very busy, seeing as it was Sunday, and a lot of the people in town were very religious. I saw one of my favorite stores, Red Fangs. It was a store completely dedicated to Vampires. They have every vampire book imaginable, fake fangs, legends, posters, shirts, they serve blood-red punch; it’s amazing! I don’t know why, but I’ve always been strangely drawn to vampires. My room was covered with posters about them, a lot of my clothes had something about vamps on them, I had read tons of books on them, I was a total vamp freak. And practically all of my stuff came from Red Fangs.

I pulled Leo over to it. “Hey Kent.” I said to one of the handsome workers as I entered, I knew everyone that worked there. “Hey Ell.” He said, smiling then went back to helping a costumer. I went over to the book section, I’d heard that there was a new Vampire Academy book, and Red Fangs always got the first ever copies. They weren’t allowed to put it out until the release date, but I knew people. “Hi Carly!” I said to the beautiful black-haired girl behind the counter, everyone who worked here seemed to be amazingly gorgeous for some odd reason, she smiled, “Ell! Haven’t seen you in days!” I laughed, “That’s because you’ve been gone!” I lowered my voice so none of the other customers could hear. “You guys have Blood Promise, don’t you?” I asked, she leaned in, and nodded, “Yeah. You want a copy?” she asked, I grinned; “Duh!” she smiled too, and looked around as if someone might over hear. “Come on.” She said, and walked into the back. I followed.

“Here it is!” she said, and held up the 4th book in the Vampire Academy series. “How much?” I asked, pulling out my wallet, she checked the box, “Fifteen dollars even.” She said, and I handed her the money, “You are now the first person ever to own a copy of Blood Promise!” she said, and handed me the book. “Hurray!” I said.

We left the back room and Carly took her place behind the counter. I saw Leo looking around confused, and laughed. “Sorry Leo. I had to do something.” I said as I reached him. He smiled. I looked behind him, and saw an insanely gorgeous face that I had never seen before. Two, now that I looked again. Some new members of the Red Fangs gang, obviously. I wondered, not for the first time, why they only had super beautiful people working here. Maybe they should change the name to Red Fangs and its Gorgeous Employees.


“I didn’t see the help wanted sign.” I said jokingly to Carly, she looked away from the candy holder she was starting at, “Huh?” she said. I looked pointedly in the directions of the new guys. A look of recognition crossed her face, “Ah, yes. That’s Carter Hansum and Ethan Dramori.” I raised my eyebrows, “Carter Handsome.” She laughed, and shook her head, “It’s spelled different. H-A-N-S-U-M.” “Well, it certainly fits him,” I said, “but then again, it would fit anyone in here.”

She smiled, and seemed to be in her own thoughts for a second, but she came back fast, “Except for the customers.” She said, and I punched her shoulder, and made a weird face at her, she laughed, “Don’t worry, I didn’t mean you.” “Yeah, sure.” I joked, she rolled her eyes. I poured myself some punch, and turned to look at the new guys again, they were almost the same height, but one was slightly taller, the one Carly’d said was Carter. He had dark brown flowing hair, sharp grey/silver eyes, and a smooth pink mouth that was currently turned up in a smile. The other one, Ethan, had a face that made you want to grin, with slight freckles on the top of his nose, shimmering golden hair that was like a halo around his face, deep blue eyes, and was muscled, yet still thin. Both were slightly tanned, and-of course-drop dead handsome.

I took a sip of my drink, and continued examining the boys. They were talking and laughing about something. Ethan turned so I could see his whole front, and I realized that he looked a lot like me! Just more handsome. But it was probably just my imagination, I mean, my whole family died in the fire, I was the only survivor. I would not allow my hopes to rise.

It was then that I realized Carly had said something. “What?” I said. “I was wondering if you liked the punch. You always take some, but you never say if you really like it.” She said. I was surprised at her question, “Uh, well, I’m not usually a fan of fruit punch, but I like this one for some reason.” I shrugged. She opened her mouth to say something else, but a voice spoke behind me, “Hey Carly. Do you like me or Carter more?”

I turned and saw that Ethan and Carter had moved over so they were right next to us. Carly rolled her eyes. “Right now? Neither of you.” Ethan laughed and Carter rolled his eyes, then he noticed me standing there, “Who’s this?” he asked Carly. She smiled, “This is my bff Ell.” She said, putting her arm around my shoulder, I grinned and did the same. I bet we looked rather awkward since we were on opposite sides of the counter. Carter and Ethan both laughed, “Nice.” Ethan said, “I’m Ethan.” I smiled, “I’m Ellianna, but you can call me Ell.” I said, and his eyes widened, but quickly went back to normal. “And I’m Carter.” He said. “Hello Hansum.” I said, and we all laughed. “Sure, pick on the new guy.” He said, I smiled, “Always!”

“How long have you worked here?” Ethan asked. I shook my head, “Oh, I don’t work here. I’m just a constant visitor.” Ethan, Carter, and Carly exchanged a lighting quick glance, but it was packed with meaning. They looked like they were surprised about something, and had looked to Carly for help, and she slightly shook her head, slightly glaring at them. They acted like they had a secret that I couldn’t know. I’m not sure how I caught all this, but I just did, I always saw even the quickest movements.

I ignored the look, If they didn’t want me to know, that was fine, I had things that I didn’t want them to know too. “Do you like the punch?” Ethan said suddenly. I raised my eyebrow; that was the second time I’d been asked that today, “Common question.” I muttered, and then said clearer, “Yes. Why?” Out of the corner of my eye I saw Carter’s brow furrow. “Oh, just wondering, because I love it. It’s just got a flavor about it…” I nodded, “Yeah. I’m not a big fan of punch, but I like this one for some reason. I’ve never tasted anything like it.” I said, practically repeating myself. He nodded, looking deep in thought. “Carly, there’s something I needed to talk to you about. If you’ll excuse us.” He said, and they went into the back.

“Has Daphne ever-“ He started, “Has Daphne ever what?” Daphne said, she walked out of the back and came to stand next to us. She had mid-back bright orange hair, and brilliant green eyes. Her bangs were separated from the rest of her hair by a light purple headband; she wore shoes to match the head band, and a darker purple dress with a light purple trim. She looked like a magnificent Daphne from Scooby Do; which was probably what she was going for.

Carter smiled, “He Daph. I was just wondering if you’d ever offered Ell here a job.” Daphne looked at me, “Do you like the punch?” she asked. I raised my eyebrows. “What?” she asked, and looked at Carter for help, he started laughing, so she turned back to me. “I’ve been asked that three times within the last hour.” I said, Daphne looked surprised, “Wow, well, do you?” I sighed, and nodded, “Yes.” I said, not going into the whole ‘I don’t usually like it’ thing. She frowned, her brow furrowing, she looked exactly like Carter had when he’d first heard my answer. “Why didn’t you ever say so?” she asked, “Well, because I didn’t think it was that important. I mean, it’s a drink for christ sake. Why would it matter?” Daphne looked taken aback, “Well, uh, I want to make sure our costumers like our products. And most people either hate it or love it, and they tell us all about it.” She said. “We’ll be right back.” She grabbed Carter’s hand and they went into the back.

I was growing suspicious about the punch. Why did everyone keep asking if I liked it? Why did it matter? Did it have something to do with getting a job here? I rolled my questions around in my mind, watching the curtain separating the back from the rest of the store. Suddenly, a muffled start of the song ‘Broken’ by Amy Lee and Seether came from my pocket. It was Kevin’s ring tone. In everything that had happened, I had totally forgotten about him. I sighed and pulled it out, figuring I’d analyze my questions tonight. Little did I know they’d all be answered much sooner than that.

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99 Reviews

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Reviews: 99

Thu Jul 30, 2009 1:22 am
TaylaChase wrote a review...

This was really good! I enjoyed it.
I did find some things you could change, though.

he asked, and I nodded, grateful not to be walking alone.

I would do something more like 'he asked. I nodded, grateful'

I was wearing baby blue tank

'a baby blue' (Missing an 'a')

I looked around us.

I would get rid of 'us'

book imaginable, fake fangs, legends, posters, shirts, they serve blood-red punch; it’s amazing!

'posters, shirts, and they even serve blood-red punch; it's amazing!'
I would try something more like that.

My room was covered with posters about them, a lot of my clothes had something about vamps on them, I had read tons of books on them, I was a total vamp freak.

'My room is covered' If her room is no longer covered with vampire posters you should mention why.

a lot of my clothes have something about

Again, same thing.

I would change to;

'vamps on them, and I read tons of books on them. I'm a total vamp freak.'

smiling then went back to helping a costumer.

How about 'smiling as he went back'

I said to the beautiful black-haired girl behind the counter, everyone who worked

'behind the counter. Everyone who'
I would start a new sentence.

amazingly gorgeous for some odd reason, she smiled

I would start a new sentence after 'reason' as well.

I asked, she leaned in, and nodded,

I would change it to something like;
'I asked. She leaned in and nodded,'

she asked, I grinned; “Duh!”

Here I would eliminate 'she asked'

jokingly to Carly, she looked away from

I would change it to;
'jokingly to Carly. She looked'

Overall, I liked your idea but I think you need to work a bit on detail and character depth. I don't feel anything towards your characters.

Other than that, it was great! Keep working on it!

Feel free to PM me with any questions!


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88 Reviews

Points: 2290
Reviews: 88

Tue Jul 28, 2009 11:02 pm
ZannaShepherd wrote a review...

Hi Fantasy♥101,
Sorry, I'm new at this, and totally suck at giving reviews.
I really liked your story! It had a great plot and kept me glued to the page. I can't wait to read more.
The description was great, the characters had good descriptions too, but Ell didn't seem very sad after getting dumped. Also what happens to Leo, He just disappears in the end.

Here are a few things I found:

. . . wearing a baby blue tank that . . .

I think you left out 'a'.

This is my bff Ell.

Since this is an abbreviation, I think it need to be capitalized.

Other than that it was awesome!

What a piece of work is a man! How noble in reason, how infinite in faculty, in form and moving how express and admirable, in action how like an angel, in apprehension how like a god -- the beauty of the world, the paragon of animals!
— William Shakespeare