
Young Writers Society

The Sorceror's Descendant-Prolouge:Dark beginnings

by Fan

Prologue – A dark beginning

Lightning flashed across the night sky and rain poured down endlessly from the heavens as Kyvor slowly made his way up the winding path. His destination was not so far now; it was an abandoned lighthouse that stood like a sentinel over the crashing waves of the ocean.

“Why did he choose a place like this?” Kyvor muttered to himself as a fierce gust of wind made him stumble sideways. Of course, it had to be a place like this. The Lord had always been attracted to power. This storm was probably of his design, brewed up to impress the messenger of the Shadows. Well, it was doing a good job.

After much effort, Kyvor finally managed to reach the lighthouse. He fumbled with a pocket on his leather coat with frozen fingers and drew out a wooden wand. Wands annoyed him but his fingers were too numb to try runes. With a shaking hand he closed his eyes, swept the wand in an arc over his head and muttered an incantation.

At once, he felt himself being sucked away; something that always happened when someone ported. He kept his eyes firmly closed as he felt strangely light. A few seconds later he felt a rush of warmth and his feet once more touched the ground.


Kyvor opened his eyes.

He was in a hall crafted out of black stone and polished to a superb shine. There were no windows; the only sources of light were the flaming torches that were suspended in brackets.

“Are you deaf, Kyvor?”

Kyvor snapped his head to the right to see a woman standing arrogantly. Her look of contempt couldn't be more obvious. She was middle aged with a regal aura that was so thick it could have chocked someone. Her beauty helped to cement her aloofness but it made Kyvor laugh inside to think of which potions she intoxicated herself on to maintain her looks. Like Kyvor she wore a long leather coat but where his had the blue symbol of the shadows over his heart, hers had the gold symbol of the lord.

“I have a message from the Shadows to the Lord,” said Kyvor.

“Give it to me then, and I shall make sure he receives it,” replied the woman.

“It’s a verbal one, but the Lord will probably tell you anyway. Tell him that the enclave have made their next move. They’ve sent Elayna Fenthera under the guise of one Eleanor Harbour to a town on the South coast of England.”

“So they’ve finally decided to use their cute, little prodigy. It was time Merlin’s line produced someone with talent. She might actually be fun to kill,” said the woman mockingly. “But why would the Lord care if they’re going to move some girl?”

It was Kyvor’s turn to mock.

“Oh, don’t you know, Lirelle? The enclave has been operating more and more around that area, and now they have sent the heiress of Merlin's house there. They might have located the key. Doesn’t the Lord hold you in his confidence?”

Just as Lirelle drew breath to make a reply, Kyvor waved his arm in an arc over his head and was gone, leaving Lirelle fuming in the hall.

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Thu Aug 23, 2007 8:03 pm
Fan says...

Excuse me, Mr crucifix. But prologues tend to be a touch shadier then actual chapters. There are reasons you can't just transport to the big bad boss' HQ seeing as the good duys would just bust his behind if it was that simple. Kyvor had to go by a special portway that was located at the lighthouse door.

And it is possible to do an action arrogantly. Have you never heard 'said *insert character* with an arrogant sneer' and co.

And there are messages other than verbal. Written messages is one, and sign messages using sticks, hand signs ect.

Anyway, I hope that cleared things up.

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Wed Aug 22, 2007 3:35 pm
Crucifix wrote a review...

Fantasyartist wrote:Prologue – A dark beginning

Lightning flashed across the night sky and rain poured down endlessly from the heavens as Kyvor slowly made his way up the winding path. His destination was not so far now; it was an abandoned lighthouse that stood like a sentinel over the crashing waves of the ocean.

“Why did he choose a place like this?” Kyvor muttered to himself as a fierce gust of wind made him stumble sideways. Of course, it had to be a place like this. The Lord had always been attracted to power. This storm was probably of his design, brewed up to impress the messenger of the Shadows. Well, it was doing a good job.

Wouldn't he think rather than speak that?

After much effort, Kyvor finally managed to reach the lighthouse. He fumbled with a pocket on his leather coat with frozen fingers and drew out a wooden wand. Wands annoyed him but his fingers were too numb to try runes. With a shaking hand he closed his eyes, swept the wand in an arc over his head and muttered an incantation.

At once, he felt himself being sucked away; something that always happened when someone ported. He kept his eyes firmly closed as he felt strangely light. A few seconds later he felt a rush of warmth and his feet once more touched the ground.

Why didn't he do this before instead of traversing that horrible path in the rain?


Kyvor opened his eyes.

He was in a hall crafted out of black stone and polished to a superb shine. There were no windows; the only sources of light were the flaming torches that were suspended in brackets.

“Are you deaf, Kyvor?”

Kyvor snapped his head to the right to see a woman standing arrogantly. Her look of contempt couldn't be more obvious. She was middle aged with a regal aura that was so thick it could have chocked someone. Her beauty helped to cement her aloofness but it made Kyvor laugh inside to think of which potions she intoxicated herself on to maintain her looks. Like Kyvor she wore a long leather coat but where his had the blue symbol of the shadows over his heart, hers had the gold symbol of the lord.

Umm... how can anyone stand arrogantly? Arrogance is in people's characteristics, not in their stance.

“I have a message from the Shadows to the Lord,” said Kyvor.

“Give it to me then, and I shall make sure he receives it,” replied the woman.

“It’s a verbal one, but the Lord will probably tell you anyway. Tell him that the enclave have made their next move. They’ve sent Elayna Fenthera under the guise of one Eleanor Harbour to a town on the South coast of England.”

There are other messages besides verbal ones? :o

“So they’ve finally decided to use their cute, little prodigy. It was time Merlin’s line produced someone with talent. She might actually be fun to kill,” said the woman mockingly. “But why would the Lord care if they’re going to move some girl?”

It was Kyvor’s turn to mock.

“Oh, don’t you know, Lirelle? The enclave has been operating more and more around that area, and now they have sent the heiress of Merlin's house there. They might have located the key. Doesn’t the Lord hold you in his confidence?”

Just as Lirelle drew breath to make a reply, Kyvor waved his arm in an arc over his head and was gone, leaving Lirelle fuming in the hall.

Sorry, I didn't realise you had a prologue. Makes about half of my critique irrelevant seeing as this explains a lot of it. I must say, this is better than Chapter One. Take note of my crit, though.

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Tue Jul 31, 2007 5:24 pm
sokool15 wrote a review...

LIked this! Just came from critting your chapter one. Stupid me...I always read the sequel before the original. :P

OKay, good. I don't agree about the info-dumping...it added intrigue and interest to the story. We're not supposed to know all about eveyrthing from the beginning, and having people talk about things we know nothing about serves to sharpen out interest.

Kyvor snapped his head to the right to see a woman standing arrogantly while giving him a look of contempt. She was middle aged with a regal aura that was so thick it could have chocked someone. Her beauty helped to cement her aloofness but it made Kyvor laugh inside to think of which potions she intoxicated herself on to maintain her looks. Like

I don't like the first sentence. 'Standing while looking' seems a bit like she's multi-tasking. As if it's difficult to stand and look at the same time. I would say. "...to see a woman standing arrogantly with her chin tilted up, staring at him contemptuously down her nose." Or something like that.

Anyway, good job! Liked it, and I liked the first chapter, too.

Yours most truly, 8)

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Tue Jul 31, 2007 11:00 am
Fan says...

Made the changes, glad you enjoyed it! It's a rewrite of a stroy I had going, but failed to lift off in high fantasy, so I'm aiming at urban now.

In response to Porchys statement, would it be better if this were a prologue to excuse the information that don't lead anywhere.

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Mon Jul 30, 2007 4:26 pm
SOPF wrote a review...

This story was pretty entertaining. It kept my interest and I usually have the attention span of a child plagued with ADHD (and not the false cases which allow the schools to lower their standards on their students but an actual case) Anyway, I don't like checking for grammatical errors so I didn't. Hopefully the replies preceeding me got everything. Just keep up the good work.

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Mon Jul 30, 2007 6:35 am
Fan says...

Sorry if its info dumpy at the start. Things are meant to be revealed as the story goes on.

Anyway, thank you fr all the crits!

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Sun Jul 29, 2007 8:56 pm
Alteran wrote a review...

Fantasyartist wrote: “Why did he choose a place like this?” muttered Kyvor It's better to keep an active voice so as to keep the reader involved. instead of muttered Kyvor say Kyvor muttered to himself as a fierce gust of wind made him stumble sideways. Of course, it had to be a place like this. The Lord had always been attracted to power. This storm was probably of his design, brewed up to impress the messenger of the Shadows. Well, it was doing a good job.

Fantasyartist wrote: “So they’ve finally decided to use their cute, little prodigy. It was time Merlin’s line produced someone with talent. She might [s]be[/s] actually be fun to kill,” said the woman mockingly. “But why would the Lord care if they’re going to move some girl?”

A nice start. No massive dumps of information which is a great thing. You'll have to give more information as you go. What you have is enticing but the reader will want to know more of the obvious conflict before they get to far in.

It looks good so far. Keep it up.

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Sun Jul 29, 2007 7:08 pm
Swires wrote a review...

Firstly, this kept my attention. It was interesting, very nice stylistically and the characters were satisfactory.

There is one major flaw in this: the pace. We have been overwhelmed by information at the end of the story. We have the enclave? The key? The woman? Its all very info dumpy.

I think maybe this is the wrong scene to use in such a plot-to-reader way. Or maybe there was just too much information towards the end. Who is this lord? I think you need to deal with one thing at a time, maybe Kyvor doesn't know all that information - he only knows the "key" is at risk. This way the rest of the story is unveiled in the following scenes.

Regards and good luck.

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Sun Jul 29, 2007 5:36 pm
frenchpastry wrote a review...

Just a few errors and suggestions:

At once he felt

There is supposed to be a comma after 'At once'. Nothing too big. ;)

At once he felt the feeling of being sucked away that always happened when someone ported.

This sentence struck me as odd. 'felt the feeling' seemed kind of repetitive. Maybe you could say 'At once, he felt the sucking away of his body that always happened when someone ported'. Not the best, but I think you understand what I'm trying to say.

He kept his eyes firmly closed as he felt strangely light and a few seconds later he felt a rush of warmth and his feet once more touched the ground.

You have a run-on sentence here. You could fix that easily by breaking it up into two. For instance: 'He kept his eyes firmly closed as he began to feel strangely light. A few seconds later, he felt a rush of warmth and his feet once more touched the ground.'

You don't have to take any of my comments into play; I just wanted to give you my opinion. Besides this, I found your story quite amazing and interesting. Your plot and writing were brilliant, your characters were well developed, and I found myself wanting to read more.

Keep it up! It has great potential (I could totally see something like this being published). :)

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— Mark Twain