
Young Writers Society

Struggling to come up with a title ( prologue)

by Extraterrestial

If somethings not quite right please speak your mind, and point me in the right directions.


The sun beamed down upon the magical forests inhabitants. Mischievous Water Nymphs played in the rushing waterfalls, whilst fairies, flew about the forest showering its wildlife in magical dust. Elves climbed the towering lush green trees. Even leprechauns had there fun, as they searched the mysterious forest, looking for the end of the sparkling rainbow, hoping to find the treasure at the end of that colourful semicircle. But among these magical creatures, lived beings of great sorcery and lived a life full of secrets. Not many knew there ways, even there name was a mystery to some. But for those who spend there lives growing up and playing with them, knew them as creatures that go by the name of Moglins. They were all sorts of colours; blue, red, green and as they got old some even gold and silver. Moglins had the power to produce there feelings depending on what colours they were. If they were red, they would normally be angry. If green they would be feeling ill. And if yellow it would suggest that they were happy. They have three eyes, two were their eyes should be and one that replaces the nose. They have dagger sharp teeth, which could rip through almost anything. Their claws were, also very sharp. Overall the Moglins weren’t very tall, 4ft being the tallest. There magical abilities, ranged from healing, flying and even teleportation.

To elves were perched high in the rustling trees, listening to the flutter of butterflies, and singing of the birds. The wind gently stroked them, as they bathed in the scorching sunlight. The eldest Elf went by the name Cornelius. Cornelius was tall and like most elves had very pointy ears, he had bright blue eyes and a big scar ran down his left cheek. The other Elf was his youngest cousin Adam; he was almost seventy nine years old, (thirteen years old.) he had very deep brown hair and eyes, and always carried a pocket slingshot around his waist. The sun was beginning to go down, and in an hour or less it would be nightfall. Cornelius turned to his arrogant relative and almost ordered, “Come on it will be dark soon we better head off home.”

“Why do you always have to be so perfect? Live on the edge for once, chill out dude.” Adam coolly replied.

“Fine, but if…” Cornelius was cut off as a gigantic explosion erupted in the northern part of the forest, it was deafening. Adam screamed as he covered his ears from the roaring sound waves. The force of the explosion had sent many powerful shockwaves through the ground, the quaking ground beneath them, caused the tree to wobble. Cornelius was a smart kid, and it didn’t take a genius to work out what was going to happen in the next sixty odd seconds. The tree wobbled a second time, this time with more force- like a bull had rammed into it. Cornelius grabbed the stunned Adam by the collar and shouted “We have to jump ok, on the count of…” Cornelius was once again cut of in mid sentence as another deafening explosion erupted, again towards the north of the forest. By this time Adam knew what to do, after counting to three Mississippi he nodded at Cornelius and together they sprang off there feet and plummeted towards the rock hard ground. In mid flight, Cornelius grabbed a leather pouch from his waist belt, and sprinkled some of the contents onto the ground directly beneath them. At first nothing happened but within seconds, a soft rubbery mattress formed from the magical dust. The boys smiled as their bums sank into the soft mattress.

It was easy, following the source of the explosion, because not those every now and then small booms erupted but because a huge blazing fire showed the way, not to mention making navigating the dark woods rather easy. But the boys were getting rather chilly, as the arctic like wind thrashed at them from all direction. The boys dare not give up as they could tell they were close to the explosion by the smell of smoke and other toxic fumes that formed in the air. The two elves knew when they had finally reached their destination as they passed a scorching heat wave, created by the hellish fire.

“Dude, totally.” said a surprised Adam as he stared at the Blazing giant like fire. The fire was erupting from a mysterious Shrine, but however they seemed to be no cause of the explosions. Cornelius curiously stepped over the flaming rubble of wood and various other things. He stopped and stared at the mystifying Shrine.

“What is it?” asked a puzzled Adam.

“I don’t know, some sort of Shrine I think but, I’ve never seen it before.” Cornelius Replied.

Cornelius resumed to studying the shrine, he curiously peered into the blazing flame that was erupting from it. He shook his head and turned to walk away, but then all of a sudden a pitch Black Hand rose from the Shrine and clawed around Cornelius’s neck dragging him into the sinister shrine. Noble as it may seem, but also very naive, Adam sprinted to the Shrine looking for any sign of Cornelius, but there wasn’t-he was gone.

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Mon Dec 31, 2007 4:49 am
Teague wrote a review...

Now, I am not a moderator and I have no authority, so consider this a friendly warning before the moderators do get on your case about this.

I can see you're new, but you've also posted a lot of your own work. And yet you have not done one single critique! It's a rule here on YWS that you must do at least two critiques for every literary work you post. Not only is it polite, it also means that people are more likely to critique your work as a thank-you for critiquing theirs.

Also, you've posted a lot in just two days. It's best to just post one or two things per week, because otherwise you're flooding the forums and it discourages critiquers.

While I have your attention, allow me to redirect you to two helpful links:
Rules. You MUST read these!
A helpful posting guide.

My apologies if I seem like I'm being short with you, and welcome to YWS!

-Saint Razorblade
The Official YWS Pirate :pirate3:

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Mon Dec 31, 2007 3:49 am
starrynight89 wrote a review...

Hi there!

Just stopped by to review. Just PM me if you have any comments, questions or concerns regarding my review!! :)

And, you're off to a good start but like Ayra pointed out, it's going to be hard to dodge the cliches.

I hope you can open the file, if not PM me!

Changes and comments are in red and I summed it up in the end!



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Mon Dec 31, 2007 2:27 am
Wolf wrote a review...

Extraterrestial --

If I were you, I wouldn't be starting a separate story, seeing as your 'Night Walkers' is chock-full of mistakes. I'm not trying to sound mean, but before you go on and fill the Fantasy forums with your work, you should take the time to read the critiques you've received and edit your pieces a bit.

I'm not going to point out every mistake and nit-pick on every sentence that needs it. Instead, I'm going to [try to] cover the larger issues.


I'm sorry to say, but this is full of cliches. Elves, sprites, fairies, there's been a million books written about them already. It's rather uninteresting to read a story that has stolen elements from another, you savvy?

Now, I see that your elves look exactly like Eragon/LOTR-style elves. Where are your creative juices flowing? To avoid major cliches like these, you should at least make your creatures look different than those in other books. For example, I have fairies in my story, but I have an original [or I hope so, anyways] physical appearance for them.


This piece isn't as full of grammatical mistakes as those that I've critiqued before, but there are still many. I'll show you an example here:

The wind gently stroked them, as they bathed in the scorching sunlight.

It isn't necessary to have a comma after 'them'. ^_~
In case I haven't bombarded you with enough links already, here's one for the placement of commas:
http://owl.english.purdue.edu/handouts/ ... comma.html


Now, here's an example of rather odd dialogue:

“Dude, totally.” said a surprised Adam as he stared at the Blazing giant like fire.

Okay, do you really think elves and such would say something like that? I mean, I get the feeling that this is a kind of medieval-ish setting, what with the woodland setting and the mythical [stolen] creatures, but then I read the dialogue and was like, 'Wha...?'
I'm not sure how much help this'll be, but here's a link just in case:

Well, now that I've annoyed you, this critique must come to an end.
Sorry for the harshness, once again, but hopefully you will improve from it.


- Camille :D

When your heart gets pierced with arrows, don't rip them out and pierce those around you in retribution for your hurt. You'll only unnecessarily wound others and bleed to death yourself.
— LadyMysterio