
Young Writers Society

The Beginning of the Future

by ExOmelas, Messenger

Percy Jarnet, once a man with a normal life, an everyday job, family, friends, hunkered miserably down against against the cold, mossy brick wall of Orson Alley. He could hear the crowds shouting and jeering not a block away, threatening to break through the police barriers set up around the statehouse. The sound blasted from the town square and funnelled down the side streets, engulfing him. His own breath juddered raggedly out of his lungs and his blood thundered in rapid pulses through his ears.

Smoke and fog drifted by, mingled with a legion of smells, mostly foul, but none of any great importance to Percy. Nothing was. Nothing ever could be - not anymore. As darkness began to envelop him, the shouts only roared louder like the sea thundering forward in a furious tempest. He could see people hurtling by - hear their shoes pounding - on either sides of the alley, flashlights, torches, and weapons of all sorts in hands. They all became a blur, the flashing lights stirring a memory.

He was back in his car, driving to his job . . .


"It's fifteen after the hour of seven. Mild temperatures are in today's forecast. Seventy-two degrees, partly cloudy, a high of seventy-nine with a light breeze . . ."

Percy took a sipfromhis coffee and placed it back in the cup holder beside his seat. He rubbed his eyes contentedly and rumbled to a stop at 5th and Demers Street, for a red light. A few cars whizzed by as Percy rolled down his window. With one sniff, he was attacked by the variety of smells coming from the small town of Cummingsville. There was Freddie's Bakery opening up down the street, and sweet pastry smells were swept through the air by the light breeze, the smell of fresh paint on Ms. Henrietta's house, a bright red with white trim.

"Looks pretty good," Percy commented to himself, scratching his two-day old stubble and runninghis hand through his sand-colored hair.

He rolled out as the light turned green, cruising past all the familiar buildings in the town. His eyes fluttered shut briefly. Such a good life. He had had the chance to live in the Big Apple years ago, but through a set of circumstances - he gave a quick smile, not circumstances, but rather meeting Mary - he decided to stick around in the small Colorado town.

And he'd ultimately not regretted it. He turned onto Webber's Road, now just a few minutes away from his place of work. He looked in his rearview mirror, seeing Mr. Warren pull behind, right on time. Through the several years they'd worked together, they had quickly - and accidentally - come into a routine, one which was usually ended with Warren arriving just seconds after Percy.

Percy smiled an-

Shoom! Warren's car erupted into an explosive ball of fire. Percy yelled, swerving to one side as a rock the size of a car smashed directly ahead in the middle of the road. It smashed its pointed tip at least a metre into the tarmac - then went up in flames. Percy felt the tips of his hairs singe and his cheeks flush red as he ducked. His car drifted to a stop. Percy was flung roughly against the back of the seat, the seatbelt slashing into his neck and bruising immediately. As his head was catapulted forward, the airbag deployed almost perfectly on cue and saved him .

A thick, soupy cloud of white enveloped him.He coughed, and his head swam blearily. His heart was thumping like a mallet as he groggily undid his seatbelt and stumbled out of the car. His legawobbled like jelly and there was nothing he could do to prevent them giving in. He was sent sprawling to the asphalt,now beginning to melt around the impact of themeteor. That was what it had to be, Percy realized, groaning as he pulled himself up.

He took a quick survey. The town was burning several spots, houses shattered and smashed like matchsticks by the meteors. A piercing, shrieking ring was running through Percy's ears, but he dragged himself ahead, trying to run. The best he could do was jog, his legs unwilling to work any faster.

He choked back a tear as he passed by what he believed was the remnants of Mr. Warren's car. All he could find out of wreckage was a hunk of what was once the trunk, now a distorted hunk of blue metal. He tossed it aside, glancing up at the sky. There was nothing there but blue, soon to be enveloped in the pervading dark grey smoke emitted from the burning rocks from space. He gazed despairingly upwards and was left in a dazed shock as he stumbled over the broken pieces of road and sidewalk. Warren was a good, decent person. Percy heard himself sob as he cursed at the world.

Percy looked across the road and saw Ms. Henrietta's house, still standing despite the fact that only two doors down a house had been almost devastated and was now caught in a raging fire. He dropped to his knees, coughing as the breeze stirred up the smoke. A chest-wracking cough tore out of his throat. For a second all was quiet except for the crackling of the ruined town. Then everyone was alive. People were screaming and shouting, dogs were barking, sirens blaring.

With great effort Percy heaved himself back up to his feet. He spotted a woman tumble out of a nearby house, eyes wide,wrapped in her bed robe. Without a second look Percy was dashing down the road. He turned back onto 5th, darting wildly from side to side to avoid as much wreckage as he could. One man was stepping out of his car.

"Can I use your car, man?"Percy asked, desperate. "I need to check on my family!"

The man stuttered, "S-s-sure, but bring it back!"

Percy was in and roaring away, swerving around burning rocks, debris, crashed cars. And dead bodies. He gagged as he passed one house where the entire top floor had been stripped by the meteor strike. All that remained was a little scrap of white wood from a flower-printed dresser. Percy didn't even try to stop the tears as he pulled onto his home street, passing several demolished homes. They were the homes of his friends - houses he'd eaten dinner in.

"Please be okay, Mary, please." he whispered, afraid to speak too loud as if it may cause more trouble.

He pulled up in front of their small, one-story, brick home. Still intact - other than a few angry grey scrapes from where shrapnel had streaked past the walls. Percy let out a huge sigh, a fresh set of tears welling up in relief. He swung the car door open and crashed through the front door of his house. Holding their three-month old son, Rory, in her hands, stood Mary, tears running down her cheeks. Rory wriggled forward in Mary's arms, reaching desperately for his Dadda.

"Percy. What's going on?" she gasped, her hair disheveled. It took the shape of a large red mane that looked like it had been thrown in a dryer, turned in spin cycle, and then placed on her head.

"I-I-I don't know. It looked like meteors. Look, we need to leave. Now."

Mary gaped at him for a moment then nodded. She stepped forward silently and passed Rory to Percy, then darted back into the house. She emerged moments later with Rory's diaper bag and slung it into the backseat of the car. Percy had already begun fastening Rory into the carseat but Mary shoved him lightly out of the way and deftly clipped the remaining straps into place. Percy couldn't have cared less. He threw open the driver side door and almost dove into the seat.

"Where are we going?" Mary asked breathlessly.

"I don't know - east," he mumbled. Then, spotting the panic in his wife's eyes, he forced confidence into his voice and added, "Somewhere safe. After I give a stranger his car back."


From the fringes of the town square, a single piercing shriek that could only have come from the throes of death sliced through his reverie and snapped his attention back to the present. Percy cursed softly. Even the escape from the present had brought only further horrors and memories he would rather erase. He glanced towards the entrance to the alley in the hope of spotting some indicator of which way the tide of the riot was flowing. A figure flitted past and he nearly called out but choked on the word and dropped back behind a recycling bin.

"Hello?" came a croaky call from behind Percy. The figure must have spotted him anyway.

Percy stuck his head round the side of the grimy old bin and spotted a hunched figure shuffling towards him. If the man was police - he was caught with his back to a dead end. If he was one of Percy's fellow rebels - he was caught cowering in a side-street, letting everyone else do the dirty work for him.

"Jarnet, that you?" called the man.

Percy straightened abruptly and peered into the darkness.

"Matthews!" he cried, "Good Lord, you made it!"

Gareth Matthews seemed invigorated by recognition of his friend and colleague and he paced towards Percy with renewed energy.

"Made it?" he raised an eyebrow, "How long you been down here, Percy?"

Percy glanced at the ground and could feel his cheeks reddening rapidly.

"Look, it doesn't matter," Gareth muttered, "All that matters is that we won."

Percy's head snapped back up to meet his friend's eye and he could feel his own eyes bulging in their sockets.

"We won?"

"Hours ago, Percy!" Gareth clapped Percy's shoulder and grinned. "I'm only down here trying to clear out the, um, casualties."

Gareth's grin faded slightly, then he glanced back at Percy and it fell further.

"They're letting us stay," Gareth explained, "We get to keep the quarantined area."

"Then why did you stop smiling?" Percy asked warily, not sure he even wanted to know. Not now. Not when all his worries of the lastseveral months had just been wiped cleanly away.

"Because there is just one condition," he murmured, "We are severed from the United States. We're an independent country - from mid-Kansas all the way to the west coast. We're all alone."

"But what of the remaining Chinese soldiers in the country?" Percy spluttered, "What are we to do with those?"

"You're not hearing me," Gareth insisted, "We're all alone. We are Lone."

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Sat Feb 11, 2017 8:47 am
Casanova wrote a review...

Heya, Scot! Casanova here to do a review for you!

Let's get this started!

Percy Jarnet

Like the reviewer below me, I keep reading this character as,"Percy Jackson." EVERYTIME. Anyway, onward!

Percy took a sipfromhis coffee and placed it back in the cup holder beside his seat.

I believe you forgot to space between sip and from, and from and his here. Just thought I would point that out. Onward.

"Can I use your car, man?"Percy asked, desperate. "I need to check on my family!"

The man stuttered, "S-s-sure, but bring it back!"

This is a great act of human kindness right here. Most people wouldn't allow a stranger to borrow their car- even in a situation like this. And although it's just a story, it's still refreshing to see something like this. I would have expected Percy to steal a car at the very least- or maybe just run or walk the entire way- or hitch a ride from someone who was heading that way. It's rare for something like this to happen(unless it's police business in the United States.) Anyway, onward.

"I-I-I don't know. It looked like meteors. Look, we need to leave. Now."

This just didn't make much sense to me. In a situation like this I think people would try to find cover- maybe a basement or a cellar- something that couldn't be reached by the outside without going through a foot of concrete first. It seems the more safe, and logical, path to choose. But to each his own, I guess.

"But what of the remaining Chinese soldiers in the country?" Percy spluttered, "What are we to do with those?"

"You're not hearing me," Gareth insisted, "We're all alone. We are Lone."

I know you started off in the present, then when to the past, then came back to the present, but this seemed somewhat sudden. I would like to see more of what happened after the meteors- as that seems to be what kick starts everything. And going from a job and a wife(girlfriend? It said settled down but I dunno if that meant marriage) to chinese soldiers in the United States, and becoming an independent country just seems a little sudden, but that could just be me.

All in all I think you have decent characters with a decent plotline, and I can't wait to see where it goes.

Anyway, that's all I have to say on this one, and I hope it helped.

Keep on doing what you're doing, and keep on keeping on.

Your friend, Matt

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Mon Oct 06, 2014 5:07 pm
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Deanie says...

So many good reviews! Nothing I can add!

Deanie x

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Sun Oct 05, 2014 7:02 pm
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Noelle wrote a review...

Hi there guys!

I keep thinking that your MC is Percy Jackson -_- I've read too many books of that series.

First off, I love your title! It's a bit of a paradox, if you will. The future technically doesn't have a beginning because what's to come is always the future. I love titles that make me think and wonder exactly what it means. Can't wait to see when the title will come into play in the story :)

Percy Jarnet, once a man with a normal life, an everyday job, family, friends, hunkered miserably down against against the cold, mossy brick wall of Orson Alley.

This sentence feels just a bit too involved. There's a lot of information here. Maybe consider cutting it down? Possibly just saying something like, "Percy Jarnet, once a man with a normal life, hunkered down miserably against the cold, mossy bricks of Orson Alley". Cutting out a few of those words makes it easier to ingest the information.

This is just a preference really, but I don't think the break is necessary here before the memory. You mention that Percy is having this memory, so it flows well to go straight into the memory.

There was Freddie's Bakery opening up down the street, and sweet pastry smells were swept sweeping through the air by the light breeze, the smell of fresh paint on Ms. Henrietta's house, a bright red with white trim.

It flows better this way. Sometimes when there's a lot of information to get across, in your case the smells coming into his car, it's easy to get wordy. Then it comes across as forceful instead of smooth and flowing.

scratching his two-day old stubble and then running his hand through his sand-colored hair.

I know that it's kind of obvious that he's not doing both at the same time, but it kind of reads like that. I'd suggest changing it to this so we get the image of him scratching then reaching for his hair.

Percy smiled an- and

I understand that you want to create this sudden, intense moment, but cutting off the word 'and' halfway through is a bit confusing. It would work well in dialogue, but no in this case.

Whoa. I was not expecting that ending at all o.o What a beginning! Here you draw us into this man's life and then all of the sudden we learn that their small town, or possibly the bigger state the town is in, is now separate from the whole US.

I'd have to agree with Birk. Honestly it wasn't all that interesting until the end. I find that most novels start out that way though, for me especially. I wish I could tell you a way that you could make it better, but I can't really tell you what didn't interest me. There was a lot of action, with the whole meteor and everything, but it just wasn't enough for me. I'm sorry, I don't know what else to say.

I can't wait to learn more about what's going on in this story. In this chapter I'm thrown into a story full of meteors, exploding cars, and Chinese soldiers. That's a lot of variables that I'm sure will come together very well.

As for your MC, there is still so much to learn about him. We know enough about him to understand why he does what he does in this chapter. As the story progresses though, we'll want to see more about his personality. He doesn't seem like one of those men that are big and tall and buff and not afraid of anything. The way he's just sitting there in the alleyway hiding makes me think that he's not the bravest of the bunch. It'll be interesting to learn how far his bravery goes.

I'll check out the next chapter soon!

Keep writing!

ExOmelas says...

Thank you, Noelle! We'll try and find a way to flabbergast you while editing. :)

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Sun Sep 21, 2014 6:05 pm
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birk wrote a review...

Hey guys!

Writing some fiction together, eh? That's a fairly good way to get the creative juices flowing. I know I've checked out Messenger's works before, and they are pretty solid. I suppose this will be the first one from you though, Bisc.

Overall, I liked this. It's a good introductionary piece to what I'm assuming will be a much larger story. It has a good, albeit so far vague description of the initial disaster that starts all of this. Though I question the need to use flashback when you tell this, I actually thought it was pulled off rather well.

Throughout reading this, I wasn't all that into until the end. Once there, you drop a lot of things on the reader. A lot of interesting things that has a lot of potential to your story. The fact that this introductionary piece takes place around 70 years before the main story, parts of the country is now seperated from the rest, there being Chinese soldiers running around, and rioting in the streets, really makes me want to read what is going on. Pretty good setup.

I'm unsure whether or not I'll buy into how this was all caused by meteors raining down from the skies, but we'll eventually get there I guess.

As for this part itself, it's written very decent. There's a few plot elements I question and there were a few grammatical errors here and there. Overall though, it's pretty good.

Alright, I'll write as I go along:


His own breath juddered raggedly out of his lungs and his blood thundered in rapid pulses through his ears.
Whose else would it be? I also found the blood pulsing through his ears to be odd. What happened to the good old 'his heart was beating rapidly' et al?

Smoke and fog drifted by,

Fog? Are we in Silent Hill?

flashlights, torches, and weapons of all sorts in hands.

Torches stood out to me here. I don't feel they fit. In any modern riot or chaos situations, I don't recall torches. Where would you even get torches these days?

Percy took a sip from his coffee and placed it back in the cup holder
Hasty error, several words stuck together. This happens several times. Some extra proofreading would clear this up.

and rumbled to a stop at 5th and Demers Street, for a red light.

I'd remove the comma.

by the light breeze, along with the smell of fresh paint on Ms. Henrietta's house; bright red with a white trim.
Quick addition. I also replaced the comma with a semicolon and moved the 'a'.

and running his hand through his sand-colored hair.

Another one.

Percy felt the tips of his hairs singe and his cheeks flush red as he ducked.

I really liked this small description you write here. Though small, it adds a lot to the scene. There are some other good descriptions you use here and there as well. Good.

The repetition of his name over and over again is annoying me though. Percy this and Percy that. Percy, Percy, Percy. Mix it up with some more pronouns. Especiallly seeing as he is currently the only character we're following.

A thick, soupy cloud of white enveloped him.He coughed,

Very small thing, but it happens here and there; in some places you are missing a space after a period or comma. They stand out.

His legs wobbled like jelly

Third one.

He was sent sprawling to the asphalt,now beginning to melt around the impact of themeteor.
Again, lacking spaces. I like how you italicized 'meteor' though, as to show his thought process.

The town was burning in several spots,

Added a missing word.

All he could find out of the wreckage was a hunk of what was once the trunk
Same deal.

With great effort, Percy heaved himself back up to his feet.

Added a comma.

The man stuttered, "S-s-sure, but bring it back!"

Right, so this is one of the plot elements which I question. Who is this guy? Why would he randomly give his car away to a perfect stranger? Sure, there's chaos and destruction going on, but why would he give up the car? Doesn't seem plausible at all.

He swung the car door open and crashed through the front door of his house.
The way this was written, it reads as if he crashed through his front door... with the car. Maybe supplement 'crashed' with another verb?

Percy had already begun fastening Rory into the carseat but Mary shoved him lightly out of the way and deftly clipped the remaining straps into place.
Wait. Is he strapping the three month year old baby into the seatbelt? That wouldn't fly. Is he crazy? Seeing as this isn't their car, there would be no baby car seats. Unless, of course, by some huge coincidense this random guy also happened to have one in his car.

"Somewhere safe. After I give a stranger his car back."

Yeah, I'm still on this car, guys. How is he going to get this car back to the other guy? He doesn't know where is he, or where he lives. Did the guy patiently wait at that spot for his car? During all the chaos? This all backs up the initial problem of; he wouldn't have given up the car in the first place.

Heck, what is Percy's plan after this? If he gives up the car again, they are stranded with no car. How is that safe? Will they return to the car Percy originally abandoned? That is, if it's still even there. Word on the street is, there's a guy who gave up his car to a random stranger... maybe he took Percy's car.

Ugh. Got totally caught up in this car. :D


I feel you could remove these. If you just add a little more to make it clear that the change has happened, then these are unnecessary. It's hard to do though. I have issues with it myself.

"You're not hearing me," Gareth insisted, "We're all alone. We are Lone."

This is the most interesting part of your story. It has a lot of cool potential. As I go on, I'm hoping to figure out more about why they even fought to remain where they were, why they are not independent and perhaps most of all; why are there Chinese lurking about? xD

Alright, that's pretty much all I could comment on. I'm intrigued by the plot. Hopefully it'll smooth out as I read on. It's written very well, has an interesting premise, good dialogue and a nice pacing. Grammatically, you have a good, varied vocabulary, and though there were a few grammatical errors here and there, they were mostly the result of...say, laziness.

I'll be checking your remaining chapters when I can. I often have limited time though, and my reviews can be sparse, so don't hold your breath. ;)

Keep it up, guys!


ExOmelas says...

Thanks, Birk! We've been proofreading most of the chapters since this. :)

Messenger says...

thanks for the input Birk! We'll fix that car situation. And like Biscy said, the small edits are already in progress!

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Tue Aug 12, 2014 8:08 pm
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Segreto wrote a review...

Hi! I see that a lot of stuff has been said by the others, but I'd like to chime in as well ;)

The beginning of this story is full of action and very interesting. The places you guys created come alive in my mind, every scene is described very well.
The main character is a normal guy average, like most of us, and it's easy to relate to him, and it'll also be interesting what he becomes and grows to be in the face of this mysterious calamity.
It's just the first part of the story, and there is so much more to discover about this universe and I can't wait to see the rest of the story the rebellion has and where will this main character fit in.

Like mixofs says, the transition between past and present could be improved, enough so you wouldn't need to use *** to separate them (It's a thing of mine, not liking to use symbols in writing), but it's already very clear, and you'd just need to adjust it a little.

Can't wait to read the rest ;)
- Segreto

ExOmelas says...

Thank you! This is actually set about seventy or so years before the main story (so it's sort of like a prologue). The main character is the great-grandson of Percy (which I don't think is a spoiler). Thanks for the review :)

Segreto says...

You're very welcome!
Wow, it's a story-seption, flashback over flashback XD
That sounds really interesting though, it makes the plot look that much bigger to me

ExOmelas says...

Yay! I was hoping the flash(flashback)back thing would come across well. :)

Messenger says...

thanks Segreto, we'll work on those asterisks! Please feel freeto follow the story! we should be updating it soon!

Segreto says...

You're welcome, I'm glad I could help.
I look forward to seeing the rest ;)

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Mon Aug 11, 2014 2:06 am
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Inspiredravens wrote a review...

Awesome story line you've created. I think there are a lot of different places you can take this. There are a few small editing things and typos like a few words smashed together in the flashback area such as "sipfromhis" and "runninghis" but those are easily fixed. A few things you could add would be a description of your characters. A little more details in those areas and I think that readers will be more sympathetic to the "being alone" because if all a reader knows is that "this is Percy and his city was just destroyed and now they won a rebel fight" it doesn't quite draw you in all of the way. Percy seems like a great guy, but what are his hobbies, how does he feel about loosing his city-home, what did it look like before and after the meteors, and how is he going to move forward after the immediate impulse of what to do is gone?

Also, in the section where he takes the stranger's car to go and check on his family, I would build all of them up a bit more. MOTIVES are your best friend. Why should a stranger give a man his car? Doesn't he have a family too or is he just too stunned (if so, put that in there). Percy is motivated to take the car because he loves his wife and kid, so put that in there, we all know we have family and love them, but why is Percy special, why did you choose to write about HIM and not Matthews? Make the reader believe in your characters, they seem like awesome people, but you get to write whats below the surface.

I think that you can do a lot of great things with this, keep it up! :)

Messenger says...

thanks kbmc! Good points. this is actually more of a prologue, and Percy is not the main character, and that's why there isn't a TON of emphasis on the whole rebel fight thingy, but trust me, it has all been planned and if there comes a time when we need to explain further, we can and will do so!

kbmcgregor3 says...

Awesome! Well, let me know when the following chapters are out and I will definitely review them:)

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Wed Aug 06, 2014 6:47 pm
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Masquerade wrote a review...

Wow, well that was an exciting beginning. Your writing style is very colorful and detailed in the right places most of the time. You just drift close to the border of overdoing it a few times with all the adverbs and descriptions. But overall, I really enjoyed the writing.
Here's a few nitpicks:

"he was attacked by the variety of smells"

This might just be me, but when I hear the image of being "attacked" by smells I initially assume that they are bad smells.

"It smashed its pointed tip at least a metre into the tarmac"

You already used the word "smashed" in the previous sentence so I'd avoid it here.. Maybe "drove"?

"His car drifted to a stop. Percy was flung roughly against the back of the seat, the seatbelt slashing into his neck and bruising immediately. As his head was catapulted forward, the airbag deployed almost perfectly on cue and saved him"

This was little confusing. First, Percy getting violently flung around the car makes it seem like the car stopped suddenly, which would make sense, but the word "drifted" generally indicates a slower, more graceful movement, which does not make much sense here. Also his body seems to be moving in conflicting directions. First he goes back and the seat belt hits him, and then he goes forward? If the car stopped suddenly I feel like he'd get thrown forward first. I don't know. This whole section is just a bit unclear.

"All he could find out of wreckage was a hunk of what was once the trunk, now a distorted hunk of blue metal"

Here's another example of using the same word- "hunk" in this case- too close together.

"She emerged moments later with Rory's diaper bag and slung it into the backseat of the car."

Wait, so is this their other car or the stranger's car? This is not clear.

Also I think they're called meteorites once they hit the ground technically.

Apart from these things you've got a lot of typos you should look for. Some of your words and sentences don't have spaces between them and I saw a spot where there was a space before a period.

The story was also very engaging. I was left at the end wanting to know what exactly happened in the time between the flashback and the present. Very interesting and exciting. How did meteorites cause a full on rebellion? I want to know!

Good work and happy writing!


ExOmelas says...

Thanks Masq! I'll speak to Mess and we'll see if we can tidy it up a bit so it's a little smoother. :)

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Wed Aug 06, 2014 6:23 pm
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mixofs wrote a review...

This is a nice start you've got here. I'll admit that I wasn't a huge fan at first, but it got better as I read more. Also, I'm super interested as to where you'll head next with the story. Will you focus more on Percy's current predicament or will you incorporate more flashbacks to show how he got there? Either direction could be very fun to work with!

Throughout the story there are a few typos. Most of them are just missed spaces like "themeteor" and "legawobbled". These could be the result of your computer doing something weird, but they're pretty easy fixes so it's no big deal.

Some bigger ideas that I think could improve your writing are as follows: I think this chapter could be stronger if you found as smoother way to transition between the past and present. As it is now, it seems a little choppy. Perhaps you could have some detail at the beginning remind Percy of how everything started and then weave the two together? I'm not sure exactly how it would work, but I suggest you play around with tying the two parts together more. At this point, I'm thinking of the first and third part as one thing, and the middle as something else entirely, and I'm not sure that's what you want.

Also, I think that it would benefit the piece if you explored Percy's thoughts a bit before, especially during the scene where the meteors first come. That situation would have to be terrifying, especially if you're not expecting it! However, you focus more on explaining what happened rather than Percy's thoughts about it. Both are important aspects, so you shouldn't take away one part, but instead maybe add more thoughts in.

Hopefully all this is helpful and makes sense. Good look as you continue to write more!

ExOmelas says...

Thank you very much for review. I'll talk to Messenger whenever he gets back from wherever he is :-)

Sometimes poetry is inspired by the conversation entered into by reading other poems.
— John Barton