
Young Writers Society

16+ Violence

The True Fairytale

by EmilyLemke

Warning: This work has been rated 16+ for violence.

Have you ever wondered if your favorite story of all time was actually true? If the poor, broken and lost girl was really meant for the handsome prince. She’s forced to work against her will and clean the house spotless. That’s not a fair life, is it?

Well, neither is the real side of this story. Who knew that some lie can become so big? That the false side is the one that’s easily believed. I guess everyone just loves a good ending…


There’s a knock at the door. Cinderella’s father gets up excitedly while she just continues to write in her journal. She doesn’t dare look up, even when her new family arrives inside the living room. She knows her father wants her to get along with these…imposters, but she has no interest. She didn’t even attend their wedding.

Lady Tremaine walked over to Cinderella with her hand out, “I wish we could have met sooner Cinderella.”

Cinderella didn’t even acknowledge that Lady Tremaine was there, instead just dabbed her pen in more ink and carried on writing. Cinderella’s father, Augusta, walks over and snatches her journal from her hands. “You will not be so rude! You will acknowledge and communicate with your family!”

“There’s nothing you can do to make me like these people, father. All they are, are homeless smucks that are just going to end up using you. They’re worthless!”

“You will not speak that way!”“Try to stop me, father!” Cinderella got up and walked over to Anastasia, who’s eight, just as Cinderella is, “You disgust me. You shouldn’t be here, with these cheap clothing and ribbons.”

She yanked the baby blue ribbon out of her hair, making Anastasia yell in pain, “Oww! What are you doing, my father gave me this ribbon before he died!”

Cinderella smirked a little, spit on the ribbon, threw in on the floor, and stomped on it, “Your father is even more worthless than you are.”

Leaving both Anastasia and Lady Tremaine in tears, Cinderella walked outside.

Augusta picked up the ribbon, “I will get this cleaned up and spotless. And your father is not worthless. He was probably a better man than I will ever be.” He turns to Lady Tremaine, “I’m so sorry. I don’t know what has gotten into her.”

Lady Tremaine wiped away a tear, “All will be well in a matter of time.”

Just then, the butler walked into the room announcing lunch was ready. They walked in to the dining area and sat down. This angered Cinderella who was peering in through the window.

She took her pet mouse out of her pocket, “Did you see that Jaq? With them around my father thinks badly of me, when really it is I that is getting harassed. This is not fair. There must be something I can do to get revenge on them.”

Cinderella went into the basement and set up mouse traps with buckets of water with a ramp on the edge of each one, and a piece of bread hanging on a piece of string above it. “We’ll be back to catch our prize, Jaq. But don’t fret, these mice aren’t your family. I am, and your mine. Nothing will ever happen to you.”

She walked out of the basement and back into the house. She slipped Jaq back into her pocket and walked into the dining area, where everybody was finishing up their lunch. Cinderella sat on the other side of the table from where Anastasia, and Drusilla were sitting. She glared at Lady Tremaine, for she has taken Cinderella’s end spot at the table.

Augusta broke the silence that entered the room when Cinderella did, “Is all of your anger gone? Did you let it all out?”

She smiled at her father, “It will be all gone soon. Where is my book, father? I would very much like to write in it again.”

“You will get it back once you apologize to everyone for your outburst.”

Cinderella turned to Lady Tremaine first, “I now notice that what I did was very wrong of me, and I do deeply express regret in what I have done. You do deserve to be a part of this family and you aren’t worthless.” She then turned to Anastasia, who cringed a little when their eyes met, “I am extremely remorseful for what I said and did to you. I would like to make it up by cleaning your ribbon and making it spotless. After all I am the one who made a mess of it.”

Lady Tremaine spoke, “You are forgiven, Cinderella. We all have our times when we are disturbed. After all, this entire matrimony came so quickly for you. We all identify with where you come from. Thank you for apologizing.”

Cinderella smiled and nodded and Augusta handed the journal back to Cinderella. “The ribbon is inside of the journal. I would like it spotless by dinner time.”

Cinderella got up, “I’ll get right on it. I don’t fancy lunch right now.”

Lady Tremaine smiled at Augusta after Cinderella walked out, at least that’s what it looked like. Instead she stood on the other side of the doorway listening to them. “I told you all will get better.”

Augusta spoke, “I suppose you did. I just didn’t know it would be so fast.”

Cinderella smiled and opened you journal and took the stained ribbon out. She then ran downstairs. She went to the barrel where the dye for their clothing was. She dropped the ribbon in, then walked away.

She checked the buckets of water, finding five dead mice, and one that was still trying to get out. Cinderella smiled, “Poor mouse is suffering, Jaq. I suppose I should help it.” She put her hand into the bucket and held the mouse under the water until it stopped moving, then took it out and added it to the bag of dead mice.

She opened the moist bag and counted the mice, “I don’t think six mice are enough, Jaq. I think we should wait until tomorrow to play our little game. Now, it’s time to check on the beautiful ribbon.”

Cinderella opened the barrel and took out the blood red ribbon. She laid it on the rake to dry. She then took her bag of mice and hid it in the corner behind some barrels of food.

She ran out of the basement and into her room. She sat on the edge of her bed and opened her journal and jar of ink. She began writing violently.

Augusta walked in, “Did you clean the ribbon, Cinderella?”

“Of course I did, father. It is drying at the moment. I will return it to her at dinner.”

“I appreciate that, Cinderella. I didn’t need anymore problems right now.”

“Yes, I understand, father. I was just having a difficult morning.”

Augusta nodded, then walked back out. Cinderella smiled, then returned to writing.

Meanwhile, Anastasia and Drusilla, who is six, are outside playing. Anastasia grabbed Drusilla by the shoulders, “Do you suppose Cinderella hates us?”

Drusilla shrugged, for she hasn’t said a word since her father died three years ago. Anastasia thought for a second, “Maybe we should give her a present, so she likes us a little better.”

Drusilla nodded and took out her teddy bear and hugged it to her, a present she also received from her father before he died.

Anastasia spun around until something caught her eye, she stopped facing a lovely bunch of flowers, “That’s it! Flowers! What girl doesn’t like flowers?”

Drusilla clapped and ran over to the flowers and began picking the healthiest and prettiest ones. Anastasia came over and helped her. They stopped when they had an armful of flowers.

Cinderella walked over to the window after hearing laughter and watched them pick flowers. Her face turned red, “Those are my flowers, Jaq. This is neither their house or land. They don’t own those flowers. Only my father and I do.”

Cinderella searched her room for something hard. She found the purple rock she found when she and her mother went to the pond one day. The only visible memory left of her mother. She picked it up and brought it to the window and waited until Anastasia and Drusilla started walking back to the house.

When they were midway to the house, Cinderella threw the rock. Missing them by three feet, the rock broke and Anastasia and Drusilla looked around and Cinderella ducked.

Anastasia turned to Drusilla, “Do you know where that came from?”

Drusilla shrugged and walked over to the broken pieces of the rock. Anastasia followed, “Wow, these are really pretty.” Drusilla nodded and picked them up, “Oh, yes, you’re right Drusilla. Cinderella would also love these. She would also love the story of how they fell from the sky right next to us. She’ll never believe it!”

Drusilla clapped and put her teddy bear into her pocket and started picking up the rocks. Cinderella started watching them again, “What are they doing, Jaq?” She took her mouse out of her pocket and placed it on the windowsill. “Those selfish witches are taking my rock!”

She looked down at Jaq, who was looking over the edge. “Are you sad, Jaq? Am I not as good enough as a friend for you? Do you suppose one of your own kind will make you happy?” She paused, as if waiting for an answer. “I assume another mouse would be splendid. I love bigger families.” She looked out the window at Anastasia and Drusilla. “Only as long as it’s my decision.”

Cinderella ran out of her room into the basement and checked the barrels, looking for a mouse that was still alive. She grabbed the bag just in case of some dead ones. She felt movement from in the bag. Cinderella opened the bag and found a rather fat mouse trying to escape. “Oh, look Jaq! This is a true friend for you right here. He survived just for you! Oh, Jaq, I think we should clean him.”

She grabbed the fat mouse out of the bag and threw the other dead mice back into the corner, without checking the buckets. She shoved both mice into her pocket and ran back into her room.

She searched her drawers for a dirty piece of clothing. There was a knock on the door. Cinderella ran over to it and opened it.

Anastasia and Drusilla stood there with big smiles, a large bouquet of flowers, and her broken rock. Anastasia spoke, “Cinderella, we would like to give you these flowers as a present.”

Cinderella took them, “Thank you.”

“Oh, and we found this rock on the ground. It fell from the sky right next to us, just a few moments ago. We would like to give it to you, even though it’s broken. Or we could each take a piece of it to represent our sisterhood.”

Cinderella grabbed the biggest piece, then closed the door. She walked back over to her dresser and grabbed one of her blouses, not checking if it was a good or bad one. At this point, she didn’t care.

She took out both Jaq and the fat mouse. She dried it and both mice started cuddling together. Cinderella smiled, “I got it Jaq! I know just what to call him. His name is Oktavian. But he’s so fat and that name can be a little confusing, so his nickname can be Gus Gus. Do you like that Jaq?”

Jaq walked over to Cinderella’s pillow and crawled underneath it. “Aww, Jaq. I still love you more than I love Gus Gus. Just relax.”

Cinderella walked over to her broken mirror, and grabbed her brush. She started singing a song she heard once at the market by a horrified looking man:

There’s no more peace

There’s way too much fuss

So, listen to me, please

The devil is among us.

She started brushing out her straw-like, black hair. She looked closer at her freckled face, then at her one oversized tooth. “Jaq, Gus Gus, I wish I was appealing. Like those ladies that try to appeal to the princes. She spun around. One of the King’s sons is just my age.” She ran over to the bed, “He can be mine one day! That will prove to everyone that I am better than them.”

She smiled to herself, then ran to the basement to pick up the ribbon. First, she added four more mice to her collection, then snatched the ribbon and went upstairs to greet the others.

Cinderella smiled as she entered the dining area with the ribbon behind her back. She walked to Anastasia’s side. “I cleaned up your ribbon for you!”

Augusta smiled, “Well let’s see it. Hand it to her!”

Cinderella revealed the blood red ribbon. Anastasia burst into tears, along with Lady Tremaine, followed by Drusilla. Cinderella remained smiling, “Do you like it?”

Augusta ran around the table and smacked the smile off of Cinderella’s face. “What have you done?! I did not mean to dye it, I just said to clean it! This is very mistaken of you. You will go away to your room. Now!”

Cinderella threw the ribbon on the table, then ran to her room.

Augusta turned to Lady Tremaine. “I am so sorry. This was all my fault. I can buy a new ribbon.”

Anastasia sniffled, “You don’t need to do that, father. I can still wear this one. It’s just not my father’s favorite color any longer.”

“I feel dreadful. I suppose we should all just get some sleep, then figure out what to do at daybreak.”

Everyone got up and went to their beds. Cinderella sat on her bed writing in her journal all night.

As soon as the sun peaked over the horizon, Cinderella smiled and closed her journal. She ran to the basement with Jaq and Gus Gus in her pockets. She grabbed her bag of dead mice and added a total of twenty more. She also found two bloody and ripped apart mice next to her sleeping cat. She added those to the bag, then dumped out the barrels. And stacked them all back in the corner where they rightfully belong.

Cinderella carried the bag of twenty-six mice, plus two shredded ones, up to her room and hit it inside of her closet. She went back to her bed and started writing in her journal once again.

Soon, everyone else got out of bed, dressed and went downstairs for some breakfast. Cinderella got out of her bed, grabbed her bag of mice and went into Lady Tremaine’s closet. She didn’t want to upset her father by putting them in his bed only Lady’s.

Cinderella stuck eight dead mice all throughout her clothes, making sure she got the best blouses and dresses. She smiled the whole time.

After the eight mice were in their places, Cinderella walked into Anastasia and Drusilla’s room. She placed three mice on each of their beds, and the rest on their clothing. Cinderella placed the two shredded ones inside of Anastasia’s shoes.

While doing that, Cinderella spotted Drusilla’s teddy bear on her bed. Cinderella walked over and ripped the head, arms and legs apart.

Very found of herself, Cinderella threw the bag under Anastasia’s bed and walked out for breakfast.

Everyone became silent when Cinderella entered the room. She sat herself next to Anastasia and grabbed herself some eggs. She smiled, “It’s a lovely day today, isn’t it?”

Augusta frowned, “Cinderella, don’t you have something to say to Anastasia?”

“Oh, yes father. Anastasia, I am truly sorry. I misunderstood what to do. I tried cleaning the ribbon, but the stain wouldn’t leave, so I thought if I dyed it you would like it better. I feel horrible for what I have done.”

Anastasia didn’t dare look at Cinderella, “Thank you, Cinderella. I understand that it was a mistake.”

Cinderella smiled while everyone went back up to their rooms to finish getting ready to go out to the town.

Her smile grew when the screams finally came, “That’ll show them that this house is not theirs. Won’t it, Jaq?”

Augusta ran down the stairs, “Cinderella!” He went over to where Cinderella was sitting at the table, “Don’t you dare smile?!” I raised his hand and smacked Cinderella on the face, making her bleed.

Her smile vanished. “I didn’t do anything, father! Why do you love them more than me?!”

Lady Tremaine and the girls came downstairs crying. Lady grabbed Augusta’s hand and brought it down before he could hit Cinderella again. “Don’t Augusta. That’s not the way to treat a young girl. Even if she makes mistakes.”

Augusta seemed to get back some consciousness. He turned around to Anastasia and Drusilla, “Oh, you poor little girls.”

Tears ran down Cinderella’s face as she saw her father give Anastasia and Drusilla hugs and kisses. As she wiped her lip with her hand and saw it covered with blood. As she realized that she wasn’t her daddy’s only girl anymore. The only one that he truly loved.

She ran away to her room sat in the corner crying as she wrote in her journal.

Meanwhile, downstairs Augusta was doing everything possible to get the girls to calm down. “Hey, settle down now, okay. I will have the maids clean up the mice and wash all of your clothes while we go into town. I’ll buy you guys some yummy chocolates if you want. Have you guys ever had chocolate?”

They both smiled and nodded. Anastasia laughed, “It’s so delicious!”

Lady Tremaine laughed, “Now, now. Don’t you both have something to say to Augusta?”

Anastasia and Drusilla each gave Augusta a hug. Anastasia smiled, “Thank you very much, father. We love you very much too. But I have something to ask you.”

Augusta smiled, “Yes, dear?”

“Can we get some chocolates for Cinderella too. I don’t want to leave her out. And I don’t want her to hate me.”

“Of course we can. You’re a very nice girl, Anastasia. Now let’s go get some chocolates!”

They left into town while Cinderella staying in the corner. Thinking of a plan for revenge.

Cinderella stayed in her room all day and afternoon with her door locked. Not even budging when Anastasia tried to give her some chocolates.

Now that everyone was asleep, Cinderella got up out of the corner and went into the kitchen. She was about to stop to grab a piece of chocolate that was on the table, when the knife on the counter twinkled in the corner of her eye.

She grabbed the knife and slowly started walking up the stairs. She whispered to herself, “If I can’t have him, they can’t have him. If I can’t have him, they can’t have him. If I can’t have him, they can’t have him.”

She stopped outside of Augusta and Lady Tremaine’s room. She slowly opened the door. The cat ran out of the room, almost making Cinderella scream.

Cinderella slowly walked into the room. The moonlight was enough for Cinderella to distinguish her father from Lady Tremaine. She walked over to her father’s side of the bed.

She lifted the knife above her head and slammed it down into her fathers chest. He didn’t even have time to scream because he was sleeping, so Lady Tremaine didn’t even move a muscle.

Cinderella closed her fathers eyes and took the knife out of his chest. She carried the knife up into her room and put it into her small chest. As a memory to keep forever.

Cinderella climbed into bed and slept for a short period of time. For soon enough, she was woken up by Lady Tremaine’s screams of horror.

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Thu Jan 09, 2014 12:46 pm
Seraphinaxx wrote a review...

This is amazing!! I really like how you did a horror version of the fairy tale that practically everyone has heard. It was really well written how everything she did escalated until she stabbed her father, which I did not expect. I thought she would kill her stepfamily instead so she could keep her father, but your twist is brilliant. Also the idea of Cinderella as an 8yr old psychopath is really well thought out. It flows really well and kept me hooked in. Are you going to do horror versions of other fairy tales as well? If so I am really looking forward to it. Keep up the good work :)

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Fri Jan 03, 2014 11:43 pm
SARAHJO wrote a review...

Hello Emily! It's Sarah back again to review another one of your awesome stories. I just have one question to ask before I begin. Is this a short story? It seems more like a short story rather than a novel or chapter story. But anyways, moving on!

First of all, I think your idea for a Disney princess to be an evil, wicked little human, was absolutely genius. It adds loads of darkness to the Disney tale, but I like what you did with it. I would have never thought Cinderella would kill her own father because she thought she was being replaced as "Daddy's little girl". This story made me shudder with fear, and it was completely unlike the sweet and down to Earth Cinderella we all know best. Or should I say, KNEW best...
The fact that you made her stepsisters the victims in this was a complete twist as well. It made me feel incredibly bad for the position they were in, along with Lady Tremaine. I'm not quite clear on why you made Cinderella this way, unless there's a whole back story that effected the way she is now, or if she's just a complete brat who wants all the attention for herself. Either one would make a great plot. Also, Cinderella seems like a very... demented and eerie child. The whole mice scenario for example was very disturbing to me. Although, the fact that Cinderella is the not-so-good-looking one of the family is a bit odd, but unique at the same time. I applaud you for keeping things original.

Now for the technical things.
"Just then, the butler walked into the room announcing lunch was ready. They walked in to the dining area and sat down. This angered Cinderella who was peering in through the window." I'm not really clear on why this made Cinderella so angry. Could you explain this to me?
Another thing: "“We’ll be back to catch our prize, Jaq. But don’t fret, these mice aren’t your family. I am, and your mine. Nothing will ever happen to you.”" It should be "-and YOU'RE mine." You have to be careful about your homophones. We have some nit-picky reviewers out there!
For a third thing, I noticed that almost every one of your sentences started with the subject, and it made your sentences seem more like you were just telling me what was happening and not really showing me. I've been called out on that plenty of times in my chapters as well, so it's not something to really worry about. Just make sure to use flowing and easy going sentences so it doesn't seem too choppy and forceful.
For a fourth thing: "She glared at Lady Tremaine, for she has taken Cinderella’s end spot at the table." If this is happening in past tense, shouldn't it be "-for she HAD taken Cinderella's end spot at the table." ? Be careful how you word your tenses, or you'll confuse some of your readers.
Also: “I appreciate that, Cinderella. I didn’t need anymore problems right now.” Again with your tenses. It should be, "I DON'T need anymore problems anymore."
Another error: "Meanwhile, Anastasia and Drusilla, who is six, are outside playing." Should be, "-who ARE six.".
"Drusilla shrugged, for she hasn’t said a word since her father died three years ago." Should be, "-for she HADN'T.."
And finally: "Cinderella closed her fathers eyes and took the knife out of his chest." Unless her father sleeps with his eyes open, this didn't make sense to me. Why would she have to close his eyes if he was sleeping? :/

Aside from a few minor errors and mistakes, I absolutely love your story. It gives me the chills, and it makes me question all of the other sweet and happy Disney stories we know. If you're planning on doing different princesses, I suggest doing the Little Mermaid or Snow White next. I'm excited to see what you could do with those as they already have some what of a dark background to begin with. All in all, you have amazing writing, and I look forward to reading more in the future!

Happy writing! :)

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Thu Jan 02, 2014 12:55 pm
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supernb wrote a review...

Hey Emilylemke
This is some spin-off on the boring old fairy tale.
Cinderella turns evil- i like it! I bet no one would really imagine this since it has been stored into our minds since childhood that Cinderella is a good girl and plays a role model to all the young girls. But i really liked to way to think. This story has so much evil to it- the dead mice, the blood red ribbon, etc. I was really engrossed into the story !
But there were some parts about the dead mice which i didn't really understand. It was a bit confusing.
But other than that i loved your story. Really interesting!
Keep up the good work!

The only person I know for certain I am better than is the person I used to be.
— CandyWizard