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Mirror, Mirror

by EllieMae

Mirror, Mirror, on the wall,

who's the fairest of them all?

It wasn't me,

it was only you,

and an overwhelming amount of trust issues.


Mother, Mother, dearest to me,

did you not understand that I wanted to be free?

I wished upon stars,

and flowers,

and birds in the sky,

but your cruel grasp still made me cry.


Father, Father, the only one that I loved,

why then, did you fly far away like a dove?

I was trapped on my ship,

with only



and I.

Longing for death,

but too afraid and too weak to die.


Brother, Brother, you were nothing more than small,

how many more steps can you tumble, before you finally fall?

The wall you have built

looks strong and mighty,

but your tears fall faster than rain.

Oh, Brother, I see where you are hiding.


Someday, Someday, I will fly far away from this place,

with beauty on my wings, captured by grace.

I will shatter the glass of your despicable mirror,

free at last, abandoning my fears.


I will steal all the shining stars up above,

and find every flower,

perhaps my father's dove.

At last, there is laughter at every hour.

I have let my guard down,

and escaped from my tower.


As I befriend the birds in the sky,


it's just me,


and I.

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Mon Mar 25, 2024 6:25 am
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OrabellaAvenue wrote a review...

Hello there! This is Orabella, here to give you a quick review!

I originally read this in your poetry novel thread and I was immediately in love with it, and as soon as I realized it only had one review I was like what??? This is so amazing how have ten people not already reviewed this??? Well anyway I'm here because I need an excuse to read it over and over again. XD

I love how everything connects back to everything in the poem. The mirror again in the fifth stanza, the dove of your father, the birds, the stars, the flowers, the me myself and I; it's all incredibly beautiful, and quite honestly I don't know how you did that so well. Incorporating the same elements again later in a poem is difficult to do meaningfully, and rhyming is frankly quite hard, but somehow you managed to combine the two?! Not to mention the fact that you made the entire thing chalked full of meaning and emotions to the point where I want to cry! How do you do this?? You're like a magician with poetry, and this is just one example! I've read so many of your other poems and you got me crying, like actually tearing up.

Mirror, mirror, on the wall is from Snow White, but you don't stop with the fairy tale/fantasy there. The whole poem is themed with it, from the mirror itself to the tower, animals, flight, the dove, even the stars and flowers, in a way, and yet the poem feels contemporary and so real to life - real to right now. I may not have experienced the same things as you with the same family situation, but I can feel the emotions and the intentions behind it and it makes me want to cry, but feel hopeful at the same time, with your beautiful ending there.

I really can't choose one or two, so here are some of my favorite lines/stanzas that are absolutly beautiful:

Father, Father, the only one that I loved,

why then, did you fly far away like a dove?

Longing for death,

but too afraid and too weak to die.

how many more steps can you tumble, before you finally fall?

Someday, Someday, I will fly far away from this place,

with beauty on my wings, captured by grace.

I will shatter the glass of your despicable mirror,

free at last, abandoning my fears.

Have I talked about the rhyming scheme yet? Because oh how it flows! Like actually, how did you keep everything you wanted to say so clear while adding all these rhyming words?

That's all I've got time for for now, unfortunately, but thank you so much for writing this, and deciding to share it with us! I could read your poetry all day it seriously is one of my favorite things to read, no joke. If you want me to read any other poem and possibly review it, let me know! I'd love another excuse to read your poetry. :D Until then, have a fantastic day/night, and keep writing!

EllieMae says...

Thank you so so so much! Every word you said means so much to me <3333 Thanks a lot!!

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Mon Mar 04, 2024 8:39 pm
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Coffeewriter says...

OML, Ellie you have once again outdone yourself!! This is packed with emotion and you practically go on an emotional rollercoaster with the character as she/he starts from heartbroken and enslaved by her own burdens weighing heavily on her to free at last and free to find the eternity of peace she/he deserves. Wonderful work!!! Words can’t describe how much I love it…

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Sat Jan 27, 2024 9:35 pm
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farq4d says...

ahh not a review, i just really loved reading this poem <3

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Sat Jan 27, 2024 5:42 pm
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RavenAkuma wrote a review...

Hello, my friend!

Your poem, here, is so incredible, I can really feel the passion you can put into it. The repeating verses covering the self, mother, father, and brother very elegantly build a picture in mind, a sort of dark family portrait, then those beautiful verses of liberation build it into an inspiring and hopeful story, and finally, leads to a well-delivered ending of tranquility. Even with its grim undertones, it's a very heartfelt and touching narration.

The golden lines, what really hit the most, was this section right here:

"I will steal all the shining stars up above, and find every flower, perhaps my father's dove."

Amazing choice of words. Provokes so many emotions.

In more practical terms, the simplified rhyme pattern and structure help to give it that feeling of authenticity, and I couldn't spy any sort of errors -there's no recommendation I could make. I'm not a professional either way, but I would rate this 10/10.

Overall, brilliant work! :)

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Reviews: 95

Sat Jan 27, 2024 1:29 am
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twiggy says...

your poetry is so beautiful and heartfelt, Ailah, I love this so much! you are an incredible writer and I love reading your poems. I don't know how you manage to make it rhyme but still be serious and heartfelt, that is a skill i wish i had!

EllieMae says...

Seriously, you don't understand how much this means to me. Comments like this are one of the reasons I love YWS so much and spend so much time here. Comments like this give me hope that I could actually be a writer and mean so much. Thank you <33 You made me cry!!

twiggy says...

Of course! You already are a writer haha, I'm so glad you're on this site. <333

sometimes i'm like "I should say something quotable to make it into the quote gen" but then I feel bad because quote gen quotes are very spontaneous
— theromanticchemist