
Young Writers Society

A New Fanfiction: Final Fantasy 8 (Chapter 19)

by Dynamo

Chapter 19:

“…Ugh… What… happened?”

Tylor’s eyes began to focus as he came to his senses. He looked around to see himself inside a small room. There was a toilet in the corner and he was lying on the only bed, and it wasn’t very comfortable.

He sat up and remembered what he did in Deling City. He checked his chest for wounds, but there were none. At least he wasn’t dead.

He knew where he was. This is a prison for political activists in Galbadia. He and everyone else must have been sent here after their assassination attempt on the sorceress.

But that wasn’t what he was worrying about right now. He had just woken up from another trip into the past. This time he saw Eric becoming Sorceress Adel’s knight. What did it all mean? What was Tylor’s connection to Eric?

The cell shook violently as it moved within the prison. Tylor knew that as soon as the cell stopped guards would confront him. If he was quick, it could be the perfect chance to escape. He went on all fours in front of the door and waited for it to open so he could jump out and attack the first person he saw. He didn’t have his swords, so he would have to take one of the guards’ weapons.

Meanwhile, outside the cell…

The prison crane brought Tylor’s cell to Xemnas and a group of prison guards. Xemnas cautioned them, “Be careful with this one, he is stronger than he looks.”

The captain of this group of guards glared at him. “Look buddy, I don’t care what kind of orders you have, you can’t tell me how to do my job.”

“I was merely giving you a warning.”

“Why don’t you stay back and let us do our job.”

He smiled and took a few steps back. “As you wish.”

The men surrounded the cell as the captain pressed a few buttons to open the door. As soon as the door was open Tylor sprung out and tackled the captain. Without hesitation he spotted the closest guard and jumped at him. He grabbed the man’s gun and twisted his arm. The man yelped in pain before he was thrown aside.

The rest of the guards had just come out of their state of shock and aimed their guns at Tylor. Before they could fire Tylor switched the gun to automatic and shot each man in the leg. They fell and writhed in pain.

“Now that that’s over with I’ve got to find a way out of he-” Xemnas appeared behind him. Before Tylor even knew he was there he hit one of the pressure points in his neck. Tylor dropped the gun and fell to the ground, unconscious.

Xemnas smiled at the captain. “Well, at least none of your men died.”

Tylor woke up a few minutes later tied to a torture device on the wall. The first thing he saw was Xemnas. He was smiling.

“So good of you to join us at last. Even after our last confrontation you still have so much energy.”

Tylor glared at him. “What do you want, you bastard?”

“Now, now. There’s no need for name-calling. You should be thankful I’m the one questioning you and not Seifer. He really doesn’t like you. If I let him question you he might just kill you for fun.”

“Heh, it’s kinda hard to play ‘good cop, bad cop’ without the bad cop.”

“True, but I am not here to play games. I merely want answers.”

“I’m not going to tell you anything.”

“Oh, but I think you will.” Xemnas pointed to the man manning the torture device. One cue the man pulled a switch. High volts of electricity ran through Tylor’s body. The torture lasted a few seconds before Xemnas ordered him to stop. “If you cooperate, I can assure you this will be more pleasant.”

Tylor panted. “What… do you want?”

“You can start by telling me what SeeD is.”

“SeeD…” Tylor knew that SeeD were members of a force dedicated to exterminating the sorceress, but if he told them that they would attack Balamb Garden. They were going to shoot missiles at it anyway, but if Tylor told him it might change the future. The missiles might fire sooner and they wouldn’t get a chance to save Balamb Garden. Right now, he had to stall for time. It was all he could do.

“A seed is something you plant in the ground to make plants grow.”

Xemnas ordered the man to turn on the device again, sending more electricity through Tylor’s body. “Yes, I know that. But what is SeeD?”

“I just told you. Are you deaf, or just plain stupid?”

Once again, he was electrocuted. “It will go a lot easier if you cooperate with me.” Xemnas told him.

Tylor sighed, “Fine, I give up, I’ll tell you.”

“I’m listening.”

“SeeD… is an organization dedicated to helping those less fortunate than us. They send us around the world to help solve problems and resolve differences between people who have no one else to turn to.”

Xemnas signalled and the torture device was switched on again. “I know when you’re lying, Daimon. Tell me what I want to know.”

That last shock was stronger than the others. Xemnas must not have liked the lie. “Before I tell you, I want to know something.”

“Why should I tell you anything?” Xemnas asked, intrigued.

“If you tell me what I want to know, I’ll tell you what you want to know.”

“I could always torture the information out of you.”

“You know how long that might take, and I might pass out before I give you your answers.”

Xemnas smiled. “You are quite a smart young man, aren’t you? Very well, what do you wish to know?”

“I want to know what you know about me. Why do you keep calling me Daimon, how do you know about my foresight, why do you think I believe this is all just a game?”

“I suppose you have a right to know. I call you Daimon because that is your really name. You just think your name is Tylor. I know about your ability to see events before they happen and why you think this is a video game because they are side effects of the seal.”

“The seal? What seal?”

“I’m sorry, that wasn’t one of the questions you asked when we agreed on this deal. Now, it’s time you held up your end of the bargain.”

Tylor sighed, “All right, come closer.”

“I can hear you just fine from here.”

“I want to make sure you hear this.”

“Very well.” Xemnas took a few steps forward. “Now tell me, what is SeeD.”

Tylor spat on him.

Xemnas closed his eyes, probably trying to hold in his rage. The spit on his black cloak burned away in a dark purple fire. “I do not have time to play anymore of your games. I am needed elsewhere.” He looked at the man controlling the torture device. “Make sure he suffers.” With that he disappeared in his usual manner, in a swarm of bats.

The guard came over to Tylor. “Ready to talk, tough guy?” Tylor began to laugh. “What’s so funny.”

“I am going to hurt you so much.”

“You think you’re funny, eh? Well let’s see how you like this!” He went over to the torture control consol and pressed a button. Electricity was sent through Tylor’s body. “How’d you like that?”

Tylor started laughing again. “Every time you do that I’m going to add another minute to the time I keep you alive before you die. I promise you, you’ll be begging for death before this is all over.” Tylor thought that if he scared the guard enough he might make a mistake, or have him killed he wasn’t sure which. Whatever he decided to do at least it would buy the others time.

“You don’t scare me, buddy. There’s no way you can get out of those chains.”

“These chains can’t hold me forever. Once I’m free, I’m going to cut off your arms, then your legs, then I’m going to peel the skin from your body.”

He could see the fear in the guard’s eyes. “Oh yeah? Well… take this!” He turned on the torture devices again. It was only when he was being electrocuted that Tylor realised a plan to get himself free.

Tylor’s head fell limply in front of his body. The guard turned off the electricity and went to get a better look. “Heh, out cold. I knew he was all talk.” He reached up to release the chains. “Well, this guy’s not going to talk. Better put him back in his cell.” When the last chain was released he called in two more guards to carry him back to his cell.

Tylor’s cell was still attached to the crane just outside the torture room. One of the guards released Tylor’s arm so he could open the cell. The door opened with a hiss.

Tylor punched the guard carrying him in the face and threw him into the cell. He grabbed the other guard by the shirt and tossed him in after. Before they could get out Tylor closed and locked the cell door.

He turned to face the man who had tortured him. Tylor smiled as evilly as he could as he approach the terrified guard. He stopped inches away from his face and said, “BOO!”

The guard fainted.

“Well, that was easy.” Tylor said. “Now all I have to do is find my friends and get out of here. I’ll have to find a disguise.” The guard the fainted was wearing a suit and hat. Tylor had long hair, so if he took his clothes the other guards would see right through his disguise. He went over to the edge of the walkway and peered down to the many floors below. He saw a small patrol of Galbadian soldiers.


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May you never steal, lie, or cheat. But if you must steal, then steal away my sorrows. And if you must lie, then lie with me all the nights of your life. And if you must cheat, then please, cheat death.
— An Unknown Bride, Leap Year