
Young Writers Society

The Dreamwalker - prologue (short)

by Dreamwalker

Alright this is pretty short and I kept it fairly simple for prologues sake. I know this may sound a little confusing and a little poetic in a sense, but I wanted my character to come across as almost cynical in his solemness.

Please, harsh reviews are very much wanted and I dont mind cruelty, I am just curious to see how people take this, and it is very short so I think it shouldn't be too rough to read.. Well enjoy and please please please tell me what you think. You words are very much appreciated!

Prologue: If You Only Knew

Live life to the fullest, as they always say, but when you live to the end of the world, is there such a need to? Is there really a purpose to such a life as mine? One where I pay no price for the time I spend, watching, waiting, and creating the worlds that everyone sees when they close their eyes. I am but a humble soul always searching for what I should truthfully be doing in this world, not accepting the truths around me.

Brother told me long ago that I had to let things sink in, to accept this fate that I have been given. He told me I was lucky, blessed even to see the things that I have seen, feel the things that I have felt… Of course I never felt this way, as I watched such naïve human aspirations and passions shine through in the world’s their subconscious’s will me to create. It made me almost envious of such an ability as I was too cynical to believe in any other sort of fate then this one.

My quill is my tool of choice, my words my only way to express how I truly felt those long and lonely days that filled my heart with an ongoing grief, but it is not those feelings that caused me to tell of my story to you. I’m really not all that special, an ordinary person in a sense, if I was born to the world with a soul, a body. My hands… I look down at them and know they are sad excuses for what I have always prayed, wished, dreamt of being. Silly, I know, but the truth.

It was fate though that I was to be the Dreamwalker. I create dreams, fill everyone’s thoughts with beautiful images of past memories or lucrative fantasies. Everything a person feels in this life, I know. Maybe that’s why I am as I am, simple and forlorn. I am but merely a man of my word.

Or at least was until the day I met her. That’s my story, simple and true. A story that was not meant to make you smile, or fall to tears as I know I have many a times over. It’s just our story, of a man who was too afraid to fly, and a mute girl who saw only truth. I loved her. She loved life. There was nothing more then that.

So you ask me why I would write about such a thing? Because it’s one thing that I can hold onto. The reason I have for living. Call me crazy, maybe even absurd, but I am a dreamer. The Dreamwalker.

That was all! I hope you enjoyed it and please, feedback would be wonderful!



(Yes this is the prologue to the book that I'm named after ;) )

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Sun Jun 12, 2011 5:10 am
rayhutch5 wrote a review...

Hey, Dreamwalker! I just came by to return the favor and review your novel! :) I hope I help out; I haven't done a review in quite some time.

Live life to the fullest, as they always say, but when you live to the end of the world, is there such a need to?

Since this is the very first line of your novel, I'm going to be a bit harsh. First off, the sentence is a bit confusing. I got it eventually, but that was after reading it twice. Maybe you could elaborate a bit more on why people say "live life to the fullest". Is it because life's short? If so, find some way to add that in. Also, the bold "to" would make more sense if it was changed to "till".
It made me almost envious of such an ability as I was too cynical to believe in any other sort of fate then this one.

Should be "than".
There was nothing more then that.

Should be "than".

I really like the idea of this story. It's so creative and alluring that I can't wait to read the first chapter. I really enjoyed it, and I absolutely love your main character. He seems able to throw out some witty and snide comments, so I truly hope you take advantage of that. :)

Keep on writing,
Rachael :D

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Mon Apr 04, 2011 6:45 pm
kathy45662 wrote a review...

I really love the writing style and can't wait 'til I have time to read more of your writings you already have posted. It is well written except the grammar that others have already pointed out so I really don't need to point those out again. Why look for something if you already fixed it, right? I really enjoyed this short prologue and will follow you to review some more of your awesome work!

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Tue Jul 21, 2009 7:01 pm
Dreamwalker says...

Thank you all so kindly for your reviews! I will definitly take it all and see what I can do!

And at the moment, he doesn't seem to cynical, but throughout the story in itself he becomes it. It's just hard getting it across in the first little bit.

You've all been a big help!


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Fri Jul 17, 2009 4:55 am
TaylaChase wrote a review...

Good job, that was interesting!

as I watched such naïve human aspirations and passions shine through in the world’s their subconscious’s will me to create.

This sentence kinda confused me at first. I had to reread it before I got what you were trying to say. I would try to rephrase it a bit so that the reader has a less difficult time understanding it.

how I truly felt those long and lonely days that filled my heart

I think there should be a comma after "felt".

You should keep working at it though, you did a good job!


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Fri Jul 17, 2009 4:28 am
richelle says...

nice one .. :D

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Thu Jul 16, 2009 9:06 pm
flytodreams wrote a review...

In my opinion, the main character *did* come off as melodramatic, and there was no trace of cynicism. Your writing style was fantastic though, and something about a Dreamwalker seems mysterious and beautiful to me. :) Keep writing!

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Thu Jul 16, 2009 6:48 pm
Crysi wrote a review...

Hello! :) I'm trying to critique a little more, and as I don't have much time, this was the perfect length for me! Word of warning: I prefer to not read other critiques before I submit mine, so I may be repeating what others have said. Let's see what I can do for you...

The.Dreamwalker wrote:Alright this is pretty short and I kept it fairly simple for prologues sake. I know this may sound a little confusing and a little poetic in a sense, but I wanted my character to come across as almost cynical in his solemness.

Please, harsh reviews are very much wanted and I dont mind cruelty, I am just curious to see how people take this, and it is very short so I think it shouldn't be too rough to read.. Well enjoy and please please please tell me what you think. You words are very much appreciated!

Good to know. However, generally I disapprove of authors' notes before or after the main text. It takes away from it. If you need to, add it as a comment. Otherwise, especially here, it's a distraction and somewhat hard to tell where the story really begins.

Prologue: If You Only Knew

Live life to the fullest, as they always say, but when you live to the end of the world, is there such a need to? Is there really a purpose to such a life as mine?

Interesting beginning. At first I felt it was a little melodramatic, but beginning with this question really stops and makes you think. Is it even possible to live life to the fullest if you live forever? Sounds like a chore to me.

One where I pay no price for the time I spend, watching, waiting, and creating the worlds that everyone sees when they close their eyes. I am but a humble soul always searching for what I should truthfully be doing in this world, not accepting the truths around me.

Love love love the first sentence in this quote! I actually did a double-take -- "Pay no price? Wow. So this person is free to do these things without consequence. That's cool." I think you can take the comma out after "spend" so it's not so clunky.

The second sentence is sort of confusing. If I were to rewrite it, assuming I'm interpreting correctly, I might say something like "I am but a humble soul, always searching for my own true purpose in this world, instead of merely accepting the truths of others." Or "truths around me" might still work -- I couldn't decide. I like the idea here, too, as I believe we all have our own personal truths, and cannot truly be ourselves if we just absorb the "truths" of other people.

But enough about me. ;)

Brother told me long ago that I had to let things sink in, to accept this fate that I have been given.

I think it should be "had been given" here... Just fits with the overall tense.

He told me I was lucky, blessed even to see the things that I have seen, feel the things that I have felt…

This is kind of a long sentence... Any way we could break it up? Or maybe we could do something like this: "He told me I was lucky -- blessed, even -- to see the things that I saw, feel the things that I felt..."

Of course I never felt this way, as I watched such naïve human aspirations and passions shine through in the world’s their subconscious’s will me to create.

Ooh! Here we get a glimpse of what the narrator is talking about! Good. You've drawn us in, and now you're giving us a hint of what you're describing! Excellent.

Only a couple punctuation errors to get in our way. ;) I'd put a comma after "course," and no apostrophe in "worlds." And the last section should be "...their subconscious willed me to create." (For the life of me, I can't find the plural of "subconscious" -- perhaps use "subconscious minds" instead?)

It made me almost envious of such an ability as I was too cynical to believe in any other sort of fate then this one.

I'd cut this line, I think. Or change it to something like, "In a way, it made me almost envious: Being tasked with creating worlds for others, I often wished for a world of my own."

My quill is my tool of choice, my words my only way to express how I truly felt those long and lonely days that filled my heart with an ongoing grief, but it is not those feelings that caused me to tell of my story to you.

Okay, now it's getting melodramatic. Let's break this up a bit! "My quill is my tool of choice, my words the only way to express how I truly felt in those long and lonely days. Yet those feelings did not compel me to tell my story to you."

I’m really not all that special, an ordinary person in a sense, if I was born to the world with a soul, a body. My hands… I look down at them and know they are sad excuses for what I have always prayed, wished, dreamt of being. Silly, I know, but the truth.

Mm... I'd rewrite. "I'm really not all that special. I'd be an ordinary person, if only I was born to the world with body and soul. But I look down at my hands, seeing them as the sad excuses for what I've always dreamt of being. Silly, perhaps. But true."

It was fate though that I was to be the Dreamwalker. I create dreams, fill everyone’s thoughts with beautiful images of past memories or lucrative fantasies. Everything a person feels in this life, I know. Maybe that’s why I am as I am, simple and forlorn. I am but merely a man of my word.

I'd take this part out. You've already explained how you create dreams for others. This section just makes it more emo. Repetition isn't always a good thing!

So, in order to transition into the next part, I'd add this before the next sentence: "My fate was to be the Dreamwalker, alone and unreal."

Or at least was until the day I met her. That’s my story, simple and true. A story that was not meant to make you smile, or fall to tears as I know I have many a times over. It’s just our story, of a man who was too afraid to fly, and a mute girl who saw only truth. I loved her. She loved life. There was nothing more then that.

I'd change "That's my story" to "This is my story," so it doesn't sound so much like a convict explaining to the cops. ;) I like the rest! Except "many a times" should be "many a time" -- easy typo -- and "nothing more then that" should be "nothing more than that." Then = time, than = comparison.

So you ask me why I would write about such a thing? Because it’s one thing that I can hold onto. The reason I have for living. Call me crazy, maybe even absurd, but I am a dreamer. The Dreamwalker.

I think I'd change "onto" to "on to" -- makes more sense. I think "Call me crazy" doesn't quite fit with the tone of the overall narration, so I'd change that sentence to "Perhaps I am absurd, but I am a dreamer." And the ending is perfect. :)

So! Overall, I really love the ideas you're expressing here. Quite unique, which is always a good thing. Very, very good work. Just make sure your narrator doesn't get too melodramatic, or the readers might get tired of the drama.

I really do hope you post more to this story! Like I said, very interesting ideas, and I'd love to see how you pursue them. :)



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Thu Jul 16, 2009 4:59 pm
Jaclyn Lyle wrote a review...

This was really, very good. How dare you think I would laugh! XD
This prologue is vague, but most are. It's very whimsical and poetic, which is something I actually like. But sometimes that can go a little too far, as it does sometimes in this.
And I'm sorry to say, but your character does not come across as cynical. The only time the reader would guess that this character has some trace of cynicism in him would be when he says, "I was too cynical." Sorrowful, perhaps. But not cynical.
Other than that, this is amazing, and it really draws you in. I was hoping to make one of those full, hardcore reviews, but I find hardly anything wrong with this so that's virtually impossible for me to do, and I suck at punctuation.
Setting was almost nonexistent, but It's a prologue and I imagine it very otherworldly and divine, so it goes.
Well, that's the best I can do here. XD

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Wed Feb 25, 2009 6:11 pm
pandapez wrote a review...


First off, I'm really sorry that I dont have any criticisms to offer ^^; It's not my habit to just offer praises without at least some advice, but I really couldn't find a single thing I didn't like. I'm horrible at grammar and what I did notice Pippiedooda already covered so I cant help you out there either. All I really have to say is why I liked what I did.

The way you introduced your character was fantastic. He came off as deep and tragic, but no so much that he fits into the usual cliches or has already given up all his mysteries. He has so much potential and I'm really curious to see where his story goes from here and how he tells it.

As with your character, I thought your prose was amazing. I loved the reflective, pensive tone you held throughout the entire piece and I was ecstatic that you didn't overdue it. It was just right and went along perfect with your diction. This type of writing is actually a personal favorite of mine :D

Your work reminded me off a book a read recently called The Book Theif. (I can't remember the authors name right now, but I think it might have been Markus Zusak or something) It was about a german girl in Nazi Germany and the whole thing was narrated by Death much in the way your Dreamwalkers telling his story. I liked it a lot and, judging from your work, think you should check it out sometime ^^

Well, thats it. Again, Im really sorry I couldnt come up with something better ( You really did do a great job :3) and I hope this helped at least a little. PM if there's more please ^^


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Wed Feb 25, 2009 5:39 pm
Pippiedooda wrote a review...

Hi! I thought this was a well written prologue- a good way of introducing the story :D I'd definitely be interested in reading more if you post it!

Live life to the fullest, as they always say, but when you live to the end of the world, is there such a need to?

I'd change the comma before but to a dash to separate the second part of the sentence a little.

One where I pay no price for the time I spend, watching, waiting, and creating the worlds that everyone sees when they close their eyes.

The last part of this sentence seems a bit too long I think. Maybe you could leave it as 'and creating hidden worlds'?

I am but a humble soul always searching for what I should truthfully be doing in this world, not accepting the truths around me.

There needs to be a comma after soul.

It made me almost envious of such an ability as I was too cynical to believe in any other sort of fate then this one.

There needs to be a comma after ability. I'm not sure sure about 'fate then this one' (then would need to be than), maybe 'any other fate than my own' or something similar would work better.

My quill is my tool of choice, my words my only way to express how I truly felt those long and lonely days that filled my heart with an ongoing grief, but it is not those feelings that caused me to tell of my story to you.

I'd get rid of 'that filled my heart with an ongoing grief' as it seems a bit too much and I think the sentence would work better without it.

It was fate though that I was to be the Dreamwalker.

I'd add a comma after though.

Overall: I think you've introduced the main character well and the concept of the story. I think its just the right length for a prologue and there are no major changes that I can see would help :) I did notice that a few times you have missed out comma's and I have pointed out the places where I think you need one that I saw- I'm not that great in that area so you may need someone else's advice there too. My comments are just suggestions so you don't have to take any notice if you think differently :D

Hope I've helped!

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— Martin Luther King Jr.