
Young Writers Society

E - Everyone

When Subjects Organized a Round Table Conference

by DrFeelGood

A roundtable conference was organised one day,
To discuss and to conclude, who is the king of all subjects!

Everyone had gathered, from Biology to Physics.
They all wanted to know who was mightiest of them all

In a luxurious conference room, they all were sitting,
The heated argument began without a second of delay.

“Dear Mr. Physics, you’re incomplete without me," Mrs. Maths announced,
"You always need my equations, so I am better than you!”

“I have my own strengths,” retorted Physics strongly,
“I give logical answers without making stupid assumptions!”

"Going by that logic, I have to be the best!” Miss Biology naturally argued.
“No,” said Chemistry, “I strike a fine balance!

“I give equations like Maths, I am still related to nature,
I make you use of Biology, I also use Physics.

Doesn’t that make me the best?” asked Chemistry with a smile.
“Impossible,” said Mr. English, “How’s that possible?”

“You all guys are useless if I don’t come into the picture!”
“But,” said Physics, “Humans still consider you secondary.

Ask any parent, "What do you want your child to be?"
Doctor, engineer, architect, they say, rarely we hear ‘writer.’

I think it is pointless to argue, we are all unique and special.
Everyone has something good, we should all respect each other!”

“That’s it for the day, the meeting is over,” announced Miss Biology.
As they were leaving that hall, they saw someone weeping outside.the room.

“Hey, who are you? Why are you crying?” asked a puzzled English.
“My name is ‘Art’,” he said, “I wasn’t allowed to enter your conference.

An angry group of humans told me I’m worthless.
I got censored repeatedly, and was put under moderation.

I am very depressed, Mr.English!” he cried with a choked voice.
English stood silent as others turned a deaf eye.

Years went by, they went ahead with times.
Every subject won its respect, but Art is still weeping outside the room!

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Tue Aug 11, 2015 6:54 am
Mysticalxx wrote a review...

I really, really like this poem! It's really very amusing, as well as realistic! It is true that the subject of Art isn't given much importance in real life. :)

One thing: "English stood silent as others turned a deaf eye". Well, 'deaf eye' isn't a right phrase, I think you meant BLIND eye.

The poem doesn't rhyme, but that's okay because it has a nice non-rhyming touch. Keep up the good work. I really like your works!


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Sun Jan 25, 2015 4:53 pm
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Sarah12 wrote a review...

Hi DrFeelGood. I loved this poem! It really shows the importance of everything, and the pain of being left out. You did a great job!

I agree with mephistophelesangel. Sometimes it is a little difficult to tell who's speaking.

Another thing I don't get is the "deaf eye" part. How can an eye be deaf? I think you meant a blind eye.

"An angry group of humans told me I’m worthless.
I got censored repeatedly, and was put under moderation." This needs quotations around it so readers can tell someone is talking.

Other than that, this was great!

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Tue Jan 13, 2015 10:35 pm
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mephistophelesangel wrote a review...

Hey, DrFeelGood!

So, well, I really liked this poem, a lot. It accurately described real life without, you know, being overly dramatic and sounding like you really want to describe real life. It was smooth, and I liked the humor.

Yet, I don't want to sound annoying, but if I may point out something. In lines such as this ;

“I have my own strengths,” retorted Physics strongly,
“I give logical answers without making stupid assumptions!”

Going by that logic, I have to be the best!” Miss Biology naturally argued.
“No,” said Chemistry, “I strike a fine balance!

At first, I was kind of confused, because I didn't really know who was speaking right there. I'm guessing that Physics dialogue ends "...strengths," and Miss Biology dialogue comes right after. If I'm right, which would be amazing, by the way, you might want to move the "I give logical answers without..." part to the next stanza, which would make it easier to read.

Besides that, I really loved the poem. Personally, I get good grades on those technical subjects, but my dedication had always been to sketching and writing just about any type of writing. Because of that, it made me sad to see Art abandoned outside the room, and English standing beside it. Why - because they are great subjects to learn. If Calculus and Physics are like a steady flow of water, Art and English are like a curving and stretching and jumping rainbow. I love all of them.

What a great poem. Congrats on the literary spotlight, by the way! :D

Keep on writing, Mephis

DrFeelGood says...

I corrected that typo. Thanks for pointing it out. I loved this line:

If Calculus and Physics are like a steady flow of water, Art and English are like a curving and stretching and jumping rainbow.

Awesome! Thanks for this amazing review.

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Tue Jan 13, 2015 6:47 pm
warionack25 says...

I like the idea of this poem a lot, and will say it's really good personally, but alas I must put on my Criticism Cap and take a closer look.
You have a few repetitious words here and there, such as "They all wanted to know who was mightiest of them all," which could have easily just been "They wanted to know who was mightiest," or something along those lines.
There were a few spacial and grammatical errors that could do with some looking-over, such as "Maths" or "Miss.Biology." I suggest sending your work to a friend before you publish it online, you'd be surprised how well some peer insight works in the long run.
Personally, I find the ending of this poem to be a little cliche. Everywhere I look I see poems and story's that criticize the censoring of art, and I'm just a little sick and tired of seeing it everywhere. When you write criticisms of the censoring of art, or any other subject, you should talk about why you yourself don't like it, alternate methods, empathy towards the situation, and everything else in between.
This is way more of a personal opinion kind of thing, but I feel like there could have been so much more symbolism packed into the poem, rather than just blatantly telling the audience who is what and whatnot. Maybe try to be a bit more subtle next time.
Overall, I liked the poem, even though there are a few things to work on, as with every piece of writing.
Good job, and keep on writing.

DrFeelGood says...

Thanks for the review. You're right about subtlety. But if you look at all my previous poems, I'm as subtle as a sledge-hammer :P

Actually this poem was not a personal opinion. It was more of a rant. I know it isnt my best work, but I wanted to rant about the preference other subjects get over language and the overtly sensitive people ready to censor anything. I know it's cliched but I really needed to rant.

Because one of my favorite movie is currently facing such awful censorship and it is driving me crazy. Hope you understand. Thanks for the review :)

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— W. Edwards Deming