
Young Writers Society

E - Everyone

Disaster Zone: Chapter Seven: In Love

by Dhendon

After what seems like a staring contest with my omelet, I come back to reality and take another bite of my food. Such a simple question, a few words aligned together to make English, yet I have no idea how to begin to answer it. What does it mean to be “in love”?

No one ever thinks about the meaning of the phrase “in love”. It simply is. Every day people say “I love you” and “We are so in love” and yet no one understands what that truly means. Here I am trying to define the impossible. What is worse is that my only possible definition is my feelings for Silvia, but I have no method of beginning to describe that sensation.

My flustered look must have amused Silvia because she looks at me and tilts her head slightly to the red, as if waiting for my response. Her curls fall gently off her shoulder to bounce in the air, and I become distracted for a moment by the beauty of her. At this moment, I decide there is no better time than now to begin the impossible.

“Love,” I begin, peeking Silvia’s interest in my response, “is the impossible feeling that is so common and yet so indescribable.”

Sensing that I am going into a big, descriptive, impossible monologue, she sits back in her chair and rests her head in her hand. As she stares at me with those big, beautiful brown eyes, I continue my attempt at naming the feeling of love.

“No one can properly name love and define it for everyone. Instead, we use it on an individual basis, but, even then, not everyone knows what he means by this phrase. For me, being in love,” I pause, gaining the bravery needed to finish my sentence, “is what I feel for you.”

In my brief pause before continuing my response, I notice the sudden look of shock and affection on Silvia’s face. It is almost as though she knew that my response would be similar to this, but she had wanted to make sure she was correct. I gain bravery from her affectionate reaction, and I start into my description.

“When I meet the perfect woman, in the woods, on a foggy night on my way home, that is love. To see her face smile at me and tell me that she loves me, that is the feeling that everyone dreams about. If I can look at a woman and see every beautiful thing about her without a single flaw, then surely I am in love.”

At the mention of some of our previous encounters, Silvia begins to allow a small smile to cross her face. The perfect curve of her lips rising as she reminisces about our few moments together. “When I fall in love, I see every detail of perfection including the bounce and curl of your soft, brown hair. I can look into your eyes and see pools of chocolate. The feeling of having someone that I care so much about that I can sit here and tell her every wonderful aspect of her is when I know I am in love.”

“To meet a woman and know nothing about her, but from that moment, want to be everything for her. Appreciate every curve, but know that nothing is better than to hold her in my arms and tell her everything about her. When I feel as though I should run away, but I stay because I want to be with her. If I get nervous and sick, then clearly she is the one for me.”

“Seeing a life together imagined before my own eyes, that is what I see as love. Dreaming every moment of seeing that beautiful woman, and know that she is the one for me. Doing everything in my power to please her because I never want to lose her, that is what I imagine. To love a woman is to be able to imagine yourself with her. Looking past every flaw to see the truly astounding beauty below the surface, that is how it should be.”

“By sitting here with you, I have successfully accomplished the impossible. I have fallen in love with a beautiful woman and have defined what it means, to me, to be in love.” With this final sentence, I sit back in my chair, feel accomplished, and await the response.

For a moment, we both sit in silence as I analyze my unbelievable feat and Silvia struggles to make her response. Finally, she stops leaning on her hand and sits up to look me in the eyes. “I cannot believe you just said all of that. You really believe every word that you just said, and that is amazing. That was so sweet, everything that you said about me, and I am astounded at the way you accomplished that.”

She continues to stare at me as though I could not have possibly said all that I had. Amused that our roles are finally reversed, and that I am the one making her speechless, I smile and reply, “Well, believe it because you may have the looks over me, but I have the adorableness.”

This comment breaks her astounded state, and she starts laughing at my incessant silliness. “You are completely illogical at times, you know? I have no idea what it is about you, but I love it. You keep me on my top game, and I will take that challenge in stride.”

At this, we keep laughing a moment, and finally we hug awkwardly from our separate chairs. We return to our breakfast, and with this we add in some unusually boring small talk because no large conversations are needed while eating. I continue to think as we eat, and I conclude that this girl is extraordinary. Not many guys could admit that they met a girl wandering in the woods and fell in love with her, but I am one of those guys.

We finish our meal and put our dishes away. As we clean our mess, I think about what we have to do next. No more excuses or getaways are left, we must finish our game, and the problem is that the game is very scary. We do not know each other, so we are playing the game to learn about one another. Through this game, though, we are also learning about ourselves. The scariest part of life is when you learn that you are not the perfect person you wish you were.

Our game is useful in knowing each other, but what will we uncover that does not need to be unmasked? I am scared for what will happen in the questions to come. Two questions down, eighteen more to go. How many more secrets will we uncover before we finish this game, and how many more times will we hurt the other before we fully understand? The answer is only found in the game, and, dreadfully, that is our next task.

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Fri Aug 02, 2013 9:30 pm
Searria H. wrote a review...

Hi there, Dhendon! Sea here to finally complete your list of review requests!

This chapter flowed well, and you have some lovely "hidden descriptions" in there. I really like the little tidbits of information that let me add on to my mental images of your characters, such as the eye colour and hairstyle. Nice. :)

However....I have to admit right here that I didn't quite like this chapter as much. It has a lot to do with the fact that I'm highly cynical and find most lovey stuff really annoying. But for me, this chapter didn't really add much to the story as a whole. We already know that Ryan is madly in love with Silvia, and we know that the feeling is mutual. It's common understanding that love is one of the most difficult emotions to describe, so you didn't need to tell us that. I just didn't see that it really progressed the story at all.

To be honest, I'm starting to lose interest. At first, the whole prospect of a young boy witnessing a murder and then falling madly in love with the murderer was interesting, as was the "different worlds" thing, but neither of those points seem to be very important anymore. There's no tension, no suspense, no excitement. I'm not saying you have to stuff your piece with action for it to be good, but conflict is a major aspect of literature and storytelling in general. I highly respect books or television show that are more concerned with in-depth characters than mindless action, and I think you are making this piece more about the characters. But we're just inching along here. You have to have some sort of conflict. There a little with their discomfort with their game, but you're too quick to resolve any issues with an "It's fine" sort of vibe. I feel like both characters are a little stagnant at this point, and I'm not really sure where you're going with it.

I'm sorry I'm being so straightforward, but I just really liked your general premise, and I would hate to see it peter out.

There were a few editorial errors in there. I think you used "peeked" when it should have been "piqued." (As in to pique someone's interest). But I think you can go through and edit it. :D

All in all, please consider speeding up a bit. :D This piece has so much potential, you could really make it wonderful and enthralling! As always, let me know if you have any questions or comments about this review. If I can do anything else for you, shoot me a PM. :D
Good luck, and happy writing!

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Sat Jul 20, 2013 1:07 am
ArcticMonkey wrote a review...

Chaaapter Seeven!

Ah, the lovey dovey smushy mushy stuff has been mentioned. Yuck :P. At times, you did a good job of keeping your original style and talk about love in a really cool way, rather than in the cliche cheesy way. Even though I thought Ryan's description of love went on a bit (I'll mention that later), the actual content of it was really original rather than the usual lovey dovey stuff so well done! This also reveals more about Ryan's character.

I don't wanna be repeating myself with each chapter I review, but the plot is still moving pretty slowly, and each chapter seems to consists of a conversation between Ryan and Silvia. Although you write this well, I feel like their needs to be a change. Some more descriptions and imagery perhaps? I'm not sure what you'd be describing, but still. I just really think there needs to be something different going on now!

Although the speech is really sweet, I really think it goes on a bit. I mean, I thought it'd be done then there was another bit added to it. Personally, I think it could be cut down a bit. However, this might just be because I'm a love cynic, but it'd just something I thought I'd mention.

Also, one thing I realised with the whole story is, if they just met randomly in the woods one night, how does he know that she's a killer. I don't think that's explained properly, unless I missed it earlier on.

Finally, a quick nitpick:

My flustered look must have amused Silvia because she looks at me and tilts her head slightly to the red,

Tilts he head to to red? I don't think I've ever heard this phrase before. xD

As always, you've got a great style of writing which makes this, not necessarily an easy read, however just really intriguing and quick to read. Some stories can drag on a bit, but you writing certainly does not do this. My main concern with this whole novel is that it's just these two characters and no one else, so it can get a bit boring at times. Hope this helped, PM me if you've got questions.

Keep writing!
-Arc x

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Sat Jul 13, 2013 8:52 pm
mystogan wrote a review...

This was a very touching chapter that made me cringe because as he said no one else can understand it sometimes and I certainly couldn't. For one thing the meaning he was explained was geared towards her so I think it is impossible for any reader to connect to it. Sadly for me I felt like I was outside their window just starring in. Oh well.....

I like how you break the speech every now and again to describe character reactions and slight movements such as the head tilting. It does many things for the plot. One it breaks long speech and allows the reader some space to breath. Two it makes it more realistic as things are more easy to picture if you describe the character responses. And finally it just makes for interesting reading as no one likes to read a long speech.

I like the way the atmosphere began to change right at the end. It set up a sort of cliff hanger where I am left wondering how the story will progress. I know from experience the point from here the honeymoon feeling has to break because reality will eventually set in. It's always interesting to see how that will happen. I look forward to it.

My only criticism is that I would speed up happy moments. the majority of the last two chapters have been very pleasant which makes the story too dreamy and doesn't provide too much suspense. To put it more accurately the story simply slows down. This is not good as the readers attention may start to slacken.

I would advice speeding it up next or use foreshadowing to hint at future disasters. That way it still builds up suspense and maintains tension throughout the chapters.

We all share half a braincell that bounces like a windows screensaver
— WeepingWisteria