Author's note: You are all beautiful and a created work of art!! <3
Author's Note: This is a reverse poem. It is meant to be read both ways to represent two women's thoughts about each others body while having their own insecurities.
Her Figure
I gaze at her figure
So elegant a frame
Her dainty arms, her long torso, her smooth legs
She is a sculptors work of art
Unlike my own
How her form glows
The sun seems to shine just for her
So that all may be engulfed by her beauty
She walks with confidence
Displayed in every step
Each curve
How I wish it were mine
I gaze at her figure
Author's note: You are all beautiful and a created work of art!! <3
This was my first time reading a reverse poem and it was awesome! This poem is so relatable it’s almost scary. It’s really an eye opener to how most women think about themselves. I don’t write much poetry, but I think this was beautiful and wonderfully written. For me I feel like when written from top to bottom she is comparing her body, but when written from bottom to top she is wishing for the other woman’s body. Idk, it can go both ways I suppose.
Sorry for the short review, hope this was somewhat helpful.
~ Charli
Hi hi!
This is so cool! I've never read a reverse poem before, but I'm glad I did now! I'm not a poet at all though... maybe I'm just inexperienced hahah!
I agree with the other reviewer about both directions being similar. To me, the original direction envies the delicateness of the other woman. Words like "dainty" and "elegant" make me think that! I'm not sure though. There aren't many lines to work with, so it's hard to estimate the exact meaning. I guess that's poetry though! It's so awesome that words can mean so many different things.
Maybe the reverse direction represents the opposite of that, but I don't think so. It's way more wistful though! The theme feels more like longing instead of jealousy. The admiration is still there, but it's clouded by more insecurity.
Though, I wish there was just something more! I'm not saying that you don't have a good poem already, but it's so short. To dig deeper into the idea you've written about, I think you could add a few more lines! Maybe break it up into stanzas if you do that, though. Formatting and structure can do a lot for poetry!
I loved this! It's such a good message to write about! I see so much writing about this topic, but I've never seen a reverse poem before! So neat! ^-^
~ Seoyoung
Hey there! Wow, reverse poetry is so unique. I really admire you writing and sharing this poem. I imagine that it was difficult to figure out. Normally reverse poems, give us a completely different narrative, both ways, but I found that this poem gave a similar tone, both ways, but still captured a different element of insecurity. That's amazing! Overall, fantastic work on this, seriously! I thought I would jump by and leave a quick review:
It's interesting that both women basically describe the other women in the same way. Just reversed. I liked how you started and ended both ways with that same line, "I gaze at her figure". Personally, I found this poem to be relatable. I think we spend so much time looking at other people, and thinking about what they have, that we never take the time to admire our own beauty. I love the beautiful language that you used as well, for example, on this part :
She is a sculptors work of art
Unlike my own
How her form glows
The sun seems to shine just for her
Points: 40
Reviews: 7