Hi, hikarihateke here with a review!
Firstly this was just amazing!
this poem took me from my house, sent me to the beach and replaced my pj's with a float white dress and a sun hat ya know?
{ To you I am just a shell of the person I am, my dear }
This sounds like someone who hides inside themselves
{My laugh distant like the ocean waves you hear when you press me to your ear}
This further that line of thinking for me the laughter distant, perhaps because the person is not all there or is faking?
{It sounds near. It sounds sincere. you’ll never see me shed a tear.}
The person they are talking about seems nice but it sounds like they know that some people have a second skin and thus refuses to let their walls down
Oh but then the next few lines feel like the person slowly coming out of their shell (no pun intended)
{When I fall down I break my bones, skin left untouched.
By you I want to be clutched.
Embraced by your blanket of waves, melancholy crushed.
My skin, swollen by the foam, where I banish it and let it lurk.}
seems as if they've slowly come to trust the person they are talking to.
{No longer suffocating my heart with murk.}
And here the person feels like a wight has been lifted off them because the other has proven That they can be trusted with a heart or specifically the MC's heart.
(At least this is how I've interrupted the poem)
Overall its great and I really enjoyed reading it!
Points: 1524
Reviews: 39