
Young Writers Society

12+ Violence

Trembling Power: Chapter One

by Cithara, Evander

A/N: Please critique!

Lalia sat on her bed, combing her hair. The house was quiet, no noise could be heard on all of the two floors. It was odd, not hearing her parents scream at Nathan or gush about Mace. No one was home, except for herself. She liked it that way, being able to think and do things. Without being watched.

She was going over the past events of yesterday, in which Nathan had helped her build a Lego house. Lalia always loved it when Nathan took the time to play with her and show her how to construct houses of all kinds. She remembered knocking over the house (when Nathan had left to go make a sandwich), the Legos skidding across the wooden floors. The noise had sent Mace banging open the door in agitation.

Lalia never really liked Mace. He was always loud and obnoxious, bragging about his math skills. She yanked on the comb harder, trying to get a knot out of her shoulder length hair. It hurt. Frustrated, she set the comb down on the blue sheets.

The sound of Mace's squeaky voice filled Lalia's head as she recalled the words he said to her. "Lalia, don't you do anything besides play with those little toys? Don't you want to get smarter? Well, I do, so keep it down! I'm trying to study." As he had shut the door, Lalia caught the whisper he thought she would never hear. "Lalia is such an annoying brat."

Her hands began to shake at the memory; her fourteen year old brother made her so angry. Her parents doted on him. She didn't mind Mace being adored, it gave her time to herself. But, couples in their forties often forgot about their eldest son. Poor Nathan never got as much attention as Mace did, and Lalia wished that this could be reversed.

Lalia grabbed a hair band that was resting on a nearby nightstand. Tying it in her hair, she managed to catch the stray strands she usually found tickling at her eyes. She looked at her hands as they shook, wondering how much power could be held in them. Though they were small, she knew she could do so much more with them than build Legos.

A door opened and shut, sending chills down her spin. Someone was home, that someone had disturbed the peace. She slid off the bed silently, her white sneakers touching the ground. That someone was walking, walking around the house making noise. She didn't like that someone.

She tiptoed down the hallway, stopping at the wooden railing of the small staircase. There Lalia was able to view the kitchen easily without being noticed. Mace was banging around, trying to find his favorite box of crackers. The same box Lalia had thrown away the day before out of anger. She watched him scratch his head, puzzled. Her hands began to vibrate more than ever as she stepped down the stairs.

"Hello." Her voice was low, trying to make him scared. It worked, because Mace jumped back and let out a shrill scream. He's such a baby, she thought. It was almost time to get rid of the annoyance that was in her life.

"Who are you?" his voice trembled. Perfect, was the word going through her head. She moved forward, swiftly. However, her sneaker scuffed against the floor, making a loud screech.

His back was turned to her, and she made out sweat marks that began to stain his polo shirt. The trembling in her hands seemed to match the trembling in Mace's body, and she was ready to pounce. Like a viper attacking its prey, she jumped on top of Mace and wrapped one small arm around his throat.

He gasped for breath, as she tightned her hold. She didn't really know what over took her, it was just the power in her ten year old hands.

Mace struggled a bit, writhing around in her arms. Almost like a toddler wiggling out of a hug. His black hair was no longer combed to perfection, it was now sticking up in odd places. His breath was quickening.

She gripped tighter, imagining sucking all of the air out of that ignorant boy. She didn't tell herself to stop, or even think of any consequences that would follow if she was caught.

But she wasn't going to be caught.

In that instant she felt his last breath on her arm and stillness all at once, and her brother stopped writhing. He wasn't moving at all, and he crumbled to the floor. Lalia toppled over him, her knees pressed into his back. He was...dead.

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Mon Jul 28, 2014 12:27 pm
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IamTraunt wrote a review...

I am so unbelievably lazy, Writer, I should stop procrastinating, don't you agree?

Hey! IamTraunt here to review for my lovely friend(s), Writer and Raven.

Okay... Writer... Raven... Did I read that right? *puts on glasses* Yes. I did. OH. MY. WORD. That was such a big shock. Usually when you read a story about murder and being on the run and such and such, the most common and unoriginal way of doing it was 'it was an accident'. That wasn't an accident. Definitely not an accident.
So, I'm curious as how you wrote it. I'm guessing WriterFeedPad (Which I still cannot work, Raven). As timmyjake said, it is becoming the BIG thing and I like the idea of it. It gives you - what do you call it? - a different angle of the situation. Your story was such a unique idea. It really did shock me though. Is Lilia a little, y'know, crazy? It makes me curious. Now it is not the usual thing or even a good thing that a girl of her age is going around murdering her brother. It really disturbs me.
I'm asking myself:
Will any body find out? Such as parents, Nathan, ect;
Will Lilia be sorry for doing such a horrible thing? Will her guilt overwhelm her?
Will she hide the body? Bury it? Burn it? Or leave it?
How will Lilia cover up the evidence? e.g. DNA.
Why would Lilia even have motives to do such a horrible crime?
Will she run away?

All these questions are building up inside of me that want to be known and answered. I've got a hunger inside of me to find out. That is the key to success. Interest. And you've definitely spurred me on and developed that interest inside of me.

Great job, girls!
Keep it up!

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Thu Jul 17, 2014 1:17 pm
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ThereseCricket wrote a review...

Hi! Cricket here for a review! AGAIN. You guys won't be able to beat me in reviewing numbers

Ohh, I should have started at Chapter One! I would have understood your character a lot better, if I had. So from what I gathered, she hates her brother Mace, because of the lack of attention that is given to Nathan? Hmm, seems strange...she must love Nathan a awful lot, or just hates Mace a hell of a lot more than an average sister would. I mean, it's pretty horrible that she dislikes him so much that she would actually kill him!

So I know the reasons of why she hates him, but I think there might be a deeper meaning of why she does...she obviously isn't thinking quite straight right now, or something.

Gah, the ending! OH.MY.THE.ENDING. How did you both do this?!?! I'm just horrible at making a dramatic ending to a chapter, but you guys pulled it off so spectacularly.
AND YOU KILLED OFF A CHARACTER AT THE BEGINNING OF A STORY?!?!?! XD I usually would say no no to that, but this was actually perfect in my opinion. Starts the story off with something exciting!

Someone was home, that someone had disturbed the peace. She slid off the bed silently, her white sneakers touching the ground. That someone was walking, walking around the house making noise. She didn't like that someone.

I usually don't mind repetitive wording, but in this it almost seemed redundant. Too many someone's! I'd suggest going through, to try and see which one(or two) you can cut out. :D It just seemed like it was a bit of an overkill.

trying to find his favorite box of crackers.

Now I learned previously that he was fourteen? Well, I'm mentioning this part mainly because I think he wouldn't be looking for a box of crackers. Teenagers usually don't do that. They might be looking for soda or some sort of leftover in the fridge, but making it to where its a box of crackers, almost makes him seem like he's between the age of 6 and 10! So yeah! Would suggest changing that! :D

As he had shut the door, Lalia caught the whisper he thought she would never hear. "Lalia is such an annoying brat."

Hmm, why would did she think she'd never hear it? Doesn't this brother think she's a brat? In most cases with siblings, they call each other brats at least once a day! Is totally not guilty of this practice So, would like a little more insight to what you exactly mean by this.

His back was turned to her,

So why was his back turned her? She had said hello to him, and he had jumped, and that usually means that he turned around then. And then he also said, "Who are you?" which would also further the question of why he wasn't looking at her. If I'm correct in this, I'm always correct, just so you know, then this is just a little plot hole, and they are soooo easy to fix! :D

There Lalia was able to view the kitchen easily without being noticed.

Comma after there. :D

One last suggestion!

I would describe more of her face and body. Now I know she's ten, and she's small (she's ten, so obviously), but what color of hair does she have? And her eyes? (Gah, I love describing character's eyes!). And instead of-when she's angry that is- describing her hands shaking or vibrating, why not describe some other aspect of her. Like maybe her mouth? Is it twitching? Or is her nose flaring? Just something to help us picture what's going on better! :d
Heh, she almost seems like a mass murderess now! how could you destroy a darling character so easily!?!?!

All in all, a simply amazing chapter! *moves on to Chapter Four*


Thewriter13 says...

XD your order of chapters
Anyway thanks! Much appreciated ;)

hehe, yeah..sorry about my weird mix up of reviewing. :P

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Fri Jun 27, 2014 2:04 pm
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TimmyJake wrote a review...

Oooooh! Two writers. This is becoming the thing on YWS, and I can see why. Its amazing. I am currently working on a story with an user, and am enjoying it. I betcha you guys are, too. :)

Wow. The ending was so surprising. I wasn't expecting that at all. I was just reading through, calm as you please, enjoying the story and wondering where it was going, and then bam!--murderess, Pt 1. I really enjoyed this. :D

I wonder where you are going to go with this piece. It starts out on such a negative note, putting your characters in conflict with each other, and eliminating a character altogether in the first chapter. I won't say that I am disappointed, because I am not. It really gives me an image of what the character's personality is, and how it can change. I do think that there should have been more internal thought before her act of murder. Some point where she was contemplating, warping ideas in her mind to either make it okay, or that she wasn't going to go that far--just show him a lesson.

But, couples in their forties often forgot about their eldest son.

I don't think this sentence added much to the story, and I think it could be eliminated altogether from the paragraph. For one, I am the oldest son and I don't think I am forgotten. And I don't think its as personal to the story to just have, Well, things are this way. Make it to where the circumstances are centered on the boy, not just older boys in general.

That someone was walking, walking around the house making noise

Too many "walking" in this sentence, and installs redundancy.

Her hands began to shake at the memory; her fourteen year old brother made her so angry. Her parents doted on him

The sentences beginning with "her" in this segment installs redundancy.

as she tightned her hold.

"tightened" I spy a typo!

hair was no longer combed to perfection, it was now sticking up in odd places.

I think replace the "it" after the comma with "but". Right now they are worded as two sentences should be, merged together to form one--which doesn't work very well.

He wasn't moving at all, and he crumbled to the floor.

These two parts of the sentence clash with each other. If he isn't moving, then he wouldn't crumple to the floor. If he is just falling, then you should state that action. Falling and crumpling are two different things, in my opinion. One states going down in pain, and theo other states falling, unconscious.

I thought that this was an excellent beginning. The style and storyline snagged my attention right from the get-go, and I love the character development. There wasn't that much character development throughout this chapter, but I can see that there will be a lot of character development as we go through this piece. And I love that. Character development is the best thing since the invention of the word, ever.

Please tag me when you post another chapter!
~Darth Timmyjake

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Thu Jun 26, 2014 10:16 pm
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Sassafras wrote a review...

Hi, Writer!

Wow, oh wow. I knew something strange was going to happen just because of the weird calm in the beginning, but I didn't think it was going to go so far so soon. Great build up to that conclusion, girl!

It's obvious that this little girl has something much more powerful inside of her, and I'm so pumped to find out what that is. I'm just going to put my bets on demonic possession right now.

You use "vibrating" to describe her trembling quite a bit and soon the image becomes unnatural. I'm not sure if you meant it to be supernatural or not, but all I could imagine was a little girl vibrating like a phone and it became strange. If you don't want your viewers with this image then I suggest a change in descriptive words, maybe just use trembling or shaking. That's up to you though.

Sometimes you can get a little over-bearing and repetitive with certain themes. For example, in the opening I understand that you want to stress that she's alone, but I understood she was by herself by the second sentence. Everything else just felt like too much food being stuffed in my mouth.

Mace was banging around, trying to find his favorite box of crackers. The same box Lalia had thrown away the day before out of anger.

This sentence could have been shortened into one. I only pointed this out because I noticed that this happens a few others times throughout your piece. You break up one message into two and it's unnecessarily wordy. Sometimes less is more. ;)

But other than that, oh my goodness! This was so amazing to read. I so knew she was going to kill him. Way to keep your readers reading!


Sassafras says...

Just noticed that this was a duel effort. Hello to you too, Raven!

Evander says...

Thanks for the review! Would you liked to be notified when we post?

Sassafras says...


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Thu Jun 26, 2014 9:41 pm
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AdmiralKat wrote a review...

Hey. Katya here to review. Before I start, I have to say I really like this one. Nice job.

ONLY ONE NITPICK(oh my goshhhhhhhh):

Spoiler! :
He gasped for breath, as she tightned her hold

Only one nitpick from the KatyaElefant. The nitpick goes to Mr.Misspelling! You misspelled tightened here in this sentence. All in all, great job in grammar!

I love the descriptions and the imagery. I can see this whole story in my head. It isn't just events that I am reading on the internet. You did a great job with all that. There is not much that I can say against this piece. Just curious, how are you going to continue this? Are you going have Lalia go on a murdering rampage or she going to escape some place? Can you clarify this or when the next chapter comes out, can you tell me when that comes out? I love the theme in this passage. *claps* Well done. Well done. Also I love the lego reference because I play with Legos all the time. They are my favorite(shhh. I'm not a baby). Overall, good job. Keep writing. :D

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Thu Jun 26, 2014 8:54 pm
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Kanome wrote a review...

Hello, thewritersdream.
Kanome here with a review for you.

Oh my goodness, that ending. I was like, "A 10 year old just did that...wow."
I was surprised about this strange turn of events.

Anyways, I saw one error in this.
You accidentally spelled spine wrong...
I figured I'd let you know so you can fix that c:

This is an amazing story.
And there's a second chapter out already?!
I am so reading that!
Anyways, keep up the great work c:

Evander says...

We've written the next chapter. Just waiting for tomorrow to post it!

Thewriter13 says...

Yep! Thanks for the kind review!

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Thu Jun 26, 2014 3:49 pm
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Kelpies wrote a review...

I like it! It's creepy. But there must have been more to why she killed her own brother. Of course, this is sometimes what siblings dream of doing to each other. I can't wait to read the rest, I love a creepy story that doesn't involve ghosts (even if it has ghosts I like it but I'm not allowed to read ghost stories). Keep it up!


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Thu Jun 26, 2014 3:23 pm
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Unique says...


It's like everyone tells a story about themselves inside their own head. Always. All the time. That story makes you what you are. We build ourselves out of that story.
— Patrick Rothfuss, The Name of the Wind