
Young Writers Society

Broken - 2

by CastlesInTheSky

II - Raindrop

She's being followed.

She can see them watching her as she walks along the rough cobblestones. She doesn’t want them to turn around; she doesn’t want them to know that she’s seen them, that she knows they’re looking at her. Paranoia grips her waist, pulling her violently into a vicious circle and twirling her round and round in a frenzied dance. Let me out. Let me out.

She’s crazy, how can she think like this?

She shakes her head to clear it of the poison and carries on walking. Just get home. Hurry up and just get home. Her paces are faster, jerkier. They know. They’re speeding up, jostling, laughing.

“Oi, Sarah!”

She deflects into an alleyway, and mentally slaps herself. She can now see the shadows unravelling out of tenebrous corners and twining themselves around her.

“Oh God.”

She says it out loud.

The shaft of light beaming out from the entrance of the alleyway obscures.

They’ve caught up.

They circle her like blood-thirsty vultures, overly eager to feast on their prey. She winces as she recognises the five boys cornering her. She struggles to put names to faces, but her mind blurs into a flurry of unintelligible words.

One of them approaches her – Tom? Harry? Michael?

He is tall and thin; when he looks at her his mouth curves in a disdainful smile. He stares at her enigmatically and she struggles to interpret his look. Scorn? Derision? Lust?

He says something and his friends explode into loud, raucous laughter. She knows that the joke is directed at her but she cannot hear it. Her ears are pounding with blood and...and...

Don’t panic. Don’t panic. Don’t-panic-don’t-panic-don’t-panic.

He slams an arm down on her trembling shoulder and she jumps. She feels fragile, breakable, as if she could be shattered into a million pieces.

“Hey Sarah. You know what I want?” More laughter barks out, weaving its way along the ridges of the tense atmosphere.

Her feet are rooted to the hard ground and her limbs have been paralysed. She can hear the wild sound of thunder, a cruel echo of dangerous beauty.

He traces a line down her arm and then his long, grasping hands start running down her body. A flash of lightening ripping through the darkening sky diverts him. She ducks and starts running blindly through the mean, sharp rain that stars to hit down on the crude stone. She gropes with her shaking hands along the walls, through the shadows.

She catches her foot on something and trips, falling headlong on the hard ground. Tears spurt into her eyes and she sees him crouch down beside her. Her face and ears start burning up and her face is throbbing with a strike that has not been dealt.

“Uh-oh! You’re clumsy, aren’t you?” he says in a low, scathing tone. He places a firm hand on her leg and begins to move it upwards. She lashes out, not looking to see whether she has made contact or not, and flees out of the alleyway and onto the street.

She runs and runs, uncaring of the rain soaking her clothes and the people staring. She bites her lip, the teeth piercing through a layer of soft pink skin. A crimson drop appears, stinging harshly as it hovers momentarily before making a quick descent. It mingles with the other raindrops running down her cheeks, translucent and clear. It doesn’t pollute them. It is too small to make enough of a difference.

She collapses on the curb, gasping for breath. She runs shaking fingers through her bedraggled hair, trying to make sense out of the network of strands intertwining and knotting together. Calm down. Calm down.


It’s a girl from her school, peering down at her through the rain.

Oh God. Oh no. Please go away. Please go away.

“Sarah? Are you okay?”

The girl is looking at her, a mask of pity plastered over her face. Katie? They were friends, used to be friends, once.


“Go away. Please go away.” Maybe if she says it enough times, then it will happen. Maybe if she says it just the right amount of times then everything will be alright and all her questions will be answered and it will stop raining.

“Go away. Please go away. Go away. Please go away. Go away. Please go away.”

“Sarah. Stop being like this.”

“Go away. Please go away. Go away. Please go away. Go away – “

Katie sits down next to her and shakes her gently. “Sarah. Stop it. We miss you. Please, can’t you just stop it and be yourself again?”

“Leave me alone.”

Katie looks at her for a long time, her eyes wide, unblinking. “I did leave you alone. I thought you’d get better. But you’re still doing all this. You have to stop.”

She explodes with frustration. Cold waves of fury splash over her. “You’re telling me to stop? You think I like being this way? You think I’m doing this on...on purpose? How do you think it feels to...to be taunted by people you haven't done anything to, every single day, because of this stupid, stupid...”’

“Who are you, Sarah?” Katie touches her shoulder lightly and brushes a strand of hair back from her hot forehead.

The kindness breaks her. She implodes. She starts shaking again and starts to rock herself on the hard curb. She has never felt so defeated.

“I don’t know.” Tears spill over her lashes, lacing her cheekbones. “I really don’t know.”

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Fri Dec 12, 2008 4:04 pm
CastlesInTheSky says...

Ah; thankyou so much, Rosey.

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Thu Dec 11, 2008 11:04 pm
Rosendorn wrote a review...

Wow. Just, wow. That's all I can really say.

I'd keep this in past tense. It flows better.

You are amazingly good at describing panic, hopelessness, fear. Broken has such a theme that runs through it..... Indescribable.

I have to place the title with the piece. Raindrop, the context. She want things to wash away and wash clear, so she can be the way she was.

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Mon Dec 01, 2008 8:23 pm
Lost_in_dreamland wrote a review...

II - Raindrop I love your titles, they're so apt.

She's being followed.
Great beginning

She can see them watching her as she walks along the rough cobblestones. She doesn’t want them to turn around; she doesn’t want them to know that she’s seen them, that she knows they’re looking at her. Paranoia grips her waistI love it when you use words that sound like people's names in context that a person could be doing (I make no sense!) , pulling her violently into a vicious circle and twirling her round and round in a frenzied dance. Let me out. Let me out. I completely adore that paragraph

She’s crazy, how can she think like this?
Again; those totally amazing questions

She shakes her head to clear it of the poison and carries on walking. Just get home. Hurry up and just get home. Her paces are faster, jerkier. They know. They’re speeding up, jostling, laughing.

“Oi, Sarah!”

She deflects into an alleyway, and mentally slaps herself. She can now see the shadows unravelling out of tenebrous corners and twining themselves around her. Perfect description

“Oh God.”

She says it out loud.

The shaft of light beaming out from the entrance of the alleyway obscures. Again

They’ve caught up.

They circle her like blood-thirsty vultures, overly eager to feast on their prey. She winces as she recognises the five boys cornering her. She struggles to put names to faces, but her mind blurs into a flurry of unintelligible words. Completely mind blowing description

One of them approaches her – Tom? Harry? Michael?

He is tall and thin; when he looks at her his mouth curves in a disdainful smile. He stares at her enigmatically and she struggles to interpret his look. Scorn? Derision? Lust?

He says something and his friends explode into loud, raucous laughter. She knows that the joke is directed at her but she cannot hear it. Her ears are pounding with blood and...and...

Don’t panic. Don’t panic. Don’t-panic-don’t-panic-don’t-panic.

He slams an arm down on her trembling shoulder and she jumps. She feels fragile, breakable, as if she could be shattered into a million pieces. Impeccable Sarah.

“Hey Sarah. You know what I want?” More laughter barks out, weaving its way along the ridges of the tense atmosphere.

Her feet are rooted to the hard ground and her limbs have been paralysed. She can hear the wild sound of thunder, a cruel echo of dangerous beauty.

He traces a line down her arm and then his long, grasping hands start running down her body. A flash of lightening ripping through the darkening sky diverts him. She ducks and starts running blindly through the mean, sharp rain that stars to hit down on the crude stone. She gropes with her shaking hands along the walls, through the shadows. I adore that last line, through the shadows, I am just so fond of it.

She catches her foot on something and trips, falling headlong on the hard ground. Tears spurt into her eyes and she sees him crouch down beside her. Her face and ears start burning up and her face is throbbing with a strike that has not been dealt.

“Uh-oh! You’re clumsy, aren’t you?” he says in a low, scathing tone. He places a firm hand on her leg and begins to move it upwards. She lashes out, not looking to see whether she has made contact or not, and flees out of the alleyway and onto the street.

She runs and runs, uncaring of the rain soaking her clothes and the people staring. She bites her lip, the teeth piercing through a layer of soft pink skin.Wow Sarah, wow! A crimson drop appears, stinging harshly as it hovers momentarily before making a quick descent. It mingles with the other raindrops running down her cheeks, translucent and clear. It doesn’t pollute them. It is too small to make enough of a difference.Your description there is absolutely incredible.Who else would be able to write a whole paragraph about a lip? Hahah you rock ;)

She collapses on the curb, gasping for breath. She runs shaking fingers through her bedraggled hair, trying to make sense out of the network of strands intertwining and knotting together.Your thoughts are just ....... ! Calm down. Calm down.


It’s a girl from her school, peering down at her through the rain.

Oh God. Oh no. Please go away. Please go away.

“Sarah? Are you okay?”

The girl is looking at her, a mask of pity plastered over her face. I can see it Katie? They were friends, used to be friends, once.


“Go away. Please go away.” Maybe if she says it enough times, then it will happen. Maybe if she says it just the right amount of times then everything will be alright and all her questions will be answered and it will stop raining.

“Go away. Please go away. Go away. Please go away. Go away. Please go away.”

“Sarah. Stop being like this.”

“Go away. Please go away. Go away. Please go away. Go away – “

Katie sits down next to her and shakes her gently. “Sarah. Stop it. We miss you. Please, can’t you just stop it and be yourself again?”

“Leave me alone.”

Katie looks at her for a long time, her eyes wide, unblinking. “I did leave you alone. I thought you’d get better. But you’re still doing all this. You have to stop.” This made me cry almost. Your description is just perfect Sarah. You are most definetly one of the best if not the best (which you probably are) writer I know.

She explodes with frustration. Cold waves of fury splash over her. “You’re telling me to stop? You think I like being this way? You think I’m doing this on...on purpose? How do you think it feels to...to be taunted by people you haven't done anything to, every single day, because of this stupid, stupid...”’

“Who are you, Sarah?” Katie touches her shoulder lightly and brushes a strand of hair back from her hot forehead.

The kindness breaks her. She implodes. She starts shaking again and starts to rock herself on the hard curb. She has never felt so defeated. :'(

“I don’t know.” Tears spill over her lashes, lacing her cheekbones. “I really don’t know.” Another one of those incredible endings, eh Sarah? They are so intriguing.

Here comes the rambling again. You're going to get so bored of me going on like this but you are incredible Sarah. You really are. Hahah will you make one mistake? Just a tiny tiny one for me? Just so I actually have something to edit? Hahah :lol: Na, it was amazing Sarah, as usual. :)x

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Sun Nov 23, 2008 7:39 pm
Demeter wrote a review...


She's being followed.

Somehow this isn't strong enough for me. "Someone is following her" would maybe sound better, but I'm not sure. Actually, my suggestion is more awkward than yours, but still there's something to it that I don't like. This is a tricky bit.

“Hey Sarah. You know what I want?”

Okay, I think we all know what he wants, but you could still make this more dangerous. "You know what I want" isn't enough. The thought just stops here. Here's a little suggestion for this part: "'Come on over here, so we can...' More laughter barks out etc."

I'm not saying you should change into this, but do you notice the difference?

“Go away. Please go away. Go away. Please go away. Go away. Please go away.”

This is making sound her sound like a robot – especially when there's another one of these coming. I guess it's partly meant to be, but it'd be more reader-friendly if you added "Oh please. Just go." or something somewhere in between!

I'm not making this extra long, because there are still many chapters to go, but your way of description is great. I envy you. I wish I was as good and patient with my writing. So keep up and see you in the next chapter!

Demeter xxx

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Fri Sep 26, 2008 6:10 pm
CastlesInTheSky says...

Thank you so much :D

I will try to improve on dialogue, and on making it more realistic.
Thankyou again for reading.



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Thu Sep 25, 2008 9:00 pm
Alainna wrote a review...

Hey Sarah,

First off, I'm really getting into this. Broken has such a personal touch to it - all the emotion conveyed is what makes this piece as amazing as it is. I love your description, I love Sarah's thoughts. I think your dialogue can be a little weak in places but that can easily be resolved. I also think that maybe your chapters could be slightly longer, scenes drawn out with perhaps more than one scene in each chapter.

She struggles to put names to faces, but her mind blurs into a flurry of unintelligible words.

One of them approaches her – Tom? Harry? Michael?

I'm a little bit sceptical about this part. It appears that these boys have been tormenting her for some time. They know her name. They go to her school? Surely Sarah would be able to put names to faces of those who torment her. It's like seeing something you don't want to see; no matter how much you push it from your mind it keeps pushing itself back up. You wouldn't forget. Even if she only knows their names from the boys calling each other, she would at least know the ring leaders name.

They were friends, used to be friends, once.

This is a tiny nit-pick. I simply think you can re-word this sentence to make it better. Perhaps split it up to make two sentences. Add an 'or' before 'used to be'.

Who are you, Sarah?”

I'm not too sure about this. It seems a bit unrealistic to be coming from a friend. I see how this question ties in with the rest of the piece and I do like what follows. I feel like there should be another question asked, perhaps 'What happened to you?' or 'What happened to the Sarah I used to know?' rather than 'Who are you, Sarah?'.

Overall, this was a good chapter. The description was very good in some places. It was full of drama and emotion (I know I keep saying it but that's because I mean it!).

What I would say is that you need to avoid becoming repetitive. Try to keep the story rolling as a whole - with a foreseeable point - rather than just a series of snippets of action. Where there is dialogue (which I would like to see more of) you need to keep it as realistic as possible. Your characterisation is good but you can always try to inject more information from Sarah, more background, maybe even some past memories.

I look forward to reading more,


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Sun Sep 07, 2008 8:54 pm
CastlesInTheSky says...

Thanks very, very much, ashleylee. Your advice is invaluable to me.
Thankyou so much for your review, it was awesome.


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Sun Sep 07, 2008 8:15 pm
ashleylee wrote a review...

That is so sad…how can people be so cruel? :evil: You are hitting every emotion dead on. I felt every one of them as if I was watching it happen. Again, I can’t give you enough praise for this awesome story.

She doesn’t want them to turn around, she doesn’t want them to know that she’s seen them, that she knows they’re looking at her.

I would use a semicolon instead of a period after “around”

She can now see the shadows unravelling out of tenebrous corners and twining themselves around her.

Only one “l” in “unraveling”

It is too small to make enough of a difference.

I know this is right but…if you read it out loud you will see that it doesn’t sound right. Maybe try “much” in place of “enough”. That might help. Otherwise, I suggest a rewrite of this one.

Other than that, I don’t have a favorite for you because it was all so powerful that I couldn’t just pick on.

On to chapter three!

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Sun Aug 31, 2008 12:45 pm
CastlesInTheSky says...

Thanks so much for your review.

It was incredibly encouraging and helpful.

Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou.


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Sun Aug 31, 2008 11:29 am
deleted2 says...

Hey, you

Here's another review!!



Anyway, you know the drill, the review is in the attachment.

Hope it's useful!!


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Fri Aug 29, 2008 1:59 pm
Sapphire wrote a review...

Hey, Sarah!

She can see them watching her as she walks along the rough cobblestones. She doesn’t want them to turn around; she doesn’t want them to know that she’s seen them, that she knows they’re looking at her. Paranoia grips her waist, pulling her violently into a vicious circle and twirling her round and round in a frenzied dance.

The way you describe paranoia is fantastic.

Her feet are rooted to the hard ground and [s]she is unable to move[/s] her limbs have been paralysed (copied from next paragraph). She can hear the wild sound of thunder, an cruel echo of dangerous beauty.

[s]She does not know why but she is suddenly weak and feels like her limbs have been paralysed.[/s]

The last paragraph was a bit weak and was saying something that had already been said in previous paragraph.

He traces a line down her arm and then his long, grasping hands start running down her body. A flash of lightning ripping through the darkening sky diverts him. She ducks and starts running blindly through the [s]mean,[/s] sharp rain [s]that starts to hit down on the crude stone[/s], (too many adjectives.) [s]She[/s] groping with her shaking hands along the walls, through the shadows.

She runs and runs, uncaring (this always sounds odd to me) of the rain soaking her clothes and the people staring. She bites her lip, the teeth piercing through a layer of soft pink skin. A crimson drop appears, stinging harshly as it hovers momentarily before making a quick descent. It mingles with the other raindrops running down her [s]cheeks[/s] face, translucent and clear. It doesn’t pollute them. It is too small to make enough of a difference.

The kindness breaks her. She implodes. She becomes a burning fury shake ? and starts to rock herself on the hard curb. She has never felt so defeated.

“I don’t know.” Tears spill over her lashes, [s]lacing[/s] (try to find a different verb) her cheekbones. “I really don’t know.”

‘A burning fury shake’ should technically make sense but it just doesn’t sound right, and ‘lacing her cheekbones’ doesn’t really mean anything.

I like how Katie at the end of this chapter seems to mimic Esther at the end of the previous.


At the beginning of the chapter, I half-thought that she might be getting worked up for no reason. This would show that she has a paranoid personality. However, she really did have a reason to be worried so overall I can’t really be sure if this chapter served its purpose to the story, except for introducing one of her old friends and possibly an antagonist.

By the third chapter, we expect to have all the characters that will play an important role introduced, as well as the issues that will turn into the story’s conflict (which will lead to the climax of the story). From what I’ve read so far, I’d think that Sarah, her sister and parents, and Katie will be the main characters. I would think that the complications will probably be Sarah dealing with her illness, and the relationship between her and her mother; it’s just a matter of seeing how the situation escalates.

Some people don’t like outlining or planning, but it might be worth thinking about. Having all your plot elements in place should make it easier to write, and knowing the entire story from beginning to end means that any necessary clues or foreshadowing will be naturally embedded in the story, and you’re less likely to get lost while writing.

With regard to the structure so far, I think ‘Balloon’ is a good chapter to start with, but you might think about putting this chapter before ‘Tealeaves’.

If you decide this chapter should be edited so that the encounter with the group of guys doesn’t actually happen, and that she was just being paranoid, then this chapter and ‘Tealeaves’ could be combined into one.

I hope this helped!

We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.
— T.S. Eliot