
Young Writers Society

E - Everyone


by Bugslake

Trent charged at me, I flipped threw the air. I felt the tug of my face mask as it snagged on his blade and was eventually ripped off as I landed. Trent turned towards me, his face fell when he saw who he was fighting. "You." He accused me. In that one word I could feel his heart breaking into a thousand pieces and many other words that were unspoken. I had known this would happen, I didn't want it to, but he refused to listen to me.

The prince turned to his father, "I will not fight this women." He couldn't even say my name. "She deserves no title, especially not the title of being Captain of the Gaurd." I stood there silently. It would've been better if they had let me died then go through this kind of pain.

"She has any right as you do, my son. I have heard that her fighting skills may even prove to much for your own." Trenton paced back and forth in front of his father, the King. He finally bowed, accepting the challenge of fighting me.

"I am sorry about that." He viciously said as he bowed to me in a mocking apology. He was trying to gode me, but I felt no emotion. I had cut out my own heart yesterday, knowing this would happen, but it didn't help the pain I still felt from the wound.

After telling Trent to leave, I had slumped to the ground and began to cry. Alec had come in and had helped me to a chair next to the table. I had slammed my dagger into the oak table. My hand had slid down the blade, giving me deep cuts. These cuts were not only in my hand, but in my heart as well.

A jarring hit from Trent shook me out if my reverie. I blocked and swept around him, it was a dance really. I then became the offensive attacker, Trent was becoming desperate and tired. I could tell that his anger was rising, he began to use strokes that would fatally harm me. I kicked him in the chest, he fell, I was on top of him. My sword was on his neck. The crowd cheered, I was disgusted.

"Just kill me. You can live for as long and happy as you want -" I couldn't let him finish.

"I am dead Trent. My heart had been ripped out by an arrogant prince that wouldn't listen to me." I threw my sword and stalked out of the arena. Alec looked at me worriedly. "Take me back to be hung. Anything would be better than this." I whispered to him with anger and defeat.

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Mon Dec 30, 2013 12:00 am
ulala8 wrote a review...

Hello! I'm pleased to inform you that I will be reviewing this piece for you! Hopefully, you take my advice into account and make improvements upon your writing.
Onto the nitpicking:
"...I flipped threw the air..." Through, not threw.
""I am sorry about that." He viciously said..." Said viciously or omit viciously. You can already assume that it's said viciously.

I really enjoyed the story, however. The ending was a little disappointing though. I expected closure. Though, one doesn't always get what they want.

Thank you for the lovely writing! Good luck!

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20 Reviews

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Thu Dec 19, 2013 7:23 am
Veni wrote a review...

Yo, Bugslake.

This piece had me sitting at the edge of my seat wanted more. Which is sad because as a short story, there won’t be anymore. But I’m glad to see, reading some of the reviews, that you are considering making this into a novel maybe. Because it is a really good place to start.

Some little nitpicks (I like to just get these out of the way because they are not really major)

First, at the start, I think you mean “flipped through” not “flipped threw”.

Second about dialogue. ‘ “You.” He accused me.’ should be ‘ “You,” he accused me.’

Third, unless in your fantasy world it is spelt different, you have misspelt Guard.

Fourth, sorry to sound fussy but logistically you can’t fatally harm. Fatal means causing or leading to death. Harm means to hurt or to damage (NOT death). The fatally bit implies that is hit the narrator would end up dead, but the harmed bit implies that the narrator could be injured but not killed. Someone can’t really be injured in a way that kills them. Do I make any sense?

Sorry that makes me sound like a knowitall but I hope you understand. Maybe a change of wording?

One other thing. At the start I think the comma should be a full stop.

“Trent charged at me, I flipped threw the air.”

That’s all the nitpicks.

I got a bit tripped up on the paragraph where the narrator flashed back. I don’t think this is clear enough. Maybe you could do something to make it clearer, perhaps?

Now I just felt that this story lacked a backstory. We never really get any understanding of what drives any of the characters to do what they did. Right now, it is a 2D story. To make it 3D, you need to add more depth to your writing. Make your characters actions more convincing. Do more hinting. The reader is great at making assumption but to do that the reader needs hints. You have started to do this. For example, it is clear the narrator was and still is in love with Trent. But for so reasons she finds that she has to duel him. Why?

If you were to turn this into a novel you could actually start with this section. From here you could flash back to the start and explain how this all came about. Just a suggestion.

I love your writing style. It is very dramatic and intense. You have cleverly used varying syntax to produce variation and atmosphere.

Keep on writing because you are brilliant and I’ll wait with baited breathe for the hope that you might write some more to this story.

P.S. I’m trying to write 125 reviews in a short period and this is review number 3

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Bugslake says...

Yeah others ha pointed out those mistakes. It's mostly 2D because I create depth throughout the story. I like your flashback idea. I might use it when I come back to this and make it a novel.

Veni says...

Cool. I hope it was useful.

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13 Reviews

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Wed Dec 18, 2013 6:43 pm
Meddle wrote a review...

Hey Bugslake,

I really liked this work, but I felt like it could been taken up a notch with some context. Time period would especially help us to know the severity of woman fighting in the guard. If this is present time then it would be simple bigotry,however, if it's medieval times then it's a strong social injustice that the character is fighting against. Why is she fighting, what's the deeper meaning to why she fights? Is it to be near this man and if so after this fight does no longer have a reason to fight anymore.

After reading over the comments section it sounds like this is a powerful scene from a work you're having trouble getting on the paper. If you'd like I would love to go over story crafting with you because this piece is powerful and is appetizing for becoming a full fledged novel.

Best Regards,

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Bugslake says...

Thanks, I'm actually considering asking for help. Like having a co-author, I'm just trying to finish the other piece of work before I come back to this.

Meddle says...

Well I would love to help if your open to applications once you've completed your other work

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Bugslake says...

Thanks I'll take you up on that.

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Sat Dec 07, 2013 2:44 am
deleted30 wrote a review...

I liked this. It was really intriguing and kept me invested/interested the whole time. It was confusing however, and does seem like part of a larger story I know nothing about. Speaking of, since you said it IS part of an idea for a story, I think you should follow up on that. This would make an excellent novel. If inspiration strikes, write it and then post it here! I'd love to read more. Great work! ;)

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Bugslake says...

I am trying to write the novel, it is really hard to get the Story going in the right direction. I almost used a pun, but I resisted.

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deleted30 says...

Yeah, I get it. I have one of those torn-in-my-side, impossible-to-get-right type stories hanging over my head too. Good luck with this! :)

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Bugslake says...

Thanks, I'll be using it.

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18 Reviews

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Reviews: 18

Sat Dec 07, 2013 2:10 am
santana wrote a review...

Okay let's get down to business.

First off, great story, but it needs a little editing. When I read this piece, I found a few grammar mistakes:threw should be through and women should be woman.

Second, you're abusing the use of the word 'had'. For example, your entire fifth paragraph. You overused 'had'. In some of your sentences, the use of the word wasn't necessary.

Other than a few simple mistakes, there's nothing wrong with your work. With a little revision, you have yourself a masterpiece. It was truly an enjoyable piece. You ended on an emotional note and left me in suspense. What happens next?

Keep up the good work.

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Bugslake says...

Most of the mistakes are due to writing late at night and not reviewing it before posting.

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Thu Dec 05, 2013 2:11 am
Cheetah wrote a review...

Hey there Bugslake! Cheetah here to review your story!

I'm happy to have found such an emotional piece. I can feel every emotion coming from your character, the way you describe them is wonderful! Your dialogue is excellent as well- very intriguing and it helps the reader stay interested.

This story lacks a certain depth, though. Why is she fighting? What is she fighting for? And what is the connection between her and Trent? You mention that they know each other many times, but how? Perhaps making this piece a bit longer could help us get to know the characters and their motives better.

I would also suggest you end this with some description of the emotions that are so prominent in this story, rather than dialogue so there could be a certain sense of finality. Explain to us what exactly she is feeling.

This is really great! I will definitely be reading more of your work in the future!


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Bugslake says...

It was an idea for a story, but I still can't get the pieces together so that it fits right.

Cheetah says...

Wow, for just an idea, this was really great! If you ever repost it, feel free to ask me for a review. :D

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Bugslake says...

Thank you and I will take you up on that.

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16 Reviews

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Reviews: 16

Wed Dec 04, 2013 5:35 pm
MoIIylouise wrote a review...


I may be wrong, but in the first line I think it should be through, not threw. Other than that, I didn't spot any other mistakes, it's very well written.

I liked the beginning few words, they maybe weren't as powerful as they could have been, but they still enticed me in. Your writing really made me feel sorry for your main character, I could picture what was going on perfectly.

The ending is really sad, well all of it is, but the ending especially. Her words about defeat stuck in my head, I wanted to be able to help her.

Overall, this is really good. Keep it up!

~Molly Louise

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Bugslake says...

Thank you and there are probably many mistakes. I wrote it really late at night.

MoIIylouise says...

You're welcome, I make tons of mistakes in my writing from where I write it late at night or at school, I know what you mean.

That's how we should measure our lives. Not in distance traveled, or time passed, or worlds conquered, but in moments... and the rush of joy—of grace—that exists within them.
— Megatron (Lost Light, by Roberts, Lawrence, Lafuente)