Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening/Night(whichever one it is in your part of the world),
Hi! I'm here to leave a quick review!!!
Anyway let's get right to it,
"P-p-please don't hurt me. I don't know what I did." I stutter backing up into a corner. I've always been good at knowing what do do but this time... I don't. I guess no one would, if you were being cornered by a big dude with red hot eyes and this syrupy stuff coming from his mouth with freakishly sharp teeth. "What do you expect sweetie? You smell so nice. It's gonna hurt. It hurts for most people." He whispered. The fact that it hurts freaks me out more than the fact that I'm gonna die. "What did I do?" I squeaked. I've never felt fear this bad in my whole life, even at school when I was being beaten up by the bullies. "Did you hear what I just said?!?!" He bellowed his eyes flaming at me. dragging me out of my thoughts. I glanced up at him. He was looking really pissed off. "N-n-no sorry. What did you say?" I whispered about to curl up into a ball to protect myself. But before I had the chance. The red eyed angry guy Stamped my leg. I let out a blood curdling scream...
Ooooh...looks like we have a bit of horror based start to this one here...and its a properly chilling one too that we've got here which definitely makes for a very attention grabby start to a story...and that cliffhanger towards the end does a very good job of making you want to read on more and find out what happens to the poor girl there.
There's a really nice sense of dread going on throughout this piece here and you can really feel the tension and fear slowly rising out from the initial confusion that this person has here...there's a very chilling sense of calm in the protagonist as well with them slowly getting a little frustrated and the we've got a bit of a climax when the anger levels and fear levels reach a bit of a maximum.
Overall, you really paint a powerful picture here and I like its not just straight up horror, but we have a rather mysterious and creepy figure doing all the horrifying things which elevates things to another level. Overall this all comes together to make a properly terrifying start here that's pretty well done.
Aaaaand that's it for this one.
As always remember to take what you think was helpful and forget the rest.
Stay Safe
Points: 317314
Reviews: 4431