Hello you three!
I read this once trying to read it with one voice and a second time keeping in mind that it is a collab poem after all. I always find collab poems interesting to review because you can always tell if the writers were on the same wavelength or not. There is a definite sense of scatteredness here and that might speak to a slight incoherence between the three writers. With that said, there are certain parts that I appreciate.
The first stanza is actually the strongest, in my opinion. I kind of like the circularity that's happening here flipping from minnows left in the sun like zombies to being zombies left in the sun. It's interesting to experiment with recycling lines in poetry because you can sometimes achieve something quite fascinating - which I think is what has happened here. It's also the best imagery of the poem.
Yet, this poem has me bewildered. I'm trying to see how these images of minnows, zombies sun, campfire, campfire snacks, and video games (i.e., Mario and Zelda) all come together. And now that I list them out, I'm also struck by how many images you have in such a small poem. I know it's so easy to get carried away in collab poems, how difficult it is to streamline both the thought and creative processes, but this is where the collaboration comes in - when you discuss what stays and what goes and how it all flows in the end. I'm also struck the choice of font and I don't think it works very well in the poem's favour.
You three are obviously immensely talented and I would love to see some revisions to this so that it's less confusing for the audience. With some tightening here and there and a brief review of lines (some were just grammatically confused), I think you could have a really unique collab poem on your hands.
Thanks for an enjoyable read!
Points: 18486
Reviews: 522