
Young Writers Society

demon blood chapter 1 contiued

by Beleis

One demon against billions….

I have to betray them all….

But I can’t do it alone…

Or can I …

Chapter 1

A turn of events

4 months earlier

The wars that once ravaged the underworld are now a thing of the past although there are still some small skirmishes every now and then but there has not been a full scale war for one hundred and fifty years. The full scale wars were stopped when overlord Virgil defeated the remaining clans and the underworld was unified for first time ever in demon history and by doing this nearly all of the demons in the underworld answered to him and Virgil answered only to the prince of darkness himself.

However there was one clan which hardly any demon alive to this day knows about and that’s my clan. “Go get reaper he needs to hear this” ordered the clan chief, the messenger went to find reaper and as usual reaper was training in the fields of damnation. Reaper is the son of the clans last demon master, he is roughly 7 foot 9, average build but has more muscles on his arms and legs, long black hair with the colour of fire along the edges of his hair, he his trained in all forms of hand to hand combat, trained in the ways magic and he is the best sword master in the village.

“Reaper the clan chief wants to talk to you it sounds like a matter of grave importance” shouted the messenger

“OK give me a minute” replied Reaper as soon as he finished his reply he closed his eyes and started a chant his hands began glowing, Reaper snapped open his eyes they were glowing the same colour as his hands he jabs his hands forward and speed that’s hard even for a demon to reach when he is near finishing his set of fist strikes, he brings back one of his fists lets the energy build up darts towards a small hill and jabs his fist towards it as soon as he does that a demonic dragon head shots from his hand then blasts the small hill into rubble.

“Nice” says the messenger

“Yeah nice but not what I was going for” sighed reaper

“Well what were you going for” asked the messenger

“If you really want to know I was trying to summon a dragon and entrust one of her eggs to me” Reaper

When Reaper gathered up is belongings he followed the messenger to the hut of the clan chief.

“What is it that you wanted to talk to me about chief” asked Reaper

“It’s about your father and what he told me may change the course of demon history” exclaimed the clan chief

“Well what is it” asked Reaper

“He wanted to make you his successor after he had his accident” mournfully said the clan chief “He also told me about another part of the prophecy and where to locate but it was just to dangerous to get to it at that time with all of those new arrivals”

“He wanted me to be his successor why, my father and I never got along why he made me his successor and what’s this about that old myth” growled reaper

“It is no myth the demon that told us about the prophecy was one of the founding members of our clan and became our clan’s first demon master” told the clan chief

“What my father never told me that. He told me that the demon who announced it was closely tied to our clan but I never knew that he was one of the founding fathers” said Reaper

“Well now you know” said the clan chief “the reason I called you here was about your father and the prophecy but I have a mission for you”

“OK what is the mission” asked reaper

“The mission is about the next part of the prophecy” ordered the clan chief “and take this with you” the clan chief handed over a map to reaper.

“Go to the location on the map but be care full and take those new arrivals with you it is time we dealt with them only you can go with them no one else that was born in the clan you got that” ordered the clan chief

“Yes sir and about the issues of me being our clans right full demon master when can I take up the position” asked reaper

“You really want to lead the clan don’t you” asked the clan chief “OK as soon as you get back from your mission I will alert the entire clan that you are going to lead the clan”

“Great so when do I leave” asked Reaper

“You leave tomorrow morning tell the others who going with you the basics of the mission but leave the parts about the prophecy out you got that Reaper” ordered the clan chief

“Yes sir” snapped back Reaper and with his mission set before him Reaper went home to get ready for tomorrow’s mission. As soon reaper finished packing his stuff up he went to tell the others about their mission and what it involved but he left out the parts about the prophecy.

Reaper could not get any sleep that night he was going over what the clan chief told him in is head.

“Why would dad make me his successor we never got on” Reaper said to himself “it just does make any sense”. He went though all the possible reasons why his dad would make him his successor, we had not spoken to each other since Reaper’s mum died.

When morning came reaper was a bit tired from last nights thinking but he was ready to go when the time to leave was nearing. Reaper and his squad set of at 10:00 on the morning.

“How long to we get to our destination” asked Vein. Vein is about6 foot 5, scrawny not much upper body strength, long flowing red hair and is tattooed over much of his body.

“About 2 week’s in all a week there a week back so not that long really” said Reaper and with that all said and done the squad made there way across the southern part of the plains of damnation and began marching at a steady pace.

“What did the clan chief want to talk to you about Reaper” asked Vein “does it have anything to do with our mission”

“What the chief and I talked about is none of your concern and if you keep on asking me the same question I will take your soul now shut up and keep moving or else” growled Reaper. When Reaper said this to Vein the rest of squad decided to shut up and do what Reaper said because they know not to get on the wrong side of Reaper. Especially with a nick name like Soul Reaper, he reaps the souls of foes and absorbs them into his own soul to make him more power full.

By the third day Reapers patience is wearing thin Vein keeps asking Reaper the same question about what did you and the clan chief talked about. Reaper decided to take the brunt of the questions and just shrug them of for now.

When they arrived at the location on the map they went into the cave with caution because they did not know what to expect when they went in there. Reaper went into the cave first sword drawn just in case they run into anything in their Vein followed after him and the rest of the group followed in after him. The group came to a halt in a anti-chamber there was no exit any where in this room, the group took a few more steps towards the other end of the chamber, one of the members of the group accidentally stepped onto a pressure sensitive panel and the entrance behind snapped shut.

“Oh that’s just great now what are we supposed to do now mister fearless leader” said Vein sarcastically

“Well the first thing that we are going to do is” growled Reaper “the first thing that we are going to do is cast a spell that goes into every slab and panel to find the ones that pressure sensitive”

“Why would we want to do that” sneered Vein

“Well we are going to do that so we can find the panel to open up the entrance and to find the one that lets us continue forward you got that” ordered Reaper

“YES SIR” the group said together.

“Now focus your magic into the panel in the middle of the floor and then let it spread out OK” ordered Reaper and with that the group began chanting the words and their magic seeped into the middle panel and within a moments the panels that were not pressure sensitive stayed their original colour and the ones that glowed.

“Right every one go to one of the glowing panels strike when I give the word” ordered Reaper and with that the group nodded and they went to one of the glowing panels.

“NOW” shouted Reaper they heard a great cracking sound, the way they came though reappeared and another door at the other end of the chamber.

“Now quickly everyone get to that new door now” shouted Reaper and with out heisting they dived towards the door. All of the squad managed to get though before the door shut behind them, they resumed their march though the dark and dreary corridors of the cave.

After walk that seemed to take for ever they made it into another anti-chamber and on the far side on a pedestal there was a chest with our clans seal on the front.

“Is this what the old coot sent us to get” sighed Vein “a old box with our clans mark”

“Yes this what he wanted to us to get” sighed Reaper “now what was your real reason for joining our clan 20 years ago”

“We new when you first came you were not some pilgrims who came to join you work for the overlord demon master Vein” growled Reaper

“What… how did you know that” growled Vein slightly taken back from what Reaper “and how long have you known”

“since you got here, you know all of those meetings who had to sit though with the high council” exclaimed Reaper Vein nodded “well during those meetings I scanned thoughts to find out your intentions and that’s when I learned that you were in fact demon masters and I found out what came here to get”

“Impressive” said Vein “but you don’t have all the facts straight. Yes you are right we are demon masters and yes we sent here on orders from the overlord but did you know that we are on his war council”.

“You bet come now stupid do you think we are on seconds don’t answer that” laughed Reaper

“OK we did not know that part but now we do so come get some if you think your tough enough” growled Reaper

“OK time to go to work boys” roared Reaper and draws his twin katana blades, then spins them around the stops suddenly.

“You whelp do you honestly think that you can beat us hah” laughed Vein

“Yes and I got something to tell you lot” sneered Reaper

“Oh and what would that be” growled Reaper

“Well you are now looking at my clan’s new demon master” laughed Reaper

“What you’re lying” shouted Vein

“No I’m not that’s what the clan chief wanted to talk to me about. He said that my father made his successor but under the odd circumstances of his death a senate was made until the time I was able to rule” sneered Reaper

“OK it is time to let you in on one of our little secrets” sneered Vein

“Oh and what’s that” asked Reaper

“We killed your father” laughed Vein

“What …… NO YOU ARE GOING TO PAY FOR THAT” roared Reaper. Reaper was starting to lose control of his magic and the souls of those has captured, his muscles bulged, his fists changed into sickle blades, his hair turned into pure fire and the rest of his body went under transformation like the other ones. Until he no longer looked like a demon he now looked like a demonic dragon.

“Now do you think you can take you motherless scum” growled Reaper his voice is breaking up the stones that make up this chamber. “Come on” and with that he spread his wings out and charged head first towards Vein, just before he made impact Reaper vanished into thin air.


“Here” shrieked Reaper. Vein looked towards the ceiling and there was Reaper mocking him with a big cheeky grin on his face.

“Why you, you dare mock me” growled Vein. Reaper dropped from the ceiling on top of one the demon master and plunged his sickle blades into the spinal cord of his victim.

“Now give me your soul” demanded Reaper. Reaper’s victim’s body disintegrated and his soul circled around Reaper’s head then it dived straight into him and his power grew by ten fold.

The battle lasted a few mere seconds then it was a showdown between Reaper and Vein. They were evenly matched in all forms combat and magic.

“Give up you can’t beat me” sneered Vein

“Well we see about that” laughed Reaper his sickle blades grew and changed again this time they changed into a pair of giant broadswords.

“Now then ready for round 2” screamed Reaper. Reaper darted towards Vein and did another disappearing trick on him.

“Where are you this ugh” screamed Vein Reaper’s blades went straight through Vein spinal cord and came through the other side of his body.

“This is for my father” growled Reaper he then twisted his blades into a horizontal position and then ripped them out of Vein body. When the fight was over Vein was in 2 pieces.

“Your soul is not worth taking” said Reaper. Reaper then went forward and picked up the chest then made his way out of the cavern.

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Mon Jul 09, 2007 2:55 pm
Royboy wrote a review...

The wars that once ravaged the underworld are now a thing of the past although there are still some small skirmishes every now and then but there has not been a full scale war for one hundred and fifty years.

Woah. Split that into at least two sentences and place your commas.

“Reaper the clan chief wants to talk to you it sounds like a matter of grave importance” shouted the messenger

Please use correct punctuation. Comma after Reaper for direct adress. Period after you because it's the end of your sentence, and a period at the end because it's the end of another sentence. There should be a comma after importance because it is the end of a sentence next to quotes followed by words. I won't tell you this every time because by the looks of it, you've done the same thing a lot.

Okay, just reading the first few paragraphs, I can tell you need some help with your quotations. Oh my, I always stink at teaching stuff...

"Put a comma at the end of your sentence in quotes," says Roya.

Make sure there's a period at the end of the real sentence.

Roya continued, "If you do it this way, there's a period."

Make sure there's a comma before the quotes because the sentence isn't actually over.

That's pretty much all you've got in there. PLEASE use punctuation and capitalize proper nouns. I can tell you right now that very few people will read this. I'm not even bothered by your story at the moment. My first suggestion is use grammar check on Word. Either that or go to the library and get Grammar for Dummies. That's not an insult--I use it a lot. XD Then go back and fix everything. PM me if I make no sense because that tends to happen quite a lot.


“I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.”
— L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables