RandomTalks here with a short review!
Well, this made for a really nice and light read. I liked the informal sort of voice you used which is reminiscent of a journal's. It gives us the feeling that the narrator is full of life, and whatever she does in life or faces, she does it with passion. You have introduced a very lively voice, that pulls us into this person's world and gives us a glimpse through her eyes. And even though we do not know any of the several characters mentioned or the feat that she is currently celebrating, it is hard not to feel and rejoice along with her.
The way you have narrated this is a little like having a conversation with your self or a close friend, and since this is a journal entry I think that is very appreciable. It knits a closer relationship with the narrator, allowing us to connect with her and sympathize and feel with her.
I also liked how without really going into any big details you gave us a clear glimpse of her life and her relationships with other people. For example, the boyfriend. I will have to say, that the sudden inclusion of the dialogue threw me off a bit as I had not been expecting it, but it works well with the moment you were trying to present to us. It is obvious that they are very much in love and supportive of each other, while it is also evident that his family does not really approve of her or their relationship. Or it could be some other reason that made them behave that way in the hospital, but I liked the fact that you kept it vague leaving the readers to their interpretations.
Now, I did feel that because of the informal voice of narration several times you were repeating certain words. They do not cause much harm to the story, but they fall a little flat along the text. For example,
Now, I just pray everything will be all right.
Now, time for bed...if only I could make myself sleep.
These two sentences come directly after one another, and as a result the word 'now' comes off as a little repetitive.
Overall, this was a good read. I do think that you can work on it and expand it to make into something better, but even so , this is alright.
Keep writing and have a great day!
Points: 82352
Reviews: 659