
Young Writers Society

18+ Language Violence Mature Content

Makaily - Chapter 2

by Alora

Warning: This work has been rated 18+ for language, violence, and mature content.

Chapter 2 - Tension

Jessica's shimmer of hope began to fade. Aden and Trent merely grunted an acknowledgement when it could no longer be avoided, but tension grew as dusk settled into the sky. A campfire was lit in the centre of the clearing and the group sat awkwardly together for dinner.

Trent placed himself on the opposite side of the fire to Jessica and Aden, though they could still glimpse his scowl through the flickering flames. Lauren wedged beside him but he seemed ignorant her presence. Damo sat on the far end, tearing ravenously into his steak and only pausing to slurp down a beer. Angie sat obligingly next to her best friend and she attempted small talk to break the ice.

She gabbed on about the exams they faced that semester, though she got little response for her efforts. She stubbornly continued to speak regardless.

"Can you believe we're about to graduate high School?"

There was only a slight mutter around the campfire but she was desperate to get a conversation flowing.

"Does anyone know what they want to do at college?"

"Come on Angie," Damo huffed, "Are we really gonna swap stories on what we wanna be when we grow up?"

Angie's brow furrowed and she retorted, "Some of us still need to grow up!"

Damo snorted, unperturbed by her comment. Her frown deepened and Steve leaned over and hooked an arm around her shoulder.

"You know me babe, screw college!" he then winked at her, "I reckon we go backpacking around Europe for a few years."

Angie rolled her eyes at him and then turned her gaze on the muscular blonde that was glowering at his food.

"What about you Trent?"

He just shrugged as he spun the meat aimlessly on his plate.

"Jess?" Angie turned to her with pleading eyes.

"Probably marketing or something like that," Jessica replied quietly. Lauren sniffed at this.


"I aim to get a Degree in Accounting," he politely responded.

Angie bobbed her head, grateful they were making the effort to keep a discussion going. She was about to reply when a deep voice slowly rose over the fire.

"Typical, accountants have no personality."

They peered at Trent who was sneering through the flames. Damo guffawed at his remark and slurped his beer dry. He crushed the empty can and dove into the cooler for another. Aden met with Trent's glare and looked away, choosing to ignore the comment. Angie turned to Lauren in attempt to bypass the moment. But Trent abruptly spoke over her, clearly unsatisfied with the lack of response.

"Accountants are just like leeches; making money off other people...nosing through their personal business."

Jessica watched Aden's jaw twitch like he was going to retort but thought better of it. She knew he was biting his tongue for her sake so she twisted her hand into his and gave it a squeeze.

"Well I want to be a lawyer, so I'd hate to know what you think of that!" Angie protested to Trent. He let out a sarcastic huff and rose to his feet.

Lauren sat up straight, "Where are you going?"

"I want to try some night fishing," he muttered.

"Sounds good," Damo nodded and got up with him. He fished out more beers from the cooler and straightened back up and said, "There's plenty of bait. And we know where to come for some leeches."

He smirked menacingly at Aden as he emphasised his words. The dark haired boy kept his gaze on the pebbly ground while they walked away. Jessica had seen his eyes flicker in the firelight but he still didn't say anything. Lauren gazed around and then leaped up to scurry after them.

"Sorry, I tried," Angie sighed and slumped against Steve's chest.

"I might call it a night," Aden mumbled.

Jessica squeezed his hand again, "Aden-"

"No really, it's okay," he broke his hand free of her grip, "I'm tired anyway, it's been a long day."

He leaned over and gingerly kissed her before stretching to his feet. He gave a courteous nod to Angie and Steve and disappeared into the darkness behind them where the tents lay. Jessica stared after him with her anxiety creeping back.

"We shouldn't have come here," she sighed.

"Of course you should have," Angie replied, "Those guys just need to chill."

"Oh come on!" Steve blurted. Both girls turned in surprise and he leaned back on his hands, slightly wary of Angie's warning gaze.

"You can't blame Trent for being a little resentful," he tried to reason.

Jessica's forehead creased, "Aden has been through a lot too."

"Yeah but Aden got the girl," Steve shot back at her, "It was bad enough when you dumped Trent, but then to get with Aden of all people? Talk about a kick in the guts!"

He ignored the sharp elbow Angie jabbed in his ribs. A heat of irritation began to warm Jessica's stomach. But seeing Steve's expression and the way his arms slumped onto his knees, made her ease up. She had to remind herself that he was caught in the middle and she supposed it wasn't always easy to be neutral.

"I understand he's your friend," she lowered her voice, "But Aden was always my friend and that didn't stop any of you from picking on him."

"Hey, I'm not saying we weren't assholes," Steve held up his hands, “But this new romance of yours?” he paused to look Jessica directly in the eye, "Surely you knew it would only fuel the fire."

Jessica did. It was a concept she'd been struggling with since she'd first discovered her feelings for Aden. For a while, she'd denied her feelings in fear of how others would react. But the pull of their chemistry was too strong. She'd finally succumbed to her emotions, opting to ignore any consequence that may follow.

Steve let out a sigh, "Look, I feel like crap about it all. I've gotten to know Aden today and he seems like an alright guy."

She could see the hint of regret in his eyes and she wondered if Aden could hear them from the tent.

"I didn't get with him to upset Trent," she tried to explain, "Our friendship grew and it just happened."

"We know, sweet," Angie gave her arm an affectionate pat, "It's obvious you two are close."

"Really obvious, so it's no surprise Trent's uptight," Steve insisted, "Just be patient with him...whether you meant it or not, you broke the guy's heart."

The heat returned to Jessica's stomach, accompanied by a niggling guilt. She couldn't argue the earnestness in Steve's voice. She simply nodded and excused herself to retreat to the tent. She fumbled along as she moved away from the fire. When she felt the canvas door, she pried it open and crawled in. Aden didn't stir in his slumber so she was relieved to know he hadn't heard them talking.

As she lay down beside him, he idly rolled over and draped an arm around her. The soft heat of his breath blew sleepily across her cheek. Rigid with tension, Jessica lay there wide awake for some time, unable to free herself from conflicting memories. Before long, she could hear the rustle of Angie and Steve settling into the tent beside them. More time passed before she started to hear vague voices returning from the river.

It sounded like Trent, Damo and Lauren were back at the fire. Their voices were harsh whispers and she was unable to decipher the words, except Damo's slurred voice, "Forget the bitch!"

The others hushed him and the night grew relatively quiet. Eventually she heard their shuffles to Damo's tent, which was nestled safely on the far side of Steve and Angie's. It was quite large and Jessica was relieved to know Trent wasn't sharing alone with Lauren. Then again, would that stop her? And knowing Lauren, she wouldn't exactly be secretive about it.

This progression of thought had Jessica snap her eyes open. Why did any of that even matter? It wasn't her business anymore. She then wondered if Trent had the same concerns about her and Aden sharing a tent?

But her relationship with Aden wasn't that shallow. With his quiet comforting nature, he preferred to take things slow. He'd been hurt by people often enough so she could understand his caution. She suspected it would take him awhile to fully let his guard down. But it didn't matter. Their bond was growing so tight that she knew it would be all the more special when the time came.

Without meaning to, Steve's voice suddenly popped back in her head about Trent; 'whether you meant it or not, you broke the guy's heart.'

What heart? She thought miserably as her mind swelled on the past year...but no, she had to be honest...deep down, the real Trent had a good heart. The real Trent - hidden under ugly layers of pretentious vanity. She knew the real guy well, years of intimate moments had revealed the true Trent, who was funny and caring and intense.

But too many times, he'd cover that up with his boasting thick-skinned layers - especially when there was a crowd. Always determined to be the centre of attention, he'd put on a tough act to impress everyone else. The more reaction he got, the thicker his skin grew.

It'd been difficult for Jessica to watch this develop over the years, slowly deteriorating their relationship. When her disapproval no longer affected him, she knew it was over. The real Trent was lost and she didn't love what was left in his place.

Tonight had been a typical act of thick-skinned Trent. He'd been dying for Aden to react for an excuse to argue. But she loved that Aden had been mature enough to show respect for her, something thick-skinned Trent wasn't capable of. But how much could Aden take before Trent's behaviour got the better of him?

Tick-tock, tick-tock, she thought dismally.

That entire night, she fidgeted in her sleeping back in a restless slumber. Sometimes she awoke to a slight rustling of the tent. Other times she awoke to the rustling of her dreams. It proved a difficult task to ease her anxious mind.


Jessica scrunched her eyes from the early rising sun and surrendered to her inability to sleep. She slowly got to her feet and emerged from the tent into the crisp morning air. No one else seemed to be awake yet, so she took the opportunity to take a dip in the river and clear her head of broken sleep.

The shallow water had a slight chill as she stepped over the pebbles. Though the air was cool, the sun was warm against her skin. She ventured further into the water and propped herself on her back, floating aimlessly. She drifted for a long time, her mind still whirling on past memories as if she hadn't slept at all.

"Good morning," a soft voice drifted in her ear. She broke from her thoughts and splashed upright in the water. She looked up in surprise to Aden's chuckling expression.

"You scared me!" she said, flicking a handful of water at him.

His dark fringe was pasted over his forehead and he laughed as he flicked the hair from his eyes. He then grabbed her hands, pulling her through the water towards him. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders as her legs slipped around his waist. Their lips locked together as they waded silently along the riverbed.

Aden's mouth then trailed down her neck and his voice was muffled, "My shooting star."

Jessica smiled fondly at the memory and sank leisurely against him. She soaked up the glory of the sun, crisp air, cool water and the heat of his body pressed against hers. It was beginning to feel so good...

"Yeah, bring it on!" Damo's bellowing voice intruded.

They sighed and peered over to the large burly boy who was rampaging into the water and whistling at them. Angie and Steve were chuckling while they lingered by the water's edge. Jessica could just make out Trent's form, sitting behind them by the cold remains of the fire. Lauren was nowhere to be seen, most likely still getting her beauty sleep.

As Jessica and Aden pulled away from each other, Damo laughed mockingly, "Don't stop now, I was just getting into it!"

There was a rumble as Trent kicked the log by the fireplace and jumped to his feet. He was marching towards the hillside when Damo turned around and hollered, "Where ya goin'?"

"To get more wood, someone's got to get the fire going if we want breakfast."

He didn't stop pace while he'd responded. Very quickly he disappeared into the surrounding shrubs. Angie and Steve delved into the water and they frolicked a while longer before Trent returned with an armful of wood. He begrudgingly lit a fire and when the aroma of breakfast began to waft through the breeze, Lauren made an appearance.

Jessica towelled herself dry as the others moved around the fire to eat. She crawled into her tent and rummaged through her bags in search for her pocket-knife. Having forgotten a can-opener for her tinned food, she figured the little switch-blade would do, but she couldn't find it anywhere. She frowned to herself, she knew she hadn't forgotten it, as she'd used it just yesterday when they were setting up camp.

With a sigh, she returned to the fire and settled for some toast instead. The others ate heartily as they discussed the day's agenda.

"I'm keen to do some fishing," Steve announced. Trent and Damo nodded in agreement. Aden voice was low as he nodded towards the trail on the hillside, "I might go exploring," he then turned to Jessica, "What do you say? Are you up for it?"

A wide smile spread across her face, "Sure am."

"Me too," Angie piped up.

"Best if I take ya," Damo grunted.

Jessica's smile faded, "I'm sure we can manage it."

"Yeah, well I know the area better," Damo replied. Jessica peered at the rough terrain above them while Damo turned to Trent, "What about you? Rather some adventure?"

"I'm going fishing," Trent replied stubbornly.

"I need to work on my tan," Lauren said contently, though no one listened.

Damo shrugged at his brooding friend and muttered, "You snooze, you lose buddy."

He gulped down the last of his bacon and topped it off with a roaring burp. He then tightened the green bandanna across his forehead and stood up, urging everyone to get ready.

Jessica and Aden were the first to the base of the hill. Angie soon joined them with Steve following obligingly. Damo soon came puffing over and said nothing as he barged his way in front to play tour guide. They started up the hill one by one, feeling the humidity intensify as they rose.

When they were halfway up, Angie paused and took a step back. Curiously she shuffled to the edge of the trail and pushed at the thick shrubs beside them. She swept aside a group of thick fronds to gaze at the rocky ridge that jutted out along the face of the hill.

Jessica moved down to peer over her shoulder. The ridge travelled all the way to the base of the triangle cave she'd been looking at yesterday. The cave appeared deeper than what she'd initially thought, almost high enough for someone to stand in.Steve had mashed himself against Angie's side and Jessica could hear Aden hovering behind them. Angie grinned over her shoulder, "Let's check it out."


They looked up in surprise at Damo who lingered on the main trail above them. His stature appeared tense with his arms rigid by his sides.

"No need to go there," his eyes shifted strangely, "Trust me."

"Now you got me even more curious," Steve laughed and pulled the leaves back from Angie's hands.

"Seriously, stay away from there!" Damo said firmly.

Steve peered at him questioningly, "What's the big deal?"

"Let's just say...that's Makaily's area."

"Who the hell is Makaily?"

"Look, I'll tell ya's about it later," Damo insisted, "In the meantime, this trail leads to an awesome cliff where we can jump into the river."

He pointed to the top of the hill, over to their right. They hesitated at his hasty change of subject and Steve then shrugged and released the shrubs. He started back up the trail and Damo stood to the side with his arms crossed, ensuring the others followed.

"Trust me it's a thrill of a jump. We can swim back across the river and surprise the other two," he rambled on as they walked passed one by one. When Jessica reached him, he added slyly, "Let's just hope we don't interrupt them."

She tossed him a glare as she followed Angie's lead. Did Damo really think he could rattle her into being jealous? Obviously he still had a habit for stirring trouble. When they reached the top of the hill, Damo directed them to turn right and begin their trek. As the morning rose, so did the heat and they were beginning to feel the sun's wrath. They walked through miles of bushland until they could eventually see the cliff-top that Damo had spoken of.

There was a small hill on their left marked with more caves. The ground beyond them and to their right dropped into a sheer cliff-face. The trees started to subside and the breeze that welcomed them was refreshing. Sweat was beading down Jessica's skin from their hike, and the idea of plunging into the river sounded alluring.

She followed Damo to the cliff edge while Aden and Steve poked curiously around the dark crevices behind them. Jessica shuffled her feet cautiously and peered down. It was an intimidating drop; she figured about fifty feet at least. But the promise of the cool liquid lapping below was enough to disarm her apprehension.

Steve was suddenly by their side and he went first without any hesitation. He gave a triumphant call the whole way down and they leaned over with baited breath to watch him smack the water. Before long, he'd emerged from its depths, encouraging them to follow. That was enough convincing for Angie. She was hurling herself over the cliff before the others had even looked up. Steve laughed brightly as she plunged into the water. She rose out of the waves and they frolicked together, egging everyone else on.

Damo held his hand out before Aden and smirked, "Ladies first."

Aden frowned, his patience finally dwindling, "What's your problem?"

Damo's expression grew serious as he inched towards him, "You are."

Nervous butterflies began to churn Jessica's stomach. It was happening again.

Damo's murky brown eyes rose smugly as he challenged him, "We both know you don't have the guts!"

"Damo..." Jessica's voice trailed off in a weak whisper. This was how it always started...she cringed with a distant memory of Aden's face cringing in pain...

Aden's hands now balled into fists. He stood up straight to the stocky opponent standing before him but he didn't retort. Damo's lips pulled over his teeth in a sneering smile.


As he spat the words, he jerked his bulky chest. Aden flinched away but quickly straightened up when he realised it was only a threat. Damo let out a harsh laugh and poised at the edge of the cliff.

"Trent was right about you," he sniffed.

He then turned around and let out a loud 'yahoo' as he leaped over the cliff. Jessica could hear the other's laughter as he splashed into the water below. But her gaze was still fixed on Aden who stood awkwardly beside her. His head was tilted down, his black hair flowing in the breeze across his pale skin. In that moment, he looked utterly gorgeous...and utterly helpless.

Jessica gently cupped his chin to raise his head, so she could peer into his eyes. He met her gaze reluctantly.

"I'm sorry I make it hard for you," he mumbled.

"No, I make this hard for you," she said shamefully, "We should never have come."

Aden was thoughtful for a moment and then shook his head, "No."

She peered curiously as his eyes brightened with a spark of determination.

"It's good we came," he insisted, "I'll do anything to make things better for you. And if it doesn't work, at least I'll know I tried."

Jessica's heart warmed as she watched a smile twitch his lips. He ran a finger across her cheek and leaned in to kiss her. The calls from the river below finally broke them free. Aden took her hand from his face and squeezed them.

His voice was reassuring, "Sooner or later, they'll learn to accept me. In the meantime...I'll dazzle them with this!"

Before Jessica could digest his words, Aden was leaping high off the cliff face. In mid-air he spun in a summersault, then straightened out to pierce the water in a perfect dive. Jessica cheered from above. Angie and Steve cheered from below. Damo merely scowled as their bright calls echoed off the cliff walls.

Feeling a mixture of relief and satisfaction, Jessica took a step back to prepare for her jump. She threw herself off the edge of the cliff with slightly less elegance, praying she'd make it down in once piece.

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763 Reviews

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Sun Dec 29, 2013 7:11 pm
Lava wrote a review...

Hey there!

Well, wow! Being review day; and a lot of random chapters to be reviewed, I was surprised by yours. IN a good way! In the sense that I could fairly fathom what's going on; and despite being a second chapter it intrigued me enough to read throughout the chapter. Kudos!

The other thing I enjoyed is that you seemed to know your characters quite well; and that jumped off onto the reader as solid characters. Plus, their interactions seem to suggest a slightly more complex realtionship that humans tend to have in real life, so points there again.

So, Makaily is a place; and known for some mysterious happenings? Are they on some post school trip? Are they there for kicks? Maybe these things were answered in previous chapter, but just stuff that floated in my head.

Thanks for a great read!

(I'll probably look out for more chapter. Do post them!)

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1634 Reviews

Points: 67548
Reviews: 1634

Wed Sep 04, 2013 6:42 pm
Deanie wrote a review...

Hi Alora,

The story just keeps getting better! I'm starting to see how you add in Malikay's story to this as well. It'll be interesting when Damo tells the story. I also love your description, and you always end the chapter at a lovely part. The last sentence seems to also reflect how she hopes she'll come out of the whole camping trip in one piece. As well as this, I like the brilliant relationship you've created between Aden and Jessica. All your characters are realistic and intriguing.

"To get more wood, someone's got to get the fire going if we want breakfast." In here the comma should be replaced with a ;

"He didn't stop pace while he'd responded." Pace isn't the right word to use here. Maybe it should be he didn't stop walking, or he didn't pause, or look back. But pace doesn't fit in this sentence. These were the only two little nitpicks I could find in this entire story. Which is definitely good news.

I can't find many problems with this chapter. It looks like it'll just be a continuum of the story to look forwards to. Please let me know when you post the next chapter on my wall or chat maybe :)

Deanie x

Is that a carrot?
— WeepingWisteria