
Young Writers Society

Out of control - part 1 of 2

by Aina

This is a short story I am going to post in two parts. The title won't really explain itself until part two.

Enjoy! :D


Out of control

They had left me lying where I was. I could not move. Suddenly another face appeared above me. I could hardly see it through the haze of pain. I flinched causing myself more pain. I feared that the face would finish what they had begun… My thoughts began to fade away. I could hardly keep my eyes open anymore. The face swam even more before my bruised eyes. “Oh my god…” said a deep voice. I was fading away incapable of understanding more. The voice sounded as if it was coming though an ancient radio with bad reception. My brain could not understand that voice and face belonged together. Then I was gone.

I awoke alone behind garbage containers. Without thinking I jumped up and came out from where I had been lying. At that moment several things caught up with me. One, I felt no pain but had I not been in strong pain? Two, my senses were overflowing with information. I staggered because I could not take it all in. Especially what I saw confused me. I closed my eyes and slowly sat down leaning against the container. I tried to focus on one sense at the time. I held my breath so that I could focus on what I heard. It was the most astonishing sensation I had ever had. I felt as if I were standing right in front of the loudspeakers during a heavy metal concert, while a choir of air hammers was on my other side, with a car race going on around me, and the masses cheering at all three. I could not distinguish a single sound from the others. I waited for a few seconds, for the noise to go down but nothing happened. It only continued to drum against my ears.

After deciding to ignore my hearing I quit holding my breath. The smells were almost as bad as the noise but at least I could tell them apart. I could smell pizza, exhaust fumes, sweat, roses and thousands of other things, many completely unknown to me. But these smells were only a distant impression. The overruling smell was that of garbage. Rotting potatoes mixed in with diapers and old socks, and everything else people threw away. I had the feeling as if I had stuck my nose into weeks old garbage and breathed in deeply several times. The smell was so bad that I held my breath again. I was not ready to move jet. Not until I had figured out what I had seen.

Carefully I opened my eyes. The sight had not changed from before. Although I knew that I had lain behind garbage containers and the smell told me that I was indeed next to garbage containers I could not see them. In fact I could not see any defined forms. Streaks of different colors and shades were all that I could see. It was as if an artist had taken is paintbrush and drawn lines in all different sizes forms and colors around me. A bit like an impressionist painting if you look at only a small patch of it with your nose almost touching it.

Since none of these senses were working properly I decided to figure our what I could feel. I could not taste anything around me - luckily - so that was off my mind. I directed my attention towards my bare arms and legs. My arms were touching the container I was leaning against. It felt rougher than I had expected it to be. I remembered the containers being very smooth. The ground beneath my legs also felt rougher than it was in my memory, but I could deal with the information coming from this sense. It was not overloaded with impressions.

All the information my senses were giving me would not allow me to concentrate on the important things that I needed to orient myself while walking. I chose to wait for everything to calm down. I closed my eyes and waited for the noise to get quieter. I do not know how long I waited. To pass the time I tried to identify the sounds. After a while I could tell them apart.

I heard the cars on the street and people walking and talking. If I concentrated on a conversation I could even understand what they were saying. I could hear water running, birds singing, music playing, wind blowing and many other sounds. What was the most astonishing were the quiet sounds, the ones I normally would not have heard unless I was standing right next to the source like the sizzling of fat in a frying pan.

Gradually the sounds became quieter. Occasionally I heard a car or a conversation; here and there I heard the call of an owl. Encouraged by this I stopped holding my breath. Wait a second? How could I have held my breath for so long? I did not have time to dwell on this subject for the smells tormented me again. They too had changed. The stench of garbage was still there but the fainter ones were different. The smell of food had gotten a lot weaker and the exhaust fumes were not as present either. I became more aware of the smells I did not know; they awoke my appetite. Now more confident of myself I opened my eyes. There could not have been a grater contrast. The reduced smells and sounds were nothing against this. The confusing colors that I had seen during the day were now gone. What remained were objects in different shades of gray. No colors. On my right there was a brick wall. On my left and across from me there were garbage containers. They were a darker shade of gray than the wall. Since I now could filter the important information out of all the impressions my senses sent me I got up and walked out of the alley.

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Thu Jan 07, 2010 4:16 pm
StellaThomas wrote a review...

Hey Aina, Stella here!


Suddenly another face appeared above me.

I'd explain a bit more about the situation they're in and how long they've been there before saying "Suddenly."

I could hardly see it through the haze of pain. I flinched causing myself more pain.

Find another word for the second "pain."

One, I felt no pain but had I not been in strong pain?

strong pain sounds weird, but also, try not to repeat it.

I was not ready to move jet.


It was as if an artist had taken is paintbrush




This is currently a lot of description. So far there's no character- well, there's a character, but no personality, no plot and seemingly no conflict except we know that someone left them in this alleyway.

It's sort of boring.

You describe everything twice here, and I don't think that's necessary. You're very thorough, which is great, but with no plot to go by you're leaving readers going, "And I am reading this... why?" You could, and I know you're going to hate me for saying this, but you could chop this down by at least half. Right now, it's a well-written but not exactly gripping piece of work.


I'm going to go read Part Two because I'm interested to see what's going to happen, but I thought you could have made something happen here.

Hope I helped, drop me a note if you need anything!

-Stella x

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13 Reviews

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Wed Dec 30, 2009 10:09 pm
Vampiress wrote a review...

Hey there Aina,

I started reading but I lost interest because
1. I knew hardly ANYTHING about the main character,which makes me wonder what the person is like which gets me off track
2. Basically, the sentences were put together the same.

The rest was very very good. Have fun writing and good luck.
~ Mackenzie

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Wed Dec 30, 2009 12:20 pm
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Aina says...

Thank you carelessaussie13 and Hippie for the reviews.

I knew I was runnig a risk by cutting the story here, because all the action is in part two. This was the only natrual place to cut it.

Thank you for the tip with the caracter development. Looking back you are right. It's probably that I know my own caracters and forget that others do not. Especially since I normally do not write shortstories so I am not used to doing character developement in such a short text.

Again thank you very much!


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134 Reviews

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Reviews: 134

Wed Dec 30, 2009 5:53 am
Hippie wrote a review...

The descriptions in this were wonderful. It's great that you use all the senses, instead of just sight which is often overused. I don't exactly know what the plot is. All I can assume is that the main character put the wrong sort of mushrooms in her salad.

It is a little worrying that there are only two parts. That means you've already spent half of the story on descriptions, and haven't even touched on character and plot. That's a dangerous imbalance. A passage like this would be excellent if it formed part of a novel, but with a short story, no words can be wasted.

That being said, it is one of the best descriptive pieces I've read (and usually I don't like descriptive pieces). You've done a superb job with the surreal atmosphere, but maybe you could develop character at the same time. Maybe the things she's sensing could bring back memories that help define her. Instead of saying

I felt as if I were standing right in front of the loudspeakers during a heavy metal concert

you could say it was like a specific heavy metal concert she'd been to recently to give some sense of her character. Or if she doesn't like heavy metal you could describe it as a horrible, noisy heavy metal concert. What sort of music she likes and dislikes would help the reader understand her personality.

I'm not sure how you could interweave plot into this. Perhaps you don't need to. If her character is all set up, you could blast through the plot in the second part. I'd certainly like to see the same surreal atmosphere there as well becasue I love it.

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236 Reviews

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Reviews: 236

Wed Dec 30, 2009 1:20 am
carelessaussie13 wrote a review...

Hey there,

I started reading this but quickly lost interest. It was because of only two things:
1. I knew nothing about the main character, and therefore had no reason to care about him.
2. All the sentences were structured the same.

The rest was pretty good. Excellent descriptions, very fleshed out surroundings. I'd love to see where you take this in the second half. Although, if you used the entire first half to describe the alleyway, I'm a little curious what sort of drama you'll build up.

If a dog will not come to you after having looked you in the face, you should go home and examine your conscience.
— Woodrow Wilson