
Young Writers Society

E - Everyone

The Lake(story made in 3rd grade)

by AdmiralKat

*Note: Katia and Katya are different people. I have a friend named Katia don't judge XD*

*I found this in my old binder, so I found the paragraphs like this*

One nice summer day I went to lake. "Are we there yet? Are we there yet?" "We are not there yet, Katya" said Mom.

Then we were finally there! "Hi Katya I really missed you so much." I said. "Me to" said Katia. There was snake close to lake said Katia.

"Maybe it can't swim." I said. When me and Katia went into the water I learned how to do a underwater handstand. Then we rode the water morcilyee it could float. It went fast!

Then I wanted to make a sandcastle. So we needed rocks, water, sand, and some shovels and pails.

Then I asked "Can we fly our kite". No later" said mom. "O.K." I said.

Then we had a little sand castle. Later on it was bigger but Katia had to stay in the tent.

Then it was lunch time. Everything was yummy. Then I said time to fly my kite.

I tried to make it fly but the kite couldn't fly. So I guessed that we sould do it at the park.

Then me and Katia prented to drink tea but we didn't. Then I dressed up. After that we saw the snake swim in the lake. I was so surpized! Then me and Katya collected seashells.

We put them in my brothers pockect. Then. I had to say bye! Bye! Katia I said. Bye said Katia. Then we left home.

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Wed Jun 02, 2021 9:43 am
KateHardy wrote a review...

Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening/Night(whichever one it is in your part of the world),

Hi! I'm here to leave a quick review!!

First Impression: Well...this is just one of those stories that make you go "Awww" and well that's it...its just such a cute and wholesome little story of two young children just having a fun day out in the lake.

Anyway let's get right to it,

One nice summer day I went to lake. "Are we there yet? Are we there yet?" "We are not there yet, Katya" said Mom.

Then we were finally there! "Hi Katya I really missed you so much." I said. "Me to" said Katia. There was snake close to lake said Katia.

Aww...well it seems like a pretty sweet little start there...well its got a little bit of confusion in the paragraphing that dialogue but considering how old you were when you wrote it, I think we can cut some slack here...xD...its just a really simple little concept here and it makes for a nice little opening paragraph here.

"Maybe it can't swim." I said. When me and Katia went into the water I learned how to do a underwater handstand. Then we rode the water morcilyee it could float. It went fast!

Then I wanted to make a sandcastle. So we needed rocks, water, sand, and some shovels and pails.

Ooooh...okay...these seem like a lovely series of memories from a trip the lake. This is definitely stirring up all that nostalgia and doing it very well, the pacing here is a bit on the fast side but again that's not a big issue considering when it was written...and well its just managing to put a constant smile on my face as I read and that is the best part of it.

Then I asked "Can we fly our kite". No later" said mom. "O.K." I said.

Then we had a little sand castle. Later on it was bigger but Katia had to stay in the tent.

Then it was lunch time. Everything was yummy. Then I said time to fly my kite.

Oooh...that does sound like an awesome day, building a sandcastle and then having food by the lake before going to fly a kite...ahhh this is just digging up far too much nostalgia for it to be healthy at this point...especially considering we're in a time where that's totally impossible at the moment.

I tried to make it fly but the kite couldn't fly. So I guessed that we sould do it at the park.

Then me and Katia prented to drink tea but we didn't. Then I dressed up. After that we saw the snake swim in the lake. I was so surpized! Then me and Katya collected seashells.

We put them in my brothers pockect. Then. I had to say bye! Bye! Katia I said. Bye said Katia. Then we left home.

Well, that seems like a perfectly lovely day out between two really good friends...and honestly that's it I suppose...but well..that's all you want too I guess...its definitely a really wholesome little short story this one.

Aaaaand that's it for this one.

Overall: Overall, this story managed to do the very important job of leaving me with a big smile on my face and that really is all you can ask from it :D

As always remember to take what you think was helpful and forget the rest.

Stay Safe

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Thu Jul 10, 2014 1:52 am
Authorian wrote a review...

Don't think I'm weird but I love this little story! I'm sure you know of the grammatical errors and left them cause you didn't want to change it, so I won't touch on that. But, just so you know, this made me smile. It's super cute, carefree, and beautiful. I'm still smiling.

Bless 3rd grade 'you'.

AdmiralKat says...

XD I was the adorable little 3rd grader that was loved by all the teachers.... (On the dark side: everyone bullied me.. :( )

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Sun Jun 29, 2014 10:23 pm
sophomoric wrote a review...

You know, this perfectly captures the mind of a third grader. Carefree, youthful, naive, and mischievous.

I know you wrote this as a young kid so I won't get on your case. This is partly because I feel like there's nothing to change about it (it is how it is.). It's also because my grammar was probably worse at that age.

Hm, I don't know why, but I feel nostalgic now.

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Sat Jun 28, 2014 11:40 am
SoundsOfSilence wrote a review...

What a pleasant read. I wish I still had all of my stories from when i was younger, not that I would want to post any of those disasters...

I will say, however, that you do write better than I did back in 3rd Grade. My teacher was always on my ass about it. She'd compare me to the other kids, too... she liked to play favorites. Looking back, she was a grouch.

Anyway, again, pleasant read. I thought it was pretty cute.

I won't nit-pick since the other reviewers have already done so.

Keep writing. :)

AdmiralKat says...

XD I remember I always had watermelon(big) topics and not enough seed(small) topics. I always thought I had the smallest topics I could manage. Now that I look at it, I wrote about a wedding(and a sleepover same day) in 2 pages. I could have written a novel with that. XD

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Sat Jun 28, 2014 10:16 am
Kanome wrote a review...

Hello, Katya.
Kanome here with a review.

First of all, this story is so freaking cute. This is actually pretty good for a story written when you were in third grade. c:

Nitpick time: (Sorry, even though you've written this in third grade, I figured you want to see the mistakes on here...)
Okay, there are some sentences that need commas in between them:

One nice summer day, I went to lake.

.... and commas after the word "then", which I've seen many times, so.. yeah D:

Also, you missed some quotation marks for the dialogue.
I suggest editing and revising, but it's only suggestion.
If you're keeping this the way it is for a certain reason, I truly understand.

I can't wait to read more of your works. I am looking forward to it c:

AdmiralKat says...

I took this purely from this little "book" I found in my binder. I didn't change anything. XD

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Sat Jun 28, 2014 1:53 am
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Evander wrote a review...


Raven here for a quick review!

This is so cute! I like what you made! When I was this age I wrote about poverty, and you're writing light happy stuff! No fair! However, this review shall not be all praise and gushing. I shall rip this piece apart!


Dialogue Stuff!

Whenever a new person begins talking, start a new paragraph. You have to do that, or else it will look like the same person is talking the whole time. Like this: "I hate watermelons!" Timmy said, glaring at Marc. "But they're are so... good!" Marc shot back. "I still hate them!" "But, I love 'em!" See how that is confusing?

"Me to" said Katia.

How dare the eight year old you, use the wrong form of "too"! "To" is an action word, like: I'm going to bed. You can use the word "too", if you could use "also" there. So: "I'm going to bed, too."
Also, you forgot to punctuate the end of "to".

Spelling Things!

In this part of the review I'll comment on your spelling!

Then we rode the water morcilyee it could float.

What exactly is a "morcilyee"? Is it some sort of "motorcycle"?

I was so surpized!

What is "surpized"? Is that emotion anything like the state of being "surprised"?

We put them in my brothers pockect.

Okay, tell me. What is a "pockect"? Something that holds yout "pocket"s?
Also, you need to put an apostrophe after the "r" in "brothers". Unless you have several brothers. Then you would put the apostrophe after the "s".

Every Miscellaneous Nitpick.

Then me and Katia prented to drink tea but we didn't.

You misspelled "pretend", though, you would want to use "pretended" there. Also, it is "Katia and I..."

Hm... I think I have butchered your piece enough. Also, I have to go to bed!

So, keep on writing!


AdmiralKat says...

XD I have to say......you really did butcher this piece.. XD I know all the mistakes I made in here. I remember working really hard on this piece, when I was little and I was SO proud of it!

Evander says...

You have every right to be proud. You butchered my piece, I was simply repaying the favour.

AdmiralKat says...

XD Thanks Raven. XD If I were reviewing this piece.......I would have 1. the longest review eva! 2. I would have to write a 6 paragraph essay(and you DO not want to see what that would look like...)

Evander says...

However, I want to see what the essay is. Might be fun to read!

Evander says...

Get onto chat, now. It's boring...

AdmiralKat says...

Okay.......Just let me finish this one review.......

Seeing is believing, but feeling is the truth.
— Thomas Fuller