Every so often, she gave me a smile
and her blue-green eyes would
come alive and make me forget
about everything else. #000080 "> Loved the beging stanza
She was beautiful; living proof
That there is a God. #000080 ">I Like it
And I guess God loved me, because
She smiled at me every time our eyes met.
We talked every night, and as
close as we were for a time,
she was never in love with me,
the way I was with her.
And she was fine with it that way . #000080 ">This line really doesn't fit
She never told me she wanted me to
kiss her, she never told me she
loved me; she just smiled.
And every time she did, I
caught my breath. #000080 ">Love the dramatic feel
And then she was gone. She left
me waiting for her with the
memory. And maybe one day I'll see her
And she'll smile when we meet again #000080 ">Loved this ending
#000080 ">I liked this poem. I really think the complications in this poem are quite realistic and nice. This was pretty good.
Points: 1155
Reviews: 58