
Young Writers Society

The Life and Times of Miss Aurora Beaumont (and friends)

by *lilmisswritergal*

“Rora, what’s the matter, darling?” Mum asked me over dinner.

“Nothing,” I answered, twisting my fork of pasta and beans. It’s not my idea of a good meal, but Mum always said it was nutritious and healthy. “Mum, can you tell me about my curse?”

Dad dropped his cup on the floor with a clatter.

“Aurora, darling, why do you want to bring all that up again?” Mum continued.

“Because Cornetia keeps trying to goad me into hitting her. That will give Mallory the perfect reason to speed up my death.”

“Aurora! Don’t talk so. Felicia’s mother is doing everything she can to prevent Mallory’s curse coming true.”

“Mum, let’s face it. I can’t prevent it. I’m going to die. And you know it.”

“Yes, I do sweetheart. I hate to think like that, but I have no choice. Dad will drive you back to Aunt Fredelia’s again this evening, as usual.”

“But, Mum, I don’t want to hide from the world. I want to meet Mallory.”

Mum clutched her chest and fell to the floor.

I suppose, when I think about it now, that this hadn’t been the best thing to ask my mother. I just wanted to meet Mallory and find out why she’d cursed me. It was a simple enough question, with only one answer, which had to come from Mallory herself. Cornetia had sometimes tried to joke that Mallory had done it for the sake of Cornetia being the way that she was. I mean, everyone needs an enemy, right?

Still, once my mother had regained consciousness, I was sent to my room for my despicable behaviour. Obviously, they were afraid that I might stumble upon something during my meeting with Mallory.

My room, like Flora’s was at the top of the house, and there was only one way down without using the stairs. My mother always complained to my father that the vines crawling up the side of the house needed cutting, and my dad always protested that it would be madness to cut down such a beautiful plant and it usually ended with Mum going into a day-long sulk, and my Dad going out to his workshed to work on his designs for the new Palace Theatre here in Glenningdom.

Dad used to be an actor at the original Palace theatre, playing all sorts of weird and wonderful creatures as well as the usual knights and kings and lords, which he loved. Then when he met Mum, Dad decided to go back to Briar Rose College where he’d been educated, and find himself a different job. Mum found it for him.

Anyway, enough about the boring lives of my parents, on to my escape from the ‘tower’. I opened the window a little and climbed out, down the vines and out through the back gate. Then I realised, I didn’t have Mallory’s address and there was no way I was going all the way to the other side of town to Cornetia’s to get it. I knew where Snowy lived, in one of the old Government buildings along the bottom of Kingdom Street. Kingdom Street wasn’t that far, but I still needed to use public transport, and as far as I knew, the only service that ran at night was the Magic Carpet Express.

I didn’t trust it, because you never knew whether the Genius conductor was drunk, or whether he just liked to speed up going under railway bridges and stuff. Still, it wasn’t as though I had much choice. I didn’t own a Unicorn, although I’d been pestering Aunt Fredelia and my parents to buy me one since the age of five, and I didn’t have a licence to drive a Pumpkin Carriage, unlike Cindy.

I made my way down to the Carpet stop, and waited impatiently for the first carpet. Finally, a bright red one with a number ‘12’ printed on it in big bold black letters came whizzing around the corner and halted harshly at the stop.

“Five pennifeathers,” Said the driver, stroking his white whiskers and twitching his red cap.

“Five pennifeathers?” I repeated, “even for a Night Service?”

“For Gawd’s sake, where d’you wanna go, Missy?” He continued, I could tell that he was losing his patience.

“The Snowdrops, 24 Kingdom Street.” I answered, shuffling my hand through my jean pockets.

“Forget the bloomin’ pennifeathers, I can see that you ain’t got ‘em. Good job it’s me as yer Genie tonight. Now, be quiet, and wrap the tassels on the side safely around your middle. Tie ‘em in a knot, then just sit back and enjoy the ride.” He explained, pointing to a seat next to the entrance. “Hold tight!”

I settled myself into the seat, did up the tassels and ZOOM! The Carpet shot off like a rocket and my hair was whipped back with the force of the wind. It was nearly impossible to gain a sense of direction, but the Genius seemed to know exactly where he was going. Then suddenly we came to a halt at the top of Kingdom Street.

I stepped off the Carpet, a little dazed and bemused, waved politely at the Genius, and walked to Snowy’s house.

It was a tall white building, with a red roof and yellow door, with large leaded windows and a plaque next to the door bearing the words: ‘The Snowdrops’. I stepped onto the ‘welcome’ mat and tapped lightly on the door.

To my horror, it wasn’t Snowy who answered, it was Manzana!

“Can I help you?” She snapped, coldly.

“I’m here to see Snow-White, if I may?”

“Snow-White cannot come to the door at the moment, unlike you, dear, she does not have endless leisure time. No, you must go home, before I throw you out myself.”

“I need Mallory Blackthorn’s address.” I announced promptly.

It was like saying ‘Open sesame’, the door flew open and Manzana beckoned me in.

“You’re that Beaumont girl!” She cried, her dark eyes flashing.

“And you’re Mallory’s sister!” I retorted.

“Yes, I am, Manzana the Magnificent! My sister is indeed Mallory Blackthorn, the Malevolent.”

“I’ve come here because I want some information. I need Mallory’s address so that I can see her for myself. She and I have a lot to talk about.”

“Ridiculous! You know all you need to know about your curse. That’s what you need Mallory’s address for, isn’t it. You want to question her, don’t you?”

I was furious that Manzana could have worked it out so easily. When I did not answer, she cackled.

“Oh, dear, dear. Poor Aurora Beaumont, not being able to work it out for herself.” She tutted sarcastically.

“Manzana, you know Mallory, she’s your sister. Please, tell me what you know.”

“Aurora, dear,” Manzana cupped my face with her hands, “I am not going to tell you. Mallory has to tell you herself. It is the contract she signed upon giving you that curse.”

“Mallory signed a contract? With who?” I demanded.

“Ah, that I cannot tell you. We all sign contracts, Aurora dear, like I’ve signed a contract promising to love a man that I can never love. Snow-White’s father.”

“Snowy’s father! You’re going to marry him?”

“Of course. He has money, status, power, and that little spoilt brat of his is not going to ruin everything. Mallory and I are too alike to allow spoilt brats like you and ‘Snowy’ as you call her, to get in our way. So you just keep your mouth shut about this. Once you’ve promised me, you’re bound to that.”

“These contracts, you created them, didn’t you. You and Mallory. So what am I? Some thorn in your side?”

“Exactly, my dear.”

I thought about it, then I gasped.

“Thorn in your side! You and Mallory cursed me for the sake of my parents’ College name? Is that what it is? What will happen? I’ll prick my finger on a thorn or something, and I’ll die?”

Manzana nodded and cackled.

“You see, Aurora, Mallory and I were outsiders at that school, and your parents were everything we weren’t. They had everything, and Mallory and I were so jealous that we made a pact to avenge ourselves on you. There! That’s all it is. Now, go, please.”

“No, not until I’ve seen Snowy!”

“I said LEAVE!” Bellowed Manzana.

“No! You can’t make me!”

“Oh, I think I can!” Manzana rubbed her hands together and threw a spell at me. I was lifted right off my feet and thrown out of the house, landing hard on the pavement of Kingdom Street.

Poor Snowy! Having to live with a witch like Manzana. I had to rescue her, and get the ‘Three F’s’ to join me on my quest to find Mallory. I now had information, which I could use to get Mallory’s address. I supposed that it would probably be on the poorer side of town.


I’m now grounded. Thanks to Flora.

I was walking through the park near Snowy’s house when a Pumpkin coach drew up at the gates and my parents came rushing to greet me. To my horror, Flora was with them, and she was looking very cross.

“Hi, Flo.” I exclaimed, trying to loosen the atmosphere.

“How-stupid-are-you!” Screeched Flora, shaking me violently, “you went looking for Mallory and you found Manzana instead!”

“Yeah, so what’s the problem?” I asked casually.

“Oh, I don’t know,” Sighed Flora in mock thought, “just going searching for the WOMAN WHO’S TRYING TO KILL YOU, I suppose?”

"Well, I do want to find her." I admitted.

"Aurora Beaumont, you amaze me. First you tell me that you're scared of your curse, and then you try to find the woman who cast it upon you. I just don't understand."

"Well, I do." I snapped, rather more rudely than I'd intended.

"Fine. Well, consider me out. You only have two guards left. I wish you luck with them!" And with that, she flounced off, leaving me to contemplate.

"AURORA!" I felt my mother's bony hands suddenly clasp my shoulders. I prepared myself for the explosion, and it came:


After that, there was silence. Mum took hold of my shoulder and led me briskly out of the park.

So now I’m grounded. Stuck in my room without TV, radio or computer use. I’m going crazy. Still, I do have my Mp3, and my sketchbook. Yeah, I think I’ll do that.

I know…uh uh uh, I danced wit you Once Upon A…Dream, dream dream…yeah! You and me we are the heroes! We can save ourselves from the fire if we dance…uh, uh, uh…Once Upon a Dream, Dream, Dream…

That used to be my favourite song. I remember it well, cos when I was finally released from the ‘tower’ it was time for Dad’s Briar Rose College Presents…show, the most boring thing on TV since The Bouncin’ Beans of Beanstalk, which was an old serial which my Mum and Dad used to watch as kids.

Mum calls me down and I sit on the edge of the sofa, bored out of my wits, as Mum places a plate of mushroom and radish soup in front of me.

“Ah, isn’t this nice.” She says, taking her place in the comfy armchair by the window, “all of us sitting around, watching Dad in his brilliant show.”

I leaned over the arm and mimed being sick.

“That’s enough, Aurora Rose, you are still in very deep trouble. Now, sit up nicely and eat your dinner.” She paused as the title credits for Briar Rose College presents…came on, Toast to the Home and the College we Say! The life of the College lives throughout the day!


Oh well, I’d never been able to stomach Mum’s ropy old soup.

I got sent to bed again. Then I received a call from another of my friends, an Emo girl called Clarisse, who used to be a mermaid before her adoring father moved her here when his business collapsed.

“Hi Clarisse.” I said, rather sadly, thinking that it might impress her.

“What ya doing?” Asked Clarisse. I think she was chewing on some Bubble Gum.

“Oh, just contemplating.” I replied. “What are you doing?”

“Thinking about death, killing the boy I really liked cos this girl called Vanessa snatched him from me. Oh Brothers Grimm, I’m so bored.”

“You think that Vanessa is in love with him?” I asked.

“Not half,” Sneered Clarisse.

“Well, why do you want to kill him? What’s he done?”

“Oh my...evil stepmother…”

“Hans Christian Andersen! Not another stepmother! I’m starting to think it’s all a plan to destroy every family there is in this town!”

“Rora! Just listen to me!” Clarisse cried, and I held the phone at arm’s length.

“My new evil stepmother has taken my guitar and my Voice records. She says that they’re disturbing bleak music and I should have counselling.”

Too right. I was still a bit miffed at Mum and Dad, who kept pestering me to join the Briar Rose College Players in advance for my higher education. Yeah, like Atlantis! (that's never going to happen)

“Yeah, well at least you haven’t got to watch Briar Rose College presents…”

“Oh Brothers damn Grimm! You have to watch that?”

“Yep. Because it’s my dad’s show, I suppose.” I told her, “but that’s not all, it’s much worse than that. I’ve found out that all I have to do is prick my finger on a thorn and I’ll die, for a hundred years, then I’ll come back to life!”

“Lucky you!” Clarisse retorted, “Is there no hope for the life of such as me? Where is my Brothers damn Grimm Eternal Soul?”

"I have no idea." I replied, before she went into preaching mode.

"She wants my voice!" Clarisse shouted down the phone, "she wants my singing voice!"

"Is that right? Well, you're a mermaid so she can't take it away from you!"

Clarisse gave a false laugh.

"Ha! Yes she Unicorn'sbum can! Think about it. The evil woman has the power to do anything! I think she was once a sea-witch. Her name's Mierdabe!"

"Yes, OK. I understand. But listen Clarisse, I don’t want to die like that, in fact, I’d rather not die at all, but since Mallory Blackthorn’s bound me to this curse, there isn’t much I can do about it!”

“Hey, Rora, don’t you worry. My b***** evil step mum wants my voice. Well I say stuff her and the rest! I just want to be normal. I don’t want this b***** mermaid stuff!”

"How do you think I feel? I don't want pity for Grimm's sake, I want to have a real life. I hate Mallory! I hate Manzana and I hate that Brothers damn Grimm daughter-of-Rumpelstiltskin (this is the worst possible insult) Cornetia Blackthorn!"

"Tell me about it!" Groaned Clarisse, "she said to me 'Are you a duck?" and I said: "No, I'm a penguin.' She says 'You look funny with webbed feet' and I said 'take a look in the mirror you snooty little...and she goes crying to Miss Elixaber and I get a red slip. My dad is so angry you cannot imagine."

"I bet he is. Just remember, Mallory could easily destroy your family."

"Mallory's Cornetia's mum?" Asked Clarisse.

"Good grief, no! Mallory is Cornetia's aunt. Poor little Princess Corny is an orphan, so she lives with Mallory and sometimes Mallory's other sister Trelania, Cindy's wicked stepmum."

"You mean that little Cindy is working her socks off for Mallory's sister? That stinks! I can't believe that Cindy's dad would let that happen."

"Well, he's abroad just now, on an island somewhere. He works for Neverland Travel, you know. I think he wanted to take Cindy to Neverland, but Trelania stopped him."

"Why?" Clarisse continued.

"Cos Trelania assured him that Cindy would be fine. Now she's taken all of Cindy's money and made poor little Cinders live in the attic, isn't that just typical?"

"Yep." Agreed Clarisse. "uh oh, I think the bath's overflowing. Gotta go, bye!"

And she rang off. I pressed the off button and then gently placed the phone in front of me.

Could someone please help me? I'm a little stuck with ideas for the next chapter! Damn writer's block!


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78 Reviews

Points: 890
Reviews: 78

Wed Mar 19, 2008 7:22 pm
bkwrm wrote a review...

Love it. Can't go into the same detail as I did for the last chapter, but I'm sure you can pick anything up yourself if you just read it through. Don't worry about writers block - just wait for it to pass because I'm sure that your ideas will be much better than any I might have.

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1125 Reviews

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Reviews: 1125

Sun Mar 02, 2008 10:30 pm
StellaThomas says...

Whew. Told you I would review. Finally (I read the extra part on the last one as well)

Well, I for one, am really enjoying this. I can't wait for the next chapter!

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75 Reviews

Points: 890
Reviews: 75

Tue Feb 26, 2008 2:03 am
Pickle810 wrote a review...

Wheeee! First review!

Okay. It was well written, a little less light-hearted than the first story, but the plot and characters become a little clearer. I like Manzana a lot, her motives are clear, her voice is strong, and she's deliciously unkind. One last thing, because I'm running out of time: I think that Manzana should call Aurora "Aurora" or "Miss Rora" to make her sound more like the not-familial adult she is. That's it for now! Bye!

-A.J. K.

Nothing is impossible, for the word itself says, 'I'm possible!'
— Audrey Hepburn