
Young Writers Society

18+ Language Mature Content

The Uncanny

by Siageo

Warning: This work has been rated 18+ for language and mature content.

 My mother said I was a blessing, especially since doctors determined she could not have children after many abortions. Shit, I don’t even know who my father is. My name is even weird, Xez, pronounced eggs, like seriously, I always question my mother’s sanity and everything. Little did I know however that my name meant so much more, and that I actually come from a dark and troubled past. The sounds of birds singing is exactly what wakes me up every morning, so I have no need for an alarm clock. I wake up at 7 a.m, brush my teeth, put soap on my face and step in the shower. After, I get out, get dressed and rush to school. I of course always arrive late, and today May 17 th, marks my 30th absence. 

“Xez please report to the office,” is the first thing I hear while I’m in homeroom, my principal can never give me a break I swear. “I really need to talk to your mother for like the tenth time, I don’t think this is getting through to you Xez, you’re a senior, a 2.0 average and you haven’t applied to any schools, you are heading straight for a community college Xez, and not a respectable one either.”

As you can tell, I’m not the brightest student, school just doesn’t interest me, I always felt like there was so much more for me, and it didn’t involve education. Anyway back to the office, my principal basically sent me home, the whole time giving a tirade for the inevitable. She is incredibly hot but her bossiness and mean nature totally makes her less attractive. I of course didn’t go home, I instead chilled and bummed it out at my friend Chad’s house. Chad is 18 like me, but is in college, a freshmen. He attends a community college, cough cough and is pretty much worse off than me. This guy does not go to class for shit, all he does is sit his fat ass home all day, smoke and sell weed. 

“School ain’t doing it for me Chad, I really can’t see myself doing school for a couple more years, man, I don’t know. All my life I just felt like there was more for me, you know what I mean.” As I turn to look at Chad for guidance, the dipshit laughs and then blows smoke near my way, like seriously, I poured my heart out for a shitty ass gesture. 

“You could always sell bud with me Xez, I’m gonna make it big one day, and who else to make it big with me than my homie and one of my bestfriends in you.” First off, I don’t smoke, surprisingly, and I wouldn’t sell weed, I’m not about that life.

“Naw Chad, you know I’m not going down that line, it just ain’t me.”

Chad smiled and just nodded his head, his eyes bloodshot and his reactions slow, it was clear he was high as space. “I respect it man, but if you need anything you know I’m there for you.”

“I appreciate it bro.” Chad and I then proceeded to play his playstation 4, he had a few games, one of which was the newest Kill Hard 2, a brutal but popular shooting game. To tell you the truth, I envied Chad, he had all the new stuff, clothes, games, all from selling weed. He like me lived in a single parent household, except he was with his father. His father sad to say was a bust, a drug dealer like Chad, they were the only Arabs I knew who were like that. We played for like a good five hours, till like school was almost over. By then, Chad was so high he was struggling to form sentences and was laughing for any little thing.

“I died, hahahahaha, oh damn, ha!” The guy was a mess but I loved him, we were similar, outcasts, two people who college and school in general weren’t meant for. Chad was the closest person I had, and he knew all my secrets, and I in turn knew his. “Xez, I met this new guy, and like he buys so much bud off me man, he even gives me extra cash, he says I’m important in his future plans.” Chad quickly got up, stumbled alittle, but got up none the less and had the widest grin ever.

“Huh, that’s pretty weird don’t you think, future plans, I would say becareful.” I honestly was a bit concerned for Chad because he had no sense of what was wrong with the picture, but I know Chad could care for himself.

“Naw man, the money overshadows that, he even told me there was more money in the future for me, I just had to keep doing what I’m doing, dude, I’m about to be rich.” As if Chad wasn’t rich enough for his age, the idea made me wonder how I could make money without a degree, especially since I was pretty much poor, my mom is a restaurant waiter for Pete’s sake.

“What’s the guy’s name anyway?” I asked out of curiosity.

“Some weird shit, I think Asg, no Asag, yeah, his name was weird as hell, but it sounded hot.”

“Ah, just be careful like I said Chad, I know you could defend yourself but don’t get into too much trouble.” I honestly felt worried for Chad, more now since I found out about the guy’s name. The situation just spelled out bad news. “Listen Chad, I’m about to be out, I’m hungry as hell, I’m broke and all you got here is bud, so yeah, imma go head home and pretend I attended school today.”

Chad got up to give me a bro hug, only to fall on his ass the way to his chair. “I’m alright bro, it’s fine,” he assured me. As I walked out, he quickly called for me. “Xez, this guy, he wants to meet you one day”

Surprised I quickly turned around. “Why, how does he even know me?”

“He asked me if I had any close friends or people I care about and of course I mention you, John and Samantha, but he took an interest in you, especially because of your name.”

I now was officially freaked out to the max. “My name huh, that’s odd, I mean, if he wants to meet up, I wouldn’t mind as long as you and your dad is there.”

“No doubt man, I will set it up, you ain’t gotta worry bra,” Chad then proceeded to lay his head back on the couch, and I swear within seconds knocked out.

I laughed and left the house, making my way home where I could find something decent to eat. Sike! When I got home and opened my fridge only thing I had was milk and bread. I tried to make most of it and took out the milk, hoping I could drink it till I was full, but it was a good thing I checked the expiration date first, the crap was spoiled. It became obvious bread would be my only choice for the day, especially since my mother wouldn’t be back till midnight, and by then I would be asleep. The best part about her job though was that she would bring left overs and stuff, and I always had the house to myself. I always thought that it all balanced out, I would bring babes to my house, but barely get lucky, crap, I mean Chad and a couple of my other friends got luckier than me and used my free home for their down and dirty deeds. That night I stayed up just eating bread and watching television, ranging from Cartoon Network, Showtime to Playboy, anything entertaining you bet I was on it. My mother eventually did come home alittle after midnight and brought back some food.

“Hey honey, I’m surprised you’re up so late, can’t sleep.”

I got up to kiss my mom on the cheek. “Naw, I just was really hungry and I decided to wait up for you, all I had was bread all day mom, and the milk was spoiled.”

My mom then proceeded to hand me the food, which contained lasagna, which to me was the best meal ever at the time, it looked like heaven. “Sorry babe, its been tough, with the mortgage, bills, and everything, things will only get worse before better, that’s why I’m sending you to school, become something and make me proud, get us out of here.”

I smirked, you know one of them guilty smirks where you know you can’t say anything sincere without hurting the other person. “Yeah mom, I’m working hard for that.”

“Good boy, what are you even watching now?”

“Uh,” I hesitated, “The Conjuring, it’s a horror movie, it’s pretty good.” I then braced myself for my mother’s tirade, she hated horror movies, anything evil, and even hated religion. You would of thought she would of liked one or the other but she was confusing, just a different breed.

“God damn Xez, I raised you better than this. Change that stuff why don’t you, you ever wondered where people got the motivation and ideas to make stuff like that, come on Xez, I raised you to avoid those things.” She quickly grabbed the remote and changed it to Playboy. “Shit, I would rather you choke your chicken and watch this all day.”

Words could not explain how embarrassed I felt, I wondered if she knew I constantly watch Playboy and if she was really serious. “Mom, what the hell, that’s so awkward.” My mom had a tendency to make things awkward, which in a weird way connected us, I always thought of her as an older sister and mom at the sametime, a close friend.

“I was once your age Xez, suck it up,” she said as she headed upstairs to bed.

“Gosh mom, that’s so gross, no child wants to think of their parent doing the nasty.” Sadly, images crept my mind, and I quickly switched the channel, as the girls’ faces were all being replaced my mothers. “She always ruins the fun,” I said to myself as I watched Cartoon Network till I fell asleep.

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83 Reviews

Points: 1067
Reviews: 83

Sun Dec 28, 2014 12:29 am
Dutiful wrote a review...

Hi there!

I'm here to review your faaaabulous work!

To start off, I really like the originality of the name for the protagonist. 'Xez' .I thought it sounded wicked cool! I mean, think about it. 'Xez'. Cool. And also very original! So kudos to you on that.

Now this is a tough one to review since it's only the first chapter. So, that means the majority of this review will go in nitpicking the errors. I hate doing that, but I think its necessary.

I thought the beginning of the story was a little of a turn off. I mean, I personally do not think you should have started off the passage like that. It almost seems like a rant, that's why. But yeah, I know how hard it is to get a spot-on first paragraph, so I guess it's fine :)

There were quite a few grammatical errors here. I'm not going to point all of them out, of course. Because that would make me a meanie.

Let's go:

a) The tense is a little off. At the beginning, we see it in present, and towards the end, it's in past. Tense is so hard to work with, so I get you.

b) I felt the narration was more like a rant than a proper narration. It can be fixed :)

c) Here's a sample of some of the other errors I noticed:

As you can tell, I’m not the brightest student, school just doesn’t interest me, I always felt like there was so much more for me, and it didn’t involve education. Anyway back to the office, my principal basically sent me home, the whole time giving a tirade for the inevitable.

I've put the errors in bold face. When you're narrating, you don't involve the readers directly, unless its your idea to do that. And the second one, I felt was a little unnecessary. You could have written it as,

...Back at the office,..

But it's just my suggestion anyway.

I saw a lot of similar mistakes back there. No worries, you'll improve as you write along.

As for the story, I thought it was really good. I think the last bit where his mother sees him with the horror movie set the theme for the story. Really good! (:

And that's it for my review. This was really good!

Keep writing!

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13 Reviews

Points: 360
Reviews: 13

Sat Dec 27, 2014 1:43 pm
chocolavahappiness wrote a review...


Really entertaining story :) But the problem is, I can't quite make out the 'fantasy' and 'horror' elements in this. To me it seems as if it would fit better under the 'realistic' genre, because that's what it is. A realistic story about a normal boy who thinks he is destined for great things just because he happens to have a weird name. I suppose that'll change as the story progresses though! Can't wait! :D

I'm thankful for your grammar. Though there were a few mistakes, they weren't quite that bad. My issue is that the Principal's dialogue didn't actually make her feel like she was a person with authority. Rather she felt like one of the kids.

Also, I think it's a mistake but it's 'be careful' and not 'becareful'. Also I believe it's 'psych' not 'sike'.

All in all, I loved your story :) It kind of feels like it will have a continuation, so I'm holding on to that hope. I hope I'll get to read more! Keep writing, and oh! I love the mom!


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Siageo says...

Thanks for the review. It starts out really realistic I admit, but as it progresses it turns into a more horror and fantasy based story, I didn't want to rush anything but rather develop my character a bit. I'm glad you enjoyed the story!!

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36 Reviews

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Reviews: 36

Sat Dec 27, 2014 4:42 am
Linkzude16 wrote a review...

I must say, you have left me almost speechless. This was certainly interesting; humor, realistic dialogue, personality--all of that was here. I appreciate your narrator's humanity. In fact, everything began to seem so tangible that I thought this might be a reflection of your own life. Of course, you don't need to tell me if it is. I really can't comment on much of this because you did everything so well. That is my general impression; it is a good one, though there are issues in punctuation and grammar. For example, you wrote be careful as "becareful," which is technically wrong; and you wrote nonetheless as "none the less." However, "nonetheless" is a strange word; I'll grant you that. Regardless, I really liked this! Your greatest success here is the humanity (I know I used that word before.) of everything. Your whole world in writing here feels real. I can almost feel myself on that couch watching bad shows or in that precarious situation at a friend's house. It is the realism of it all that makes this so great! Please continue writing. Honestly, I'd even like to read more of this as long as there isn't any really graphic criminal behavior or glorified sin because it almost feels as if this would go that route. At any rate, I applaud you for writing with such a sense of reality. Bless you and your works. Happy writing!

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Siageo says...

Thank you so much! I loved the feedback and this really inspired me to continue writing. I developed my character as a part of my personality mixed with friends around me, so I tried to make him as realistic as possible. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Whenever you find you are on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.
— Mark Twain