
Young Writers Society

12+ Language Violence

House of Dracula Act 1 Scene 1

by Romania

The House of Dracula


Listed by Appearance

Narrator……………………………………………. Christopher Lee or Patrick Stuart

Dracula……………………………………………... Y’all should know this dude. Age. 40

Claudius……………………………………………. Grandson of Dracula: Age. 13

Ludwig……………………………………………… German Vampire dude: Age 32. 

Lincoln Van Hellsing.......…….………..……….Vampire Hunter Age. 31

Bram Stoker……………………………………… He wrote the book. Age. 167.Dead.

Armin Vambery…………………………………. Hungarian dude. Age 182. Dead.

Deaf translator……………………………..…… Deaf. Age. 177. Dead.

Philip………………………..………………………. Lincoln’s best friend Age. 27 Cockney

Bennet …………...............…………………… German Vampire Dude: Age 35. 

Chorus…………………………………………........ Don’t know why their here…



Narrator: (curtains are closed) Hello and welcome to this play of House of Dracula. I would thank you taking the time to read this awful excuse of literature but I assume that most of you spend your lives doing useless things anyway like wasting away at a nine to five job, raising four incredibly loud and rude children, whilst dealing with possibly that your father switched you at birth because you were ugly. I’m only here because I was paid to. Now this guy walking on stage is Claudius. He is the grandson and last of kin to Dracula. Well he’s a mischievous…oh shit! Forgot this. Give me a sec…

(Loud construction noise and the sound of a duck quack. As chorus starts curtain raises.)

Chorus: (dressed in church cloak thingies) Time is Modern World at Dracula’s Castle on the Romania coast of the Black Sea. A boy named Claudius looks out the window of his room to a calm sea. Utterly bored.

Narrator: Where was I? Oh right, Claudius. Well he’s a mischievous boy of about 100 years old who is bored of being locked up in the castle like a princess and being guarded by his overly protective grandfather Dracula. And yes I mean the real deal; Dracula, this guy is totally bitch’in, like seriously. Anyway his poor little grandbaby only wants friends but Dracula is a recluse and possibly racist to humans.

Claudius: (from the window) Another day in this life in the house of Dracula, nothing to do, no friends to talk too…(sighs). If only I could escape from his magic force field. Just outside these walls live better tasting humans, vampires I can make friends with, and Wi-Fi!

(A crow caws and lights suddenly go out)

Chorus: (starts evil and suspenseful chant)

Claudius: Oh no HE is coming! (Hides his huge escape plan poser off the wall. Poster has crayon drawing of him tunneling under the force field with a spoon.)

(Dracula enters dramatically swishing a cloak) (Chanting stops)

Dracula: Was that scheming I hear!?

Claudius: Grandfather! You accuse me of scheming!? Your own undead flesh and cold blood planning to escape! Why! (Exaggerated gasp) I’m heart broken!

Dracula: You suck at lying. (Sigh) My dear grandson, (Sits next to Claudius) it is dangerous to leave here. You are not strong enough to fight what lies beyond my protective shield. Just the other day I heard the people mocking our kind with that monstrosity called Twilight.

Claudius: Then we could out together! I’ll be safe cause no one can beat you!

Dracula: One hundred years ago, that Hellsing man almost did. I don’t feel as immortal as I was back then. Plus that damned guy who wrote a book about my weaknesses, even my garlic allergy and me! (Shakes fist) The masses are educated now. Even the poor and the woman! It’s sickening. The women even wear pants!

Claudius: Right…(embarrassed of his grandfathers “old way” of thinking) we should at least try to reunite our kind! We are an endangered species Grandpa…

Dracula: Humans want us eternally dead! They will never stop. They fear greater beings then themselves.

Claudius: Like how you fear women?

Dracula: Yes! (Pause) Wait! No! It’s the like with the witches in the dark days. They were executed like pigs during the hunts because humans were afraid of their magic. We vampires are considered worse because not only do we have magic but also we must survive by drinking the blood of their kind.

Claudius: But online...

Dracula: (interrupts) Of course! The Internet. That’s where you get these ludicrous ideas.

Claudius: I just want to go on adventures; I mean you went all the way to England. You once told stories of how different people taste.

Dracula: (looks at his grandson with pity) …when you’re about 200 years older. (Pats Claudius shoulder as the sunrises) Ah, I talk too much in the early hours. The sun rises and I’ll be in my room watching Americas Next Top Model. Brush your fangs before you sleep, and good morning. (Leaves)

Claudius: Good morning…(sad)

(Waits for door to shut and speaks to self) I’m sorry Grandpapa, but I’m leaving right now. (Stands up with sudden confidence) That’s it! I’m going to leave and make some real friends and not just the ones on my Facebook page! (Packs things and puts on sunscreen and leaves a note) He wouldn’t notice I’m gone till evening…(self talk) I’ll will be home soon Grandpapa. I’m off to see the world~ (Puts on hood with a big smile, takes plans, and leaves stage.)

(Montague of Claudius traveling Europe while narrator speaks.)

Narrator: Now you’re all probably wondering how a thirteen-year-old vampire boy is going to survive in his quest for finding friendship, also while going out in broad daylight. First, chill out you saw him put on sunscreen. Second, he has a smartphone, this isn’t the dark ages people. And third he has a big heart. Just kidding, he stole a bunch of his grandpa’s money and used map quest. See? Easy as pie.

However you can imagine the poor baby’s nerves having to go through the troubles of currency exchanges, hiding the bodies of his food, the French, and his new discovery of seasickness. Not to mention the challenges of having to find real vampires, and not just crazy posers. He was in London by the time he thought to ask for some help.

Claudius: Why don’t you help me? (Shouting and looking up)

Narrator: Wait, you’re asking me?

Claudius: Well yes, you do know the entire plot.

Narrator: Oh, well, it’s just that no one ever notices me...

Claudius: That’s nice, want to help me?

Narrator: Always narrating, never really in the show.

Claudius: Are you going to help me or not?

Narrator: Oh right, check a blood bank or a Red Cross hospital. But seriously, why can’t I have I real part?

Claudius: (ignores question.) Thank you! (Happily trots away.)

Narrator: I’m talented I swear...

Chorus: Claudius goes to a hospital! Where he finally finds a friend!


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Sat Sep 27, 2014 6:58 pm
Ljungtroll says...

That was hilarious! Though I happen to be female and I also happen to wear pants every single day (Not dresses, too old-timey), I found that part especially funny. I also liked the part with Cladius yelling at the narrator. I plan on reading the next act. Goodbye!!!!

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Thu Aug 14, 2014 7:19 pm
ozzie281 wrote a review...

This is the first script I read on this website and I must say I love it. It is so funny. I was about to cry at the part where cladius said dracula feared women. I love it. You also put it into present day which I like very much. To many people put it back in the past. They are a dime a dozen but I think this has some potential to be a very funny play or even a movie. It would make many people I know laugh so hard they would cry. You are a talented play right and I love how you made cladius talk to the narrator. I'm sure the narrator is talented in some way,shape or form. I hope that you write more about this because I will be right there reading the whole thing. Only next time I'll have some popcorn and a soda cause this is better than tv. Keep up the good work and please do continue with this. I love it. You have made me a fan of your's for sure.

Romania says...

yay a fan~ I have been busy with work latley so ill be working on part 4 on tuesday morning or if im lucky tonight

Romania says...

yay a fan~ I have been busy with work latley so ill be working on part 4 on tuesday morning or if im lucky tonight

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Fri Aug 08, 2014 5:23 pm
BrumalHunter wrote a review...

Fiery Salutations

One does not see a script in the Green Room too often, so this is an honour indeed. I must say, your description of this script is quite interesting, and it's always nice to read a well-written work of humour.

Introductions need to be intertesting, but you seemed determined to grab the reader's attention even before the play ahs actually started! I find the narrator very amusing, although if this were to be actually performed, some of the things would have to change, of course.

The rest of Act I, Scene 1 was also skillfully written, and though the part where Dracula warns Claudius about the dangers of "the outside world" is indeed amusing, my favourite part is where Claudius actually speaks with the narrator. It is highly unorthodox, naturally, and some people may criticise you heavily for that, but I find it very entertaining.

The confrontation between Claudius and the German is also much fun to read. I especially enjoyed how they pulled the "smoothie" back and forth. As in your previous scene, there were several major errors (both in spelling and grammar), but I trust you can find these on your own. I also noticed that you forgot to write words that ordinarily begin with a "w" with a "v".

The first part of Act I, Scene 3 is also most amusing. "Philip" is especially entertaining, and so too is reading his drawl; I like how he is a little slow to catch on - and how Lincoln steals his drink, of course.

The second part of that scene is absolutely hilarious though, particularly when Ludwig chases the fighting chorus-members out of his house. The way Claudius reacts to Ludwig's house is also quite humourous, but I find I enjoyed your inventive interjection more. I also think you concluded the scene quite well.

However, I have a bit of advice for you: do not write the next scenes in this same work; that is, rather publish it anew, for not only will you get more reviews that way, but it will also prevent this work from becoming too long, which would certainly prevent the discouraging of potential reviewers. I must insist on this, even if the next scene is still a part of Act I - if it is a part of Act II, then it should definitely appear on its own.

This was indeed a very humourous and enjoyable script, but try not to employ only slapstick humour - rather include witty comments more than ridiculous and comical bahaviour. Still, it is an excellent piece of writing, and I congratulate you on that.

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by Team Silver.

Romania says...

Ludwig is german therefore has a german accent, mush like Philip who has the cockeny accent~ so the w's became v's. and his name is pronouced lud-vig. XD

BrumalHunter says...

No, hey! ;) I was aware of that, but what I actually said was that you forgot to make some w's v's.

Romania says...

ohh thank you~

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Wed Aug 06, 2014 1:12 am
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spacesoldier says...

I....write more...I need more. o . o I love it, it's so funny...I must show my mom xD she has to read this lol I'm gonna show everyone haha it's so entertaining. What was your inspiration for writing this?

Romania says...

I am a fan of the original Dracula. the Twlight series upset me so much i wanted to do vampires justice by writing two plays~

spacesoldier says...

Ikr, Twilight...ugh it's shameful. o: I felt so outraged seeing that crap, I was like...how dare you madam! And I love Dracula. You sir are amazing! (Idk if you're a sir or not, but I call everyone sir lol)

Romania says...

I am a female Sir.

spacesoldier says...

Ah, epic sir. `Tis lovely to make your acquaintance. -bows-

~Your insane stalker. (Spacesoldier)

Romania says...

Spacesoldier, I taketh thee as my knight.

spacesoldier says...

`Tis an honor, sir. -kneels- I humbly accept.

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Tue Aug 05, 2014 6:10 pm
Romania says...

Yes I Shall review my own work.

The first mistake is saying "work in Progress" the putting tbc at the end. Its redunent.
Second. More musical numbers but im not sure if i want to make it a musical.
third: I enjoy how the diffenernt acts wrap themselves up into one another quiet nicley. My Favorite character is Philip.
Four: Ludwig mentions there being seven vampires but only four are mentioned in the Casting. Who are the other three? or will that be changed in the future?
Five: you took out the Directors lines in the draft and forgot to edit it in the casting when you published dummy.

If only i could correct my grammar.

Romania says...

God your right I am so stupid for leaving those mistakes out!

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Tue Aug 05, 2014 5:14 pm
diavianz says...

That was great. I loved it. I can't explain how great of an author you are. You are really talented.

Romania says...

thank you sho much~

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Tue Aug 05, 2014 4:49 pm
rainforest wrote a review...

Hey, Romania! Unknown391625 here with another review.

Ok, this is pretty good. I love it! The fact that it is put in this form of a story amazes me. I don't really see a lot of these on YWS. So, this is pretty good. What else to say, oh yes. You categorized the genres perfectly. Same with the rating and the fact that it is theater. So, good job with this! I will look for more stories by you. Please write more. Don't give up and always write, Romania!


Romania says...


You can cut all the flowers, but you cannot stop Spring from coming.
— Pablo Neruda