
Young Writers Society


Fathers of Power Chapter 7: King

by AdjiFlex

Fathers of Power Chapter 7: King

The old geezer with the crooked smile made to scare or con young girls flicked a rusty bronze coin at the cleaner. She snatched it from the air, nearly stumbling over the mop and bucket. “Tamarra again, eh?” the man asked, grinning with more teeth missing than present. His eyes feasted some more on the girl’s body as she was about to leave. She was quite pretty – she had short, messy, boyish, frazzled crème-coloured hair, but it suited her well. She wore a tight skimpy white blouse and blue shorts that didn’t quite cover her thighs with tears and threads hanging down. She didn’t have to clean inside the dorms but she quickly mapped out which rooms could earn her an extra crumb on her income. The rooms she was paid to clean were those occupied by those spouseless men who could afford to spend a little to see her slowly bend and wipe and dust every day. They kept their safe distance though, as the rumour spread through the ship about the one man who got too excited and had to go for a grab. The stories say the girl left a knife in his arm, though his version recounts a manly fight he and a chef got into, a chef no one else ever saw.

She closed the old man’s door and continued down the corridor of cabins. She made a scoffing flash and annoyed hiss at a man who whistled at her to come in. His door was open, but she ignored him as he never paid. She looked over at a door that was always locked. She never saw anyone come out or go into that room. She got a tad more curious about it each time she passed. Could someone be dead inside? The thought thrilled her and she grinned without noticing. There are a thousand on this ship. There can’t be too bad a chance that one is dead in bed. She rested the bucket of soapy water and the mop and knocked on the door as she used to do for the first few days. As usual, no answer. “Well then,” she whispered to herself and took a deep breath. She nudged the knob, but of course, it was locked. She looked about. Not too many persons were watching. She took a small needle out of her bosom and rammed it into the keyhole, making a few nudges until she heard a click. She opened the door slowly. The room was so black. It seemed the darkness in there was unnatural. Feeling a strange, nervous excitement, she closed the door behind her and locked it.

She stood still for a moment as her eyes forced themselves to adjust to the dark. As her pupils strained and widened more than they had ever, she made out the outline of a person sitting on the top bunk of a double bed at the other end of the room. As she inhaled to say something – she wasn’t even sure what, she witnessed the emergence of a new darkness. The person sitting there opened their eyes and a darkness that was beyond real flooded the place, blinding her. That same moment, she felt a firm, deadly grip about her throat. She struggled to breathe, shaking against the door in utter fright. Even through the darkness, the girl saw a pair of eyes before her that were blacker than death. She also saw and almost felt three back spikes clenched between the knuckles of a steady fist. They were almost touching her face. After a second, the heavy darkness lifted from the room, and the black spikes and darkness in the boy’s eyes disappeared. Lex gasped and jumped back, his hands shaking. He saw the redness about the girl’s neck that his hand had forced.

As he was meditating with the spirits for many days in training, tiny amounts of the demons’ essence seeped from his eyes and blackened the room. On regaining awareness of reality, the darkness was quickly reabsorbed through his eyes. “Y—y—you alright, girl?” Lex stammered nervously. The girl still could not speak. Lex stepped to her quickly and held her neck softly. He could see the girl’s chest bumping with her thumping heartbeat.

“Wh—wh—you—You are Lex Leo… aren’t you?” the girl asked, frightening the boy. The girl’s face changed from one of fright to that of wondrous discovery.


The young witch cracked her eyes open to a dreamy brightness – not the kind of brightness to make her squint or cover her eyes, the type that a mild sunrise graced country windows with, that made her feel light and airy and gave a sense of hope to her spirit itself. Her vision focused and her brows furrowed. She was definitely confused and curious, but somehow there was no fear in her. She noticed that she was lying in some kind of coffin-shaped object. Her covering was a glass shield that sealed the top of the strange, tight bedding. She heard a tiny beeping noise. “Good morning, Clover Bengushi,” she heard the voice of what sounded like a pretty young woman. She jolted slightly, then her eyes made a weird shape as she looked up at a green writing that appeared on the transparent glass before her. Clover Bengushi. Class A citizen. Status: Recovery 100% complete. Awake. The voice that Clover realized came from within the glass chamber bed thing read all she saw. The writing then disappeared and the glass faded into the air.

The girl slowly eased herself up. She looked down at herself and gasped with a near laugh. She tried to ask herself some questions, but not even that she found she could do without stuttering too much. She was in a heavy, gorgeous purple dress that almost brushed the ground as she found herself spinning it. It was a dress that she would imagine queens even much grander and richer and nobler than the Magmalian queen would wear. She looked up at a large window that let in a golden light that made the place have a blissful feel. The room was large, and there were two doors there. Though massive the room was, it wasn’t filled with space. There were dressers and closets and figurines and couches that filled the place comfily, all brown and green. There was also a bed there with green sheets much bigger than the three beds she, Kyle and Lex used to sleep on put together. She tried to shake off the nostalgia. She saw rich green hills when she looked outside.

She spasmed as she heard a knocking on one of the doors. What should I do? Should I hide? Where am I? The knocking sounded again. “C—come in?” She sounded pretty uncertain. A woman in a long crème dress, not half as fancy as Clover’s, entered through one of the doors. Her face was bright and welcoming, much like Star’s when she had first met her. She didn’t even notice that she had forgotten about her sister for a moment.

“You are awake,” the woman said, walking up to her. “Welcome, Clover. Welcome to--”

“Where’s my sister?! Where’s Star?!” she suddenly panicked. Clover pushed the woman out of the way fiercely and burst through the door behind her – it was like she had sensed Star’s presence back there.

She reached into a room almost identical to the one she was just in. There Star was lying in the strange talking thing – all of a sudden it looked more like a coffin than it did a jiffy before. Clover gasped and ran over to the lying woman. She looked down at her. She was finely dressed in a red dress but didn’t seem conscious – there was no sign of breathing or slight eye movement – nothing. “Star…” Clover placed her hands down on the glass and writing appeared. Star Bengushi. Class A citizen. Status: Stabilized. Recovery: 37% Clover flashed her head back over to the woman who stood at the door.

“She is alright. She is healing as you were. Her condition was far worse, so she will take a while longer to wake. It is still a miracle that the healing chamber can even help her.” Clover stared at the woman for a moment and then sighed heavily, everything registering in her head. She tried to remember how the battle at the shore had ended, but everything was blurry.

“What happened?” Clover asked. Clover noticed that the woman became a little distracted. She put her left index and middle fingers on her temple, then grabbed her wrist.

“Right away, Ma’am,” she said, still looking at Clover. Clover instantly remembered how Grimstone had called for the soldiers to fight her and Star. “Yes, the younger one is awake,” she continued. Clover suddenly became nervous. She felt like a prisoner now.

Of course! They’ve captured me! She figured. I am an enemy of Notherland! She remembered. She roused her fourth grade mana suddenly. The woman before her stretched her right hand out to her, blue mana like Clover’s about her hand.

“Relax, girl,” she told Clover warningly. “You are protected here.” The woman held on to her wrist again. “Yes, I will be right there,” she said. “Girl, don’t leave this house!” she said sternly to Clover. “I will return in a short while.” With that, the woman shifted away.

Clover looked about, then rushed back to where Star was. Still 37%?! She figured it was best she stayed with Star while she healed. “I may as well take a look around,” she told herself, feeling somewhat intrigued to browse through whatever mansion or facility she was in.


“How would you know my name?” Lex asked, quickly and nimbly in a jump and a grab reaching up to the top bunk. The girl laughed, seeming impressed. She made quick movements and reached up there with him, certainly impressing him.

“Those eyes,” she began with a face of wondrous excitement, even worship. “I have heard rumours and read writings of you. You carry that demon don’t you?! You were supposed to fight Trium! You were the centre of Black War!”

“Keep it down, alright?!” Lex hushed her in a snap.

“Oh, sorry, sorry, sorry,” she whispered.

“So what happened, really? Trium came down like rain so I guess you didn’t get to fight him as you had planned. But somehow the world survived the attack!”

Lex wondered where to start. He rested his forehead in his hand. “Should you understand anything, I would have to tell everything,” Lex said.

“I’m all ears, Lex Leo!” She was even more excited than Star was when she first met Lex. Lex smiled. He felt a kind of relief that there was someone there for him to tell his truths and tales. He had never really spoken to anyone in days – excepting the demons of course.

“Let me start from a man you think you know about – the god of magic…”


“My father has led this nation down a path of dishonour and destruction… I have come not to continue that journey, but to begin a new one!” He raised his fist mightily and the people cheered for the young prince. Indeed, the people had felt serious oppression under Aragan’s rule for decades, and they were staring into the face of a brighter future. “Yes, the rumours are true! Our last king led an attack against all of Libson, and I, his son, made allies with Hercule and defended the continent!” There was noise and chattering that made Azar a little nervous, but he continued anyway. “I have captured and imprisoned my father, as I cannot allow this country, this continent, to crumble underneath his fists! And henceforth, with King Azar, a new ear has begun!” The young Magmalian was already sworn in as king, and was making his grand address to the masses who gathered thickly about the royal tower. Not even Azar had seen so many gather in one place. As he stood and looked down on them, he already truly understood the essence of being king, or so he felt.

“From this day forward, Magma Town is a relic of our past! We will be known throughout the world as the great Magma Land, strong defender of Libson!” Azar felt an invigorating thrill through his veins as his people roared mightily for him. Magmalian flags went up to the skies, pushed up by the parade of Magmalian soldiers – most of whom had hatred and devious plans for Azar. “As humble king of Magma Land, without tyranny our bloodshed, I and Hercule will unite this entire continent under one banner, that we might be able to stand even against the world’s strongest nations!” The air cracked with mighty shouts for the new king. Kyle, along with the heads of state, were standing behind king Azar. Kyle knew that Azar’s kingship would be well-opposed, but he knew even better the strength of this king. The higher-ups close to Kyle, most of the older ones who had thick ties to their old king, mumbled amongst themselves.

“This boy,” Kyle heard one of them say, “He will either soon learn and repeat his father’s way of a stern fist or he will fail miserably… It is us elders who will end up having to rule over this land…”

“Once I am alive, none of those shadows of that rotten king can overthrow Azar,” Kyle pledged silently.


And so Lex spent about three hours in constant story-telling, keeping the girl’s eyes alight and her mouth drooling for such adventures, such glory. Lex snickered. He saw how quickly the girl had become truly obsessed with him. “Lex…” she said beggingly in a whisper. “When you get off this ship… take me with you,” she said. Lex was a little surprised.

“You would abandon all your plans to journey with a stranger?”

“Lex, you will shape the future of this world! Give me my chance to help you make what will be a history never to be forgotten!”

“I’m really honoured that you want to accompany me, but my mission, my training, it’s not a vacation, alright?”

“What?!” The girl looked terribly offended, frightening Lex . “You know the reason why I am aboard this ship?! You think this is all a coincidence, Lex?”

“What do you mean?”

“I left Libson, but I am not running away from anything. I know the entire world is in chaos now. My entire family was killed, my house destroyed, leaving me nothing! I boarded this ship not running away, but running toward a destiny that I have found by your side!”

Lex stared at the girl with a new sense. She stood up like she was about to lead an army into a world-changing attack. “I am Lash of the Village of Oridon, master of knives and needles!” She made a quick flash with her hands, and in a moment too quick for Lex to study, long needles were clutched amongst her fingers, ready to be thrown at deadly speeds. She laughed when she saw how stunned Lex was. She fixed the needles back down into the waist of her shorts, where Lex noticed probably a hundred super-thin needles were hidden. She walked up to Lex and held his face, making him gasp just a little. He looked into her eyes. They had the sandy colour of her hair, which was almost identical to Lex’s. Though pretty she was, there were a number of vague cuts and scars all over her, even on her face. Lex could see it on her that she had been through a lot, that the Black War had changed her heart and how she saw the world. He nodded, unable to disobey his spirit. “Alright.”

She smiled relievedly. “I know you are strong, Lex… far stronger than I can ever become… But you will find use for me,” she assured.


The Grand Tempest, one of the convoy of vessels heading to Kundo, was merely a hundred miles from the small island continent. On the boat, Mike and Zen had built a steady bond. Being as feeble-looking as she was, were it not for the rough-looking Mike being about her so often, she might have attracted some troublesome attention. The two couldn’t share cabins, but they saw each other quite a bit. Mike became increasingly annoyed of the lost look she usually had on her face though, and her disturbingly short attention span when he was ranting off in his adventure stories. “Do you worry you won’t see him again?” he asked out of the blue one time, jerking her attention to him. She glanced over at him, seemingly dragged from her lostness. They were sitting in one of the three bars on the ship. This bar was Zen’s favourite place. She wasn’t quite the drinker, but there, she could forget that she was on the open sea. Board stairs led her down to the decent-looking place. It was the least popular of the three bars, but it still wasn’t exactly empty. They were sitting at the back of the bar, where Mike hated to sit, as it would take so many steps to get another drink. The drinks were cheap on the ship, and Mike had money he didn’t quite see the sense in saving, so he had become quite the alcoholic.

The place shook a little. Mike grabbed on to Zen from across the table as she nearly fell off. “I know I will see him again,” the girl finally answered. “As long as I stay alive. And I will.”

“So that’s your reason, eh?”


“When a person has a solid reason for surviving, especially in dark times like these, they will earn the ability to defy death countless times, and will become stronger than fate had planned for them.”

Zen smiled faintly. “So what is your reason?”

Mike smirked. “To become the world’s strongest… I will surpass everyone…”

“Even Lex?” Zen asked, sounding quite interested in his answer. Mike laughed. Zen wondered what such a laugh meant.


“As for you two,” Azar said, looking at Mike and Zen. Kyle, Lex, Clover and Star were also in the room with him, his personal quarters on the Royal Tower. “Whereas masters for the others are certain and somewhat simple to find, you two are difficult cases.”

“Hey, Azar, I don’t need a master to teach me,” Mike said. “I have mastered the precepts of my power. All I now need is equipment to train my body on that I may get even stronger, and men to kill to feed my spirit.”

“There is somewhere I want you to visit,” Azar said. “There is a Silver Village in Luthor, where history has it the last settlement of Ionides were. They had survived the Ionide War but died out in a few centuries.”

“That what’s the point of sending him there?” Kyle asked.

“Relics of the Ionide race are preserved there by the people who inhabit the village. They probably even worship the spirits of the ancient Ionides in shrines they built for them. Who knows?” Mike’s eyes brightened. “If you go there--”

“I will be a god to them!” Mike raved excitedly. Azar hissed.

“Not quite that. They might privilege you to access the ancient writings regarding your powers that they wouldn’t give to anyone else – once you prove yourself to be an Ionide. I think those who now live there are descendants of the first Ionide, but their blood thinned out to nothing over the centuries.”

“Well I’ll definitely check that place out!”

“And you, Zen…” Zen looked a little nervous. “I have fairly good reason to believe that on the small island of Kundo is another like you, a man who defended Kundo during the Black War singlehandedly.”

“Another… like me?”

“Yes, even stronger too. Based on my intel, he was born a mind-bender, and his powers are immensely above yours. I know nothing of his lineage, but it is probable he is of some mixture of Oga’s and Kizer’s bloodlines or something. If this man really does exist there, it is the hope that he will make you stronger.” Zen nodded hopefully.

“Well, all that being said, you must all be wondering how and when we will meet again.” They affirmed his thought. “Well, for now, I will place on each of you a seal. I have been doing much research on tracking and summoning techniques. I have the incantation and method here, Star. I want you to follow it and get a certain invisible mark on all of you. I have set everything up that the mark will be placed in my name. While you are off, I will continue to do research on this technique. Hopefully I will find a way to use this mark to track your locations, possibly even your progress, and of course to gather you all here if necessary. At best, if I strike gold in my research, I will be able to communicate with you all over the great distances, probably in your dreams or something.” They all looked quite relieved that Azar was putting all this in place. Star was surprised that such sorcery existed any at all.

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30 Reviews

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Sat Jul 12, 2014 9:20 pm
unpublishedperson wrote a review...

Unpublishedperson here to review chapter 7! This will be the final chapter that I am reviewing for a while, I will be back from vacation in a few days and then I will tackle 1-4, 6 chapters really.

So, right down to suggestions!

short, messy, boyish, frazzled crème-coloured hair

Maybe cut one word from this. That is a lot of adjectives.

The young witch

State who this is, both Star and Clover are young witches, right?

a new ear has begun

It believe it would be "era"

“Once I am alive, none of those shadows of that rotten king can overthrow Azar,” Kyle pledged silently

You might want to put this in as internal dialogue, if this is a silent pledge.


I think you should rethink how you set up this flashback. Just saying "Earlier" in italics is not going to cut it. Maybe have Mike actually think back to that time, or take that bit of writing and place it where it would chronologically fit in your story.

There is a Silver Village in Luthor, where history has it the last settlement of Ionides were. They had survived the Ionide War but died out in a few centuries.

I dont think that you need to italicize Silver Village and Ionide War here.

“Well I’ll definitely check that place out!”

This sounds a bit too casual. You might want to have him say something more formal, to convey the seriousness of the situation.

Star was surprised that such sorcery existed any at all.

This seemed like a rather abrupt ending the the chapter. Maybe end it with the people being dismissed from their meeting, or some more definite conclusion.

Anyways, this marks my review binge fore now. 7 chapters is more that enough for now. I hope this input was of use, it took me a while to go through 5-9!

AdjiFlex says...

Thanks for reviewing another chapters. I look forward to reading more reviews from you when you get back from vacation! Enjoy your vacation to the fullest.

I plan to!

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200 Reviews

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Thu Jul 10, 2014 8:17 pm
EmeraldEyes wrote a review...


I did check out your book by the way, looks very professional. I am impressed.
I feel a bit inferior reviewing this work now:

“There is somewhere I want you to visit,” Azar said. “There is a Silver Village in Luthor, where history has it the last settlement of Ionides were. They had survived the Ionide War but died out in a few centuries.”

“That what’s the point of sending him there?” Kyle asked.

When you see characters speak like that in a novel on here, it's like... WHOA. -mindblown-
I think it's great you're sharing your work on here because it's like a workshop. XD

The length as always makes my eyes hurt and whatever but ya know, worth the read to see what happens to the people here.

Keep writing

AdjiFlex says...

My my, you greet my chapters quite quickly with your reviews. Thanks again for reading - I know it does take time to read this many words :) Now with each post I wonder "What will EmeraldEyes think of this?"

EmeraldEyes says...

Awww, thanks. :D I keep an eye out for new chapters. ;)

I'll actually turning 100 soon
— Ari11