
Young Writers Society

E - Everyone

Secrets of the World-Chapter 1

by Mackattack

My story begins at my birth; I came out as another child all bald and screaming. Until I heard her voice, I sometimes remember that voice in my dreams, along with two eyes that shinned with love and compassion. But then I wake up and I’m alone again, just like every morning in my dorm at level -22. You see the Underlivings, where I live, are split between ranks and ages. You sleep in the same dorm as the people of your rank and age; as soon as your birthday arrives you are shipped to a lower floor, and given a higher rank. I’m 10 so that means I’m rank Crater, which gives me more privileges than the Bearings, about less than the Metals.

I had that dream again last night, as I do every night, but it always seems the same, as if I’m in a movie and the hologram is stuck on replay. One of my rank mates knocked on my door so I never got to hear her voice, but maybe one day I’ll make it through the entire memory. For now though, I’ll just start my day. I quickly dress in a grey jumpsuit with my rank number and seal on the shoulder. My seal is a meteor with a sword running through it, those represents my weapon of choice and my rank. My rank number is a set of bars that are scanned when you receive something so the officials know that you receive something and when you receive it.

“Mel, get down here you’re might want to see this.” A voice breaks me from my thoughts; I recognize it instantly as a friend that I made when I was little. Her name is Kacyleen, she is one of those people that will never play a joke on you, and so I run down the stairs to meet her as I finish dressing.

“I’m here, I’m here, Kacy where are you.” To my relief and horror it was Britney, a Kilter rank age 16, she is leaning against the wall with a smug smile on her face. I notice her feet are bare as she walks across the yellow carpet to me.

“What, no hello to your favorite mentor? I mean, I walk all the way from my common room, up six flights of stairs, and past seven people I don’t like just to get you out of bed. What more could you ask from me Melanie?” She reached over and flicked my on the ear. I tried to swat her hand away, but I knew it was pointless, Britney gets what Britney wants. Unfortunately, I’m stuck with her because she is my mentor. You see, as soon as you hit age 3, rank Seller, you acquire a mentor, which is someone that will monitor your training and cafeteria times. A mentor can be anyone from the same gender of the same gender from rank Crater to rank guilet, age 27. A mentor will also get to decide if their trainee is too far behind or too wounded to continue, and then they will bring them to the main arena to assassinate the slacker.

“Ok one, you’re my only mentor. Two, you know I hate it when you impersonate people, and three, why are you here it’s my day off,” I told her. She smiled and then slowly away with a swing of her hips. Curiously, I put my black stingy hair in a bun as I followed her out the common room. We walked down the hallway and to the stairs, but I never questioned her as to where we were going, as it would be rude to interrupt an elders thought. Luckily my curiosity didn’t have to wait long, a little way down the first flight of stairs Brittany spoke.

“I’m guessing you are curious as to where we are going,” she questioned,” well, I do give you permission to speak your mind, as you know I’m not like Rosie so I’ll let you talk. Besides it will take a little while to get there, and I refuse to walk in awkward silence.” So I asked her where we were going, she turned her head to look at me, then she smiled. Her blonde ponytail swinging behind her as she turned her head back to look ahead of her. That made my blood boil, I mean, I asked her where we are going yet she didn't give me an answer; all she did was freaking look at me! That made me wonder, where was she taking me, and did I really want to be there?

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Wed Jul 02, 2014 8:51 pm
MaryEvans wrote a review...

A small note on the prologue, I looked it over, and I don’t think it’s necessary. It’s just a bunch of exposition which you can just convey through the actual story. Still a good thing to have for yourself, but I would keep it out of the novel. (The first line was a nice hook though. Maybe you can keep it, use it in the beginning of the first or some other chapter.)

The actual beginning here is a bit dry… Not too engaging. General rule is start as late as you can, maybe with action or with a character, and everything you think you need before that you can introduce later in bits and pieces through the narrative.
In this case, maybe start with the second paragraph, but cleaner. Paragraph two opening sentence is good, then maybe add the dream after, then how she gets woken up, and from there continue with the action, cutting out all that’s not immediately necessary to the current scene. (Just a suggestion.)

“here you’re might want to see this” Typo.

The biggest issue I see is that the prose drags a bit. I think you can cut down out a lot of the exposition. Focus on the action and the scenes where something is actually happening in the “now.” Keep the backstory to the minimum. I know it might seem as if the reader needs every little detail immediately, but that’s not so, they only need as much as is necessary to set up and understand the scenes. Plus detail or two that might be relevant to explain things in the future.

I mean things like this: “I recognize it instantly as a friend that I made when I was little. Her name is Kacyleen, she is one of those people that will never play a joke on you” We don’t need. It’s good for you as a writer and to plot and develop your characters, but to the reader this is clutter. You can just say: “a voice called. It was my (old) friend Kacyleen so I rushed down the stairs, etc.”

The dialogue is a bit awkward here, perhaps revise it?

I’m confused. Kacy called, then some other chick was there? Then no explenation for a long time. Bring up her impersonating or being able to mimic voices earlier. Like instead of the whole paragraph on her being a Seller and whatever rank, and etc., go with “but it was Britney, my mentor, I hated how she impersonated people.” or something like that.

(I think I mentioned the tense swapping issue in another review… If not, straighten that up next time you revise, use the same tense throughout.)

So yeah. Focus on cleaning up the prose. Else I think you have a good grip on the story and characters.

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Sun May 25, 2014 2:27 pm
Noelle wrote a review...

Hi there! Noelle back again for another Review Day review!

To my relief and horror it was Brittany

Um, I don't think you can be relieved and horrified at the same time. You should definitely choose one or the other and stick with that emotion.

She smiled and then slowly walked away with a swing of her hips.

Just a little typo here.

Alright, so I was a bit confused as to why Melanie heard Kacy's (mind if I call her that?) voice and then all of the sudden it was Britney. But then I read on and Melanie was saying how she hated it when Britney did impressions. That's when I made the connection, but it was a loose connection. I'd suggest adding something in there about how Melanie was hoping that it was Kacy because she really wanted to talk to her and why couldn't Britney just use her own voice? Something along those lines to make it absolutely clear to the reader that Britney was mimicking Kacy.

Speaking of Britney, you spelled her name Brittnay the first time we meet her, but then you spelled her name Britney later on in the chapter. Be careful with that. I suggest writing her name down somewhere so you won't forget for later. Whenever I write a novel, I have a small notebook that I write all my characters in so that I'll remember who's who and how their names are spelled and what their last names are. It's actually quite helpful.

There isn't much else I have to say. Your descriptions are good and we're really getting a good insight into your characters. I do hope to see Kacy in a later chapter, preferably one of the next few. Now that you've mentioned her I'm super curious about her and want to meet her.

Alrighty then, onto the next chapter!

Keep writing!

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Mon Apr 21, 2014 5:26 am
Ventomology wrote a review...

Yo! I believe I caught you in chat yesterday, no?
Anyway, welcome to YWS! By the way, I will likely come off as harsh. You have now been warned.
First: nitpicks!
"abut less than the Metals."
“I’m here, I’m here"
“What, no hello to your favorite mentor?"
"she didn't give me an answer; all she did was freaking look at me!"
Okay... whew. Tiny mistakes. Sometimes I have to correct verb agreement and just... eurgh.
Now then, I noticed that you tend to switch between present and past tense a lot, so please watch out for that.
Since there wasn't much action, I can't really complain about technique, can I? I think it would be nice to get a tiny description somewhere of her surroundings, because right now I'm picturing the stereotypical white-and-disinfected-walls of the cliche sci-fi. Not sure if that's what you're going for or not.
My other issues were the overdone use of 'you', and also how much exposition there was. I know this is a beginning chapter, but sometimes it's more interesting to just let the world and its rules take shape in the reader's mind over time. Throw the ranking terms around like they're a part of the world that doesn't need to be explained. It makes everything seem much more mysterious and intriguing, as well as more thought-out.
Now then, like Youngwriter down there, I definitely want to know where and why Britney is taking Mel. You did a great job setting that up to be suspenseful.
I guess that's it from me.
Adios, Mack!

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16 Reviews

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Reviews: 16

Mon Apr 21, 2014 3:32 am
Youngwriter724 wrote a review...

There are some minor errors, but overall I love the story. Your character is awesome so far, and your description of the dream at the beginning was really well written. I like the plot so far thou I don't know when you attend to tell the reader why things are like they are. But im dying to know. I cant wait until the next chapter.
When you get the next chapter ready you should send me a private message, or post it to my wall, I would love to review it as well.

I think that was when I began to realize that reputation isn't everything. I should focus less about how others perceive me and more about what makes me happy. Because, in the end, I have to live with myself.
— Seraphina