
Young Writers Society

Together Again, Part One and Two!

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Thu Dec 09, 2010 8:20 pm
Emmzziee says...

Part One.

I tried so hard to remember her. I would stare at that faded old photo on my bedside as if my life depended on it.
She was grinning, the wind blowing back her glossy blonde hair, her eyes sparkling beautifully in the sunlight. I stared into those eyes until my own eyes watered.
But the only way I could remember her properly was by watching Grandma’s videos, though Grandma herself couldn’t be in the same room while they were playing.
“Come to Mummy!” Her sweet voice whispered. “Come to Mummy! You can do it!”
Her laugh made me smile without even realising it, as baby me would stumble closer, grinning and laughing with her.
I was only three when she died and I couldn’t remember a time since then where I’d been as happy as that.

My name is Jessi Brook; though Brook is technically my mother’s last name. I’ve never known my father, and I would never want to either. See, as soon as my mum spilled the beans about her being pregnant with me, he never had another thing to do with her. Well. That’s the price you pay for one-night-stands!
She was such a party girl, my mum - Only sixteen when she gave birth to me. “But she would never give up her baby for anything,” Grandma told me. “When you were born she never went to another party. She didn’t want to. All she wanted was to stay home and look after her baby. She loved you so much, Jessi. I want you to remember that,” said Grandma, her voice cracking.
But the thing that was strangest to think about was the fact that she was sixteen when she gave birth to me. That means that she must have only been about fifteen when she’d lost her virginity! The same age as me!
But it was ok. At first. Because somehow my mother and I met again. Frankly, I don’t know how and I never will; it scares me to death when I think about it. She could take me back whenever she wants too and that scares me silly... but she came back. And she proved to me that my life is worth living...
And here I tell our story.

“Please don’t make me go school, Grandma! My throat is burning like crazy – and I feel so sick,”
I said, adding a few extra fake coughs while she felt my forehead.
“You look fine to me, love. Are you sure you’re not playing truant again? I thought you loved school!”
“Yeah, of course I love school!”
I said, trying to reassure myself as well as Grandma.
“I like my own company too, that’s why nobody ever comes round. They all like me, I just don’t like them, see.”
Ok. I was laying it on pretty thick now. I was totally desperate – Grandma was the only friend I had and I was so isolated…
“I just feel so sick, Grandma! Just one day off, that’s all I want.”

She wouldn’t let me though.
I hated my school more than ever, now that Mr Morris had gone off to work at a posh Private School. Mr Morris took me for English. He was so nice to me. Ok, he was nice to everyone; but he always seemed to like me best…
“Maths First,” I muttered, groaning, reading my timetable on the way to school.
When suddenly Siobhan and her little girl-gang rounded a corner.
“Ha ha! Jessi is talking to herself again, guys,”
said Kelly, laughing. “Got lost on the way to Saint George’s?”
“Where? Fuck off, I’m ill,” I muttered.
“It’s a mental hospital. And don’t you dare fucking swear at us, tramp,” Kelly shouted as I walked off.
God, they thought they were so hard, didn’t they?!

I'd always pretend to act all big and tough too; although inside, every day when I walked to school I felt sick to my stomach that something really bad will happen, one day. I've never truly known how my unpopularity started; but whatever. People didn't just not like me. People HATED me...

I truly didn't feel well.
I was sitting in maths when all of the numbers I had written began to wiggle around on my paper... I couldn't figure out maths anyway, but today...
"Mrs Price! I think.... Miss!" I yelled into the awkward Math-test silence.
Everybody looked my way.
And that's all I remember.

Part Two.

I began to stir, hearing everybody in my class mock me and taunt me.
"What a loser..."
"What in hell is she playing at?"
"Total attention-seeker or what?!"

Voices echoed painfully around my head, but then my surroundings seemed to buzz and I could feel things begin to change...

Their voices started to change, until they didn't make any sense.

"Oh... Bless this miracle!" came the echoey voice of a woman.

I still wasn't sure if I'd hit my head or not when I'd hit the ground; but God, I was in pain.
My eyes were still closed, as I'd decided it was probably not a good idea to open them just yet. But then I heard the woman breathlessly cry, "Are you okay? Oh, Jessi, breathe!"
That voice... that voice was not Mrs Price's and I knew it. But I still didn't open my eyes.
A cold, heart-wrenching pain suddenly seared right through me, and I gasped almost unknowingly. I was in so much pain that I could feel my body losing it's conciousness all over again.
"No! No! Jessi! Come back, my Jessi!" the woman's voice sobbed.

"Jessi, are you okay?" Grandma's sweet voice said, shearing through what was left of my dream.
Or what I percieved to be a dream.
"Grandma!" I opened my eyes at last and slung my arms clumsily around her neck. I never normally did things like that, but it felt good when I did. Right at that moment, it felt as though I had never even embraced another human being before.
"Grandma, I don't know what's happening too me, but something is!" I cried, clinging to her; but then I pulled back.
"I told you I didn't feel well," I said.
I tried to throw her a soulful, betrayed gaze, but I still felt strangely weak; so I fell back onto my bed instead, exhausted.
"Sorry, Jessi. You did look fine this morning..." she started doubtfully. "You just rest, my love. I did feel terrible when I had to pick me up from school... They told me what happened. Apparently you just fainted, and you were in a bit of a daze for a while... If you still feel this way tomorow, I shall call the doctor, okay, my sweet?" she said. "I'll be right downstairs if you need me for anything."

And then she left the room, shutting the door behind her.

I lay back down and just sighed sorrowfully. I wanted to weep, but I couldn't.
For the first time in my life, I truly felt simply HOPELESS.
No hope...
Everything always seemed to fall to pieces. I didn't know what had happened today and I didn't want to think about it. I knew I hadn't simply fainted, but whatever it was, I knew I had no control over it.

However, on top of this I felt as though some heavy burden had been lifted from my shoulders.
The weight of the world...
Geting lighter...
My head began to nod and I felt the same sensation as before. I started to get scared.

Lights behind my eyes began to flash ecstatically but I didn't dare open them. I knew; I just knew that I wasn't in my bedroom anymore. Something physical was happening and I was terrified...
"Jessi! Please, Jessi..."
A voice echoed in my head.

I strained to keep my eyes shut, but I could feel a tear emerge from the side of my eye almost of it's own accord.


This couldn't happen.

I knew what was happening.

But it couldn't. I was so certain that I was going insane.


"Jessi! it's me, sweetheart, and I don't have long..." her beautiul voice persisted.
And then, "Jessi!"
Worried, I opened my eyes without entirely meaning too.

"No! NO! NO!" This can't happen... this is impossible..." And I began to weep.
The gorgeous woman tilted her head, beautiully sparking eyes gazing at me softly...

Glossy blonde hair flowing back, seemingly windswept...

"You don't exist," I sobbed.

"I do, Jessi. I do. Please, listen. We don't have long..."
It was then that I properly focused on her, stuggling against what appeared to be a flourecent blue light. Light?
"What - What are you doing?" I asked, trying desperately to stop sobbing.
"This here; this light, it's what's keeping you safe up here, with me," She said, gasping and struggling against the light. "I guess you could call this a... Pathway to the afterlife!" She said, smiling slightly even against her struggle. I wanted to help her but I felt powerless. Lowly, crouching underneath her and her ethereal presence.

"Every second that I keep you up here using this light, I am automatically knocking off a day of my life. If life is what you would call it," she said, continuing to gasp.

"I am dead, and I can live. But this won't last forever..." She paused for just a second... a valuable second, and said, "You know that. You know that, right? Nothing lasts forever. It doesn't mean that you can't enjoy what you have right now... You know. You know that, right?"

"Of course."

She looked over at me and smiled, but very nearly toppled over.
"Oh, honey. You'll have to go soon," she said powerlessly.

I looked up at her, unable to say anything. I didn't want to loose her again, but I could tell that she was physically getting weaker.
There was one thing that I needed to know, above everything.

"Mummy. My Mummy." I said. She smiled.

"Why did you do what you did?" I murmured nervously. "You killed yourself. You left me."

And she began to cry, right there infront of me. It was such a surreal sight.
Here I was in a completely parallel universe, there where my dead mother was standing, weeping; forcing back some maginifcently powerful, yet almost invisible force. Growing older and weaker by the second.

And telling me why she left me; why she commited suicide.

She gazed at me for what felt like a long, long while; but what must have only been a few seconds, due to the raging, ever-growing force infront of her.
"I never wanted to leave you. Never never never. You gave me a reason for living. My life was a drunken haze half of the time. But I didn't know how to be good at anything else; all I was good for was... getting screwed over by people. Making a mess of life. Drinking, and taking drugs..." she said, weeping all over again.

She was like me. So much more like me than I'd thought.

When finally she turned towards me.
"I am sorry. I shouldn't be crying, not in front of you. You've made me so proud..." she said.
"I never meant to kill myself, I promise you that. I was so looking forward to watching you grow! You were the most beautiul thing ever, ever born." She smiled gorgeously at me, even through all her strain and tears.
"No, I promise. I never wanted to kill myself. I never meant to die. I felt down. Depressed. That was all. You had gone to sleep, and I was lonely. You weren't around to cheer me up. I only meant to take a few measly pills but..."
She started to waver. She was struggling greatly now.

"I need to led go. I have to let go, Jessi!"

"No! Don't go, Mum," I sobbed.
"I have to go, Jessi. Nothing lasts forever, but it doesn't mean you can't enjoy things while you have the chance," she said. "Goodbye, beautiful!"
"Oh, Goodbye, Mama. Mummy... My Mummy. I love you," I cried.
I wanted to keep on saying what I'd missed out on for 12 years. Mummy.

"Goddbye, Jessi. And remember. Your Mummy loved you. She always wanted you. And I still do! I love you."

I woke up in my bed with a start, but I wasn't sad. Finally, I knew what I'd always needed to know; something I'd kept hidden in my mind for most of my life. And I was happy. For the first time in a very, very long time.
I felt shaken. So, my Mother did love me. I always knew she did. But now I know for sure. Anything is possible.
And now it was up to me to live my life for my mother, as well as myself.

Now I know.

Life is worth living.

Thank you so, so, so much for reading :) I'm sorry if you sort of lost the gist of the story. I was just so desperate to get my first story on here that I kind of rushed it! I'll take my take next time :) I also understnad that the storyline gets kind of pathetic too, But thank you so so so much again for reading it all and reviewing!!! xxxx
Last edited by Emmzziee on Tue Dec 14, 2010 6:24 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Thu Dec 09, 2010 8:33 pm
Charlii101 says...

really good loving how the story makes me want to read more and i really do want to read more write more write more!! loving how your not giving most of the story line away you left the reader hanging when you were talking about Jessi's mum dying eally want to know how that happened! maybe add some mpore of the story line in part two or something like

how her mum died

what's happening when she fainted

just stuff that would drag the reader in more PM me when you've finished and i will read it!! :) :D

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Thu Dec 09, 2010 11:13 pm
lettersfromtroy says...

Totally agree with Charli! You drag me (as I usually don't really like stories like that) so deep into your plot, I just can't wait to read more! Please, please hurry finishing the next part! And PM me when it's online!

GREAT JOB, Em! Really great job!

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Tue Dec 14, 2010 6:02 pm
MiaParamore says...

Hey Ems. Sorry I got here a bit late, but I'd try to be of help.

The first line? I think it was perfect. Not starting with some description, and just a simple yet captivating line was a very good idea and I really liked it. Okay, as you went on the story became kind of too straight and even thought sometimes we need to get on with some straightforwardness with the readers, but I found this kind of weird. Like I read the first part, and I was sure that you are a better writer than the average ones, and I still do, no doubts on that, but just this straightforwardness killed me. Now how to prevent it and how to make this better. Just go back to the beginning and read this bit for yourself and question-if I buy a book with this and read it, would I be satisfied? If not, then you would automatically get the answer as to how you should be editing this up.

My other suggestion for this would be to not introduce the MC as 'my name is so and so', for me this is the worst thing the writer can do. Don't get me wrong, but I won't like to be introduced to the reader in such a boring manner. I'd like to know him/her as coyly as possible. Otherwise, this just couldn't hold my interest. Also, when you say 'I am going to narrate my story' it's just dull for me. Really dull. Just get on something which is going to make the reader read it, you won't need to beg them to read, but your words are going to send them in a trance where they'll be forced to read it, and with pleasure. Just interest them.

What I think of this piece is that I really liked reading this and one thing is for sure that I was hooked on till the end. I really was inquisitive to find out what exactly what was happening and I was curious to know her mother-because she seemed interesting when she described her. I am not lying. My problem here was that your MC seemed quite weird-n her gender. Like till the most of the first and second part, I wasn't sure what she was-a girl or a boy. This might be because Jessi name is kinda unisex and anyone can have it, so maybe I was confused. But besides a name you could have a lot of things to specify a person's gender. For example some particular trait they have, their hair or the way they talk or anything of that sort. Quite literally, girls and boys have different personalities and it depends upon you to show them. It's a writer's work. So just get on that point. I won't agree with Charli(sorry) since I think you have pretty much tried enough of brining her mother's death here and you can bring more of it later, since you won't like to bore your readers. According to me what you gave was perfect. But I think the fainting and the unconscious part could be worked upon. You need to show us how exactly she was feeling-the emotions were lacking. Secondly, when she meets her mom, she's not feeling much. That is strange considering how much she wanted to know her and meet her again. Make us realize the pain she had been encountering for years and how she felt that being washed away when she was seeing her mother. That's going to glue the readers in.

Overall, not at all bad for the first story. I don't have any rights to say since my first post was horrible and yours was quite good. Other thing I'll say is that your second part was much interesting not only because of the plot, the excitement but also description wise. I really felt the first part was bland-no descriptions. Grandma's are nice, they have to be, but what she liked about her grandma. Also, in her case she should have felt anger towards her father, but there's nothing of her thinking about him or cursing him. So small things like these can make or break your story and you need to find the balance. Just make this more interesting and the girl cliques should be made more cool and all. Just my advice. Apart from this all, your grammar was pretty good, nothing weird I saw, so good job. Keep writing and tell me when you've more.

Thanks for the request,
"Next time you point a finger
I might have to bend it back
Or break it, break it off
Next time you point a finger
I'll point you to the mirror"

— Paramore

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Thu Dec 16, 2010 6:58 pm
missfrancesca says...

This is a really wonderful story. It has such a good plot. I love how jessi is being dragged between some kind of heaven and earth limbo and how her mum is fighting with a light. I think its great, i really do. You should continue it and maybe do her past. (: xxxx

Don't go around saying the world owes you a living; the world owes you nothing; it was here first.
— Mark Twain