
Young Writers Society

The Champions of Olympus

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Thu Dec 07, 2023 7:57 pm
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Ley says...

I'm basing this off of my novel: The Daughter of War. This is for Greek Mythology lovers, or if you just wanna have fun with a godly character! ~Leya

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Once every one-hundred years, the daughters and sons of the Big Twelve Gods must compete for the title of Olympus’ Champion. Although each God has multiple offspring, mortal and god—only the purest of divine may only compete. This means only purely divine offspring are eligible, because they are the only offspring that posses similar powers to their parent.

There are five trials. One for each element—Fire, Water, Air, Earth, and Metal. No matter if you win or lose the event, you will still earn points, which will then be calculated at the end of the trials. Some trials may lead to injury or death, which is why it’s important to team up with other competitors.

There are barely any rules. Weapons are allowed, and so is magic, granting each combatant the ability to use their gifts in order to progress. Each person will receive a mentor that is familiar with each person’s gift—relatively. This person will train with their hero and will help their hero as needed throughout these trials. The mentor is provided by the Big Twelve.

All contestants will be rooming in the Grande Hall of Olympus and will be treated with luxury in between trials. There are no roommates for safety measures because killing other contestants is not forbidden, either. It’s important you keep your door locked at night, and trust only few.

A guideline and rulebook will be given to each Champion as they settle in their dorms.

Champion’s Guidelines and Rulebook:

Spoiler! :
1. Weapons are allowed but are only permitted if received from the weaponry shed within the Armory Guild. No automatic weapons are permitted. If a Champion decides to use an automatic weapon, that Champion will be disqualified and/or sentenced by the Fates.

2. Gifts provided genetically by a Champion’s parent/s are allowed. Gifts that were acquired unnaturally such as poisoning, or telepathy are not permitted. If a Champion decides to use an unnatural gift, that Champion will be disqualified and/or sentenced by the Fates.

3. Every Champion must be in their dorms by sundown. Any Champions found outside their quarters once darkness falls will be subject to elimination.

4. If a Champion wishes to forfeit the Trials, they will be escorted by Zeus’ guards back to their parent and will no longer be eligible for any future Trials.

5. No Champion can be under the age of 18 years old and cannot exceed the age of 25.



Spoiler! :

Child of Ares/Aphrodite: Josephine (@Leya)
Child of Chaos/Nyx: Aiónios (@APoltergeist)
Child of Dionysus/Hestia:Hymnn (@herbalhour)
Child of Apollo/Calliope:Helena (@Lovestrike)
Child of Zephyrus/Iris: Kallisophos (@Spearmint)
Child of Hades/Hecate:Diabolus (@Leya)
Child of Chronos/Eros: Dyal (@herbalhour)
Child of Artemis/Hemera: Penthesilia (@FluorescentAnt)
Child of Hera/Zeus: Stefania (@KateHardy)
Child of Soteria/Hercules: Deianria (@WeepingWisteria)
Child of Athena/Mnemosyne: Evripidis (@Spearmint)
Child of Hermes/Penelope: Arpeggio (@JazzElectrobass)
Child of Hephaestus/Aglaea: Malto (@JazzElectrobass)

***This Storybook is rated 18+ because it may contain: *romantic scenes, *language, *violence, *gore and *torture.***
Last edited by Ley on Tue Mar 05, 2024 3:23 pm, edited 58 times in total.

Potato Enthusiast

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Thu Dec 07, 2023 9:39 pm
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Ley says...


My arms and legs throbbed as I walked through the Grande Hall. I’d been training almost three months now with Theseus for this ridiculous competition, and I wasn’t even made for it. As the daughter of Ares, you’d expect me to be firm, mighty, and indestructible—but just sparring made my body sore.

The building must have been new, because the gold-dusted columns smelled of new paint and the floors were cleaned to the tee. As I glanced around, I noticed that it was creepily empty, and the only sounds came from the chirping birds outside. The paintings that lined the wall were exquisite, portraits of the previous Champions gleamed back at me, as if they were saying to ‘keep your eyes open’. One portrait caught my eye, a young girl, probably just on the threshold of eighteen, stared back at me with sad eyes. I could tell by her features that she’d been a daughter of Hades and Persephone.

What am I supposed to do now?

I had said goodbye to my mother—who was hysterical, by the way. You’d think some goddesses can keep it together, especially ones that are part of the Big Twelve, but not my mother. Not Aphrodite. She wept and begged me to stay with her, but she always wept. When Cupid got lost, she wept, when Demeter’s Garden died, she wept, when I was born—she wept. My father didn’t give two shits that I was departing, and only gave me a nod as I walked out of the door. As the God of War, he would win this competition in a heartbeat. He was trained for things like this. To him, the competition would be child’s play.

I pushed my white-blonde hair out of my eyesight and turned around when I heard a male’s voice coming from the front corridor. It was muffled, but enough for me to make out a few words, “The first Champion just arrived. Child of Ares and Aphrodite. Please gather Agnis to show the lady to her room.”

I followed the voice, and it led me to the front desk—which I passed earlier. Nobody was there when I first entered, so someone must have seen me first before I saw them. The man at the desk was tall, his black hair shaved on the sides, and he was wearing a blue tunic. A knife laid strapped to his belt, and he was flipping through pieces of paper rapidly when I approached him.

“Hello,” I said quietly, studying his reaction.

He looked up instantly and plastered a sick, fake smile on his face before he spoke, “Hello, Lady Josephine! We’re so glad to have you at the Great Hall! What is your Champion ID number?”

I pulled out the sheet of paper I received from Hermes a while back, “J7301.”

“Perrrrrfect!” He exclaimed, and it made me jump back a little. Why was this man so enthusiastic? People were about to die!

I glared at him miserably as a lady appeared from my left-hand side. Her outfit was modest, and her face was even more inviting. She looked to be about sixty years old, give or take.

“Agnis will show you to your dorm! Oh, and by the way, my name is Kandos. If you need anything, just give me a call! The number is written next to the messenger angel in your room.” The man said, his hands pressed together, and his elbows now rested on the marble desk.

The woman didn’t even nod in my direction. She just stared at me and stepped to the side, allowing a pathway for me to pass her. I stayed put, just for a second, because this was freaking weird. I studied Kandos before I walked past Agnis, through the hallway entrance.

The halls were narrow. It reminded me of a prison, but a luxurious one. The wallpaper was white with a tinge of gold, and the doors were made of a fancy wood that I couldn’t remember the name of. Something that starts with a—

“Your room is here,” Agnis stopped behind me.

I opened the door slowly as I was expecting something to jump out at me. I don’t know why, I just did.

The solo bed sat in the middle of the room. It was large, almost too large. The white sheets were made nicely, and throw pillows lined every inch of the mattress. To the right of the bed was a gold side table, and next to that was a grand piano. A freaking grand piano. A smile crept its way across my face as I sat on the bed. Agnis closed the door behind me, leaving me by myself, and I ran my small pointer finger along the fine stitching of the bidet.

Potato Enthusiast

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Fri Dec 08, 2023 7:46 pm
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APoltergeist says...


This seems a little extra. I thought mildly, taking in the splendor of golden pillars that towered over my head, shining with shimmery dust. The white and gold and glitter was painful to look at, a long cry from the soothing darkness of the Mansion of Night with its shadowy halls and gothic Victorian-styled architect. Gossamer cobwebs in the corners, fat-bodied spiders clinging to the middle, watching with beady black eyes. I missed it dearly.

"This place is...different." I spoke the words aloud, letting dryness coat my voice into a brittle thing, sharp and icy with a searing bitterness. There was the sound of voices from the foyer but I ignored them for now, turning my attention to the former Champion portraits lining each wall.

Frigid blue eyes stared back at me sightlessly, mouth curled back into a razor-thin sneer, blonde hair mussed with the intent to look good. I thought it made him look rather like a pompous pig. Imagine having that image forever immortalized in ink and paint, in the great halls of the Gods. Son of Zeus, if the sharpness of his bone structure and the unnaturally blonde hair had anything to say, lightning crackling in his eyes. I shifted my gaze away from that portrait to the one directly to the left, mournful eyes studying me. Daughter of Hades and Persephone. Goosebumps erupted along my arms, trailing down my spine. I stared at it for a few more seconds before spinning away abruptly, shadows swirling languidly around my feet.

The voices had died down into soft murmurs before fading away entirely, accompanied by the shuffling of shoes against the floor.

Where am I supposed to go? I'd already said my goodbyes, the Mansion of Night a distant thought, siblings even further. It hadn't been a tearful goodbye, it had been one full of smirks and smiles, bodies bumping together in flashes of soot-blackened clothing and fiery eyes, feathered wings draped over my shoulders to prevent me from being knocked down by exorbitant family members. Nyx had led me to a quiet corner of the mansion, smiling, whispering words of encouragement as she plucked a feather from her primaries, stained with nighttime skies. Chaos was nowhere to be found, but then again, she was a very busy Goddess. I frowned, shaking thoughts of my faraway family from my head.

"The second Champion has arrived. Child of Nyx and Chaos. Please gather Agnis to show the lord to his room." The voice was clear, from just a few steps behind the doors. I let my gaze roam over him, forcing disinterest into my gaze. He was tall, ebony hair shaved neatly at the sides and tunic dyed a calming shade of blue. His fingers flipped between pieces of paper too quickly for me to read anything, glancing up as I neared.

"Hello, Lord Aiónios. Delighted to have you at the Great Hall. Your Champion number, please?" He didn't look very delighted, mouth turned up into an obviously fake smile, too wide, too many teeth showing to be genuine. I stared at him, now truly unimpressed, before sliding over the sheet of paper I had gotten from Hermes a few weeks ago.

"A9072." I finally said, letting viscous shadows drip off of my hands and congeal into the shape of a wolfhound, glittering void eyes staring at the man with interest, tail wagging.

"Fabulous!" He was loud. Irritatingly loud. Like half of my siblings but more...outgoing.

A lady appeared from my right-hand side, dressed modestly with an inviting, warm demeanor, somewhere roughly in the sixty-year range.

"I am Kandos, this is Agnis. She will be showing you to your dorm. If you need anything, call the number written by the messenger angel in your room." Kandos clapped his hands together to punctuate his words, looking dismissively away from me and shuffling through papers.

The woman said nothing, staring at me before waving me through into the hallway entrance. I did not let myself hesitate before moving forward, hem of my cloak dusting across the clean floor, wisps of night curling off of it.

"This will be your room." She stopped directly behind me, gesturing to a door, wood glossy in the light. The hallway was suffocatingly narrow, all cream white and shining gold.

"Thank you. I do not believe I am of any more assistance." I smiled at her, disappearing inside my room and letting the door shut with a ringing finality. Silence, then the clicking of heels against polished floors before the noises from outside my room faded into silence once again.

I turned around to examine my room. The walls were the same colour as the hallway, decorated sparsely. The bed had been pushed against one wall, sheets a deep slate gray with splashes of crimson. A bookshelf sat nearby, filled to the brim with loose scrolls and sheets of paper stuffed between book bindings. I made my way to them, steps light against the carpeted floor as I pulled a few scrapes out, tilting them towards the light in order to study it.

Unfinished song lyrics and poetry, scrawled in a messy hand. Some I recognized, some I did not. Warmth blossomed in my chest as I recognized some of my own writing, pulling and replacing new scraps of paper as soon as I finished reading them.

Maybe this place wasn't so bad afterall.
Last edited by APoltergeist on Wed Dec 13, 2023 4:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"i wish to steal the stars from the night sky and put them in your eyes"

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Fri Dec 08, 2023 11:10 pm
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herbalhour says...

My hands had never been shakier when I walked into the Grande Hall. Oh gods. I thought. I hope I'm ready... I don't want to leave a bad first impression. The golden pillars shone when the light hit them, blinding me whenever that happened.

I paused. Am I really ready for this? Has my training with Orpheus been enough? Will calming and de-escalating really help?

Just then, I shifted into a rabbit due to the nerves and continued to hop forward. I then remembered the words of my mother. To never be scared and to just remember family. That would help. Yeah. Just remember the feelings of warmth and the idea of letting go.

I looked to my left and the right. Framed pictures of people that look like me... or at least around my age. I immediately noticed the frame of the daughter of Hades and Persephone. Her mournful gaze pierced through my eyes.

The whispers of the eligible champions in front passed and came. Then a voice rang through the halls.

"The third Champion has arrived, Son of Dionysus and Hestia. Please gather Agnis to show the lord to his room." I looked for the source of the voice and shifted back into a human. I continued to walk and I saw a desk, cleaner than a pristine lake.

Behind the desk a taller man sat, and his eyes locked with mine. "Ah, Lord Hymnn! Nice to see you here at the Grande Hall. Your champion number please?"

I looked down at the ink I had scribbled on my hand. "E0701?" As I was talking, I unconsciously had started making a vine wrap around my leg.

"Alrighty!" said the man. He was enthusiastic, and I loved that! Glad to know that some people are nice here. As he said that, an older lady walked through a set of doors near the desk.

"This is Agnis, and she will take you to your room. I'm Kandos, If you need anything, just send a messenger angel!" Kandos said, smiling warmly.

Agnis then started to walk, and I followed her, the vine I created slowly creeping down my arm.

You'll be okay Hymnn. Don't panic. Don't panic. I tried to console myself.

Suddenly, Agnis stopped in front of a pair of doors. "This will be your room."

I smiled and muttered a quick thanks as I walked in, shutting the door behind me. As soon as I walked in I noticed a large harp and lyre in the center of the room. That's neat. I thought. The bed was neatly fitted with olive green sheets. I sat down next to the harp and started to play a tune, vines slowly crawling around it, sprouting purple grapes. Maybe I can get used to this.
nothing is forever but everything was infinite

herb/tea - he/him/his, she/her/hers

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Sat Dec 09, 2023 2:32 pm
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Ley says...


You shall show Zeus why they were wrong to banish us.

You will be strong and show no mercy.

You will be brave, my seed. You will be ruthless.

My father’s words replayed in my head as I materialized in front of the large, polished building that must have been the Grande Hall.

What the fuck is this? A wedding?

I didn’t move, not yet, and glanced around at the blooming orchids that lined the front of the entryway—blue tulips arose from in between the bricks that I stood on, and the slight fragrance of freshly fertilized roses filled the air. I couldn’t help but breathe it in. I’d never stepped foot outside of the Underworld, and the fact my father even let me embark on this quest has me questioning whether or not I’m really going to make it out of this thing alive.

I clenched the note in my pocket that was delivered just before I left by Hermes. I didn’t open it, because honestly, I didn’t really give a shit. Anything that’s in there wasn’t worth looking at.

I hesitated before I turned the gold-polished doorknob and stepped inside. All I saw was white. Bright, annoying, blinding white. The place had windows everywhere, with portraits lining the walls of people I didn’t even recognize.

The one thing I didn’t feel when I entered this gods-forsaken building was the dead. I didn’t feel any souls, and I didn’t see any either. Where I grew up, all I knew was the undead. We used to conversate, laugh, and tell each other stories—they were my only friends. Although, there, in the Upperworld… it was different. It was quiet. It was warm. My mother used to always tell me stories about the Upperworld, how the seasons changed and how people loved one another. I never knew love, unless you count Cerberus—my father’s guard/pet hellhound.

My boots squeaked against the newly polished marble floors as I walked towards the front desk, where a man stood. I allowed a smirk to slide slyly across my face, “I’m guessing this is the Grande Hall?”

The man looked up at me, stepping back when he realizes who I am.
Most people do this.

They’ve read about me, heard about me, but never seen me. This was most people’s reaction when they arrived at the Underworld for the first time.

The man forced a smile and pulled out pieces of paper, shuffling through them before he found my name, “Agnis will show you to your room, Lord Diabolus! If you need anything, please send down the messenger angel! Oh, and what's your ID number?”

Messenger angel?

"Figure it out," I spat.

I furrow my brow at him as an older woman who looked miserable, by the way, came to retrieve me. She jerked her head in the direction of the hallways. As we walked, I could hear the slight sound of music, as if someone was playing piano and… the harp?

I allowed a shiver to be sent down my spine. This place is going to be the death of me.

When we arrived at my room, Agnis said nothing to me when I slammed the heavy door in her face and closed myself in the room. It was my worst nightmare. The sheets—white. The walls—white. The desks—fucking white.

I sighed and set my stuff down on the bed. I walked over to the window and opened the blinds slightly to view the new world in front of me, just as someone else started walking up the building steps.

Potato Enthusiast

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Sat Dec 09, 2023 9:17 pm
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herbalhour says...


I started to walk into the Grande Hall, beautifully shimmering because of its golden structure. I rubbed out the creases in my dress and stopped. It felt like someone was watching me.
Shoot. I thought.Am I on time? I hope I'm on time. Dad would be very upset if I wasn't on time. Maybe I should turn back time. Wait it's too early to do that right? Agh...

I started fiddling with my hair, making sure the clips were snug and I continued walking. As a child of Eros, love could be anywhere, so you must always look your best.

While walking through the... ominously gold hallways, I noticed a few portraits. Notably, the Daughter of Persephone and Hades. She looked sad, and through further looking, it told me I probably shouldn't have came here. However, I've trained far too long to look back now.

Just then a fatigued voice rang out. "The fifth Champion has arrived. Son of Chronos and Eros." Fifth? Argh! I should have packed faster! I then pulled my pink backpack up off my arm and onto my shoulder.

I pushed open the large and tall door to see a man sitting behind a desk, his eyebags apparent. Gods, why does this man look so overworked? I mean, you would think Hades himself had just walked through the room.

"Hello! I'm Kandos, Agnis will be here shortly to show you your room. Your champion number please?"

I took out a neatly sealed envelope from my backpack that I had gotten from Hermes and opened it. "C2471. Thank you Kandos." I swear, he has some sort of ulterior motive, but no. He's just tired.

An older woman walked in and signaled for me to follow her. I waved to Kandos and followed the lady. As I walked through I started to scratch my arm,

Please speak lady. I need to know your motives. Please.

I heard a faint harp and piano in the distance, and when I walked past those rooms I smelled... grapes? Either way, Agnis stopped in front of a room and opened the door. I bowed slightly and walked in.

The walls were a pale whiteish pink and the bed was fitted perfectly. I set down my backpack and took out my "Cupid's Bow". In reality, it was just a pink toy bow and some little candies. I want to find love here, but some of the things I've... sensed, don't feel quite right. I laid back on the bed and shut my eyes, trying to think about what to do now.
Last edited by herbalhour on Tue Dec 12, 2023 12:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
nothing is forever but everything was infinite

herb/tea - he/him/his, she/her/hers

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Tue Dec 12, 2023 7:01 am
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Spearmint says...


I missed my sword. I knew what I was getting into with these trials-- only weapons from the weaponry shed in the Armory Guild and inherent gifts were allowed. But I didn't feel complete without it, somehow, and my right hand kept hovering over my side where my sword usually would be. I sighed and ran my hand through my black hair. Then I tried to focus on my surroundings to distract myself.

The Grande Hall was, well, grand. A side of my mouth turned up in a smile as I considered its very fitting name. Kind of like "The Palace of the Winds" above the Thrace mountains, where my father and the other wind gods lived. It wasn't very creative, but at least it was clear; you wouldn't get any visitors going, "The Palace of the Winds? Ohhh, I thought it was the Palace of Poseidon, my bad." And then my father wouldn't have to talk Boreas down from trying to smite the poor mortal who'd dared to disrespect the wind gods. Yes, clear names were an excellent idea, although I had to admit that the Palace of the Winds didn't get very many mortal visitors so this point was rather moot.

Turning my attention to the portraits along the walls, I noted that they ranged from beautiful to unsettling. I examined the faces of former competitors and found my thoughts drifting to the current trials. Who would be competing this year? Would I find any allies in my fellow competitors?

Soon, I spotted the front desk ahead, and a man dressed in a blue tunic sitting behind it. When he caught sight of me, he immediately pasted a smile onto his face and boomed, "The sixth Champion has arrived. Son of Iris and Zephyrus." Then his eyelids drooped again and he struggled to keep the smile on his face as he said, "My name is Kandos, and Agnis will escort you to your room shortly. May I have your champion number?"

"K1903," I said. I gave Kandos a genuine smile. The poor man likely wasn't getting compensated enough for this. My mother being Iris, the messenger of the gods, I knew how tiring it could be to work for other deities. Whenever they flagged down Iris and said their message would be quick, it inevitably devolved into an hour-long rant about impertinent mortals and olives. Don't ask me why.

A woman who must've been Agnis arrived and indicated the direction of my room. I smiled at her as well and followed her to a simple door. None of the decor in this place had been colorful enough for my tastes, but when I stepped into the room, I found that problem quickly remedied.

The ceiling, floor, and walls were painted in shades of rainbow that blurred together in a multihued dance. The bed was a soft white, and a warm breeze filled the room, bringing the scent of flowers. Some tension I hadn't even realized I was carrying dissolved. I smiled. Despite my regrettable parting from my sword, perhaps I would enjoy the trials after all.
mint, she/her

.--. / ... ...- -.-. .-.. / - .--. ..- .- / .--- --- ...- .--- / .--- --- .--. .-- / .--. .--- .-.. / .--- -.-- .-.. .... -

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Wed Dec 13, 2023 4:51 pm
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LuminescentAnt says...


I gazed at the towering columns of the Grande Hall, dusted with gold. I wondered how long it took for them to make this. How much effort was put into this? The building was large, but it felt eerily empty. Have the other champions come yet? I thought.

The walls were decorated in portraits of past champions, some with victorious smiles on their faces, others were discontent. One champion looked prominent out of all the others - a young girl who was the daughter of Persephone and Hades. Her gloomy eyebags and pale skin made me shiver. And the look of sadness on her face was haunting. Would I ever be able to become like that? She probably lived in the Underworld, which was a place full of melancholy, so that might have been the reason for her sorrow.

My hands were sweating for some reason, and I couldn't figure out why. Why would I be stressing so much? It's just the Grande Hall. Maybe it was the thought that there was no turning back now from this awful competition. It's not even my fault my parents are "divine"! Why do I have to suffer for that? Why does anyone have to suffer for that?

I can't stop thinking about people who are genuinely excited for this, and have been training for this their entire lives, waiting for this moment. I've been training my entire life, but not for this moment. And for some reason I hate that now I have to put my skills to the test.

The walk seemed forever, although I wasn't exactly sure where I was supposed to be going. I nearly reached the end of the hall when I heard a voice from...I wasn't sure from where, actually. I couldn't exactly tell.

"The seventh champion has arrived! Child of Artemis and Hemera. Please go fetch Agnis to escort the lady to her room." the voice said. I followed the voice through a corridor, where there was a front desk. There was a man with back hair and a blue tunic there.

"Hello Lady Penthesilia! We are overjoyed to have you here with us in the Grande Hall. Could you tell us your Champion ID number?" the man asked cheerfully.

I had received the number on a piece of paper a little while back, but I memorized it. "P9301 I think," I told him.

"Excellent!" the man said. I was both annoyed and jealous that he could be so cheerful at a time like this. I guess if he hadn't been cheerful, it would have made me feel even worse than I already am.

An older lady walked into the room, with the exact opposite mood of the man. It looked like she had to help all the Champions before me, and here was another one, no different than any of the others.

"Agnis here will lead you to your dorm, where you will stay for the time being! And by the way, my name is Kandos, and if you need anything, call the number written by the messenger angel in your room." The man named Kandos told me.

I followed Agnis through the halls with an awkward silence. The walls were white sprinkled with gold, and the doors were made of a really pretty wood.

"We're here," Agnis said, as she gestured to a door. I thanked her with a smile, hoping to cheer her up.

When I walked in, I saw the walls decorated with moss and plants were wrapped around almost everything. At the center of the room was a giant light in the shape of a sun, and it shone brightly, probably so I would feel stronger in my room. There was a large four poster bed with pearl white curtains that had fake butterflies on them. I couldn't help but love the room, and it was probably going to be the best thing to happen to me in the coming weeks.
The problem with quotes found on the internet is that they are often not true.
- Abraham Lincoln

LuminescentAnt ~ Lum ~ Ant

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Tue Dec 19, 2023 2:38 pm
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Ley says...


A letter slid underneath my door. I stared at it at first, not sure whether this was a set up or if this was innocent. Nowadays, you have to look out for everyone and everything. I picked up the Victorian--yet luxurious-- looking envelope and felt the crease with my fingers. I ripped it open and sat on the side of the bed to read it:

Lord Diabolus, Son of Hades and Hecate,

Welcome to the Grande Hall, the sleeping place of many victors and God-renowned warriors before you. You are here because you, or your parent/s, believe that you could successfully complete the five Trials of the Elements. In the drawer inside your bedside table, there should be a Trial Guideline and Rulebook. Study this book, as it will be helpful throughout the Trials. At exactly 14:00 (2:00PM), you shall report to the ballroom for the Mentor Assignment Ceremony, where your chosen Mentor will be soul-linked to you.

Dress attire is formal glamour.

This year, the Gods have made a last-minute change to the Mentor Alliance program due to the nature of this year’s Champions. More will be explained at the Ceremony.

Remember, someone is always watching.

Lord Hermes, Game Master

This was the first year that my father told me about the Trials, so I'm not sure what the letter was even talking about. My eyes scanned the letter once more before I placed it next to me and glamoured myself up.

I'd only done it once-- glamour myself. It was for my father and Persephone's engagement, and I hated the way I looked. My body was hugged by a stark black suit that covered the demonic scriptures on my chest and arms, my hair became slicked back as if gelled, and a dark cloud hovered over my head like a deathly halo.

I didn't bother looking at myself in the mirror as I already knew what awaited me. I walked up to the door and strode into the hallway, watching as numerous Champions brushed by me. I smirked to myself. This can't be my competition. Half of these people looked like easy targets, as if they have bright red dots on the back of their necks.

The world slowed around me as I walked, taking everything in. When I reached the front of the ballroom, I stopped in my tracks and let a couple of Champions pass in front of me. When I finally decided to walk inside, I observed not twenty, not thirty, but maybe fifty or sixty gods and goddesses mingling. I took a seat at one of the empty tables and sat back in my chair, crossing one of my lean legs over the other.

As I'm studying my fellow competitors, I notice a man walking towards the same table I was sitting at. His hair was a pale pink, and his black suit stood out amongst the other white ones everyone else was wearing. His skin was smooth, almost too smooth, and he had a seductive stride to him.

He approached my table with a smirk on his face and I watch as he sits beside me. He finally spoke, "'Excuse me, do you know what time it is?"

I looked at him in awe. Does he even know who I am?

"Do I look like I would know what time it is?" I asked bluntly.

"I mean.... Yeah?" He fuzzled his brow when he met my eyes.

"Well, you're wrong," I mumbled under my breath and I look directly ahead of me, waiting for the ceremony to start. I didn't come here to conversate.

"A-anyway...What's your name?" The man asked.

I thought for a second before I answered. Maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to make some allies while I was here.

"Diablo," I simply said as I looked back to him, "Hades and Hecate."

"Ah. I'm Dyal, son of Chronos and Eros!"

I nodded my head slowly and take his image in once more before bringing my focus back to the stage, "Do you think any of these people are dead? Like, they are souls that just reincarnated back into different bodies?"

"Mayhaps. Maybe they're not! Who knows?" He flailed his arms.

I shot him a rough glare and crossed my arms, "Anyways, who do you think will die first? I have my bets on that girl over there." I nodded my head towards the girl wearing the sheer dress, her blonde hair in braids in a bun. I'm guessing she was the daughter of Aphrodite.

"Hm... What about that kid with the grape earrings? Possibly a son of Dionysus? " He nodded towards the boy sitting not far from us.

I was about to speak again when the curtains opened and a man wearing nothing but a skirt made out of straw walked onto the stage, "Ladies and Gentlemen, Gods and Goddesses from yonder, welcome to the Trials!" He throwed his arms up and the crowd cheered loudly, "My name is Hermes, the messenger God, the fastest of all Gods! I am your game master, and this is the mentor assignment ceremony! I will read all names of the Mentors and then all names of the Champions in attendance today. But first, there is a new rule that has been established regarding your Mentors!"

The crowd quieted and Hermes continued his speech, "Due to the nature of this year's Champions, the Trial counsel has decided that if a Champion falls, or dies, their Mentor will fall along with them."

My eyes widened. The crowd gasped and everyone started whispering to eachother. Who decided these changes? This changes everything!

"I know, I know!" He hushed everybody, his voice radiated throughout the large room, "This may have been a surprise to some of you, but we believe it's the best decision in order for the spot as Champion to be claimed by who truly deserves it. Now, lets get to the ceremony!"

The crowd stayed silent as he opened an envelope filled with Champion's names and their Mentors. He started alphabetically, with a son of Zeus. As he went along the list, I was studying every Mentor along with their Champions. This seemed like it was going to be an easy ride.

Eventually he read off my name, "Diabolus, Son of Hades and Hecate, your assigned mentor is...Medea!"

I watched as my mother's priestess walked out from the line of Mentors, bowing her head as she made her way towards me. Her long, jet black hair was tied neatly into an intricate braid down her back. It reached almost to her ankles, where gold plated ankle bands wrapped around her lean feet-- and her skin was a pasty grey-- which really made her look like an evil witch.

"Your father has told me much about you, Come," She stated as she gestured to the door. I hesitated before I stood up and nodded in Dyal's direction and walked to the exit. She walked fast, almost too fast, and I had to lightly jog to keep up with her.

I wasn't sure where she was leading me, she made sharp turns in the hallways, and I wasn't familiar with this place yet. I didn't bother saying anything to her-- I knew that soon enough she'd start the conversation.

Eventually, she led me outside the building into the meadows beyond the Grande Hall. It smelled of sweet berries and freshly-trimmed grass. My senses overwhelmed me, and I was forced to take a seat on a bench on the outskirts of the field. Medea stopped for a second, her back towards me. She spoke slowly, but clearly, "Your mother and father are good friends to me," She said, "So, I do this one favour, and I am no longer of use to you. Is that clear, young one?"

I nodded, because what else am I supposed to do? She continued, "I am here to teach you the ways of practically using your gift, in battle and in real life situations. I will teach you the ways of our ancestors, the ancient magic that our wicked foes have used against us, and the way of spellcasting. I understand that you can communicate with the deceased, is that true?"

I nodded once more and I could feel the frustration radiating off of her.

"SPEAK!" She blasted, her voice traveling to Delphi and beyond.

"Yes!" I said, my voice came out as barely a whisper. I hated this woman already. Nobody tells me what to do, nonetheless a minor diety who looks like a hag. I glare at her, my pupils burned into her flesh like lazers.

She turned around and faced me, her eyes meeting mine as she finally spoke once more, "Lets get started, shall we?"


We spent the next two or so hours working on practical magic-- how to summon the dead with ease, how not to use up as much power as I normally would, and how to enchant objects. It was simple magic that most gods and goddesses could do with the snap of a finger, but my mother tried to keep me away from that stuff as much as possible, so I was never taught.

When we finished, I said my farewell and made my way back to my room, where I slept until I felt my head throb.


I woke up to my hands tied behind my back. It was hot, almost too hot, and my vision blurred as I opened my eyes. The sun blinded me so I rolled onto my stomach-- only to take in a mouthful of... sand?

I spat it out immediately, --as much as I could spit out--and stuggled as I snapped the rope that held my wrists together. When I glanced around, I noticed others like me, some tied up and some free already. We all looked at each other in confusion. I looked to my right to find the same boy from earlier with the pink hair tied up still, his face planted into the ground. I rushed over to him and rolled him over, slapping his face lightly to get him to wake.

"Wake up!" I whispered as I untied his wrists.

"Please... turn down the heater...," Dyal groaned. His eyes opened slightly and then closed-- I'm guessing because the sun blinded him as well.

"We got drugged or something," I said. I helped him to his feet, and he dusted himself off.

"Is this... a desert?" He asked.

"Uh, yeah, I think so," I replied, and then it hit me.

This must be the Trial of Fire.

Potato Enthusiast

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Tue Dec 19, 2023 2:55 pm
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herbalhour says...


While I laid down and stared at the ceiling thinking about what was to come. A challenge? Maybe some food? Maybe i'll meet someone who I can date? All of these were viable theories I had. Just then, a neatly sealed envelope slid through the door.

I opened it and read its contents.

Lord Dyal, son of Chronos and Eros,

Welcome to the Grande Hall, the sleeping place of many victors and God-renowned warriors before you. You are here because you, or your parent/s, believe that you could successfully complete the five Trials of the Elements. In the drawer inside your bedside table, there should be a Trial Guideline and Rulebook. Study this book, as it will be helpful throughout the Trials. At exactly 14:00 (2:00PM), you shall report to the ballroom for the Mentor Assignment Ceremony, where your chosen Mentor will be soul-linked to you. 

Dress attire is formal glamour.

This year, the Gods have made a last-minute change to the Mentor Alliance program due to the nature of this year’s Champions. More will be explained at the Ceremony.

Remember, someone is always watching. 

Lord Hermes, Game Master 

Okay. 2:00. That means be there by 1:30. I dont nearly have enough time to ge glamoured! It's like... 1:55? Oh yeah.... OH YEAH.... Oh gods... I really need to just... I reached out my hand and time just... slowed. I quickly glamoured and ran out to the hallway,  watching people slowly walking as if they were in slow motion. I got near the front of the group and returned time back to normal. 

I walked next to a boy roughly 4ish years older than me. He kicked back in the seat and I sat next to him. "Excuse me, do you know what time it is?"

The man looked up at me. "Do I look like I would know what time it is?" He asked bluntly.

"I mean... Yeah?" I said, fuzzling my brows while making eye contact. 

"Well, you're wrong." He muttered. This was strange. I couldn't really read him. Almost like there was no emotion in there. Just a brain and some blood.

"A-anyway... " I piped. "What's your name?"

The man paused, then continued. "Diablo." he spat as he looked at me. "Hades and Hecate."

Interesting. I'd never met a child of Hecate. "Ah. I'm Dyal, son of Chronos and Eros."

He nodded his head slowly, almost in a mocking way. "Do you think any of these people are dead? Like, they are souls that just reincarnated back into different bodies?" he quipped.

Papa said that love lives through death and reincarnation. I don't believe him. Still, it's worth the thought. "Mayhaps. Maybe they're not! Who knows?" I flailed my arms.

He slightly glared at me before speaking once more. "Anyways, who do you think will die first? I have my bets on that girl over there." He nodded towards a blonde girl, her braids making a bun. She wawas most likely a daughter of Aphrodite.

"Hm... What about that kid with the grape earrings? Possibly a son of Dionysus? "  I nodded towards the olive haired boy in a  dressy grape colored suit.slay

He was about to speak once more, but then the curtains revealed a man wearing nothing but a straw skirt. He walked to the middle of the stage and spoke, "Ladies and Gentlemen, Gods and Goddesses from yonder, welcome to the Trials!" He throwed his arms up and the crowd cheered loudly, "My name is Hermes, the messenger God, the fastest of all Gods! I am your game master, and this is the mentor assignment ceremony! I will read all names of the Mentors and then all names of the Champions in attendance today. But first, there is a new rule that has been established regarding your Mentors!"

A new rule? This was unprecedented. Please be something simple like Champions could have the same Mentors. Maybe then I can stay with Diablo.

"Due to the nature of this year's Champions, the Trial counsel has decided that if a Champion falls, or dies, their Mentor will fall along with them."

Oh. That changes things. Although I struggle, I wouldn't want my Mentor to die because of me. Diablo looked worried.

Hermes spoke once more.

"I know, I know!" He hushed everybody, his voice radiated throughout the large room, "This may have been a surprise to some of you, but we believe it's the best decision in order for the spot as Champion to be claimed by who truly deserves it. Now, lets get to the ceremony!"

The crowd stayed silent as he opened an envelope filled with Champion's names and their Mentors. He started alphabetically, with a son of Zeus. As he went along the list, I was studying Diablo's face. He was studying each Champion and their Mentor.

Eventually he read off the  name, "Diabolus, Son of Hades and Hecate, your assigned mentor is...Medea!"

An older witch-like lady walked towards Diablo. She bowed to him and then started to walk away. He looksd back at me and I made a faint smile. Maybe I just found someone to love. Sure, he was stubborn, but he *was* cute.

Hermes kept going through the names. Notably, that son of Dionysus. A while later he got to my name. "Dyal, Son of Chronos and Eros, your assigned mentor is... Odysseus!"

A man walked up to me, his hair scraggly, and he reeked of seawater. I bowed slightly and he walked away. He didn't speak the whole time we went to the field, possibly to prevent me from reading into him.

Once we got to the field, he finally spoke. "I am Odysseus, and I understand that you can slow down time?"

I nodded.

'Then I shall teach you how to use your wit to use that power to its full extent." He started pacing. "Let us start."


After a long session of learning how to use my wit to gain advantage in situations, I retreated back to my dorm. I laid down on the bed exhausted, and dreamed sweet dreams.


Sometime later, I felt a hard smack to my face and... sand? "Please turn down the heater...." I mumbled while opening my eyes, squinting to adjust to the bright sun. I saw Diablo looking down at me, relieved I had woken up.

"We got drugged or something," He said. He helped me to my feet, and I dusted myself off. 

"Is this... a desert?"  asked.

"Uh, yeah, I think so," He eplied, and then it hit me. 

This must be the Trial of Fire. 
nothing is forever but everything was infinite

herb/tea - he/him/his, she/her/hers

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Mon Jan 01, 2024 12:57 am
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Spearmint says...


The letter that slid under my door informed me of the Trial Guideline and Rulebook in my drawer. I flipped through them briefly, then continued reading the letter. At 14:00, I was supposed to report to the ballroom for the Mentor Assignment Ceremony, wearing formal glamour.

Well, that part was easy. I grinned and twirled in place, humming as a turquoise suit appeared on me. It had white accents that shimmered rainbow when they caught the light from a certain angle, and my pants were made of the same white/rainbow material. My hair was styled in bronze waves. I wondered for a moment whether I should activate my aura, but I decided that sparkles and flowers were probably not professional or intimidating enough for a first meeting with my fellow contestants.

Speaking of, the ballroom was full of contestants-- maybe fifty, with more coming in as I watched. A god in a sharp black suit and a pink-haired god struck up a conversation at the table in front of me. I made some small talk with a goddess sitting next to me, but all of our conversations faded to silence when Hermes walked on-stage.

When he announced the new rule about mentors, I exchanged a shocked glance with the goddess next to me. Had the mentors voluntarily agreed to this? Or was it some cruel twist added by Hermes and forced onto them? Well. This would certainly motivate mentors to train their champions well.

Hermes announced my mentor to be Perseus. I smiled as the hero walked towards me, his sword swinging casually at his side. His curls of hair gleamed under the ballroom lights, making him look every bit of the legend who had slain Medusa and the sea serpent Cetus. He grinned at me, but his steely eyes betrayed his determination.

"Greetings, Kallisophos. Follow me, and we shall train."

Perseus took me to a sparring ground. I hadn't even known this place had a sparring ground. Or was it enchanted to create places as needed?

He handed me a practice weapon, a blunt sword, and chose one for himself. "Now then. Show me what you know."

I tossed the weapon from hand to hand, getting a sense of its balance. "Gladly." I paused, narrowed my eyes, then charged.

Perseus sidestepped and disarmed me, my weapon falling to the dusty floor with a thud. "Your eyes reveal your target. No hesitation."

I gritted my teeth, scooped up the sword, and immediately swung at Perseus again. Our swords clashed together, the force vibrating up my arm. I'd had some training with the sword, but I was by no means as skilled as Perseus. Sparring with an unfamiliar sword didn't help, either.

For the next few minutes, we danced around each other, striking, parrying, sidestepping. I was starting to breathe hard, but Perseus barely seemed fazed. Finally, he disarmed me again.

I paused to catch my breath, my hands on my knees as I wheezed. Perseus gave me five seconds before he said, "Not bad. But we have much work to do." I nodded grimly.

Perseus gazed at me with a pensive expression. "First, child, what are your abilities?"

"I can move as swiftly as the West Wind, but only when messages need delivering. I can also summon an aura of flowers and colorful sparkles. I've used that to distract opponents before." I flashed Perseus a grin.

Perseus nodded. "Good. Using your brain is just as important as having skill with a sword. When facing Medusa, I made certain never to look at the gorgon directly."

I nodded. For the next hour and a half, we sparred until I was sore. Then Perseus gave another hour-long lecture on getting to know your opponent's strengths and weaknesses, mapping the terrain, etc. I attempted to remember all the information and not have it slip out of my head like the wind through my fingers.

Then Perseus bid me farewell, I returned to my room, and I slept like a rock.

~ ~ ~

The wind was hot. I groaned as I opened my eyes to slits, then immediately closed them as the sun glared at me. I rolled over, my black hair brushing my forehead as I turned to face the ground. The sandy ground.

I tried to sit up, but I quickly realized that my wrists were tied together. I winced as my sore muscles protested, but I struggled up anyways (probably looking like a worm), then blinked my eyes open again.

Desert. Champions around me, looking equally groggy. This must be the first Trial.
mint, she/her

.--. / ... ...- -.-. .-.. / - .--. ..- .- / .--- --- ...- .--- / .--- --- .--. .-- / .--. .--- .-.. / .--- -.-- .-.. .... -

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Mon Mar 04, 2024 11:05 pm
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WeepingWisteria says...

In collaboration with @KateHardy

Deianria sat on the edge of Stefania's bed, frowning slightly. "And so you think the first trial is... surviving on the moon?"

Stefania made a grand circle with her arms. "Yes. The all-seeing eye confirms it."

"And pray tell, where did you get an all-seeing eye?"

"In the Forbidden... bathroom stall."

Deianria poorly muffled a chuckle. "Wow. And you didn't invite me?"

"It was a last-minute invite. Apologies, my knight."

Deianria couldn't entirely stop the laughter this time. "A last-minute invite to the bathroom stall?"

Stefania huffed. "This is no laughing matter, Ria. It was etched upon a... golden parchment of posterior wiping written with the finest pencils in Olympus."

"Oh. I didn't realize it was that serious. But surely, if one could go to such extreme lengths to make the invite, they would have time to invite me."

"Oh, they certainly tried, but an untimely attack of noxious posterior gas foiled them."

"Oh? But your invitation escaped unscathed?"

"It was only with the strongest wills that I could read it without fainting."

"Oh, and now you're saying my will is too weak to join you?"

She gasped. "I would never."

"But, if it was just your strong will, surely I could have seen it too. Hmm?"

"It also enchanted with Anti Ria magic."

Deianria gasped. "Such lengths to keep me away!"


"Well, I'm glad the all-seeing eye could tell you we're going to the moon."

"Yes, it was quite clear about this."

Deianria nodded. "So, how can we ever prepare?"

Stefania stood up and began to pace the room. "I think we start by dressing neatly."

"Oh? Are there beings on the moon that are snobs?"

She nodded gravely. "I'm afraid so."

"Well, they'll love you then. The future queen of Olympus, in all her regal glory."

She waved her hand dismissively. "I doubt they'd even know my name."

"Well, if they didn't, they don't pass the intelligent species threshold."

She huffed. "Of course they do. I'm hardly worth mentioning."

Deianria choked. "Pardon me, ma'am?"

"Sure, a few idiots who want to suck up to me remember it, but most people could hardly care. I'm barely halfway through my twenties. A toddler, really."S

Deianria responded very maturely by throwing a pillow at her. "Shut up with talk like that. You're here, aren't you? I don't think toddlers get invites to fight to the death."

Stefania squealed, ducked, and decided an equally mature response was in order by dramatically collapsing in the bed. "I've been viciously attacked."

"Yeah, you have been. Someone called you a toddler."

She gasped for breath."A vicious projectile of immense fluffiness was hurled at me with murderous intent."

"Really? Who could have possibly done that?"

She pointed weakly at Deianria.

"Oh, come on. You know I don't do ranged attacks."

She closed her eyes. "I've been killed."

There was a rustling at the door. Deianria frowned, signaling Stefani to stay back as she inspected the source. An envelope had been pushed under the door. She picked it up, inspecting it.

Stefani, daughter of Zeus and Hera

She tossed the envelope to Stefani. "Revive. We have business."

Stefani pouted. "Don't I even get an apology?"

"I'm sorry for not letting you call yourself a toddler."

She huffed. "For the attempted murderrr."

"I'm sorry you think not letting you call yourself a toddler is attempted murder."

"The pillowww."

"I'm sorry you viewed my tactics as attempted murder."

She just pouted back at her.

"Your letter, ma'am?"

She huffed. "Just going to ignore me, huh?"

"I apologized twice."

"Not for the pillowwwwwwww."

"I refuse to apologize for taking necessary action to prevent the illegal activity of insulting my future queen."

"But I get a free passsss."

"Not as long as I'm alive."

"Fineee. Somedayy."

"We'll see."

"We shall."

"So... your letter?"

She held it out. "Let's read it together."

She started to read it out.

Lady Stefania, Daughter of Zeus and Hera...

She giggled. "Do they think nobody would've checked the drawer of the bedside table they were assigned until now? And a last-minute change. Well, that's going to cause a stir. At least the dress code is as expected."

"There could have been people who came and immediately crashed. Who knows where they came from?"

"I suppose. I just can't imagine being that relaxed in a place where you could be killed at any moment. How could you sleep without being sure there's no trap?"

Deianria shrugged. "I don't know. I didn't say it made sense."

"Fair enough."

"So, what about this mentor ceremony? Who do you think your parents picked?"

She shrugs. "It's tough to say."

"You have no ideas?"

"Not really."

"Fair enough."

"What do you think?"

"I don't know. My dad has been a mentor here, but I'm hoping he skips this year."

"Would be wise."

Deianria sighed. "I don't want the last thing I see to be him shaking his head disapprovingly."


"Hopefully, you'll be nice about it, at least."


"You won't be disappointed."

"What do you mean?"

She sighed. "Never mind. I guess we should change."

Stefania frowned. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, of course." She got up.

"You don't seem okay."

"Don't worry so much. Did I bring my clothes in here?" She starts looking for her bag.

Stefania puts a hand on her shoulder. "Tell me. Please."

"There's nothing. Really."



"Promise me."

"I promise."

She pulled her into a hug and patted her back. "Alright."

"Aw. You're very sweet."

"Nope. That's you."

She huffed. "Come on, we don't have much time."

"Fineee. Let's get dressed."

"Alright then." Deianria winked and went to change.


Deinaria walked into the banquet hall, looking around. "Quite the crowd."

Stefania nodded. "Indeed."

"Anyone look like trouble?"

Stefania chuckled. "I'd wager those are the ones that pose the least trouble."

"Still. Good to know who not to trust."


Hermes stepped out from the newly opened curtains. He went over the infamous new rule, harsh but expected with the Greek gods. Deianria looked over to Stefani to see how she felt.

"A cruel and unnecessary incentive."

"Are you surprised?"

"Sadly, I'm not."

Hermes started rattling off names. It didn't take long for him to say, "Deinaria."

She looked up, crossing her arms.

"Your mentor is Patroclus."

A tall, burly man with dark curls stepped towards them. "Deinaria?"

She nodded. "That's me."

"If you follow me, we can start training."

"If you don't mind, I'd like to wait until Stefani gets her mentor, κύριος."

Patroclus looked at Stefani, a quizzical look coming over him before a grim certainty replaced it. "I see. We can wait."

"You don't have to wait Ria."

"I'm going to wait."


It was a little while before Hermes made it to Stefania, and her mentor was announced to be Achilles.

It wasn't long before a familiar figure with his signature dirty blond hair stepped toward them.

Stefania dipped into a short bow. "Achilles."


Patroclus' face seemed only to darken. "Ah. I see. Achilles, it looks like we'll be working together."

"It appears so."

Patroclus shot him a quick, warm smile before returning to his serious demeanor. "So, the training grounds?"

Deianria nodded, looking at Stefania. "Shall we?"

"We shall."

Patroclus gestured for them to follow. He led him through the hall, stepping into a training room. They followed close behind, keeping up easily.

"So, Deianria. What weapon do you use?"

"A spear and a hoplon, κύριος."

Patroclus nodded. "Strong combination."

"Thank you, κύριος."

"Are you militarily-trained? I recognize the hoplite uniform."

"My father, Heracles, trained me."

"Oh? Then what do I have left to teach you?"

"A hoplite is never done training, κύριος."

He smiled. "Very good. Let's begin."

“the wist i knew would never allow a straight boy in their stories” ~Omni
“Hi Omni can I request wist get the role mom friend :]" ~winter
“ah yes, fear Wist's smile :) <- speaks of layers and layers of secrets” ~mint

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Mon Mar 04, 2024 11:11 pm
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KateHardy says...


in collaboration with @WeepingWisteria

Achilles sized her up. "What weapons do you plan on employing?"

"I generally use a javelin. My personal one is enchanted but I assume with the standard ones I will need to employ several in order to attack more than once."

"That is correct."


"Is there anything else you've had adequate training in for it to be useful."

"I do a lot of hand to hand combat."

"Risky but serviceable."

"Risky indeed."

"Well let's get started then, see quite how viable this is going to be."

Several hours of training later, she was finally dismissed.

Deianria wiped her forehead, breathing heavily, as she met back up with Stefania. "So... how did it go?"

"It went well. How did you fare?"

"He's not as uptight about it as my father. But, he's still tough. Nothing I can't handle, though."

Stefania pulled her into a hug. "Well I'm glad."

Deianria smiled. "I'm exhausted though."

"Let's get you to a bed then."

"What? You're not tired?"

"I am."

"Then let's get you to a bed, hmm?"

"You first."

"Same time?"



Stefania giggles. "You are."

"Oh don't start the perfect feud. We've had two months of peace."


"Good choice."

"Well lead the way then."

"Your room again?"

"Let's get you to your room."

"Oh, really?"

"Yes I think it would be wise."


"Not using the same room twice in two days. Just to be safe and keep people guessing."

Deinaria chuckled. "That's smart. My genius.”

Stefania blushed. "Its just good practice."

"It is." She snickers.

"Why are you laughing?"

“That's the cutest blush."

"It. Is. Not."

Deianria just giggled. "This way, dear."

She huffed and followed. Deianria led her to her room. "Alright. We're here."

"Its lovely."

"Thanks! I didn't pick it."

Stefania huffed. "Well your fates had excellent taste."

Deianria giggled. "You're so cute all huffy. Come on, let's get to bed."

"I. Am. Not. Huffy."

"Really? Say that to all the times you've huffed during this conversation."

Like a true princess she stuck her tongue out.

"Which side of the bed, huffy?"

"You already knowwww."

"All yours."

"Thank you milady."

"My pleasure."

"Well turn around then. I have to change."


It was hot. Unnaturally so. And whatever she was lying on was grainy and sharp and weirdly sticky.


Wait what?

She opened her eyes.

Deianria was against her back, messing with something on her wrists. "Hold still."

"What is it?"

"Your wrists are tied."

"With what?"


"Give me a moment." She tugged at it, applying pressure like her sister Artemis had taught her. It snapped in moments. "That's better."

"Oh. You can... that works too."

Stefania patted her shoulder. "That camping trip with the hunters truly was quite a learning experience."

"Well. Looks like you benefited."

"I did. Although." She glanced around at what looked to be a vast desert. "We're going to need more than a few tips."
Stay Safe
The Princess of Darkness

Hello! You? Yes you reading this. Have a nice day because you're wonderful and you deserve it!

Catchphrase loading. Please Wait...

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Mon Mar 11, 2024 5:46 am
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JazzElectrobass says...

Arpeggio (Part 1)
Child of Hermes and Penelope
Collab with @Spearmint

I strode through the grand grande hall, not slightly late. Well, very, very late. I was also very, very hungry. Yes, everyone says the hall looks nice. I don't care much for it. It was nice and clean though. In truth, I don't really care to be here. I mean I don't mind being here, it's nice but I just don't really care about being here. My father runs the show, so here I am.

Here's the thing, how I see it is that there is a difference between "father" and "dad". Father is the guy who helped bring you in this world. Pretty much anyone can be a father or a mother. But a Dad, a Dad is well, different. You care for each other. It's someone special. Big difference. But like man, I'm really hungry. Do I have any food in my pockets-?

A deity with messy hair and lavender eyes glanced at me from where they were sitting near the wall, as if they'd read my mind. "Hey, do you want a pastry?" They held out an unidentified baked good that was sagging a bit in the middle. It looked rather undercooked, but I took it anyways. Hey, when you're hungry, you're hungry. Besides, a pastry being little undercooked isn't that bad, right?

"Thanks." I grinned. "You read my mind."

"No prob! And nope, I've been offering these pastries to everyone who passes by, but all of them have refused so far." They pouted and pointed towards a basket of unclaimed pastries at their feet. I ripped off a bit and shoved it in my mouth. Yep. Undercooked. By a little more than I thought it was. "I think I should've baked them longer, but I forgot. Oopsies."

"Ah, we all make mistakes. Besides, anyone who's hungry enough won't care. This is delicious by the way." I continued to rip off pieces of the doughy bread and devour them.

They brightened. "Really? Thanks!" They picked up the basket and offered it to me. "You can have more." The deity started humming happily, though they were painfully off-key. I took some more, giving them a smile. It's free food, and it isn't that bad. Absolutely worth it.

"Thank you. So, what brings you here? Are you participating?" I continued to eat the rawish bread.

"Hmm, good question." They stared into the middle distance for a second. "Yep, I think I'm participating! Wait, was this a baking competition? Or was that the thing last month?"

"No, no. It's the competition to see who is best and can earn the title of Olympus' Champion."

"Ohhhh, yes. The Champion who performs epic poetry at the feasts. Right, right. Excellent! I'm excited!"

"Uh-huh. Okay. Well, shall we go register at the desk?" I think I was starting to question this fellow's sanity. Then again I don't think any of us are sane after awhile.

"There's a desk? Oh my! Yes, let's jester again!"

"Allllllrighty then." Yep. Absolutely insane. Or there's just something not right up there. Well, that's the same as insane. I'm probably insane. I head for the front desk, walking. By my walking definition, it likea speedwalk and the person I'm with would have to jog to keep up.

The deity seemed to stroll slowly instead, and then they broke into a sprint once they'd gotten a decent distance behind. Then they slowed down again and skipped. Curious fellow. Perhaps he wouldn't mind having them stick around. If they continued to have food, that would be an absolute must. It would also probably either annoy or entertain his father, and if it did annoy him that would be a bonus. The man at the front desk gave me a fake smile. Yeah, I feel that man. I wouldn't want to be here either. "Hello, welcome to the Great Hall! Pleased to have you here. Your Champion IDs?"

"Yeah, one sec." No, of course I didn't remember it. My brain power can go towards something more useful. I checked my pockets, and of course it was in the very last pocket that I checked. "A340."

The pastry deity sang a little ditty. "La di da. I'm no good with numbers. Can't you just tell by my name? Ev. 'Least I remember that." They twirled in the middle of the hall and strolled off to look at a painting. The guy behind the desk sighed and rubbed his temples. I know bud, I know.

"Agnis will deal with you shortly." Was all the man said, probably throughly done with dealing with crazy deities the entire day. Agnis showed up, and we followed to the pastry deity's room first.

"A room? For me? Mmm mushrooms." They tried to pull on the door. The door didn't budge. Then they pushed the door and fell into their room. ...They were probably fine. Physically, at least. He stared. Agnis continued walking, so I followed. After leaving I realized I had never actually asked for their name, and they never got mine. Oh well, I could find them later. Just needed to look for the walking disaster in the room (in the kindest way, of course).

Finally we arrived at my room, and I pushed open the door. The first thing I noticed was that there was no gravity in my room. So when I entered, I started floating. So. Freaking. Cool. On the wall next to the door there were two rings, one for eachs finger. So I put them on and pushed myself further into my room. It took me awhile, but I found out that I could maneuver myself midair with them. There was a large fridge bolted to the wall, and there were two tables. One on the wall, and the other on the ceiling. There was a treadmill, and basically everything I needed. This was really cool. I can already imagine just eating on the ceiling and laughing at the people who enter my room as they try to move in zero gravity.
Last edited by JazzElectrobass on Mon Mar 11, 2024 5:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
I am the Timekeeper, Quote Hunter, and Grave Visitor

"Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon." — Paul Brandt

Jazz Elektrobass

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Gender: Cybertronian
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Mon Mar 11, 2024 5:48 am
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JazzElectrobass says...

Arpeggio (Part 2)
Child of Hermes and Penelope
Collab with @Spearmint

I woke up to see my hair was long, and floating around. Yeah, it's weird sometimes. One day I wake up with really short hair, then the next morning my hair is long enough to touch the floor. I don't even need to get up, as a letter is floating in front of my face in my hair.

Layde Arpeggio, Child of Hermes and Penelope

Welcome to the Grande Hall, the sleeping place of many victors and God-renowned warriors before you. You are here because you, or your parent/s, believe that you could successfully complete the five Trials of the Elements. In the drawer inside your bedside table, there should be a Trial Guideline and Rulebook. Study this book, as it will be helpful throughout the Trials. At exactly 14:00 (2:00PM), you shall report to the ballroom for the Mentor Assignment Ceremony, where your chosen Mentor will be soul-linked to you.

Dress attire is formal glamour.

This year, the Gods have made a last-minute change to the Mentor Alliance program due to the nature of this year’s Champions. More will be explained at the Ceremony.

Remember, someone is always watching.

Lord Hermes, Game Master

Fun. At least he got the title right this time, although a little extra note would have been nice. But what did I expect? I reluctantly got out of bed and floated around my room. I glamoured myself with something I haven't worn before, but it was similar. As it is much harder to choose clothing that will go with my multicolored hair, different skin colors, and different eye colors. So, that leaves be with black, white, or grey. Based on my lighter skin tone which will soon become darker, maybe a medium grey. With a hint of silver embroidery. Of course it was a suit, as I never wear dresses. Well I did once, and only once and that wasn't exactly something I did by my own will. I took my sweet time, until I realized I was late, and then just walked down to the ballroom. By now they were already calling names. I watched from the back, trying not to make it so noticeable that I was late. Not surprising, I was last on the list.

"Arpeggio, Child of Hermes and Penelope," He called out. Man, that's so weird when your own father refers to himself in the third person and keep a straight face. I didn't know whether to be insulted or not. "Your assigned mentor is Chiron!"

No way. I got the man horse dude. Centaur, whatever. I mean this in a good way, as I've heard that he's a pretty good trainer. He made his way towards me, his steps quieter than I had expected. "Arpeggio, I assume?"

I nodded. "That would be me alright."

"Good. Let's get you ready." He started walking off and right before I follow him I noticed my father glancing at me. Once he knew I was looking he gave me a silent message. The one that means Your reputation is mine as well. Don't mess up kid.

I just turn around and followed Chiron.


We trained and trained, he showed me ways to better my abilities as they are. How speed could overcome strength, and a little bit of training in archery and sparring. Training with a sword involved me getting smacked around like a pinata. Archery was a little better. I can admire his patience, although I'm pretty sure I was testing it in the last few hours. He trained me for as long as possible, which was way over my limits. I didn't even bother to get in bed. I just allowed myself to float around freely and I fell asleep.


Ow. Hot. Ow.

What is it that I am laying on that is so hot and granular? Wait- there's gravity- my eyes snap open, and I bolt straight up. I managed this somehow with my hands tied behind my back and every muscle in my body protesting. I undid the knots (easy when you have the fingers of the thief), and looked around.

Next to me, the deity who'd offered me pastries was curled up and... snoring? They opened their eyes, looked around for a moment, then went right back to sleep without making any attempt at untying their wrists.

ooohhhhhkhay then. I stared for a second, and looked off somewhere else.

Finally, they opened their eyes for more than a second and mumbled something about burnt mushrooms. They started rubbing the rope around their wrists together, faster and faster until the rope started smoking and finally caught fire. I crinkled my nose at the burnt smell; I couldn't tell if that was flesh or the rope itself.

After a few moments, they plunged their wrists into the sand, seemingly unconcerned about any pain. When they removed their wrists again, the rope was in smoking tatters, and there was soot and vaguely red skin on their wrists. They didn't seem injured otherwise, though. "You know, you could have just asked me to untie you."

They blinked at me. "You are..." Then their lavender eyes cleared up. "Ah, yes! The colorful one who ate my pastries!"

I looked down at myself, and looked back to them. "Yes, that appears to be me. And you were, uh...."

"The deity of undercooked pastries. I mean, not yet. I'm debating between that and the deity of stupidity disguised as arrogance, if that's not taken already. Does being the deity of something give me the power to smite those who fall under that category?" They smiled.

"I think it does, and thank the god of the gods that I don't fall under your category." Dear me, if I was under this person's category, I'd probably end up smited suddenly one day. Anyone could see that they're bat crazy.

"I see. If you say so." They looked around again. I looked off somewhere else again. This was just great. I'm here because I was kidnapped from my room to suddenly go through this trial, and the first person I end up talking to is a so-called deity of undercooked pastries.
I am the Timekeeper, Quote Hunter, and Grave Visitor

"Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon." — Paul Brandt

Jazz Elektrobass

The author of my life has some ambitious ideas for me to become a super villain
— FireEyes