
Young Writers Society

Sailing the Seven Seas *Starting/Not Accepting**

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Fri Aug 13, 2010 2:55 am
NinjaCookieMonster says...


I nearly did a double take at Mela. Captain... Captain's father? That was like... like Mela saying she saw the sister that supposedly betrayed her family. Not the one who called her Mela Hattie (she only confessed this when I had to carry her back to her hammock her first month, as she was nearly asleep), the one who'd always told Mela to be proper and curl her hair, and blast it, buckle those shoes!

Needless to say, she was Mela's least favorite sister.

But back on topic- Captain's father, Mela's hand trembling in mine- which was admittedly becoming cold to the touch. We'd never met Captain's father, but we'd seen the way she acted when news of him arrived. Harsh and quick tempered, that's what it was, and none of us were too pleased about it. She'd yelled at Mela so fierce after she heard her father was within five leagues, Mela'd nearly fallen of the rope she was climbing; when her father sent a message by falcon, Captain had nearly stabbed me after I slipped on deck. I'm telling you, bad things happened when Captain's father was mentioned.

So, a sighting was bad. I shot Mela a look and almost regretted it; her face was pale and the corners of her mouth dropped, her eyes wide. She wasn't any more excited about this than I was. I mouthed, "It'll be okay," to her; Captain was still facing forward, but she was dead still, like she'd seen Medusa.

I hoped she wouldn't be as fierce and... scary as the creature that seemed to have stunned her.
hey, Jude, don't make it bad
take a sad song and make it better
remember to let it into your heart
then you can start
to make it better.

~make books, not war~

"Not vampires, fish from space."

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Sat Aug 14, 2010 12:08 am
Durriedog says...

Turtle grunted at the news. When he'd been smaller with the Captain and her father was mentioned, if someone tweaked her tail she would go full-out wildcat on that person. He'd taken to hiding in a cupboard in the kitchen with a bit of bread until she cooled over. But he wouldn't be able to escape this time. He cringed.

"Hey, there's a lot of men who look like your father, Clare," he said, patting back her hair. "Er... Captain." He grimaced.

"I'm aware of that, Turtle," she said, looking through the crowd, "but there are a lot of men who don't, especially in a town like this."

Turtle sighed, and looked away. Clare grabbed his arm and swung him back towards her. Hard. Turtle yelped as she pointed.

"Uuuuh..." Turtle looked at the man, fitting his description to the one Clare had given him. "Well, it looks like him..."

The man slammed down the ware he was holding and spat at the shop keeper. David winced.

"And, uh, spits like him..." He looked back at the Captain, who was as still as a statue. He pried her fingers away from his arm, and then, quick as a viper, leapt forwards and clapped one arm around hers and the other hand over her eyes.

"Ryker, help me here," he gasped. Clare cried in outrage. "Rum!" he shouted.
{Insert witty and/or memorable movie quotes here} [Give credit so I don't die by lawyer]

{Follow up with mention of worth-while activity that betters the YWS community}

{Insert link to activity}

{Insert well-humoured internet bribery to entice viewers to join in the activity}

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Sat Aug 14, 2010 12:19 am
NinjaCookieMonster says...


Being the sensible nineteen year old I am, when Turtle shouted for rum, I bolted for the stuff. Mela yelled a 'hurry up' at me (albeit with a few more swears), helping Turt hold Captain down. I didn't know this town well, but city instincts never failed. Stop and sniff- vomit and baked bread down this lane. Aha! I am right again; a tavern.

I ducked into the kitchen, holding a hat over my head to appear more in place. I grabbed a bottle and raced out the back door, then back to Turt and Mela... and Captain, unavoidably. I tossed the bottle over, and Turt caught it deftly. I then joined the task force to restrain Captain, apologizing under my breath.

>Eek, so short!<
hey, Jude, don't make it bad
take a sad song and make it better
remember to let it into your heart
then you can start
to make it better.

~make books, not war~

"Not vampires, fish from space."

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Sat Aug 14, 2010 4:31 am
Mizzle says...


Clare groaned and struggled against Turtle's grip. Normally his touch would calm her...or drive her crazy. Maybe both - but right now, his arms were iron bars holding her in when she desperately needed out. He was there. Right there. This was her chance.

She gulped. It hadn't worked out well last time she'd gone for revenge. Honestly, look at her brother and his note.

But the idea of hurting her own father lurked in the back of the young Captain's mind when someone pressed a bottle of rum to her mouth, and a gentle finger tilted her head up.


It was Turt's voice.

She drank.

>>Argh! Sorry<<
"Chase your dreams, and remember me, speak bravery,
Because after all, those wings will take you up so high."
-- Owl City, "To the Sky"
✯ ✯ ✯

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Fri Sep 10, 2010 7:09 pm
Razcoon says...


I look over at the scene before us and Clare drinking the rum. Jex and Tess are also staring in the same direction, watching. "So Cap'n's father is here?" I ask.

"Yup," answers Jex.

"Weird," mumbles Tess, followed by an awkward silence.

"Should we go over there?" I say, wrestling myself out of Jex's arms. The land sickness had faded to a slight queasiness.

Tess shrugs, and Jex considers for a moment before nodding. Okay then.

Ideas don't stay in heads very long because they don't like solitary confinement.

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Fri Sep 10, 2010 8:12 pm
NinjaCookieMonster says...


"Ry," I whisper, tugging his sleeve. It's still damp from the storm, and stained dark brown with something that I refuse to inhale. I had enough of that on Cap'n's brother's ship. Didn't want to smell more blood for a month.


"Let's go," I pleaded. Turtle was looking ready to kill the next passerby, and Captain... well, us seeing her drink couldn't be good for her ego. Ryker, seeing my point, nodded and linked his fingers with mine again. Trotting over to Quinn, ignoring the soft glugging noises resonating from Captain's general area, I lifted my chin at Jex and the new girl. I wasn't sure how Miss Grace felt about all these new people. Couldn't be good on our stocks.


I laughed. I couldn't help but notice that my voice -and this was a weird thought- was deeper than hers. A bit huskier, too. "Yeah, Quinn, it's me. And thiiis," I took great care to display Ryker as a wild creature- "is Ryyyker." He made doe eyes and let his mouth hang open, looking blank and dumb as a cow. Quinn giggled, and it made me smile. It was good to see someone like her, still young, still clear-sighted, enjoying it while it was there. Had I giggled?

Not once between my family's death and joining the Calypso. Ryker took care of that.
hey, Jude, don't make it bad
take a sad song and make it better
remember to let it into your heart
then you can start
to make it better.

~make books, not war~

"Not vampires, fish from space."

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384 Reviews

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Reviews: 384
Sun Sep 12, 2010 5:31 pm
eldEr says...


I chuckled, though I was feeling slightly uneasy. I doubted it was landsickness, probably more that I was around people who would, under any other circumstances, want me dead. Peace of mind doesn't come easily in that sort of situation. I shifted uneasily on my feet and stole a glance at Quinn. She didn't seem worried.

Come to think of it, neither did Tess. In face, Tess looked like she was absolutely thrilled to be here. She was already chatting with Mela, completely at ease. In all honesty, I envied her.

I wrapped an arm around Quinn's waist, trying to act more at-ease than I felt.

Wait a while longer and they won't be able to kill you. My back-stage mind reminded me.

Assuming they don't kill me before I get there. Oh great, now I was arguing with myself.

But they wouldn't...if they wanted to kill you, the would have done it a long time ago.

Maybe I'll do something to piss the captain off....


I blinked, turning to Quinn. "What?"

She frowned. "You still with us?"

Oh, so I had completely and totally zoned out. Great, good way to make a second impression. "Sorry, just...thinking," I mumbled, scratching at the back of my neck. Oh good lord, was I blushing? "What did you say?"

got trans?

Memories, left untranslated, can be disowned; memories untranslatable can become someone else’s story.
— YiYun Li