
Young Writers Society

Born From the Earth

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Mon Jul 12, 2010 11:20 pm
Fox says...


"Ashi's right, we need to find them." I said, bringing Logan back to the subject.

"Great. Except there's one problem. We don't know where the heck they are. They could be anywhere!" Logan said. I thought about this for a second before replying.

"We all somehow ended up here at the same time. They're probably close. For all we know, they're here too. We just need to look around, and be watching for something...different about someone. You guys will be able to tell, because you get that odd feeling, so it'll be easier for you. We'll split up, in our own groups of course."

They all nodded, and started to walk away.

"Oh, and one more thing." I added. They all turned to look at me again. I looked at Logan. This went mainly for him. "Don't leave. This might be really important."

"What, don't you trust me?" Logan asked, a grin on his face.

"Not particularly." I said. Without another word, we split up.
I am a fox, sly and quick.
I never give up
I never quit

I do what I can
I stand and fight

I strategize
I stand tall
throughout the night

I am a fox

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Tue Jul 13, 2010 11:05 pm
fictionfanatic says...

Peter Guthrie:

Somehow, Rave and I ended up at a crumby old motel. We exchanged looks "Rave," I whispered "why are we here?" She shook her head and said "I don't know Peter Guthrie. I don't know. But for some reason," She didn't finish. I knew it was more of her power stuff that I didn't quite understand. We wandered around, not knowing where we were going.

After walking by a room the hair on my neck rose and I felt as if people were watching me. I grabbed Rave by her waist protectively and held her close to me.
Live, Love, Laugh

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Wed Jul 14, 2010 7:12 pm
Kaywiia says...

Did you all forget about this? I'm waiting for kidaska to post....
Love is beautiful, but what would love be without life?

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Thu Jul 15, 2010 3:53 am
Fox says...

Okay, so now is everyone at the motel, but they just haven't all met up yet???
I am a fox, sly and quick.
I never give up
I never quit

I do what I can
I stand and fight

I strategize
I stand tall
throughout the night

I am a fox

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Thu Jul 15, 2010 3:28 pm
fictionfanatic says...

No. We need Rave and Guthrie to meet up with everyone else. I believe everyone else has already met.
Live, Love, Laugh

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Thu Jul 15, 2010 4:18 pm
Fox says...

Ya, I know, but they're all at the motel, right??? I'd assume that because
fictionfanatic wrote:Peter Guthrie:

Somehow, Rave and I ended up at a crumby old motel....
I am a fox, sly and quick.
I never give up
I never quit

I do what I can
I stand and fight

I strategize
I stand tall
throughout the night

I am a fox

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Thu Jul 15, 2010 11:30 pm
fictionfanatic says...

Yes, they're at the motel now.
Live, Love, Laugh

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Thu Jul 15, 2010 11:59 pm
Fox says...

Okay, great. Just wanted to make sure so that I didn't mess up in my post.


As Ashi and I walked around, I felt her shudder beside me. I knew that the other groups had gone in different directions, so there was no way we could've already met up. Then again, it was a pretty small, and crummy, motel. Still, I turned around to see who was there.

A boy and girl stood by the entrance. I smiled, and Ashi did too. We had found the last group. Just yesterday, I didn't know that there was another person like Ashi. Now, we've found three other people! It was amazing. We were pretty sure that it was just us four, and I was glad about that.

We approached the pair slowly, not wanting to startle them. They were looking around. They'd probably felt that same strange wave as Ashi did when she met another group. It was odd. I hoped that didn't happen every single time we met up with them. If it did, that would only make sticking together even more of an option.

Our eyes met. For a while, we just stared at them. The boy looked angry, and he held the girl next to him protectively. Logan and Juliet walked up between the two of us and to the side, and opposite him was the other group. It was like a square, and it felt kind of weird. I could tell that something weird was about to happen, so I braced myself, not knowing quite what it was.
I am a fox, sly and quick.
I never give up
I never quit

I do what I can
I stand and fight

I strategize
I stand tall
throughout the night

I am a fox

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Sat Jul 17, 2010 1:22 pm
kidashka says...

>Sorry, I've been busy packing for the past week... I'm leaving on the 23rd, just so everyone knows... :)<


I raised my eyebrows, completely bemused by Holly's, erm.... abstract way of thinking. "I... don't think so, Holly..."

Just then, a couple approached us apprehensively, and I could sense that already another abnormal train of thought was forming in Holly's mind. "Oh my god!" she started excitedly, and I sent her a disapproving look.

"Whatever you're about to say, just stop. Don't scare the strangers, please?"

"But they're-"

The girl coughed pointedly, drawing mine and Holly's attention towards her. "Yes?"

"I'm Ashi, and this is Seth."

The pair of us nodded, Holly barely managing to contain her excitement as she introduced us. "Hi! I'm Holly, and this is Rell, and yeah, he's always grumpy."

"I am not always-"

"Shush. Are you-?" Holly bit her lip with barely concealed joy, and Seth nodded.

"Yes! I couldn't believe there were more, but now-"

"This is amazing!"

I watched the whole situation with an increasingly puzzled expression. What the hell were they talking about? All of them seemed clued up on whatever was going on, and strangely enough, appeared to actually understand and agree with Holly's generally mental ideas. Maybe these two were insane too.

"Excuse me." I butted in after a few more vain attempts to pick up on what was going on. "Am I missing something here?"
Elizabeth: "There will come a moment when you will have a chance to show it. To do the right thing."
Jack: "I love those moments. I like to wave at them as they pass by."

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Sat Jul 17, 2010 8:42 pm
Kaywiia says...


"Isn't it obvious?" I started jumping up and down with excitement, "We're all here, and it's fate....and, and, you have powers, and they have powers, and we all have, like, a second, and and...." Rell put hands on both of my shoulders to ease the bouncing I was doing.

"Stop it," he said, "and speak in plain English."

"You guys all have magical powers," I clapped my hands together. The words sounded so cool, and I never thought I could say them without sounding insane, "your, like, superheros."

"Your stuck with her?" I heard Logan ask. Rell rolled his eyes as if to agree. I really didn't care. As soon as he took his hands off my shoulders I started bouncing again. A second later, I was drenched in water. Logan was laughing, along with the others.

"Haha, look, I'm all wet," I pointed out. Rell used his hand as a blow dryer and shot out wind. Less than two minutes later I was completely dry. "Take that!" I shot at Logan. He looked like he wanted to do something more, but shook his head and remained silent.
Love is beautiful, but what would love be without life?

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Sat Jul 17, 2010 8:56 pm
ForsakenAngel says...

Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I wasn't sure where we were exactly, so I hope this doesn't sound like...way out there:D


To be completely honest with myself, I was having fun. I smiled, grabbing Juliet around the waist and pulling her close to me, he back against my chest. She laughed, grabbing my hands and holding them tightly. I couldn't believe, of all the people to get stuck with for life, I got stuck with the most beautiful thing of all. I didn't need to say this aloud, because she already knew how much I loved her.

This all seemed like a dream to me. It was obvious we would have to do something, or why would we be here, together. It was also obvious we were supposed to stick together, which meant that I would have to try to get along with everyone. Which meant I'd have to apologize to that girl, Ashi was it? Later, I didn't have time right now. A burst of thunder broke through the air, loud enough to shake the ground. I saw the lightning, like a spider's legs, making it's way across the sky then disappearing. I smiled as I looked at it, but knew I was probably the only one out here that would want to stay outside when it began to rain.
Hakuna Matata <3
RIP to all my friends who didn’t make it.

Hop freight or get lost.

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Sat Jul 17, 2010 9:13 pm
Fox says...


It started to rain, and I lifted my face to the sky. I loved the rain, but I could tell Ashi hated it. She was born from fire, so I couldn't blame her. She put her hands over her hand, just as I lifted mine up. The rain felt so good.

Ashi grabbed my arm and started pulling me under a roof. I just laughed. Logan took Juliet by the waist and started walking towards us, but I could tell he too wanted to stay in the rain. Holly, Rell, Rave, and Peter all did the same thing, joining us under the small bit of roof. We were all laughing together and it felt good, like we'd all known each other for years.

"We need to get to our room!" Ashi shouted over the loud thunder and pounding rain on the cement. She was the only one that seemed like they weren't having a good time, but she was smiling, and I was glad about that. I nodded, even though I really didn't want to go inside.

"Ready, set..." Logan said, getting in a position so that he could start running. All of our rooms were next to each other, so we all ran together. "GO!" he shouted. We all started running towards our rooms, all of us laughing.

I slipped on the wet concrete and fell, but that only made me laugh harder. Ashi smiled and helped me up. We finally made it to our rooms after saying goodnight to everyone. It was getting dark, and we were all tired. The rain started to slow into a soft drizzle, and we could hear it on top of our roofs. It was soothing, and Ashi fell asleep right away. I just laid awake in my bed. A lot had happened that day.
I am a fox, sly and quick.
I never give up
I never quit

I do what I can
I stand and fight

I strategize
I stand tall
throughout the night

I am a fox

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Sat Jul 17, 2010 11:50 pm
fictionfanatic says...


Once Rave's head hit the pillow she fell asleep. I just lay there watching her breath, wondering if my parents had called her parents and they now thought we ran away together. I would have to call them. I knew I couldn't tell them or it would all be over. Even thinking of all that I managed to fall asleep.
Live, Love, Laugh

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Sat Jul 31, 2010 1:47 am
ForsakenAngel says...

Hakuna Matata <3
RIP to all my friends who didn’t make it.

Hop freight or get lost.

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42 Reviews

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Sat Jul 31, 2010 1:02 pm
Kaywiia says...

I'm waiting for kidaska....
Love is beautiful, but what would love be without life?

“Rise like Lions after slumber In unvanquishable number. Shake your chains to earth like dew Which in sleep had fallen on you— Ye are many—they are few.”
— Mary Shelly