
Young Writers Society

Eidolon's Chains

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Thu Apr 15, 2010 5:01 pm
Squall says...

Claren. Royal Guards. Library. 6:08 P.M

“How come everything here looks so...fancy?”

The only libraries that she had mainly been in were the ones back on Lindblum, particularly Lindblum University Library and the one in her high school back when Claren was a promiscuous teen. While the rest of the magical world was changing, the libraries were pretty much left in the way it was 200 years ago.

They were normally situated in some desolate part of a castle or worn down building. Most of the books had such worn out covers and spines that many people weren’t able to read its titles which were written in some ancient language. There were no carpeting work done to cover up the brick floor, and the only source of illumination came from the torches with their silent flames.

But the library here in the human world was much more alive than the ones back in the magical world. There were kids on the computers watching cartoons, looking at people’s profiles on Facebook or playing flash games on the internet. On the far right of the library, students had occupied all of the chairs and tables, studying for their mid semester test. As Claren scanned her surroundings, she saw that there were more than just scholars and professors in the library. Everyone of all age was allowed to be in the library.

“This is a library? It looks more like a market place,” said Claren as she shielded her eyes from the bright florescent lights that were pretty much scattered throughout the library.

“Baby, the libraries here in the human world are pretty much open to the public. They don’t house just spell books and lores. There’s romance fiction, action, drama and teen. There’s also science fiction where it speculates what would happen to them in the future as their technology advances, and fantasy. Man I love fantasy. It’s funny what rubbish those humans can come up about us.” As he finished, he gave a wide smile as though he was satisfied with his attempt at trying to impress Claren.

But his smile died when Claren showed no interest in what he had just said. She was still confused at what she's seeing. To her, the library was meant to be a place where only university students and professors should go to acquire knowledge and power that only a certain few should know. But in the human world, everyone was allowed to be in the library to do whatever they want. She clenched her fists tightly, suppressing her annoyance at all of this.

“Hey Claren.”

“What?” Shot Claren.

“Look sharp. Captain Delrey is coming our way.”

Claren forced her body to straighten as Delrey towered over them, his hand on the handle of his hidden saber. She felt awkward standing there right in front of the captain.

“Well don’t just stand there. Check if the eidolon’s here. ”

To Claren’s amazement, he was right. When she had a look at the ring, it was emitting a yellow-like aura, indicating that it has detected a magical presence. One of its pointers was raised.

It was pointing to a girl with long curly brown hair and freckly skin, pouting at one of the study tables.
Last edited by Squall on Fri Apr 16, 2010 6:57 am, edited 2 times in total.
"To the edge of the universe and back. Endure and survive."

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Fri Apr 16, 2010 6:46 am
Octave says...

Harley, Royal Guards, 6.12 PM

At least the headache was subsiding now. But now there were a bunch of magical creatures coming at her, none of them looking too friendly.

Harley jumped to her feet. Were these the others trying to look for the Eidolon? The enemies of the king? Crap. Every muscle in her body tensed.

One on five.

That was hardly fair.

Harley jumped to her feet and made a run for it. There was one thing libraries were good for - hide and seek. She could hide from them so long as they weren't quick enough to catch her.

She threw a glance backward. Oh crap. A black-haired woman was coming after her, and gaining on her at that. It must have something to do with the other woman being way taller. Harley cursed herself for not sleeping early. She should have listened when Faust told her she wouldn't grow anymore if she slept at midnight.

"Stop!" called someone from behind her.

Of course they wanted her to stop. What did they think she was, an idiot?

Then, someone grabbed her by the legs and she crashed to the floor face first. Harley started kicking at the black-haired woman's face, trying her best to get away from the woman before the others could catch up.

"Let me go!"

"Who are you?" The woman clung on and refused to even budge.

Already they were making too much noise, attracting too much attention. But Harley knew that humans favored children. Hell, who didn't favor children? She started shrieking. "Let me go! I want my daddy! Don't hurt me!"

A human with a hawk-eyed nose peered at them, frowning. "What is going on here?"

"This is my little sister," lied the other woman.

Harley kicked her in the teeth and the other woman loosened her grip, which allowed Harley to get away. Harley crawled towards the human and hid behind her. Now, looking 12 was a good thing. For once.

"You have to help me! She's crazy," whimpered Harley.
"The moral of this story, is that if I cause a stranger to choke to death for my amusement, what do you think I’ll do to you if you don’t tell me who ordered you to kill Colosimo?“

-Boardwalk Empire

Love, get out of my way.

Dulcinea: 2,500/50,000

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Fri Apr 16, 2010 1:54 pm
Rydia says...

Circa: http://vikkigothangel.deviantart.com/ar ... -159536697
http://namnao.exteen.com/images/bTatter ... xfaker.png

Lorcan - Black Mages - Hotel - 6:45

"Oh they'll do much worse than that," Lorcan said with a dry chuckle. The Black Mages were a dangerous sort who valued little and sought much but he understood them. They were crazily complex, all biterly messed up in a thousand different ways but so long as you understood how to follow orders and only made sensible suggestions, well. They were one big happy family. Or not.

Lorcan flopped on his back on top of the crisp, white sheets and stared out of the open window. It was already dark out. It was - la, la, la. This keeping the mind blank thing was more difficult than he'd expected. Then a hand thrust itself through the window. A blackened, peeling hand with broken fingernails and scabby cuts. Lorcan shot a quick, horrified glance over at Jackie but found him sleeping. Sound as a babe.

Reaching out of the window, Lorcan pulled the dishevelled body in with a firm gentleness and sat it on the bed. He looked at the wasted young girl's face and stroked its grey cheek with his hand. The girl snapped her jaws around his wrist and Lorcan let out a weary sigh. With a strong look of rebuke he pulled its jaw apart and freed himself. It wasn't very strong, having been only a seven year old child. "Weave's coming undone," Lorcan muttered dismally, taking a wider look at It. "I thought we'd have longer than this." Pulling at the string pouches at his belt, Lorcan started to lay various packets of plants and powders down upon the bed. The girl's quick hand snatched one up and she clutched it to her breast then goggled greedily at the rest.

"No Circa," Lorcan patiently pulled her fingers from the packet and efficiently tidied away the ones he didn't need.


It seemed a long time before the pellet was ready and he always had to keep half an eye on the body. It got up at one point and was looking forlornly down at Jackie, a tattered bear clutched to its breast. It touched his chest before Lorcan noticed.

"Come away, Circa." Lorcan felt a muscle spasm in his jaws. He didn't like calling it Circa but she answered to nothing else. It answered to nothing else. She, her it. He sighed. It wasn't his sister, only the animation of her bones. If he hadn't been travelling, he would have buried her somewhere safe but he didn't like to leave her buried too long. It was dark there, she'd say. Dark, dark, so dark.

Dark like the cellar with its black and chastened door,
dark like a pip in the rotted apple core.
Dark somewhere far, as the sky without its moon,
dark and you'll join me there one day soon.


"Well I'm going Circa. Do you want to stay here alone? Does Circa want to stay here on her own?" Lorcan knew she wouldn't. He took a step away from the window and then heard the thud. Cursing himself, he pulled her body up and shook her harshly. "No! Bad Circa! You mustn't hurt yourself, you-" There were tears coming from her green eyes. Lorcan sighed and pulled her pretty dress straight. It was slightly tattered at the bottom. From climbing. He dusted it down.

"Where are we going?" It asked. Lorcan quieted It with a soothing hand and led the way through the streets. He needed somewhere private and secluded.
Writing Gooder

~Previously KittyKatSparklesExplosion15~

The light shines brightest in the darkest places.

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Sat Apr 17, 2010 8:44 am
Firearris says...

Refina, Royal Guards 6:11 PM

Refina watched as the girl ran behind the human and let out a fake exasperated sigh.

"She ran away from home because she got in trouble for getting bad grades." She lied, rubbing the bridge of her nose. "I just want to get her home, and I promise she won't get hurt or anything." She added, slowly walking around the man the magical girl was hiding behind. She flashed the group a warning glance as she reached down to try to grab the girl.

Ash Hayes, Witnesses 6:09 PM

Ash watched him as he went down, slight satisfaction warming her. The new tranquilizer she had bought worked well. She walked over and grabbed the back of his shirt, pulling him upward while using her other arm to distribute his weight more. She slowly worked her way down the path with him, hoping the tranquilizer was a high enough dose to keep him out long enough for her to get him into the city. After what seemed like ages, she finally saw her car. Upon reaching it, she slid Andera gently to the ground before opening one of the doors and pushing him in. Once Ash was sure he was settled in, she slipped into the front seat and began making the short drive back into the city. She took an exit off of the highway – the exit she had used so many times before to get near the street she lived on. Ash pulled Andera out of her car, quickly half dragging and half carrying him to her house, hoping she wouldn't draw the attention of her neighbors. She began to take him down to the basement while planning out her next move.
[Griffinkeeper] 10:45 pm: The guard appears "We have weasels now!"
[Firearris] 10:45 pm: askes the guard for the weasel!
[Griffinkeeper] 10:45 pm: The guard gives Firearris the Weasel.
[Firearris] 10:46 pm: aquires the weasel and renames it "Cat"

Take that, Lumi.

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Sun Apr 18, 2010 12:11 pm
Squall says...

Aimee. The eidolon. Bus 51 to downtown city central. 6:45 PM

Aimee leaned her head against the vibrating window. She was trying to get some sleep, but the bright lights and the constant roaring of the engine had made it difficult. As she closed her eyes, she pictured the last time that she had traveled by bus.

It was during her teenage years some 30 years ago. The streets were much less crowded and quieter. Hardly anyone bothered to use the public transport at the time because of how unorganized the service was. But for the eidolon, it was the life.

During one summer, she had lived in some seaside town about 25 miles north-east of the city central. The bus that she used to take to get from the seaside town to the city and vice versa had involved passing a shimmering turquoise lake and through fields of sunflowers, barley and hay. With the windows wide open, she could smell them, mingled with the fresh air. Riding the bus in those days had been so relaxing and free for her.

The bus had stopped and many of the passengers were getting off. Lazily, the eidolon straightened herself up from her seat and tapped the person in front of her.

“Hey,” said the eidolon, “how come they are all getting off here?”

“Err what? Lady, are you stupid or something?” replied the stranger, a veteran of the public transport system and easily annoyed by morons. “This is the central hub. Lots of people get off here.”

If I have some magic left in me, I would of have fried your ass right here right now fool.

"Yea whatever pops," retorted Aimee.

She got off and stepped into the cool night air, a pleasant change to the muskiness and human odor that she had to endure for the last hour. Hotel Vero was marked clearly on the map that was on the information board. It was situated just about three blocks from here.
Last edited by Squall on Fri Apr 30, 2010 11:15 am, edited 5 times in total.
"To the edge of the universe and back. Endure and survive."

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Sun Apr 18, 2010 2:48 pm
LastPaladin says...

Andera, Royal Guard

Andera woke up as he was being taken down, but knowing he need to be careful he pretended to be out for the count, but he was waiting for her to drop him for a rest. He knew she would have to eventually, Andera armour was heavy, extreamly heavy. Just as they got to stairs she dropped him and she bent down.

Taking this oppuntunity he quickly surveyed his surroundings, before pushing the girl over and running, "Andera escapes and shall always escape little girl."

Ducking he ran, and kept running, suprised at how this world looks, the people the smells, the fresh meat, but not as fresh as he wished, and not at beautiful he wanted to see the terror and abject fear in their eyes. As he took them for his food, his substance.

Andera wasn't unfit even with the armour he still was fit and could run.

Soon his eyes caught a pretty little specimen sitting idly by drinking tea on her own of all things.

Like lambs to the slaughter he thought.

Grinning mercilessly, he began the game, limping he went towards the cafe before falling down beside her. She looked up alarmed and exclaimed.

"Sir, you okay?"

Andera remained prone, and not getting up.

She reached over tentatively to grab his hand.

Andera listened, listened for anyone about...

People were about, but no one else was interested.

Hunter instinct kicked in and he lifted himself quickly, snatching her, placing a parayldic in her, she screamed, but no sound came as he body froze completely. Smirking Andera admired her, standing and cradling the baby, the beautiful sumptous girl.

"You shall be the best meal Andera had in a while. Don't worry about that."

Her eyes showed fear, complete fear, but no one looked, and no one saw her.

While her tea sat there Andera took her some place more hidden, and by the time it was no longer hot. He'd began.


Andera relished the feel of skin and dug in immeadiatly, keeping her mouth gagged while watching her scream and her beautiful eyes, full of utter terror. A limb here, a piece of flesh here. Andera savoured it all. Leaving nothing but bones. Her pretty little face left for last.

Andera didn't defile body he tasted and swallowed it like a wine connosieur decided if a wine was truly the most amazing. Andera had never tasted such a fine morsal. Oh how she wished to scream and how hard Andera tried to not mess up room. She begged and pleaded through gag.

He kept eating, loving the sinewy flesh, and delicious tenderness he got. Muscles weren't hard, due the parayltic he had used earlier.

Within a few hours it was over, a skeleton was left, her mouth in a permenant grin.

Just as Andera went to leave he heard a noise, people were coming.
You poor take courage
You rich take care
This earth was made a common treasury
For everyone to share
All things in common
All people one
We come in peace
The orders came to cut them down

Billy Bragg - The World Turned Upside Down

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Mon Apr 19, 2010 2:14 am
Tenyo says...

Jackie - Black Mages - 7:45
(This is a dream/memory kind of thing)

Jackie could hear the sound of pistols shooting. He was sitting at the breakfast table staring at his father, why could he hear gunshots?

In his mind he started to see images, the same ones. There where people falling, line by line, their voices whispering words of prisoners. In his fathers hands he could see a gun, and feel the cold chill of a soldiers obedience.

'What's wrong?' His fathers voice brought him back, but only for a second. When he looked back at his father his mind flickered from one place to another, from the flash of bullets to the pile of bodies, and behind the sound of bullets was the beating of the word; execution. 'Jackie?'

'You, where in the army?' He asked. He was eleven years old, and suddenly the images of a warzone had been etched into his mind...

'Mom!' Jackie shouted when he saw her coming down the driveway. He ran to hug her, even though he knew the other kids would make fun if they saw him.

'Marie,' his father smiled, and hurried to take her hand and greet her like a friend. The moment their hands touched, Jackie froze.

In his father he saw a silented anger, and heard the words his father had repeated over and over in his own mind. It was how he would address Marie about why Jackie knew so much about the war.

In his mother, he saw flickers of all the shameless flings she now regretted. He didn't understand what was happening at first, but the more he delved into those thoughts, the more he shivered until he could swear he felt some one's hand run down his back, in the same way he saw in his mothers memory.

He started to feel angry.

When his parents got inside, and his father calmly asked Marie where Jackie heard about the war, she said she didn't know. They started to discuss.

Jackie hated that. He knew what he was seeing, and he wanted all their secrets out into the open. He wanted them to be mad at each other, so they'd know how angry he was with them.

The more he wanted it, the louder they argued. It seemed strange, until he wanted something to end the argument fast. 'Hit him.' He thought, staring at his mother. He searched her mind until he found something to hold on to, and whispered the words straight into her head. 'Hit him.'

She turned to leave, and when his father tried to grab her, Marie spun round and slapped him so hard he spent the next few hours with an icepack stuck to his face.

Jackie just watched him, knowing that a slap from a woman was nothing compared to what he had done in the war, and nothing compared to what he deserved.
Last edited by Tenyo on Mon Apr 19, 2010 11:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
We were born to be amazing.

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Mon Apr 19, 2010 3:24 am
Lindsaroo says...

ugh okay so I'm finally posting this :P

Name: Sammie Reynolds

Age: 16

Description of appearance: Short dark brown hair, normally under a gray beanie. 5'4" and 150 pounds. Eyes are a green/brown hazel and she doesn't like make up much. Wears a long sleeved white shirt and blue jeans with black tennis shoes.

Alliance: Witnesses

Personality: A bit clueless. She loves doing things because she's used to being so bored. She loves watching others. She doesn't talk when she thinks she doesn't need to. She's a bit bland to others, but she loves having a good time. Hates feeling like she's helpless and doesn't really listen well. Acts on impulse a lot.

Abilities and weaponry: A little bit of self defense. Good at improvising a weapon if she needs to. Carries a pocket knife but nothing else.

Character background: Lives with her parents and no other siblings. They let her do a lot of what she wants as long as she keeps her chores up and listens to them when they say. Goes to public school and generally keeps up good grades when she feels like doing the homework. Attacked by two dogs when she was 10 so she's really afraid of them. Boxes with some of the neighborhood boys when she gets time. Other than that, she's used to a really normal way of things.
"After it happened I thought that I'd just try to live as normally as possible and bury it, but things like that don't stay buried. I didn't think it would, but it taints your whole life."

"My desires were bestial, obviously." -Jeffery Dahmer.

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Mon Apr 19, 2010 7:27 am
Octave says...

Harley, Royal Guard - 6:15 PM

Harley was way ahead of the other girl. Harley shoved the librarian towards the magical woman and made a break for it. The rest of the ragtag group blundered towards her and the library started raining books.

"What the hell?!" screamed one of the guys.

For a split second Harley paused, thinking he somewhat resembled Faust. "Faust?" she tilted her head to the side and studied him.

Wait. What was that idiot wearing? Faust would never wear that. Harley turned to run again but a split second was all the other girl needed to recover from Harley's dirty trick. She left the librarian with the one who seemed to be the leader of the group - an old man with kind eyes.

If he wasn't magical Harley might have approached him. IF.

The old man didn't take too kindly to the librarian and she was tempted to stick around and see what would happen, but she didn't dare. The black-haired woman was already beginning to catch up and if Harley got distracted again then she was sure to - oh crap, not again.


That stupid woman had caught her by the ankles again. Harley tried to shake her off but this time the others caught up to the black-haired woman. Desperate, Harley tried to crawl away.

Was she going to get caught by these mages so early in the game?

No, she wasn't going to allow it. Unable to kick the woman anymore, Harley pulled a book from the shelf and chucked it at the woman. Then another, then another.

"Claren, grab her arms! OW! You little -" the black-haired woman let go again.

But Harley had lost too much time. The blond woman - Claren she presumed - pounced on her and pinned her to the ground. Harley opened her mouth to yell for help but a hand clamped over it.

"Who are you?"

Oh yeah. Like Harley could answer that with a hand clamped over her mouth. Maybe Harley ought to bite Claren's hand. She had a good reason to. But before she could do so, the blond woman let go. Darn it. There went her chance.

"Who are you and what do you know about the eidolon?"

Pfft. As if Harley would help the other team in any way.

"Check her pockets," said the old man. So much for being kind. And what happened to the librarian anyway?

Claren raided the pockets of Harley's dress and found a number of things. Scissors, a dried flower, two cookies, a handful of candies, a pack of gum, a pocket watch, a soiled handkerchief and finally, the king's card.

Great. She was in for it now.

"She got a message from the king," Claren said, frowning.
"The moral of this story, is that if I cause a stranger to choke to death for my amusement, what do you think I’ll do to you if you don’t tell me who ordered you to kill Colosimo?“

-Boardwalk Empire

Love, get out of my way.

Dulcinea: 2,500/50,000

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Tue Apr 20, 2010 2:33 am
Lindsaroo says...

Sammie, Witness, the streets, 6:12pm

Sammie wrapped her arms around herself as she wandered the streets. It wasn't too cold, but she still should have remembered her jacket. Especially since it was easier to hide her knife that way. It sat in her jeans pocket as she walked down a few more streets. The piece of paper had an address but the street it was on was really deserted. She walked further on, looking for anyone who was out, and noticed a girl right in front of the house she was supposed to be at. She didn't look like the one from earlier though, but she was starting to get creeped out so she walked over to her.

"Hey, are you meeting someone here?" She kept her voice low, just in case. The girl had taken a few steps back.
"What do you want?" She sounded defensive.
"Oh, I'm Sammie. I'm meeting someone here too, so I didn't know if we were waiting for the same person or not. Are we?"
"After it happened I thought that I'd just try to live as normally as possible and bury it, but things like that don't stay buried. I didn't think it would, but it taints your whole life."

"My desires were bestial, obviously." -Jeffery Dahmer.

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Thu Apr 22, 2010 12:20 am
Firearris says...

Refina, Royal Guards.

Refina glanced around at the library. They had drawn way too much attention to them selves. Almost everyone in the library was looking or staring at them.

“She's got a message from the king.” Claren said, pulling something away from the girl's pocket and holding it out for Refina and the others to see.

“Alright, hold on.” Refina said, attempting to cast a sleep spell on the library using the small amount of magic she could. She suppressed a sigh of relief as the spell worked, though she could sense how little magic she now had. She would only be able to do small spells until it replenished some. The Captain was currently looking at the king's card, and Refina poked her head over his shoulder to look at it.

She looks way too young to have been sent on this mission.

She pushed the thought away, turning to look at the girl, who was still being held by Claren.

“The king sent you to help us track the Eidolon?” She murmured the question, and gave Claren a small not, who reluctantly let go of the girl.

“Help you?!” The girl scowled before continuing. “Why should I help now?” She pointedly turned her head away. Refina rolled her eyes before the captain spoke.

“Tell us what you are doing here, or we'll send you back through the portal.” She hesitated, resentment flashing in her eyes.

“Fine.” She muttered. She pulled herself up into a sitting position before telling her story and explaining who she was as well as her name – Harley.

“Looks like we are stuck with her.” Jason said, not sounding too against the idea. Rolling her eyes once more, Refina spoke.

“Let's get out of this library before my spell wears off. Maybe we can find a hotel or something.”
[Griffinkeeper] 10:45 pm: The guard appears "We have weasels now!"
[Firearris] 10:45 pm: askes the guard for the weasel!
[Griffinkeeper] 10:45 pm: The guard gives Firearris the Weasel.
[Firearris] 10:46 pm: aquires the weasel and renames it "Cat"

Take that, Lumi.

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Fri Apr 23, 2010 2:00 pm
Lava says...

Maya; Royal Guards

Maya looked at the girl standing, tugging a lock of her hair behind her ear. She looked younger than all of them. She couldn't believe that the king would entrust her with something important. She looked around. Jason raised his eyebrows.
Maya guessed that everyone has the same thoughts floating about their heads.

They started walking out of the library, with the humans in the room nodding in their sleep. Quietly, in a file, they spilled out of the library doors.

The light of the sun had almost disappeared but there was still activity on the roads. The dusky glow on seemed to make everything seem surreal.
The six of them descended down the stairs and followed Refina down the road, who seemed to have memorized the way around.
None of them spoke. There would be time in the hotel for that. And they were all trying to process Harley in their minds.

After a long while, they reached their destination. Maya looked up at the bright neon lights, spelling out the name of the hotel. I hope this hotel is a good place. She shook her head slightly. Maya. This is not a pleasure trip. It's all about the eidolon.

They entered the hotel and made arrangements for the rooms. Claren, Refina, Maya and Harley were to share a room. They weren't going to spend on hospitality. They decided to meet for dinner in another hour.

They were sitting on the floor when Refina spoke. "Okay. I'm going to give myself a wash."
Claren and Harley nodded.
Maya tilted her head up to meet Refina's eyes who was now standing. "I think we should all wash ourselves. We'll discuss the events over dinner."
Pretending in words was too tentative, too vulnerable, too embarrassing to let anyone know.
- Ian McEwan in Atonement

sachi: influencing others since GOD KNOWS WHEN.


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Sun Apr 25, 2010 6:52 am
Squall says...

Aimee, The eidolon. Lobby in Hotel Vero. 7 P.M.

“Hello, mind picking your cellphone already? I thought you humans have those things on you all the time,” muttered the eidolon as she waited for Sammie to accept her call. She was pacing around the lobby, her black slippers squeaking as they rubbed the polished floor.

“..Hello?” The eidolon could only barely hear her amongst the rummage of voices and noises. Apparently, there was some special buffet going on in the restaurants next to the lobby which had attracted a lot of attention. It was separated from the lobby with only mahogany dividers. There was a long queue with red velvet robes, flowers and banners majestically leading up to the entrance. On every balcony leading up to the transparent ceiling, there were also some balloons and streamers hanging along the edge.

Aimee didn’t mind dining here. It was late summer after all and dining in a wide clearing indoors was a rather pleasant and refreshing prospect. She licked her lips at the thought of helping herself to some roast chicken or a banana split sundae, served in a fancy looking glass bowl. But that long and disorganized queue looked rather ugly to her.

“Hey Sammie. How are the decorations coming along for the show?” She had a fake smile on her face.

“Oh hey Aimee, we are almost done with the decorations. Are we heading out for dinner soon?”

“Yea that’s what I’m calling you for,” said the eidolon, rolling her eyes. “Anyways, is Arianna with you? I tried calling her and she hasn’t replied.”

“She and her family might already be at Vero enjoying the buffet. You’d be lucky if she’s able to even hear your call.”

I don’t get you humans. You would waste so much money and time on things that you don’t even need in your miserable and short lives.

“I’m actually at Vero now, but the queue’s rather long. Guess we have to leave her out for now.”

She was then interrupted by the reception lady, an old woman with thick glasses, baggy eyes and a pointy like nose.

“Miss Fales, mind coming to the counter to fill out the paper work?”

Damn witch. Kept me waiting for thirty minutes while you were busy helping some tourists that can’t even speak English. And now you want me?

“Alright, I’m coming in a second,” replied Aimee with the phone still by her ear.

“What?” said Sammie over the phone, confused.

“Sorry, I’ll call you guys later. I need to fill out the paper work for my room. Go meet up with Maria for the mean time.”

And with that, Aimee mechanically hung up and clamped her cellphone shut.
Last edited by Squall on Wed Apr 28, 2010 7:59 am, edited 6 times in total.
"To the edge of the universe and back. Endure and survive."

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Sun Apr 25, 2010 12:26 pm
ScarlettFire says...

Maria, The Streets-7:34pm:

The girl stared at me, waiting for a response. I stood and backed away slowly, into the door of Arianna's empty house. Who the hell was she? Sure, she was 'Sammie' but was that even her real name? She was dressed like some homeless person.

"No," I insisted and she sighed. Sammie looked down at the phone in one of her hands. "Wait, who sent you?"

"Tall, long, curly blond hair, blue eyes? Always acts a bit weird when you talk to her?"

I swore and walked past her. She followed but I ignored her. Had that woman sent her to help or something? And where was Arianna?

"Wait, where are you going?" Sammie called after me. I ignored her and turned left, heading back into town. "Wait up! I don't even know your name!"

"Maria Sullivan," I said and picked up the pace. Sammie kept up with me.

"As in the lawyer's daughter?" she asked. I laughed, stopping abruptly and turning towards her.

"Yes. That would be correct," I snapped and put my hands on my hips. "Does it make a difference?" Sammie shook her head. I grinned. "Good, then let's go. Did she tell you anything?"

"Um, Arianna's out with her family?"

"I figured that out for myself!" I snapped and started walking again.

The street was still empty, no cars and no people. What the heck was going on here? I shrugged and kept looking around as I walked. I frowned, noticing less and less people and cars on the road-and it wasn't because of the time either.

"What the hell?" I muttered and turned around once. Sammie watched me, eyes wide.

"What?" she whispered, sounding scared. I shot her a frown.

"I don't know," I told her. "Why is it so quiet? It's not even that late."

Sammie shrugged. "Can we just get back to my place? I'm sure Aimee will call soon enough."

I nodded and gestured for her to lead the way. Soon enough we were walking down yet another deserted street towards her place.
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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12 Reviews

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Points: 1790
Reviews: 12
Tue Apr 27, 2010 12:22 pm
Unsquishable says...

Name: Jackson

Age: Unknown

Description of appearance: Long untamed hair, long beard, dirty skin and ragged clothes.

Alliance: Witness

Job class: Vagabond

Abilities and weaponry: He has the uncanny ability to appear at the right places at the right time.

Character background: No one knows where he came from but some say that he has been wandering around for his entire life. How long that is, no one knows exactly. However, he has the appearance of having lived for a century. His parents were rich, and they were loving and kind. However, after experiencing his parents' horrible deaths, he entered the life of a nomad, forever wandering in search for his peace of mind.

For as long as anyone can remember, he has always lived in garbage heaps. His only constant companion was a strange dog-like creature named Mutt. He prays to the gods and offer sacrifices to aid him in the search for food. Surprisingly, upon returning to his dwelling place, a bowl of dog food appears.
"You is talking loco and I like it!"

If you don't know where you're going, any road'll take you there.
— George Harrison