
Young Writers Society

ToTS Character Thread--Updated 12/21 with Character Races

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Fri Dec 14, 2007 6:18 am
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Ego says...

Okay, everyone. I think people are a little confused when it comes to formatting for the character profiles, so here's a guideline. This is the minimum, so feel free to add to it.

Military Profile: (Once approved, please post this in this thread)

AGE: (in Galactic Standard Years, based on the revolution of the Earth))
HEIGHT: (in meters)
WEIGHT: (in kilograms)
PHYSIQUE: (If alien, include a description or a picture)
RANK: (If you don't know, ask)
BRANCH: (Marines= Ground Forces, Navy= Space Forces)
WEAPONS: (Short descriptions--pictures help)
EQUIPMENT: (See weapons)
MILITARY HISTORY: (Battles, medals, commendations, superior's comments, etc.)
PSYCH PROFILE: (any disorders, etc)
PERSONAL QUOTE: (About life, the military, other races, etc.)

Personal Profile: (This information is for you,the author. PM with your military profile to me)

PERSONAL HISTORY: (Life before the military)
+ Anything else you find relevant that could help me form a plot around them.

Creating a Race!--Thank you Charlie!

OVERVIEW: (very brief summary of the race. 5 sentences max)
INTRODUCTION: (the complete summary of the race.)
PLANET DESCRIPTION: (description of the race’s home planet/s)
RACIAL DESCRIPTION: (description of the actual race. E.g. height, common features)
MILITARY SYSTEM: (an overview of the hierarchy, possible information on tactics, etc)
TECHNOLOGY: (a list of equipment other than the Alliance Standard equipment)
HISTORY: (go into as much detail as you want here. What has shaped your race?)
ADVANTAGES: (what gives your race the edge? Keep this balanced.)
DISADVANTAGES: (what traits are letting your race down? Keep this balanced.)


Added an attachment for Character Races--12/21

If you have any questions, PM me or the respective creators.
Races Attachment.doc
Player Races
(101 KiB) Downloaded 78 times
Last edited by Ego on Sat Dec 22, 2007 3:42 am, edited 2 times in total.
Got YWS? I do.

Lumi: Don't you drag my donobby into this.
Lumi: He's the sweetest angel this side of hades.

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Sat Dec 15, 2007 9:36 pm
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Charlie II says...

Military Profile

NAME: Astral, Egon (First name: Egon. Family name: Astral)

RACE: Novarian

AGE: 31

HEIGHT: 2.31 m

WEIGHT: 127 kg

EYES: (none)

HAIR: (none)

They are golden, humanoid in appearance, but lack most facial features. Their bodies are sensory organs, entirely covered with a bumpy texture of nodes (unlike in the picture) that receive and process the data. They are tough and physically strong.

RANK: Nova Warrior. Leader of the Ignis Team. (Alliance Rank: Lieutenant)

BRANCH: Marines

PRIMARY MILITARY SPECIALTY: Infantry. Close combat fighter.



* JI 39 Carbine, also known as The Flashbolt.
-- 1 round cartridge.
-- Effective range of 9 metres.

* G9 MP, the G9 (Alliance Grade) Machine Pistol.
-- 20 round clip.
-- 9mm rounds.

* No armour (toughened skin)
* Nova Communicator. This keeps him in contact with Falgere, his superior.
* Flashbolt Sling. A shoulder strap that holds the weapon, its cartridges, and also acts as a holster for his side arms.

* Aloof. He is interested in other races, but wary of their ungodly ways.
* Courageous. Will only back down from a battle if the mission is aborted.
* Committed. Unusually, he believes in the cooperation between races.

* “Yes, he is loyal, and will attain a position of great authority within the Nova, if only he would cease his own interpretation of ‘The Sentiment’.”
Yannar Alaskus (4th War Consul)
* Fought in the Quevarian Campaign. (He led his team in several important missions to sabotage Quevarian power stations.)
* Received the Quevar Astra, a commendation for considerable contribution in the war against the Quevarians.

* Egon was cautioned by Falgere (his superior) for refusing to kill six Quevarian prisoners after a skirmish. Further action was not taken, since he eventually gave in and followed Falgere’s orders.

* “Today I renew my vow. I will follow the orders of Nova, under all circumstances. I follow them, even if they are wrong.”
Last edited by Charlie II on Tue Jan 01, 2008 1:14 pm, edited 2 times in total.
I am thankful for laughter, except when milk comes out of my nose.
-- Woody Allen

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Sun Dec 16, 2007 7:49 am
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Dargquon Ql'deleodna says...

NAME: Francis Quinn Cutter
RACE: Human
AGE: 26
HEIGHT: 2.1 m
WEIGHT: 113 kg
EYES: Black
HAIR: none *completely shaved*
PHYSIQUE: Extremely Muscular
BRANCH: Marine Corps Mobile Infantry
SECTION: Support Gunner
-G50 SAW:
100 round clip
.50 cal explosive rounds (rare use)
.50 cal anti-personnel rounds (primary use)
capable of 10 rps (rounds per second)
semi, 3 and 5 round burst, and full auto
*Description: 19 kg, 1 m, looks something like this but bigger , (i didn't draw it, i'm talking about the gun not the robot suit thingy)*
-Fragmentation Grenades
-G9 MP
20 round clip
9mm rounds
--ArckenHeinmen Condor Heavy Assault Power armor
PERSONALITY: Likes to joke around, but when he is required to be silent and serious, it's down to business. Smokes frequently, but never drinks. One of those people you just don't mess with (unless you or your gun is bigger). Relatively large ego and can get cocky relatively easily.
MILITARY HISTORY: Stong soldier in defending his planet from alien races. One of 6 in his platoon who survived a mis-information incident; of those six two later die of wounds, one is currently in a coma, and the other three are multi limb amputees with slight brain damage. Diciplined for occasional racist behavior and actions. Two brother joined up with him, one is still alive and fighting.
PERSONAL QUOTE: "Some people think they can outsmart me, maybe, maybe.... I've yet to meet one that can outsmart bullet"
Life's a B*tch, slap it upside the head.

Dargquon Ql'deleodna: (n) "Dar-qu-on Kel-del-ode-na" something i made up that sounded cool, partially based off of the Drow Drizzt Do'Urden's name style

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Sun Dec 16, 2007 5:28 pm
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piepiemann22 says...

Military Profile:

NAME: Jason Roberts

RACE: Human

AGE: 26

HEIGHT: 1.5 meters

WEIGHT: 95 Kilograms

EYES: Dark Blue

HAIR: Dirty blond, thick, always messy

PHYSIQUE: Medium build. His left arm is always wrapped in bandages. He carved religious markings in them hoping god would forgive him. Has an earring on the left ear. Long legs, sprinter. Light to medium armor. He believes heavy armor is to restricting.

RANK: Corporal

BRANCH: Marines

PRIMARY MILITARY SPECIALTY: Persuasion. Tactical sniper. Scout.

SECONDARY MILITARY SPECIALTY: A good ground driver and knows a bit about piloting.

WEAPONS: Picture Not as gritty and doesn't have bottom bar between the trigger and back. Standard issue side arm with his own 2x scope added on. A knife

EQUIPMENT: Binoculars, pack, a few grenades, Night vision goggles atop his helmet, motion sensor.

PERSONALITY: Thinker. Likes to analyze the situation. usually calm, but can lose it when his morals are broken. He refuses to take advantage of anyone no matter what the cause. If he makes a promise he keeps it.

MILITARY HISTORY: Was trained as part of a group effort. The government took orphans into military training when they were young. Jason was 12. He graduated two years before the end of the war. He was there at the final battle.

PSYCH PROFILE: Depression. He takes medicine for it. It's why he never seems "Happy" just calm. If something gets to him he can be very emotionally unstable. Slight paranoia.

PERSONAL QUOTE: The only real enemy is yourself.
I will always fight back, no matter what.

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Sun Dec 16, 2007 9:57 pm
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Teague says...

NAME: Mirexya Allertse (Mirexya = Family Name)
RACE: Sorence
AGE: 25 (75 Sorence years)
HEIGHT: 1.8 m
WEIGHT: 46 kg
EYES: Black
PHYSIQUE: Totally bad artwork ahoy! http://i239.photobucket.com/albums/ff23 ... an0002.jpg ß Allertse in all his badly drawn glory. I have a coloured version somewhere.
RANK: Mirexya
BRANCH: Marines
PRIMARY MILITARY SPECIALTY: Strategizing & battle manouevers
WEAPONS: More bad drawings! http://i239.photobucket.com/albums/ff23 ... an0005.jpg ß Early drawing of Sotopaz gun and Krelmarin dagger
http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y273/h ... 072028.jpg ß Sotopaz + Laser
http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y273/h ... 072029.jpg ß Sotopaz sans laser
àSotopaz gun: basic gun with one barrel for firing traditional ammunition. Has the option of attaching a secondary barrel for laser ammunition. Handle & trigger specially modified for Sorence use and cannot be used by any other race.
àKrelmarin dagger: Basic dagger with modified handle for Sorence use. Cannot be used by any other race.
EQUIPMENT: For a bad artist, I draw a lot. http://i239.photobucket.com/albums/ff23 ... an0006.jpg ß armour.
à Allertse’s armour is unique for his body. It is emblazoned with the Mirexya family symbol.
PERSONALITY: Allertse is very quiet and is also a linear thinker. He doesn’t sugar coat a thing and often uses plain language, sometimes misunderstanding the complex language of others (even in his own race). Logic might as well be his middle name.
MILITARY HISTORY: Assisted his father in many diplomatic affairs (as a sort of understudy). Has not received any specific medals, but is hailed as one of the best diplomats the Sorence military has seen.
PSYCH PROFILE: Slightly schizophrenic. Also has a slight visual disorder in which he occasionally sees something about five feet to the left of where it actually is (usually people).
PERSONAL QUOTE: “The perseverance to carry on, even in the face of difficulty, is all that has ever really mattered. It is the impetus carrying us towards an end that we cannot yet predict, which is the thought that frightens us most. And still we march on. Still, we march on.”
"2-4-6-8! I like to delegate!" -Meshugenah
"Teague: Stomping on your dreams since 1992." -Sachiko
"So I'm looking at FLT and am reminded of a sandwich." -Jabber

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Mon Dec 17, 2007 1:11 am
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Incandescence says...


NAME: Erik Undulaker
DATE OF BIRTH: 18 November, 21 VF, Meißen (Meissen), Germany
C-CHAT ADDRESS: 41-178-96
AGE: 31
HEIGHT: 1.8 metres
WEIGHT: 77 kilograms
EYE COLOR: Light Blue
RANK: Colonel
TITLE: Assistant Director of Theoretical Engineering and Biophysics
BRANCH: Research—Fusion Weapons Division, U.S.A.
PRIMARY MILITARY SPECIALTY: Signal Engineering and Communications
WEAPONS: Projectiles, Bombs
PERSONALITY: Emotionally damaged though generally kind. Sometimes seems neurotic. Loves music. Flinchy about romantic entanglements.
“The kid’s like a dry martini with a nitroglycerin chaser—when he’s hot, he’s hot.”
—Jerrold Marsden, Kommander du Nachrichten Grenadier, Deutsche Armee (deceased)
PSYCH PROFILE: “Since the death of his spouse, the patient has suffered frequent, full-blown hallucinogenic experiences. Treatment was initiated with experimental drug µ-gamma-aminobutyric-tri-ethylene serotonin, and positive effects have been observed. It is my and the Board’s opinion that sustained treatment will lead to no further complications.”
—Ranger Luckey, M.D., Patient Report #23043, U.S.A. Personnel Records
PERSONAL QUOTE: “Like children everywhere, we find that events before our time are blurred.”

Academic Experience

AB, Départment de Physique, École Normale Supérieure, 4 VF
AM (Honorary), Départment de Physique, École Normale Supérieure, 4 VF
PhD, Department of Mathematical Biophysics, M.I.T., 1 VF
MD (Honorary), Council on Allied Healths, U.S.A., 8 GSY

Thesis Advisor: Victor Guillemin
Thesis: A Unified Theory of Nonlinear Hyperbolic Conservation Laws for Combustion Theory: Detonation Waves

Guckenheimer Professor of Dynamical Systems, U.C.L.A.
Distinguished Cullen Professor of Applied Sciences, M.I.T.
Professeur Associé, Université de Nice

Courant Institute
Fields Institute, University of Waterloo
Center for Biodynamics, Boston University
Newton Institute and Trinity College, Cambridge University
Institute for Mathematics and Its Applications, University of Minnesota
Center for Nuclear Biophysics, Texas A&M University

International Association for the Advancement of Science
International Mathematical Society
International Society of Physicists
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics

Military Experience

(Pre-European Contract)
Rekrut, 88th Alarmeinheiten Korps, Deutsche Armee, November, 11 VF – Februar, 10 VF
Älterer Rekrut, 16th Weltraumjagdtiger, Deutsche Armee, Februar, 10 VF – Oktober, 7 VF
Wissenschaft Führer, Nachrichten Grenadier, Deutsche Armee, Oktober, 7 VF – Dezember, 6 VF

(Post-European Contract / Pre-ToTS)
Chercheur, Laboratoire de Sciences de Fusion, ENS, Décembre, 6 VF – Avril, 3 VF
Research Assistant, Quark-Splitting Research Division, Oxford University, April, 3 VF – June, 1 GSY

Researcher, (Classified), M.I.T., U.S.A., June, 1 GSY – December, 6 GSY
Assistant Director of Theoretical Engineering and Biophysics, Weapons Division Research, U.S.A., December, 6 GSY –

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Tue Dec 18, 2007 2:49 am
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Griffinkeeper says...

NAME: Jeff Hammer
RACE: Human
AGE: 28
HEIGHT: 1.78 meters (5’10”)
WEIGHT: (68 kg)
EYES: Grey
HAIR: Brown and short
PHYSIQUE: Muscular.
RANK: Gunnery Sergeant
BRANCH: Marines
PRIMARY MILITARY SPECIALTY: Zero Gravity Operations (Ship to Ship), close quarter combat.
SECONDARY MILITARY SPECIALTY: Small Arms, Communications, and Naval Gunnery Expert.
WEAPONS: Proficient in a number of weapons.
PRIMARY: G4 Assault Rifle
The G4 Assault Rifle fires kinetic rounds and is capable of carrying a secondary barrel. This secondary barrel can be switched out to a number of configurations, so that it can fire drones, grenades, or even fire shotgun rounds.
SECONDARY: G9 MP (See Dark Light’s Profile)
EQUIPMENT: Space Trooper Integrated Armor, demolition charges, three fragmentation grenades, four clips with fifty rounds of Ammo for the G4, four clips with 20 rounds for the G9 MP.
PERSONALITY: Loud and enthusiastic. He tends towards profanity. He is often daring in combat. He tends to reward those that follow his example and cuss out those that cower.
MILITARY HISTORY: Sergeant Hammer joined the Marines ten years ago. In boot camp he excelled in weaponry and hand to hand combat. In reflex tests, he ranked in the top ten percent of the entire Marine Corp.

Shortly after graduating from training, he was posted on the ENC Agincourt. He took part in Operation Clean Sweep, a series of anti-pirate operations. During this time, he was a part of boarding parties. On several occasions he took part in fighting. He was promoted several times. Following his promotion to Sergeant, he was reassigned to the ENC Intrepid.

Aboard the ENC Intrepid, Sergeant Hammer took part in Operation Blood Moon. This operation focused on a group of pirate-mercenaries known as the Blood Legion. Sergeant Hammer received the Navy Cross for acts of singular daring during this time. A hostile ship had attacked the Intrepid and had disabled its weaponry. Sergeant Hammer not only repelled the boarders, but also then led a counter attack, taking over the ship despite heavy resistance. Then, when a second enemy ship appeared, Sergeant Hammer ordered his squad to man the captured ships defenses, before personally manning one by himself. His actions led to the destruction of the second ship. During these actions he was wounded on two separate occasions by enemy fire. His actions turned a certain defeat into a major victory.

After recovering from his injuries, Sergeant Hammer was promoted to Staff Sergeant. He further distinguished himself in the Last Stand of the Blood Legion. Leading a platoon of marines, he successfully breached the Blood Legion’s base, despite receiving heavy fire. Following this, he then led an attack on the pirates that were defending the landing zone.

Following this action, he was promoted to Gunnery Sergeant and moved to the ENC Tripoli.

PSYCH PROFILE: His survival instincts tend towards fight instead of flight. This makes him more inclined to remove danger than run away from it.

PERSONAL QUOTE: “In a battle; the side with less fear wins.”
Moderator Emeritus (frozen in carbonite.)

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Tue Dec 18, 2007 11:13 pm
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Firestarter says...

Military Profile:

NAME: Octavius Constantine Blake
RACE: Genetically-modified Human
AGE: 23
HEIGHT: 1.89 metres (6 ft 2)
WEIGHT: 84kg
EYES: Unnaturally dark green.
HAIR: Messy, wavy long hair.
PHYSIQUE: Slender. Broad shoulders, thin waist. Thin limbs.
RANK: Second Lieutenant
PRIMARY MILITARY SPECIALTY: Intelligence, Strategy, Communication.
WEAPONS: Primarily the G9 Machine Pistol (see DarkLight’s post); on away missions and combat situations uses the H-23 “Dragonfire” Shotgun, not authorised by USA Command. The H-23 is an automatic shotgun with a modified gauge, heavy, but with recoil softener to protect the user. The H-23 is an experimental weapon, famed for its uses by mercenaries. It obtained its Dragonfire nickname from the use of “hot shot”. The ammunition know as “hot shot” is a typical pellet with added Pyrokinetics, allowing them to set alight on impact. The victim is thus shot and burnt simultaneously. http://www.worldwar3d.com/shotgun4.jpg
EQUIPMENT: Light Reflexive Armour giving small protection and maximum movement. Two clips for the G9. Communicator.
PERSONALITY: Difficult and awkward. Socially detached. Hard-worker by nature. Genius-level computer skills, high intelligence. Violently deranged.
“This officer should go far, and the sooner he does, the better. He is a danger to himself and his colleagues.”
- Major Arnold Martins, Commanding Officer, Field Report DC-16578.

MILITARY HISTORY: Octavius joined the Naval Officer Corps at the age of 16, amidst a wave of controversy. However, his age and secret background was accepted despite much attack from inside Naval Command. A command from the highest-level forced his inclusion. He qualified early and moved into the NIC (Naval Intelligence Corps) and was given his commission at the tender age of 18. By 21 he had risen through the ranks through glowing appraisals by his superiors. Attached to the 12thWarhawk Droptroopers in the war, his planning and combat prowess enabled the recovery of two important cities in the Fringe Colonies.
However, as Major, he was assigned to the ENC Indefatigable. After disobedience from a Lieutenant in his command, he shot the officer twice. Miraculously, the man survived, but after a long and turbulent court-martial, Octavius was almost thrown out of the military. Intervention once more from high up prevented his removal and he was instead knocked down to Second Lieutenant. He was also assigned to Defence Duty on a small cruiser.
PSYCH PROFILE: “Doubtless his modified genes have altered some deep psychological balance within the human parts of him, leaving this patient with violent tendencies. His dreams are full of blood and death. My analysis recommends this patient is immediately secured in a maximum-security holding cell before he kills himself or anybody near him.”
- Dr. Gaius Bendtner, Patient Report #45706, U.S.A. Personnel Records
PERSONAL QUOTE: “The United Systems Alliance is the greatest mistake in the history of mankind ... we are united, yet we are distinct, we are together, yet we are cut asunder ... to talk of peace is to lie. Every alliance has been built for war and conquest. There is no lasting salvation in this treaty.”
- From his unpublished manuscript, “The Never-Ending War.”
Nate wrote:And if YWS ever does become a company, Jack will be the President of European Operations. In fact, I'm just going to call him that anyways.

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Sat Dec 22, 2007 3:43 am
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Ego says...

NAME: Aeolus Richtor (Given name. Real name unpronounceable by humans)
RACE: Ganeshan
AGE: 42gsy
HEIGHT: 2.3m
WEIGHT: 81kg
EYES: Violet, Green undertones
HAIR: None–green deadlocks
PHYSIQUE: (insert pic)
RANK: Major
BRANCH: Marine Corps.
2x Kessler Model VIII Handguns (Ganeshan Model)
–6mm Case-less High-Velocity Armor-Piercing rounds
–15 Round Capacity
–Semi-automatic, gas operated.
--HELFire Camera
HK/Browning Model VI Submachine Gun (Alliance Special Issue)
–10mm Jacketed Hollow Point Rounds
–40 round capacity
–Semi, Burst, and Fully Automatic Fire, gas operated.
--HELFire Camera
Phoenix Battle Armor w/ aRGAS, MESA, and HELFire System
–aRGAS: Reactive Gel Armored Skin–special gelatin-like substance within the armor that hardens when struck at a certain velocity, allowing for complete range of normal motion but protecting the wearer when fired upon.
–MESA: Magnetic Equipment Storage Assembly–Using advanced electromagnets, Ganeshan armor and equipment can be “stuck” to any of the primary plate of armor with a simple button press, and detached the same way.
--HELFire: Hand/Eye Linked Fire System—the weapon being held in each hand can be attached with a camera that is linked to Aeolus’ visor, allowing him to acquire one target per weapon and take advantage of the amazing hand/eye coordination of the Ganesh.
PERSONALITY: Reserved but amiable, humble and accepting. Set in his ways, but not narrow minded. He holds on unwavering sense of right and wrong, and of what is proper and improper. Any aggressive challenge to that is met with anger.
MILITARY HISTORY: “Aeolus is a fine soldier, for a Ganesh. …Ah, fuck it—he’s a good soldier and a good man, by any standard.” –Lt. John Sorrensen
“Aeolus possesses an intelligence and a coolness under fire characteristic of a member of the Ganeshan Council. His modesty and willingness to accept advice from those around him while keeping to his own convictions is an invaluable asset in a leader. He will go far.” --Anonymous member of the Ganeshan Council
–Former Prisoner of War at the hands of the Humans during the last years of the Quevarian War.
--Commendation of Valor (Alliance Command)
–Star of Glory (Ganeshan Council)
PERSONAL QUOTE: “I fight because it is required of me. And not just me, but of everyone who is able. Our races have suffered severe casualties in these past decades, and with this new foe, we all must do what is necessary to survive. Fighting humanity on the battlefield was a nightmare. Serving alongside them...is an honor.”
Got YWS? I do.

Lumi: Don't you drag my donobby into this.
Lumi: He's the sweetest angel this side of hades.

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Sun Dec 23, 2007 9:06 am
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Billy says...

NAME: Vidol Oratal

RACE: Diosu (Dusanir Hunter)

AGE: 27

HEIGHT: 6'8"

WEIGHT: 120 kg

EYES: Blue

HAIR: None

PHYSIQUE: Lanky, with wiry muscle and dark gray, scaled skin. His scales a slightly paler across his right breast due to childhood scarring. His face, which has no scales, also has heavy scarring on the right hand side. He bears the crossed blades of the Hunter caste on his shoulders, colored white for his tribe. He has a three foot long prehensile tail.

RANK: Red Shield (Alliance equivalent: Lieutenant)

BRANCH: Marines

PRIMARY MILITARY SPECIALTY: Ambush/Assault tactics, Close Combat


WEAPONS: Modified KL-5 Carbine
Vidol's KL-5 has an attachment that allows it to fire laser ammunition as well as conventional bullets, and also carries a 3x scope.
Alliance Standard G-9 Machine Pistol
K'Tanthi Power Sword
The K'Tanthi sword carries a high voltage charge that is capable of causing anything from a minor jolt to unconsciousness. It must be handled with extreme care, as it does not discriminate between user and target.

EQUIPMENT: Diosu Hunter Power Carapace, Diosu Energy Shield, some Sapper munitions and alliance standard grenades.

PERSONALITY: Aggressive, superstitious and proud, but friendly and well mannered to those he respects. He often questions authority, and is very competitive.

MILITARY HISTORY: Fought in the War for three years before the Alliance was formed. He saw most of his action as part of the Marine Corps, including fighting in the battle for the Diosu capital city against the Quevarians. He was promoted to the rank of sergeant following the battle. He fought in several space engagements, both as a ship's gunner and as part of boarding parties. He was promoted to Red Shield following effective use of ambushes in the final battle against the Hali tribe.


PERSONAL QUOTE: The dead are worshiped and revered, while the living remain anonymous. Name not the fallen, for they stood in our place. Let my death hold no glory, and let me die forgotten and unknown. Let it not be said that I was among those dead who demanded recognition from the living.
Sometimes you just have to grin and spit in death's face.
He had decided to live forever or die in the attempt. - Yossarian, Catch-22

Wide-eyed stupid.

If you're gonna rule the world, you've gotta get up early! - Joel S. Dickens

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Wed Dec 26, 2007 1:19 am
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Rydia says...

Military Profile:

NAME: Adelaide Stroth.
RACE: Voider.
AGE: 27.
HEIGHT: 1.03.
WEIGHT: 52kg.
EYES: Pale Yellow.
HAIR: Lilac with natural streaks of pink and purple. Long and wavy.
RANK: Private.
PRIMARY MILITARY SPECIALTY: Espionage. Good at infiltrating ships and places and stealing important information.
WEAPONS: Several grenades and a modified M1 Garand rifle - http://www.neaca.com/images/Garand_Spri ... 623xx_.JPG
EQUIPMENT: Light armour that is built into her space suit to allow for flexibility. She also has a helmet, gloves, boots and a tail cover that aren't shown in the drawing but they remain in storage unless she's in an unfamiliar atmosphere.
PERSONALITY: Fierce, dishonest and works well in a partnership or small group but not good with more than three others. Quite independent.
MILITARY HISTORY: Fought on the side of the Quevarians at first but then realised which side was going to win and traded information to the other races in exchange for a full pardon and entry into their ranks.
PSYCH PROFILE: 'A savage and twisted individual but mentally stable.'
PERSONAL QUOTE: 'If there were three sides to a game of chess, I'd be on the fourth.'
'I don't eat intelligent people's brains so if you can give me a good reason not to, I wont.'
Writing Gooder

~Previously KittyKatSparklesExplosion15~

The light shines brightest in the darkest places.

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Tue Jan 01, 2008 8:32 am
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deleted1 says...

NAME: Yuki Mamushito
RACE: Human
AGE: 23
HEIGHT: 150 cm
WEIGHT: 64 kg
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Dark Blue (Natural brown)
RANK: Private
BRANCH: Marine

Standard load out:

G430A1 Tactical Precision Rifle
M101 Advanced Combat Pistol
8 – 4 cm Cherry Hand Grenades Mk.1
4 – 8” Throwing knifes
1 – 12” Combat knife


Kelvar helmet with Generation 4 Infrared/MOSAIC binoculars and Quantum communication uplink
Teflon Kevlar Silk Hybrid Generation II Body armor and leg armor
Spidersilk lined ploymide base leather gloves
Klaus fabric socks
Sturdy combat boots with steel shell.

Aggressive and intimidating she is a bit eccentric and wild. She is very selective about who can give her orders and will put her own take into the mission. Forms a bond with superiors of equality or is usually transferred.

MILITARY HISTORY: “Spirit of a general. Skilled beyond words. Impossible to control.”

PSYCH PROFILE: Eccentric, Autism possibility

PERSONAL QUOTE: “Found you.”
Last edited by deleted1 on Fri Jan 04, 2008 1:07 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Thu Jan 03, 2008 5:25 am
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Alteran says...

NAME: Lan Taina
RACE: Human
AGE: 48
HEIGHT: 1.8 Meters
WEIGHT: 67 Kilograms
EYES: Green
HAIR: Black
PHYSIQUE: Medium build, on the slender side.
RANK: Captain
SECONDARY MILITARY SPECIALTY: Underwater and Zero gravity combat
WEAPONS: G4 Assault Rifle, Image Hand Pistol
EQUIPMENT: Standard issue reflective armour, Small explosives pack(3 grenades)
PERSONALITY: Quiet, yet demanding. Can easily take control of a situation when needed. Rarely jokes and when he does it is very sarcastic.
MILITARY HISTORY: Fought in the battle of Herosha, where ninety percent of the population was killed. Served on the USS Ferdinand for six years before the treaty was signed. Was reassigned to the USS Javelin, a patrol vessel for eleven years before being promoted to the rank of captain after stopping a wide spread smuggling operation that was providing weapons to several terrorist and pirate sectors. Commanded his own ship, the USS Tyrant for three years before it was destroyed by a rising crime syndicate. Skillful command saved the lives of all the crew on board and still managed to destroy the attacking vessel. One year of inactive duty before being approached with the Treaty ship.
"Maybe Senpai ate Yuka-tan's last bon-bon?"
----Stupei, Ace Defective

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Thu Jan 03, 2008 8:01 am
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Reakeda says...

NAME: Tsormae Neshtac
RACE: Sorence
AGE: 27
HEIGHT: Approximately 1.5 meters
WEIGHT: Approximately 48 kilograms
EYES: Gray

PHYSIQUE: Tsormae Neshtac has a broken horizontal line pattern on his arms indicating that he was born into the Disixide Family. His feathery wings and furry body are deep, dark blue in color, reminiscent of the sky just after the sun passes beyond the horizon. In contrast, his bare head and arms are a very light blue. The seven head-spikes he bears indicate that he has moved up the scale to the Tsormae Family. There is a single black mark over his right eye. It is an upside down crescent (curve to the bottom instead of the side,) which indicates his given name to those of his race. Neshtac has seventeen of the twenty-two body-spikes a Sorence will grow in their lifetime, indicating that his base age is eighty Sorence years.


NOTABLE SKILLS: Neshtac is very good with a Krelmarin Dagger. He also specializes in making poisons and temporary paralyzing agents.

PERSONALITY: Patient, Neshtac has no qualms with working at the same thing for years until he perfects it. He has little to no temper and usually appears to be very laid back. As well as being patient, Neshtac is strong-willed. If he sets his mind to something, he will accomplish it no matter what it takes. If someone or something opposes him, he will find his way around them and continue his work until he reaches his goal. Neshtac has often been referred to as obsessive because of this. He will spend days at a time in his laboratory working to create a new poison or to perfect one he has already created. During that time, he hardly eats and he doesn’t sleep.

CAREER HISTORY: Neshtac has moved up through the families for one specific reason: He knows his field well. He has created several poisons for which he receives full recognition. He has also successfully created a temporary paralyzing agent that lasts for forty seconds.

EDUCATION: Basic and continuing Formal education as well as career specific studies

PSYCH PROFILE: Neshtac has no known mental disorders or diseases.


I always prefer to believe the best of everybody; it saves so much trouble.
— Rudyard Kipling