
Young Writers Society


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Sat Oct 28, 2006 5:55 pm
jlu_262 says...

ok, every school has it's share of dumb, ignorant people that make the semi-smart people want to pull thier hair out. My schoool is no exception.

example: Friday during Marketing class, I was in one of the school stores getting the money out of the register to count it. I have the door shut which is a good indacation the store is closed because we keep the door open when the store is open. Some boys (freshmen of course) try to open the door which is locked, so they procede to pound on the door. I go and tell them we are not open. And you know what they ask? "Can we buy something?" DUH! I tell them slowly "we are not open" They ask the famous question "why?" I tell them to leave. They keep bugging me. I shut the door in thier face and continue to do what I'm doing. Ingoring the fact they are still pounding on the door. They give up and leave but not before flipping me off and yelling something obscene. (use your imangation)

But thats nothing, we've actually had people moon us when we wouldn't let them buy anything. I mean come on people!! We're in high school! Act like semi-mature adults. I'm not the most mature person in the school, but I dont go mooning other people when they are trying to do thier job. Or anytime for that matter.

And don't even get me started on the bomb threats...
Bling-boy, no we're not! and you know what I'm talking about!

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Sat Oct 28, 2006 6:04 pm
Black Ghost says...

That sounds horrible! Some people have no decency these days...

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Sat Oct 28, 2006 6:06 pm
Griffinkeeper says...

Ever consider setting up a blog? This is the sort of the stuff you can put in it, without putting it all over the forum.
Moderator Emeritus (frozen in carbonite.)

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Sat Oct 28, 2006 7:26 pm
Ares says...

Ever considered writing this in your school paper, or putting it in a letter to your prinicpal?

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Sat Oct 28, 2006 7:33 pm
Elizabeth says...

I know the feeling, I totally know that feeling.
Only I once ended up tackling a few people and beating them in blind rage. ... I got imfamous for beating COlton up one day in Gym class after he purposely was tackilgn these girls for their pbasketball and then threw it right in my face.

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Sat Oct 28, 2006 8:12 pm
Doctor Kitty says...

jlu_262 wrote:ok, every school has it's share of dumb, ignorant people that make the semi-smart people want to pull thier hair out.


And that's about it from me.

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Sat Oct 28, 2006 9:03 pm
LamaLama says...

Your high school has stores? WTF?!

We had one table that sold bad coffee during lunch, that was it. That wasn't even all the time, only when the drama department decided they needed some cash.
Beware of the scary banana fingers! For they are mushy, and yellow.

I will change my sig whenever another member asks me too. (please request publicly) Last change: Nov. 12 by: Griffinkeeper

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Sat Oct 28, 2006 10:46 pm
Bjorn says...

There's an elementary school here that has a store...Yeah...
Killing For Peace Is Like F#@%ing For Chastity
Revolucija Je Sada! Revolucija Je Stobom I Svima! Revolucija Je Uvijek-Zivi Uz Revolucije I Budite Slobodni!

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Sat Oct 28, 2006 11:17 pm
sabradan says...

people are dumb. period. And a surpisingly large number of them go to "rich" schools that supposedly give "good" educations
"He who takes a life...it is as if he has destroyed an entire world....but he who saves one life, it is as if he has saved the world entire" Talmud Sanhedrin 4:5

!Hasta la victoria siempre! (Always, until Victory!)
-Ernesto "Che" Guevarra

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Sun Oct 29, 2006 4:51 am
Tassen Spellbinder says...

My high school has a store, and trust me: nerds, band geeks, chess players, etc etc get the worst of all your getting. I should know, I qualify on all counts.
It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen. - George Orwell, 1984

Where in the world is Enoch Root?

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Sun Oct 29, 2006 5:28 am
LamaLama says...

nerds, band geeks, and chess players all qualify under one category. That was like saying "trust me: birds, ducks, geese, etc etc..."
Beware of the scary banana fingers! For they are mushy, and yellow.

I will change my sig whenever another member asks me too. (please request publicly) Last change: Nov. 12 by: Griffinkeeper

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Fri Nov 03, 2006 3:18 am
_fallingstar_ says...

I totally feel for you. I go to a school were over half the people are failing (we're year four on NCLB--that No Child Left Behind for people not in America) and I'm taking colledge level courses. Sometimes I feel like going: HOW CAN YOU PEOPLE EVEN EXIST?!

Graduation cannot come fast enough.
My high school senior mascot is a dragon. Take that, monkey!

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Fri Nov 03, 2006 3:24 am
Sponson Light says...

Ah yes, graduation, when college forcefully sunders your friends apart from you in a cataclysmic grief-fest of happiness and sadness.
Hope you got their number.

Let your school paper know. Let everyone know theyre an "ass".
You shouldn't judge a book by it's cover, instead, you should read every single book to see what every book is about before you even come close to judging its viability.

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Fri Nov 03, 2006 3:25 pm
Galatea says...

Lamalama- on our gracious and beautiful Galatea's computer:

Over half the kids are failing? I find this statistic hard to believe.

While I do so hate the NCLB act, I can say that a student failing is not due to this act. You cannot force any student to learn, if they choose not too, then they wont. Moreover, the kids who DO get left behind are generally the smarter ones, who can do more work on their own, and are now no longer expected too. Their grades dwindle, but not to the point where they are failing.

Also, San Dimus highschool football RULES!!
Sing lustily and with a good courage. Beware of singing as if you were half dead, or half asleep; but lift up your voice with strength.

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Wed Nov 15, 2006 1:14 am
Vampirewolf3 says...

at least you guys have a store, the only thing we had way $2.50 hot chocolate for a fundraiser...of course, they never told us what the fundraiser was for...

You sound like you're becoming emotionally involved with the custard.
— Nikki Morgan