
Young Writers Society

Lincoln Wood Private College Prep

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Fri Mar 04, 2016 4:26 pm
NicoleBri says...

April Elizabeth

I left from Isabelle's cabin. I wanted to go see Jules, I couldn't take not being able to text her; she overreacted and I wanted to fix this... whatever this was.

It was after school had ended so she was probably at her dance recital.

I waited out in the parking lot and sure enough about 20 minutes later she was walking out of the building.

"Jules?" my throat went out as I was saying her name so it sounded squeaky.

"i...I don't think I should see you." she was hesitant. I didn't know what she was thinking but I wanted to. I wanted to know what I did so wrong.

"Get in my car. I want to talk." I practically demanded. She didn't want to but she did get in.

"Jules... I didn't do anything wrong. I don't understand why you are avoiding me."

She looked out the window.

"I... I was just thinking about what you had told me... and it freaked me out.." she admitted.

I sighed.

"Hear me out Jul. I'm tired of pretending and avoiding this. I like you. I really did like when you kissed me. it felt right. I don't know about you... but I want to be with you. I really like you.. a lot."

She looked terribly confused at this whole situation, hell I was starting to get confused myself.

"There's something inside of me and I don't understand it. I've been afraid to admit it but ever since that night we made out... I'm just so confused. I feel like I'm on cloud nine but at the same time there's something horribly wrong with me."

I was going insane. I just wanted to go across the car and kiss her. I was yearning for her lips again.

"There is nothing wrong with you. It's okay to like another girl. It's normal. It's basically the same as a boyfriend except I don't have a penis." I told her.

We both laughed at that comment. it was just a weird moment.

"I was raised that if you like the same gender then---"

I immediately cut her off.

"Jules... you won't go to hell for being bisexual. People just don't understand but we are just like anyone else. The only real difference is that we have more options then others." I told her. That was a perk that I loved about being bisexual.

"I'm just scared.." she added.

I smiled.

She was so cute.

I couldn't help it and I finally leaned in and kissed her. There was a flame in my throat. I was happy.
Words are a lens to focus one's mind.

- Ayn Rand

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Mon Mar 21, 2016 6:40 pm
Nike says...

Dafnie Serena Leto

The sun was radiating off immense heat as I strolled toward the school entrance from the parking lot. Today was the last day of Junior Year, and I had no plans on sticking around for the entire day. One, because we weren't doing shit. Two, because this way I could avoid Paul. I know, Philip wants me to talk to him, but there was nothing to say. At least nothing on my part. This couldn't happen and it wouldn't work. We've been best friends for too long.

ZAYN was playing in my ears, comforting me with his soft voice. I wasn't one for mainstream anything, but honestly, I did like some of it. Including him. His music was chill enough for me to enjoy it.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned my head, slipping one earphone out. Philip had a smile dancing on his face as Isabelle clung onto his arm, almost out of breath. A fire grew at the pit of my stomach as I kept on walking.

"Daffy, how are you on this beautiful sunny last day?" Philip asked.

"Ready to skip," I paused, "and you?"

Isabelle rose an eyebrow to my statement. "Skip?"

Philip turned to look at her and then back at me. "You can't skip on your last day Dafnie."

"And why not?"

He pulled his backpack higher onto his shoulder as Isabelle crossed her arms over her chest. I felt like if I was wearing what she was wearing I'd feel naked and exposed. But, to each their own.

"You're avoiding it." He said, his smile dropped.

I took a deep breath and quickened my pace, seeing the doors oh so close. Students started to pile in from every angle, hitting us as they passed. I managed to hide myself in the crowd and get lost. I slipped on my ear phone and made my way through the hallways all the way to the library. That's where I his until I knew it was safe to leave the premises. It was hard the maneuver because of all the people just everywhere, lollygagging and enjoying each other. But I managed to slip into the library unharmed.

It was quiet and only a few people were waltzing around. I found my way upstairs, to the very far back where you can go to study There were tables lining the railing of the second floor. You can see the first floor from up here. The library was shaped in a sort of circle. I sat down on the one closest to the bookcases.

My body felt heavy as I slipped off my headphones, drowning myself in the quiet and soft undertones of my music. I listen to it loud. I looked into my backpack and pulled out a book. It was, of course, a John Green book. I read him in any type of struggle.


I looked up from my book and saw Cole standing before me. She was smiling, but it wasn't exactly a real smile. I'm not too surprised. The trial ahead of her must terrify her.

"Hey Cole," I smiled back. "Sit down dude,"

She sat down across from me, setting down her backpack on the chair next to her. Her phone was in her hands as she texted. She set her phone down on the table when she finished and looked at me.

"What are you doing here?" she asked.

"Well, I'm in the library, so I must be reading." I joked. "What are you doing here?"

"Trying to stop you from skipping class."

"And how did you find out?"

"Philip doesn't only talk to you."

"So, he told Rup and Rup told you, I assume?"

She looked away for a moment, eyeing the bookcases around us. I slipped my book back into my backpack.

"I'll leave school with you, I can celebrate a little." she admitted.

I eyed her in anticipation of an explanation.

"He pleaded guilty Daffy."

"Thank God!" I smiled. "That's good, isn't it?"

She smiled softly, but like I said before, it wasn't her real smile. "Of course."

"Let's get going bro." I smiled.


We managed to sneak out through the gym and found our way to my car. She told me Adrian drove her today so we wouldn't have to worry about leaving her car behind.

"Dafnie! Colette!" Someone yelled from behind us.

My heart raced as I imagined us getting detention on our last days. She looked behind me and hopped into my car without thinking twice. Okay Cole, I know you wanna be a rebel and all, but even I know my limits. I turned around and saw who Cole saw, she saw Paul.

He made his way over to me, increasingly closing the distance between us. Fight or Flight? Flight sounds so good right about now.

"Why are you ignoring me?" his blue eyes were staring back at mine. They were like ice, so enticing.

I swallowed hard. "I'm not exactly ignoring you."

"You don't talk to me. You don't even smile to me dude," his hair blew as the wind pushed around us.

"I've been... ugh, I've had a lot on my mind Paul." I rubbed my forehead and looked away from him for a moment, he was too much for me to grasp.

"Well stop having a lot on your mind and tell me why you had sex with me and then left me dry? You didn't even give me an explanation."

"I don't have one!" I yelled.

He froze, looking at me. I took in a deep breath and tried to stop my tears from falling.

"You fell in love with me and I don't know why. I started to have feelings for you and I don't know why. But we cannot be together. It wouldn't work. We are extremely toxic to each other. I've ruined your relationships and vice versa." I started to explain calmly.

"Because we want to be together. Because we should be together, Dafnie, can't you see that? We don't want each other to be with anyone else but each other."

"We can't even be friends anymore." I said at an almost whisper, my heart cracked.

"What?" and I know he heard me just fine.

"I gotta go Paul." I didn't even look at him as I hopped into my car an drove off, letting the tears slip down my face. Cole understood.

Spoiler! :
Last edited by Nike on Mon Mar 21, 2016 7:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
“There is no need to call me Sir, Professor.”

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267 Reviews

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Mon Mar 21, 2016 7:16 pm
Nike says...

Rupert Jean Franz

"You're so over your head dude. You can't propose to Cole." Philip laughed.

"I'm not gonna propose you dimwit!" I hit his arm. "I want to go steady."

"Same difference!"

He pulled out his cell phone and read something on his phone. He texted the person back then looked back at me. We are in our homeroom and no one could contain themselves. Even our teacher gave up on us and started to read a book at his desk.

"Well, I love her and I really want to make her happy."

"This doesn't sound like you."

"You don't sound like you either, Isabelle?"

"Yeah... Isabelle is hot and we have sex. You and Cole cuddle and shit."

I shook my head and pulled out my phone. Colette had sent me a text and so has Merrick. I skipped his and opened up Cole's.

Hey, I found Daffy. We are going to skip. Can I see you later?

I replied, You did not skip school xD but yeah come over after school.

Slipping back into my pocket, I got up from my chair. We had about a minute until the lunch bell. So I collected my things and hit Philip over the head so he could get up as well.

"Okay kids, have an okay summer. Be ready to see this lovely face when you come back!" Our homeroom teacher yelled over the ruckus of clattering and laughing. He looked fifty when he was actually thirty five, it was us kids making his old.

I left the classroom, with students stuffing themselves in front of me into the hallway. Philip was behind me, dragging his ass. People tried to find their way to their next classes as they smiled knowing that tomorrow we wouldn't have to come back. I caught sight of Jessie and Adrian by her locker, holding hands and talking. They both had on the cheesiest smiles, but it wasn't gross or anything. I saw it as sweet. She was finally happy.

"Hey, Jess!" I called as I walked over.

She turned her head and smiled back at me. I believe Philip had joined me cause her glance shifted from behind me to back at me.

"Hey Rup, Phil." she acknowledged.

"Hey guys," Adrian said.

"I just wanted to say I'll miss you both during the summer, I don't know if I'll be seeing either of you or not." I said.

"Why not?" Jessie grew concerned as her smile dropped.

"Well, you always travel and I'm sure Isaac would like that." I smiled. "But we may see each other anyway."

"Of course we will, we are friends." Adrian said.

"Awesome, great." I said. "I'll see you later then, bye guys."

I knew why the tension was extremely awkward, Philip said nothing the whole time. We stepped back into the flow of the hallway and found our way to the lunch room.

Spoiler! :
@Gravity @GuyFieri
“There is no need to call me Sir, Professor.”

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Mon Mar 21, 2016 7:32 pm
Nike says...

Paul Jenkins

Ten years of love. All washed down the toilet and spit at and burned and slaughtered and killed and

I couldn't handle it.

My hand trembled as I looked myself over in the mirror. My eyes were heavy in red from all the crying I've been doing. I resembled someone sickly because my once tan skin was now as pale as Edward Cullen. I looked back down at my arms and saw blood trickling from the cut I had just made. A pool of blood was on the floor, staining my white Nike's. What a waste. I took the razor from the sink and examined it, blood was drying up in the ends.

Swallowing hard, I turned on the water and washed it in the sink then tossed it in the garbage can next to me. I ran cold water over my cut, making sure to stop the bleeding. No one needed to know. I dried off my arm and covered the cut with a bandage. I couldn't risk blood seeping onto my clothes. I had washed off my shoes and the floor, removing any traces.

And just in time. A guy walked into the bathroom and hopped into one of the stalls behind me. I took a deep breath and went back into the hallway, drowning myself in the chit chatter of the school.

Did I really have no friends? No, I had to have someone.

We can't even be friends.

Fuck Dafnie. She's a solid bitch. All she cares about is herself. The sad part is, I could still remember how her lips felt against mine.

I found my way to the last class of the say, History. I had to brace myself, Dafnie had that same class. But when I walked in, I couldn't find her. Wait, I saw her leave earlier. Wow. I really must have wanted to see her. I had hoped she'd be back.

I sat down in my usual seat and saw Jessie to my right. She was on her phone smiling. She set it down once the teacher walked into the room. The class was still talking, doing their own thing, as the teacher wrote on the board.

"Hey Jessie," I said.

She looked over and smiled at me. "Hey, what's up?"

"Nothing, just ready to leave this dump." I laughed.

"Same with me. I really can't wait to see Isaac when I get back home. He's such a cutie." Her smile was genuine as her face glowed.

I want to be as happy as she is.

"He is a cute baby." I acknowledged.

"Adrian really loves him, that's what I think is the most amazing thing to have happened to me."

"I'm really happy for you Jessie. I really am." I smiled.

She smiled back and then faced the teacher as the class quieted down.

Spoiler! :
“There is no need to call me Sir, Professor.”

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Tue Mar 22, 2016 5:06 pm
Ciblio says...


"Baby, sometimes I'm so carefree"

With the girls arms wrapped around me, squeezing my neck, pushing my wet hair against my nape, I was scared. Honestly.

Here we are, two girls that have grown to hate each other (although, I've been working on getting rid of hate; wasn't good for my skin-- kidding), two girls that, a month ago, would've killed to throw a lamp at the other. Two girls that fell for the same guy. One girl that won the guy, and suffered a terrible accident (more than one, actually.) And one girl who had a baby, a boyfriend, a life.

"That I never mean to take it out on you"

I made her life miserable, I'd thought. That's what she'd said. That's what I'd believed. But now, here we were, hugging under the roof that belonged to her cousin and my soul mate. How did this happen? How did this come to be?

"Thank you," she continued to whisper, even after she was no longer speaking the word and only breathing it out every time the exhaled. I didn't mind. Kind of.

This was all just weird.

"Cole," I mumble, but don't push away, "are you okay?"

She shakes her head and, as if taking this as a signal, her entire body began to shook and she released a single sob, "No, I'm not...but, thank you, Jessie. Thank you."

"But life has its problems"

For? For trying to break you and the guy who couldn't be held down apart? Well, I don't know if that's a good thing to be thankful for, but you're welcome?

I didn't want to say any of that out loud, in fear of messing up the moment.

I pat her back, and glance up-- though, her hair was slightly blocking my vision-- to see Adrian, bouncing Isaac on his hip, with a smile on his lips.

"For her," he mouthed. "she's thanking you for making her her."

"and I get my share"

It took me a moment to process what he'd said, and even after that, I was confused. I didn't make her who she was. Who she is.

But I smiled, and finally hugged back, mouthing an, "I love you," to Adrian in the process.

"Yeah," my muffled voice ripples the delicate strings of hair laying against the girls shoulder-- I felt nervous being so close to her, as if I could send her crumbling to the floor with one wrong move. "yeah, you're welcome."

"but believe me this last time."

Spoiler! :
skip to, like, later

"This is our last chance"

Isaac cooed softly, his warm hands traveling along the line of my jaw as I laid in bed with him, waiting for dinner to be finished.

"Mama loves you," I mumble, without telling myself to, and continue to coddle him. "So much, baby."

Adrian stepped into the room, his face glowing and teeth shining as he showed off his dazzling smile, "Hey, how's it going?"

I grin back, and rub Isaac's back as Adrian joins me on the bed, "Great. He's almost out."

"God," he sighs, and gazes at the child in my arms, "time's flying, Jess. He's already so big."

I nod in agreement, and lay back as Isaac drifted off slowly.

"You know, it's almost Summer," Adrian says after a moment, his voice light and kind. the way he talked, it reminded me of how innocent he was-- how, before me, he'd never even had a girlfriend. How he'd never even had experience before. It made me happy, kind of. "Almost time to break out that giant floppy hat you bought, yeah?"

"Yeah," I laugh, "but I think it looked better on you."

He laughs at this, too, then slides his warm fingers through my hair, pulling me slightly closer to him so he could kiss my forehead, "I love you, Jessie Alysia Gates."

"You're crazy, then," I mumble lazily, but continue with, "but I love you, too, Adrian Noah Beaumont."

Spoiler! :
next mornin'

Cole stretched out on the couch, her eyes shut and mouth slightly agape. She'd been hardly sleeping, I didn't think she'd still be asleep when we got up, but I was glad she was.

"Pull the eggs out of the fridge, would ya, Jess?" Adrian called from the other room, as quietly as he could. Isaac was passed out, too.

Drumming my fingers on the counter, I pretty much skipped to the fridge, like a child, and opened it without hesitation. The lights slowly brightened, revealing a different kind of heaven.

"Eggs, eggs, eggs," I whisper to nothing, scanning the shelves for the carton, before finally spotting it on the bottom shelf, behind a bag of carrots. I grabbed the carton, set it on the counter, then pulled my phone out of my pocket and leaned against the island.

"I was thinking about making some quiche," Adrian said once he entered the room, his hair wet and shirt sticking to his chest slightly. "Or omelets. I can't decide."

I glance up at him, then go back to texting Isabelle, "Quiche sounds good, but more like for lunch. Plus, Cole loved your omelets last time."

"I really appreciate you and her patching up your relationship," he replied, his voice determined and meaningful as he leaned slightly towards me from across the counter, "who're you talking to, babe?"

"Wouldn't you like to know?" I laugh, and drop my phone onto the island, "Isabelle. I was seeing if she was ever coming back to my place. All her stuff is still there, but I haven't seen her in forever. I don't know what's going on with her."

"I know it's not like me to...pay attention to gossip," he says quietly, "but I heard she was with Philip."

"Oh," I shrug, "like, hanging out? That's cool."

"No," he frowns, and I stare hard at him, "no, like...they're dating."

"Dating? Isabelle and Philip?" I laugh, and shake my head, "As if. Isabelle would never do that to me."

"I didn't think so either, but it seems to be pretty serious talk around Lincoln," he shrugs, after a moment, "maybe it's just connerie, though."

I smile at the boy, and slide around the island next to him, "You and your words that I don't know the meaning of."

He chuckles, and turns to me, "It means-"

"Bullshit," a female voice said, and it took me a moment to realize that it was Cole who'd said it. We must've woken her up. "that's what it means, Jessie."

I crane my neck to see behind us, past the doorway, but she was standing right there. I grin, and turn back to Adrian, "Were we talking too loud?"

"No," she shakes her head, and rubs her eye, "I've been awake. Where's Isaac?"

"My room," Adrian answers quickly, "could you check on him for me, cher Colette?"

She nods, then disappears without saying anything.

"She seems to be feeling better," I mumble, and slide an arm around his waist, "whatever it is that happened to her...it wasn't bad enough to break her completely. She's strong."

He nods in agreement, and wraps his own arms around me, pulling me close. He smelled like Isaac and rain. It was a nice combination.

"Hey, Ade?" I frown, and turn my face slightly so he could hear me better. "Ade?"

"Hm? Yes?" He whispers against my hair, his voice muffled by my locks of gold.

"We both know that...at some point, Philip is going to realize that he can take me to court. Fight for custody. Joint, probably. Now, I know it's selfish...but I don't want him to be a big part of Isaac's life, because he's not my kids dad. You are," I pause, and pull back to look at him, "I think it's time to claim Isaac as yours. We can go fill out all the papers, make it official. So we don't have to deal with any problems in the future."

I didn't know what I expected him to say, though.

Spoiler! :
Hey! It's not much of a finishing post, but it's all I got. I hope this post is okay. If anything is wrong, @Gravity, shoot me a message and I'll fix it!
'we have lingered in the chambers of the sea /
by sea-girls wreathed with seaweed red and brown /
till human voices wake us, and we drown'


Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna lay down and become a tomato for a while.
— RokitaVivi