
Young Writers Society

The Library

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Thu Jan 14, 2016 6:58 pm
ThatAndalite says...


I tried to think, but nothing came up.. though I did smell something earlier. "You mean the thing that smelled good? Yeah, I couldn't find it."

I flashed a grin, showing off my brilliantly shiny white teeth. "Though.. yeah, it did smell like death. Then again, I'm so used to the smell that I'm attracted to it like a moth to a flame.. or whatever.."
~the bab(thatandalite)

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Thu Jan 14, 2016 8:58 pm
Kelpies says...


Cass thought that that was an incredibly good comparison, seeing as most moths that come to the flame are burned by it. She opened her book again, and found the chapter on taming garter snakes.

"Why is this book in pig latin? It isn't even a proper language." She kept reading, then picked the snake up out of her hair and slipped it into her pocket for safekeeping. She placed the book on the bookshelf, and acted as if it never existed.
We are who we are, and if someone has a problem with that; that's their problem not ours.
I do believe that insane is the only way to go.

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Fri Jan 15, 2016 1:10 pm
ThatAndalite says...


"I dunno," I replied, then peering over at the book as Cass read it. "What the hell kind of language is it? Looks like English with.. oh, now I know!"

That said, sometimes I'm pretty slow. Totally not my fault.


I woke up in a human library. At least.. that's what I thought. The library appeared to be quite large, and have books of many different languages - including the andalite language. How could this be? Humans didn't even know of andalites yet..

I picked up a book that was titled "The Yeerksucker", and I read it. It said something about taming a Yeerk's Bane, but why would I want to do that? I could just morph one, if I really needed to..

And then I heard yelling. Someone, probably a human, was yelling at someone else to calm down and stop hitting a.. a Zed?

What is a Zed? I thought.
~the bab(thatandalite)

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Sat Jan 16, 2016 4:25 am
Kelpies says...


I picked up another book, but something slipped out from behind it that was certainly not pleasant. It was some sort of slime, and it was on my hand. I looked it over curiously, it took a few moments before I realized, that thing was acidic.

I shook my hand, attempting not to get any of the substance on Akira. It hurt like hell, and I could practically see my skin disappearing.

"Don't touch that." I said, after I had gotten most of it off. I displayed the burn mark, I thought I might be able to see my thumb bone.
We are who we are, and if someone has a problem with that; that's their problem not ours.
I do believe that insane is the only way to go.

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Sat Jan 16, 2016 2:14 pm
ThatAndalite says...


"Ew," Akira replied, then getting closer to the source of the acidic slime. She poked the books next to it, humming.

"Hey, why isn't it eating away at the books?" she replied, then examining the book that Cass had pulled out.

"Hey, zom-butt, touch that stuff!" She pushed her zombie friend into the bookshelf, only to knock over the unsturdy piece of wood.


I heard more verbal speech. Creatures were making noises with their mouths to communicate. It was quite fascinating, really - until, well, one of the bookshelves came crashing down.

"FWAAAAP, FWAAAAAP! FWAP FWAP!" I cut away the sections that threatened me, leaving myself standing in an empty circle, surrounded by books and pieces of bookshelf. Then I saw it; two human girls, one with long pink hair and the other with much shorter hair in comparison. I stared at them with my main eyes.

Then I noticed a third human-like being. It groaned, and half of its face was missing. And it appeared.. rotten.

<Hello,> I said to the three.
~the bab(thatandalite)

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Sat Jan 16, 2016 2:43 pm
Kelpies says...


I wasn't quite sure why the books weren't dissolving.

"Maybe because they contain information used to prevent the slime from destroying them and someone slime-proofed all the books?" I didn't particularly like that idea. That would mean that we weren't the first people here...

I heard this voice in my head, it wasn't my own, I knew this. I looked around. I saw this weird thing that resembled a centaur from mythology, except blue, and with this spear-thing for a tail. It didn't have a mouth, and antennae. I pondered my options, if I ran it could probably catch up with me. If I stayed here, I would be impaled. But... That was assuming it was aggressive, and if it was, why would it give away the element of surprise?

"Hello?" I repeated, as if questioning the original comment. Maybe I was just going insane, in which case, I needed to run for it.
We are who we are, and if someone has a problem with that; that's their problem not ours.
I do believe that insane is the only way to go.

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Sat Jan 16, 2016 2:56 pm
ThatAndalite says...


Akira just stared, dumbfounded by the presence of the blue centaur thing. She too heard the voice in her head, and thought she was hallucinating due to slime fumes. "Uhm.. hi?" she eventually responded.

Her Zed looked up, and gurgled something incoherent.


<Hello,> I repeated, hoping for a better answer. These three - well, maybe not the rotten one, who smelled quite bad - had obviously not seen an andalite before.

<I am Ygurt Kidutts-Selacs, a young andalite cadet. Do you happen to know where we are?>
~the bab(thatandalite)

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Sat Jan 16, 2016 3:11 pm
Kelpies says...


"Nope. I haven't got a clue where we are. Don't touch that slime." The slime seemed to be spreading now.

"I think we should probably get away from this."
We are who we are, and if someone has a problem with that; that's their problem not ours.
I do believe that insane is the only way to go.

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Sat Jan 16, 2016 3:22 pm
ThatAndalite says...


"Yeah, probably," I responded. "Psst! Zeddy Zed Zed Zed! Follow me, boy.. girl.. whatever," I called to my Zed. It followed me, and I started heading off in a random direction. "If there's any more Zed around, don't expect me to scream~"


I surveyed the area with his stalk eyes. My main eyes remained focused on the others, and I gently stepped on some books to get out of my little circle in the shelf. <Where shall we go? Also, what are your names?>
~the bab(thatandalite)

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Sat Jan 16, 2016 3:52 pm
Kelpies says...


"Yea, I'm Cass. Some people call me Python." She picked up another book, this one didn't seem to do anything until she opened it. Vines sprang out of the page and wrapped around her wrist. Scales flashed across her skin, they were fully discernable now. They disappeared soon though, and she tore those vines away from her.
We are who we are, and if someone has a problem with that; that's their problem not ours.
I do believe that insane is the only way to go.

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Tue Feb 23, 2016 6:42 pm
FallWolf says...

Allie Allie Cerill

Griefer. From the Maze Runner series. From her description it sounds like a griefer. Yuck; those books were waaay too graphic for me... the griefers were just the start...

I slide to sitting on my narrow ledge, backpack hanging over one shoulder. For someone who woke up in a library full of book characters, I seem quite calm. Maybe it's the books. The voice slides back into my shadowed nook:

"Yea, I'm Cass. Some people call me Python."

As in Monty Python?
I slide a book off the shelf I'm leaning against. It's dark gold-orange leather dyed with black, uneven stripes. The gold leaf on the front reads "Tigers".

Just "Tigers"? You would think there would be more.

I ignore the shouts and voices coming from below me now. They can't see me, hidden up here in the dark shadows. As soon as I had woken up I had scrambled away from the black-checkered floor. The bookshelves are sturdier the higher up you go, though I did have some problems on the lowest ones.

I open the book.
"There are many different species of Tiger you can train..." then the words swirled and smudged, almost looking like the face of a tiger for a fleeting moment. Then the text reappeared, different this time. "The Indochinese tiger (Panthera tigris corbetti) is deemed the best species for you to tame. It is on of the smallest species of tiger: 7.5ft - 9ft in length. It is usually a solitary animal, much like you...

I shut the book, and the first traces of panic start twining around my heart. How did the book know me?!? For that matter, why was it giving me information on tigers?

this book reminds me of that book in Harry Potter... it was a journal actually. I can't remember much about it... those books were not my favorite.

I slip the magic book inside my bag and cock my head, listening for the last whispers of conversation down below.

<Who are you? Why have you climbed so high?>

I stiffen as a voice resounds through my head. I almost reply out loud, then shake my head at my own foolishness.

Duh. Mind speak.

{My name is Allie.} I projected my thoughts like I had read about in books. {I climbed to get away from the others, I guess. My brother says I'm antisocial.}

I waited for an answer, and when there was none I worried that the voice had left. Then, <Do you know what's happening here?>

I shake my head, though I don't think the voice can see me. {I just... showed up. But I'm sure there's a librarian around here somewhere who can tell us what's going on.} I start picking my way down the bookshelves, jumping the last couple feet to avoid the place where the others had knocked down shelves. {What's your name?} I asked. Then, once I looked around and saw no humanoid shape, {This may seem strange... but what do you look like?}

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Sat Apr 02, 2016 12:29 am
Kelpies says...

Spoiler! :
Bringing in another character because I'm currently obsessing over her story... Physical description, imagine snow white, pale, black hair. She is gorgeous and knows it. She has sharp teeth and is often mistaken for a vampire but she's not, but she uses this misconception to threaten people. "Say that one more time and I'll drain your blood." She'll be dressed like she's from the Renaissance period, currently she's wearing a simple peach colored dress and brown slippers.

Madame de Blanc

I woke up on top of a bookshelf, not all that unusual for me. I rubbed my eyes and stretched before peeking over the edge. It took me about five minutes to realize that I wasn't at the mansion anymore. Good god- last time this happened physics didn't work until I escaped. I shivered- hopefully I could at least depend on gravity this time.

I jumped off the bookshelf, yes, I can tell you that gravity most certainly still worked. My corset dug into my sides, but I knew I wasn't supposed to take it off...

I set off at a slow jog, nothing made me miss Strudel like running. Red would be looking for me, I felt bad for panicking her, but she knew I could look out for myself, she was probably just worried about having to bail me out of jail for mass-murder...

I hoped it wouldn't come to that.


A lady came running towards the group, she must have disappeared from a costume party or something because she was dressed in garb that looked like it came from a fairy tale.

"look you people, I've been through my fair share of crime, but even I've never kidnapped anyone. I find it more merciful to kill them on the spot."

"We have as little idea as you do." Cass responded, certain that this woman was psycho.

"I'm not crazy." The woman said, as if reading her mind.
We are who we are, and if someone has a problem with that; that's their problem not ours.
I do believe that insane is the only way to go.

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Sat Apr 02, 2016 3:45 pm
FallWolf says...

Spoiler! :
What does Ygurt look like? Oh, and I just realized I haven't given any info on my character! She is human, with long, dry looking brown hair. Her eyes are tawny brown with little flecks of orange. She is wearing faded jeans and a faded red t-shirt, and a multicolored book bag can usually be seen slung over her shoulder. As you have seen, she is incredibly antisocial, especially to people of her own age group. She reads, a lot, which means she's going to be spouting info about every monster she meets (as long as I've read the book it comes from =P) Eventually I'm hoping she teams up with Ygurt, but you never know. She IS pretty antisocial...

Allie Allie Cerill
I panicked when I heard footsteps, and clambered back up the bookshelves like a gecko. The mind speaker could wait.

A woman that looked a lot like fairy-tale Snow White swept past imperiously. Well, as imperious as you can look when jogging. I slid back, deciding to read some more books, before realizing that it [i]was[\i] a woman. Kids my own age? Maybe not. But a grown up could be the librarian, and no matter how wacky this was getting, librarians are always informative.

I scramble back up and follow her, keeping to the high, wide shelves for now. But when I edge around a corner, my heart sinks. There are those two girls, and the woman has jogged right up to them.

"look you people, I've been through my fair share of crime, but even I've never kidnapped anyone. I find it more merciful to kill them on the spot. Now where am I?" the lady said. So... not the librarian.

"We have as little idea as you do." The python girl, Cass, responded. She was edging away from the strange lady.

"I'm not crazy." The woman sniffed, pulling herself up.

Curious, I crouched and leaned, getting a good look at the group down below. One zombie... one girl with long, pink hair and a ferocious look in her eyes, anothe-
Before I could catalogue more, the shelf I was crouching on leaned forward, and I slid off, scrambling furiously. I shriek like a cat wailing as I plummet down to land right on the zombie.

At least I landed feet first.

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Sat Apr 02, 2016 4:15 pm
Kelpies says...


She edged a little bit away from the zombie with someone on it.

"What the..."

"Cool!" Said the fairy-tale lady. "Un-dead people!" She apparently had no idea what the word zombie was. "I wonder who brought it back." She babbled something about mythical creatures, this lady was straight out of a fairy tale. She payed no attention to the new girl, she only had eyes for the zombie.

Cass had the sudden feeling that maybe this lady was a ghost from a time long past, and, curious, she outstretched her hand towards the woman as if to touch her. The woman hissed like a cat and sprang backwards.

"You touch me, I kill you." She growled in the back of her throat.
We are who we are, and if someone has a problem with that; that's their problem not ours.
I do believe that insane is the only way to go.

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Tue May 24, 2016 10:09 pm
RedEyedRunt says...

Jillian Kiland

I found myself on top of books, a pair a yellow eyes stared at me curiously. I quickly scrambled to my feet, to find a rather large wolf staring at me. He looked at my wounded arm . . . and started to lick it? He stopped when he heard voices, he walked cautiously to the voices, I followed and gasped.
Winterfell is cold.

You are not the voice in your mind, but the one who is aware of it.
— Eckhart Tolle