
Young Writers Society

The Dream Land

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Thu Jun 05, 2014 8:33 am
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NicoleBri says...

Plot: When you wake up early one morning you notice your room doesn't quite look the same. There is a notebook on the side of your bed that you never seen before. As you open it, there is a glow from the notebook and you are instantly sucked into it. You freak out and throw the notebook still in your hand but it instantly comes back into your hands. Opening it, there is information for you to camouflage into this "new" world. How will you cope with this and is it really all that bad?


Age:(15 & up please)
Description: (image is optional)

Regular SB rules.
Cussing is aloud but try not to do it so much in one post.
Sexualty is aloud but no descriptions if you understand what I mean.
Creativity is a must.
2+ paragraphs please, why post when it is so short? =)
Overall just have fun!

Spots Available:
1. Layla Rhodes
2. Mira Lynn
3. Celeste Morgan
4. Cather Rotger
5. Hercules Vine
6. Layne Polins
7. Marley June
8. Leeland Corvil

****will add spots as needed. =)
Words are a lens to focus one's mind.

- Ayn Rand

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Mon Jun 09, 2014 6:46 am
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NicoleBri says...

Layla Rhodes

I woke up to the instant feel that something wasn't right. My heart was racing and I looked around my room. Everything looked normal until I saw my nightstand. There was a strange notebook there and when I opened it there was a big bright light and I fell onto my butt on the ground. Except it wasn't my bedroom floor, it was actual dirt on the ground. "What the hell?" I say aloud. Getting up, I looked around. The notebook was still in my hand and I freaked.
When I tossed the book to the ground it was instantly back into my hands, I opened it and there was a whole page full of words. "Hello Layla, welcome to what people call The Dream Land. No you are not dreaming. This is your new reality. Only in this world, you have no family. Figure the rest out yourself. See the cabin in front of you? Well that is your new home. I suggest you take a little time to explore and make friends. You'll need them." The notebook had said.
"This is a strange place isn't it?" Someone asked me. I turned around and spotted a guy and another girl. She didn't look to happy but he sure did. "Yes. It definitely is strange." I tell him. He smiled and held out his hand,"I'm Lee." He says. Smiling, I took his hand and shook it. "Layla." I answer.
He had such a cute face but she couldn't chat to long. "Well I am going to go explore awhile." I tell him. He nods and the girl pulls him off into another direction.
As I walk into a path, I smell fire burning. It was an amazing smell. I walked until I seen the fire and just stood there watching someone's shadow.
Words are a lens to focus one's mind.

- Ayn Rand

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Mon Jun 09, 2014 4:14 pm
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TakeThatYouFiend says...

When I awoke, I didn't have the slightest idea anything was the matter. This was largely due to the fact that in the morning my actions and expressions as not unsimilar to those of a zombie. However, after a cup of strong black coffee I was aware that something was different. At that stage what was different was unknown to me, because my room was incredibly messy, however, after taking my monocle of my bedside table I noticed a notebook. And, unlike my other notebooks, it was not lined with musical score or doodled on. I picked it up.
Big mistake.
As soon as I did, the world disappeared around me, to be replaced with a wide grass glade. In the distance I saw a forest, and... smoke? Pushing my long hair out of my eyes I opened up the notebook, which was still in my hand. In a tight hand the words "Welcome to Dreamland, please drive carefully." were inscribed in blood red ink. I looked at the small notebook for a second, before pocketing it. And, after adjusting my sash and pulling my fringe back over my face, I strode off towards to column of smoke.
When you're as strange as I am traveling to different universes doesn't really phase you as much.
You know that studded leather armour in films? Nobody wore that. I mean, how would metal studs improve leather armour?

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Thu Jun 12, 2014 11:29 pm
NicoleBri says...


After being sucked inside the notebook

I awoke firmly on the ground. It was bright as day and the sun was far into the sky. "Howdy." A girl said to me as she helped me up. I smiled and dusted off. "From your notebook, I gather your name is Leeland." She told me, I nod and look at my surroundings. Seeing a girl looking dazed and confused, I greeted her.

Her name was Layla but we didn't talk much before she left and took off towards a smokey area. "I'll see you later." The girl told me and left off to a cabin. "This is my new life." I mumble and feel somewhat happy. My old life wasn't that good so this was a chance for a do over. There was quite a few nice looking people but I took off towards a sign that had my name on it.

The cabin looked quite interesting so I decided it was best to look around. As I went towards the bedroom, I heard what sounded like a girl. "Oh hey Lee!" The girl said. "Janika. I'm your girlfriend. Don't you remember?" She asked me. I was sort of confused but I took in all the information I could get.
Words are a lens to focus one's mind.

- Ayn Rand

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Sat Jun 14, 2014 3:32 pm
TakeThatYouFiend says...

Chrestomanci|Where am I?

The smoke was, obviously, from a fire. That much was clear. It wasn't a big fire though, and as Herc walked towards it he wondered who it was making it, and if they were the kind of people you would actually want to bump into alone in the middle of nowhere. As he got nearer, he slowed down, placing each foot carefully so as not to snap any of the small twigs that littered the floor of the glade where it met the forest. The fire was just outside the forest, on a patch of grass pressed flat to prevent it from catching fire. There was a silhouetted figure hunched over it, cross legged on the ground, and Herc crouched right down into the long grass to not be seen. He made his way slowly forward, not making a sound...
Until he tripped into the girl standing on the path.
She screamed. This was not surprising, Herc's appearance had had that effect several times before, and he quickly parted his fringe so she could see his face.
"Who the fuck are you?" she shouted.
"Chrestomanci, at your service."
The noise however attracted attention from the silhouetted figure, who turned to look at them...
You know that studded leather armour in films? Nobody wore that. I mean, how would metal studs improve leather armour?

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Sat Jun 14, 2014 6:35 pm
Kanome says...

Layne Polins

Layne walked out of the hospital building, sighing sadly at the fact that his mother, his only family, was put in a coma from a heart attack. He looked up at the sky, trying to hide his tears behind his eyes. He wished he could help his mother, but doesn't know how.

Layne started to walk home, where he and his mother both reside. As he walked inside his place, he felt a strange vibe coming from his room.
"Weird..." He walked slowly into his room, noticing something different about it. He couldn't quite put his finger on it, but he knew for sure something was different. As he turned to where his end table was, he noticed a notebook sitting on the end table.

"Weird... I never put a notebook here." Layne picked it up and looked inside. Suddenly, there was a bright glow, making him blind immediately. He gasped quick as he shut his eyes for a second.
A few moments later... Layne opened his eyes slowly, seeing himself in a place he has never seen before. "Where the hell am I...?" Layne observed the strange area, feeling confused and worried. He looked down, seeing the notebook is still in his hand.

"What in the world is going on..?"
Knight of the Green Room

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Tue Oct 07, 2014 8:11 pm
NicoleBri says...

Layla Rhodes

Thoughts passed through my mind over and over again. I couldn't fathom living in a world I didn't even know. I already missed my family but I had a feeling they would be here, but not really as themselves. I have saw this in movies and tv shows before, like Once Upon A Time.

"Hey again." Lee said as he walked up beside me. I smiled and just kept staring. All of this felt so un real and I just didn't know what to think.

Shortly, I saw another guy. He looked really confused and was holding his composition book that was given to him. "I'm Layla, what is your name?" I ask. He smiled at the both of us, "Layne." he answered.

"I'm Lee." Leeland said. We all stood together. "I think we should take this time to explore, maybe we could all be friends." I tell them. Lee nodded but Layne looked a little hesitant.

"We are all in this together, Layne. What else could possibly go wrong?" I ask him to try and clear his mind of any worried thoughts. He nodded in agreement and we began to walk. The further we walked, more houses seemed to appear out of nowhere.

"Look, there are names on those mailboxes." Lee said. We began looking at each one we pass, some had a single name or last name while others had a family name.

"You think there are really families here?" Layne asked. I hadn't thought of that until the mailboxes had started appearing. I sighed, this was all a lot to take in.

Before I could move another muscle, I passed out.
Words are a lens to focus one's mind.

- Ayn Rand

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Reviews: 46
Tue Oct 07, 2014 8:24 pm
NicoleBri says...


Layla passed out and Layne was quick to try and help her. It scared me so I just stood there, in all my years of living, I never once saw someone pass out. "Are you going to help me get her up or not?" Layne asked me. Quickly I got down on my knees and pulled her to sit up.

She awoke and was confused. "What happened?" she asked in a cute little voice. "You passed out." Layne answered before I could say anything.

"Do y'all have any relationships here that you didn't know you had?" I asked them, just a curious question. They both shook their heads and I sighed. Great.

I was the guy that never planned on settling down but here I am with this unknown girl named Janika as my girlfriend. "I do." I tell them.

"Who? What are they to you?" Layla asked.

"Her name is Janika and apparently she is my girlfriend. But that wasn't in my notebook that I read." I tell her.

Her eye brows raised and she seemed silently amused, "I think I am going to go to my house and take a nap. This is to much." I tell them and walk off. I walked straight to my little cabin and lay in the bed.

Quickly, I was asleep.
Words are a lens to focus one's mind.

- Ayn Rand

I'm getting nachos~
— BluesClues