
Young Writers Society

Lorewelm's Fate (Omni and ReisePiecey)

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Wed Jun 25, 2014 8:16 am
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Omni says...

Troubles are stirring in Brythilon, political, financial, and more, but something even worse is stirring to their neighbor to the south, the fiercely independent country Lorewelm.

Separated from others by sea, this country faces a threat the like the world has never seen before.

The elves have returned.

Spoiler! :
@ReisePiecey @Shadowlight @AriaAdams @Clarity @Auxiira @Alvarin

http://omni.writerfeedpad.com/21 for all the information you need that hasn't been put into the DTWH yet.
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Wed Jun 25, 2014 8:17 am
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Omni says...

Prince Lirel Montfort

I grabbed my bags and stuffed them in the carriage. Lilith was behind me, sniffling slightly. "Last one," I sighed, and turned took look at Lilith. "Hey," crouching down to get to her eye level, I smiled slightly, "you're gonna need to look after Alainor for me. She's gonna need your help these next weeks, with the coronation and all that."

"Lirel, why are you leaving us now?" She tried to look defiant, but her eyes were still puffy from earlier, and it made her look even more innocent and lost.

"I can't anymore. You'll understand when you're older."

"I'm old enough, Lirel." I smiled and ruffled her hair before hugging her.

"Of course you are."

Our conversation was cut short as the main doors to the castle cringed open, bringing out Alainor and Miranda, Queen-to-Be and Chancellor of Lorewelm respectively. I stood up, and murmured to Lilith, "hey, get the horses ready from the stablemaster."


"Go, Lilith." She reluctantly walked off.

"But, Alainor, you must realize that I have no choice to do this." Chancellor Miranda stopped at the steps and looked at me. "Oh, so you're leaving, Lirel? Wouldn't that cause commotion?"

"Chancellor, I think we both know that's not the least of this country's concerns. And you've caused enough commotion as it is."

"Lirel, stop. You've already cause enough problems today, both of you." Alainor sighed and stepped down to me, "Just come on inside and all of us calm down."

"No, Alai, I'm going. If there's one thing I care about, it's this kingdom, and my family through it. I'm willing to do whatever is needed for us to win this war."

"And I am doing that, Lirel. I am running this kingdom as well as I can while fighting a wave of genocide running across our nation. I do not need you to act like this now."

"You know, Miranda. You're running this kingdom to the ground. And that ground is death for us all, because of your stubborness and your hard-headedness." I hugged Alainor, "Take care of the kingdom. I know you'll do great."

There were small tears running down her face by this point. "Lirel, I don't want you to leave. This will be hard enough as it is without you here."

"I have to, Alai. If I don't, Lorewelm will not win this war." I glanced at Miranda, who held a firm frown on her face, "That hag is going to fight for the throne as soon as you take it, so you be careful out there." I hugged her firmly and tried to hide the tears from her.

"The horses are hooked up." Lilith interrupted us. She was looking at the ground, and her voice was silent. I walked over to her and raised her chin to meet me eye to eye.

"Lily, I'll be back. I promise." I got onto the front of the carriage and grabbed the whips. "Goodbye." I said to no one in general.

As the carriage drew , I let the tears fall. Leaving my family, my kingdom, my life behind, that was the hardest part.

I heard Lilith's voice, loud and clear, as I was pulling out of the gate. "What is there's nothing to come back to? What then!"

It took everything I had to stare straight ahead, because if I looked back, my stubborness would have failed. This was my mission, and there's no turning back now.

"Wearwater, here I come."
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Wed Jun 25, 2014 8:54 pm
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Sassafras says...

Alianor Montfort

Alianor watched the horizon long after her brother had disappeared beyond it. Lilith had long since gone off to do whatever it is she did while alone, and Alia stayed sat on the steps with Miranda waiting patiently by her side. After some time, she rose and wiped the tears from her face. Without a word, she turned and returned inside. There were many things to be done, and little time for mourning. Today she and Miranda were meeting with who remained of the leaders of their land to discuss the increase in runners, people fleeing towards the South of the border. With people heading both North and South, it was hard to keep track of all of them. Either way, the people of Lorewhelm needed to stay in Lorewhelm. If they were going to have any type of advantage in this war, they needed an army. They barely had that anymore.

"Your brother is a fool."

Alia raised a hand to silence the Chancellor and shook her head slowly.

"Not now, Miranda. Please. Have some respect."

"I'm sorry, Lady Alianor, but you and I both know there can be nothing gained from going to Wearwater. If you ask me, the boy seems eager to end his own life-"


Alinor stopped abruptly and turned on Miranda, her eyes narrowed and hot. Her fists shook slightly where they were clenched by her side. Miranda's eyes widened in surprise, but soon her features smoothed into a gentle smile, but there was nothing comfortable or friendly about the expression.

"I understand your grief, Lady, but it should not affect your ability to think rationally. With or without Lirel, we still have a country to run. When you are ready to speak like an adult you can meet me and the others in the common room. Until then, I will send your handmaids to your bedchamber. Maybe they can help you... relax."

"I can get along quite well on my own, thank you. You'll send no one."

"As you wish."

When the sharp sound of Miranda's heels clicking on the ground could no longer be heard, Alianor sunk to the ground in a heap of new tears. She believed in Lirel's strength, but her parents were much stronger. If the King and Queen were not immune to the forces on the border, those damned elves, then she had little faith that Lirel would persevere. Still she hoped, but mainly she wished he'd stayed home. She could not yet do this on her own.

"Lilith I know you're there," she sniffled after wiping her face on her skirt. "You can come out."

The girl came out of the shadows and ran to Alia's arms as she opened them to her. They embraced for a long while before both rising and regaining their composure.

"Come on, Lili. I'll take you to your chambers."

"Did Miranda mean it? Is Lirel going to die?"

"No, no of course not! He's going to be fine. We're all... we're all going to be fine."
A pale imitator of a girl in the sky.

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Thu Sep 03, 2015 12:59 am
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Omni says...

Lissandra Mirow

The fire's out again.

But this is the only sleep we've had in two days.

If it stays out, you'll be sleeping forever. They need you.

Miranda cracked her eyes open, and groaned. Mia whined and nudged her elbow. "Good girl. Keep an eye out, Mia." She whispered.

Seven months.

Five days.

The desert was calm tonight. The fire was all but embers now, the batch of sticks she had put down an hour ago was not enough to enough keep them warm through the harsh night, but light was more of a concern. There are no cities in the middle of the Kylai desert. No place to hide.

Lissandra grabbed for her make-shift pillow. In reality, it doubled as their firestarter reserves until they made it to the north part of Lorewelm. It was depressingly low. They wouldn't make it the next day if they use any more fuel for the fire. They couldn't sleep any longer.

"Mia, here." She pat her legs carefully. Eight people in total. More two days ago. They're dying off.

They need to get to the Capitol.

She shook them awake, one by one. They didn't say anything as she did so. They were too tired to complain, and knew better by now. Six adults. One child. She was the hardest to wake up. She's dying.

The leader of the group, a man. Lissandra never bothered with names. Not right now. They all died off too fast for her to remember. "Let's get going, then." He turned his head towards her. "How much firewood do we have left?"

She raised the cloth bag. "Not enough."

He paled at that a bit, but nodded. "Right then. We're almost out of Kylai. After we're out, it's a two day's journey to the Capitol. We'll be safe once we get there."

"That's what you said about Gesenge. We ran away from its burning ashes." A younger woman. She was Lissandra's neighbor. She has been running for a long, long time.

The leader glared at her. "We stop at the Capitol. Most of us can't keep running anymore." He glanced at the girl. They were related. "If you want to keep going all the way to the coast, feel free to. I'm sure Wearwater would love to have you."

She spat. "Wearwater will be next. No, I'll go all the way to the North if I have to."

Mia stood up next to Lissandra. Her gaze was set on the horizon to the south. One bark. Two.

An ear-splitting screech rang through the air.

"Elves!" The leader grabbed his bag and the girl in one move and started running. The rest followed suit.

Another man was next to the leader. "They aren't supposed to be this far north! I thought they couldn't pass through the desert?"

Lissandra said nothing. Her old bones cracked and jolted as she tried to keep up with them. She knew them better.

"They stop at nothing." The leader turned to her. She nodded. "Don't stop. We're going straight to the Capitol."
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Sat Oct 10, 2015 7:13 pm
Sassafras says...

Berin DeGray

"How many are we dealing with?"

"Only three. They look like stragglers. I don't see any signs of them being a part of a bigger group. How are the others?"

Berin sighed and shook his head. His left hand cramped where it gripped his scimitar. The night was far too young for such nonsense as this, but such was life on the road. These roads, anyway.

"Cliff and Alfie are looking after everyone."

"And who's looking after Cliff and Alfie?"

Monty let out a quiet chuckle and drew his sword. Berin raised his eyebrows slightly. Being around others again, it was hard remembering that not everyone stayed armed twenty-four seven. Sure, crouched low being the bush as they were, they weren't in any immediate danger, but still... The scars littering his body seemed to burn.

"Thea will keep them focused."

"She's more likely to do the opposite. Either way, let's move out."

Berin began his slow, careful sneak around the diameter of the clearing being occupied by a group of rogue elves. After readjusting the grip on his sword, he rose, joints creaking, to half height. He saw the elves huddled around a small fire. The bright orange flames illuminated their smooth, translucent skin. From his position, Berin could see their blood, bright and orange, in their veins. The sight made his own skin prickle with goose flesh, but he shook the feeling and started a low crawl forward. The grass tickled his face as he scanned the area while his brain calculated possible outcomes for the battle. They could only lose if they weren't smart.

Berin cracked a small smile and signaled for Monty to move in. After a few moments preparation - and before the elves could get a chance to notice the soft shuffle of grass over the noise of the fire and the sharp chatter - Berin charged forward and shoved his sword into the back of the nearest elf. Monty charged the other, but the creature was too quick, and leaped out of the way. With a grunt of effort, Berin kicked away the last elf running towards his and swung his scimitar around, clipping the other elf in the side. A spray of blood saturated the air. Warm drops splattered Berin's face as he ran to Monty's side.

"You okay? Did it-"

"No. No bites. No scratches. Thank the gods."

Berin gave an audible sigh of relief and pat Monty on the shoulder. They've both seen what getting bit by one of those things does to you. The infection... Berin shuddered to think of it. While he was still shaking off the last shivers of mild horror - images lingered in his head - the last elf rose to his feet and charges the two men. The two men charged right back at the creature. A primal yell. A spray of viscera. Silence.

Monty went around the corpses, carefully collecting their small, sharp teeth. Berin simply turned his head. It was no business of his what his second did in his free time - whether that be whore houses or black markets. And he was no saint among sinners either. He'd done far worse than shitty dental practice on dead mythical beasts.

"I'm heading back to camp. Stay close behind. No more than twenty minutes. These woods are never as clear as we think they are."

"Roger that."

Berin nodded and headed off, scimitar still gripped in hand... ears nearly twitching, listening. These were dangerous woods indeed.
A pale imitator of a girl in the sky.

I am not a person I am a natural disaster
— TheWordsOfWolf