
Young Writers Society

Official Contest: YWS Valentine's Day Contest [Closed]

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Fri Feb 01, 2013 5:34 pm
Panikos says...

Here's my short story. It's kind of dark, and I don't even know if it makes sense, let alone if it's good, but I may as well try, eh? It's called 'Caged'.

Spoiler! :
I never minded any of it.

I didn’t mind your anger – it was the fire in our relationship, day and night. I can’t pretend that I liked it, or that it didn’t upset me, but I soon accepted that it was a part of you, as much as your blood and bones. Tears don’t quench a flame, so I learnt to battle the pain and embrace it. Though your anger would consume me, it was my fault if it hurt.

The accusations always followed. Goddammit, did they hurt me – sharp, painful words that sunk their way through my skin and stayed there, burning my body from the inside out. I could never make you understand, never manage to show you that you were all I wanted. Yet I needed those words, and the agony with them, to remind me that you loved me. You wanted my heart for your own.

Then there were the bruises. Call me odd, but I actually kind of liked them. I liked the way they mottled my skin, like dark ink, and created a map of the places where your fists had touched, where the elegant ridges of your knuckles had pressed into my body. I never told you, but with each bout of bruising, I would stand unclothed in the bathroom, gazing at myself in the mirror. I’d squint my eyes until the welts blurred into blotchy messages and black flowers, and find the phrase ‘I love you’ written beneath my skin. You’d always choke those words out later, when you fell to your knees and begged through your tears for my forgiveness.

The cuts were similar, though they felt different. The lines in my skin were too bright, too sharp, to seem loving, and instead looked like the markings of a monster. When they started to heal, I kept them covered, but when you left me lying on the floor, bruises blooming on my skin, I’d press my fingertip into the blood on my cheekbone and print scarlet petals around my navel, creating a single rose amongst the black and blue.

I hated the broken bones. They never occurred too often, thank goodness, but I could never stand it when they did. Aside from the long-lasting pain, I hated how you could never do anything to fix it – if I had to be broken, I wanted you to put me back together again. You did your best, I suppose, carrying me clear across the city to a hospital, but the nurses were never like you, their voices a rushing blur of nosey questions that they had no right to ask. I missed your healing hands, and how your lips would kiss every blemish you caused just to show that you were sorry.

I never minded any of it. That’s what people never understood.

“He’s killing you!” they’d say. I can still hear them. “But you love him so much you can’t see it.”

They were so sure. I let them be sure.

But they were wrong. I had always known it would come to this. From the first blow, I had seen our story play out, rolled out like a ribbon on a bloody horizon.

And this is how it ended:

In a fit of rage, you reached for the knife – the steak knife, of course, I had always known that would be the one – and plunged it through my chest without thought. You pierced my skin, forced the metal through each and every bar and bone, and ripped into the cage where my love was confined, letting it spill on the floor for all the world to see. It didn’t take long for the panic to set in – from the release of the knife, the world came crashing down around your ears. You fell to the floor and wrapped your arms around me, palming blood onto my face with your shaking hands. The ‘I love you’s and ‘sorry’s left your lips multiple times, and I trembled with the effort of trying to return them. Every breath pulled the knife a little deeper into my ribcage, every pulse of blood pumped pain through my body, yet I forced my eyes open, kept them locked on yours, and fought the tears long enough to memorise your face. It was the temptation that took me, the promise that closing my eyes would make everything okay, that the darkness would cloak me in a painless cocoon from which I would emerge, like fire from a furnace, when the time was right.

I had always wanted to die in your arms.
The backs of my eyes hum with things I've never done.

~Radical Face

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Sat Feb 02, 2013 5:04 am
Omni says...

This came from the bottom of my heart. In my opinion, it is my best story so far. It is called Immortal Forever.

Spoiler! :
Immortal Forever

I clutched the small piece of paper to my chest. This was the last one, I knew that for sure, and hopefully it would be the best one yet.

My shaking fingers led themselves into my pocket, almost naturally, and found the small drive used to open the note. It left my pocket with a whisper, mocking the wind that was silently flowing across the outcrop of rock I was on.

I looked down absentmindedly and saw the roaring sea below. My heartbeat skipped a step out of fear. I knew, though, that there was nothing to be afriad of. My heart slowed to fall in beat with the waters below. I smiled, almost childlike. There was a small hope that I would make it through this, and, even though that was foolish, I used that idea to fuel my thoughts as I skimmed the drive across the scanner. The note roared to life, as if for a moment nothing had ever happened and everything was fine and that I would live through this.

The note dimmed down as the truth came about. It was a letter, at last! The text was in a dark blue, which blended in with background in areas, but it was clear to me, like a full moon was clear in a cloudless night.

There was no one around, but I read it aloud anyway.

"My dearest:

I do not have much time to type this. It will be dawn soon and all of our attempts are doing nothing. Mercury is already gone and Venus will soon be enveloped.

I write this to you in haste, then. I watch as the brilliant glory of the sunrise in Venus happens for the last time. I hope that this last remnant, this last memory of me wll make it to you, that I will make it to you in time.

I will not say how much I love you, for that is evident. I will not say how much I will miss you, for that is apparent. I will say, though, that I hope you make it through, and if you do, do not grieve for me, or anyone else, for they will stay immortal forever. In your heart and soul they will stay immortal forever. If you do not make it, then never forget that you will live on, that you will always live on. No matter what way you will, make sure that you do.

Alas, I see the oncoming day! The air is deadly still, like the calm before the storm. I hope that this reaches you. Thank you for all you have given me. "

The note dimmed out of life. A single tear rolled down my cheek and fell into the roaring creatures of the sea below, who caught it with relish and with it carried that last tear shed on Earth.

"You will not be forgotten, my dear." A whisper, as gentle as a song, escaped my lips. "This is for you." I looked down at the waters below. Steam was coming off of the clear blue liquid and it was calm, as if in anticipation for what was coming next. I grinned. One last audience to listen to one last speech.

Light dimmed in, crossing the dark blue night sky with brilliant orange and yellow. I knew that the end was coming soon.

"My dear. I will never forget you. I will always remember you." The night sky was turning day far too quickly. A warm fog was settling over the sea, making the illusion of images in the waters. Images of people, crying and laughing, hugging and kissing, living and ultimitely dying. Still I spoke to them. "Your name will be carried through the winds of space and time." A gust of searing wind buffeted me and I could feel blisters forming along my skin, but still I continued. "And always remember, my dear. You, and everyone else dear to anyone, truly dear." The heat was visible now, scorching the sea before me. Still, the images stayed, as a last defense to my last testimony. I was determined to finish this. I opened my mouth and it instantly dried, but still I continued. "Remember ... You are ... Immortal Forever." I screamed. Nothing came out, but it was heard throughout space and time, for it will always be Immortal Forever.

EDIT: Good luck to you all who entered.
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Sat Feb 02, 2013 7:59 pm
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beckiw says...

Here is mine!
'The creation of a single world comes from a huge number of fragments and chaos.' - Hayao Miyazaki

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Sun Feb 03, 2013 2:01 am
Epicdonkalous says...

I have a piece that was submitted a while ago, but I don't know if it fits the requirements, PG-13 wise. I'll post a link to it, and if it's not appropriate, that's fine, I just won't enter. xD ( I lost track of the time)

Good luck, lovelies, all of y'all are amazing writers! <3

New note - just don't read it, someone compared it to 50 shades. Don't do that to yourself. ;c
"... syphon the white from my heart, lick the wine from my lips and enjoy the deconstruction of me"

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Sun Feb 03, 2013 5:50 am
Pencil2paper says...

Here's my poem entitled "What Is Love?"

"Look out! He's got a daisy!"
- Making Money by Terry Pratchett

Chuck Norris- worshiping gnomes, undead pandas, pet chupacabras and undead Keanu Reeves-what could possibly go wrong?

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Sun Feb 03, 2013 4:37 pm
Elinor says...

If anyone else still has any contest entries they've yet to submit, do so now! I'll accept entries until 6pm GMT - that's about an hour and a half from now.

All our dreams can come true — if we have the courage to pursue them.

-- Walt Disney

If I'm going to burn, it might as well be bright.
— Frank Zhang